"HER SYMPATHY MAKES HER SPEAK can be cured by using nature's own re- medyâ€"no medicineâ€"no operation. This remedy does not profess to cure internal giles, but is a certain cure for protruding flee. Discovery was made by aufl’ex‘er o! 20 years’ standing, who is now uibe well. Full instructions on receipt 0 gym WM. B. OXLEY. 294 Berkeley Sh, ononto. LDAME MAYER TELLS HOW SHE FOUND A CURE IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. 1 You}? OVERCOA Ts Just a Minute and faded Suits would look better dyed. I! no agent of ours in your town, write direct to Montreal, Box 33. Gold Medalist. [Brltlsh American Dyeing Co. Que, March 3 (Special).â€"â€"“I am always glad to tell of my cure, be~ cause I sympathize with others who may be suffering as I (ll .†So says Dame Joseph Mayer, well known and highly respected here. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured Dame Mayer’s ills because they are all caused by diseased kidneys. Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure diseased kidneys, and with cured kidneys straining the seeds of disease out of the blood, the rheumatism, LBright’s disease, headache and pal- ‘pitation of the heart are bound to disappear. Suffered for Three Years From Rheumatism, Headache, Palpita- tion and Bright‘s Disease â€" Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cured Her Kidneys and Made Her Well. Huberdeau, Argenteuil Co. , ï¬Ã©ï¬r heard of a case of kid- ;ney disease that Dodd’s Kidney (Pills would not cure. - “For three years I was a, very sick woman. Rheumatism, head- ache, palpitation of the heart and Bright’s disease were my succes- sion of troubles, but Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills cure-d them all. I used twentyâ€"four boxes to complete my cure, but they certainly made me well. “Casey,†said Pat, “how do yez tell th’ age of & tuâ€"u-rkey'!†“Oi can always tells by the teeth,†said Casey. “By the teeth!†exclaimed Pat. “But a, tuâ€"u-rkey has no teeth.†“No,†admitted Casey, “but 0i have.†“I will never be without Dodd’s Kidney Pills intherihousefi Vin Chicago and North Western Railway. On sale daily. March 16th m April 15th inclusive, from“ all gonna. 1n Cinada to ,,,.‘,‘.I The Learned Professor â€"â€" You fknow, Mrs. Bloogs, it seems a Tshame to take your boy away from 1 =school at such an early age. 1 my- !self didn’t ï¬nish my school educa- [tion until I was nineteen. Mn. Bloogsâ€"Well, some children is quicker at pickin’ up things than others. Lon Anceles, Sam Francisco. Portland, Salt Lake City. Seattle, Victoria, Van. couver, Nelson, Rowland. and many other points. Throu h Tourist, sleepers and tree reclining c air can from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop oven. For full information we to rates, routes and jliterature. write or call on B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street. Toronto. gqu-zns Sample free If you wrlte National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada. leltaa. 334 Notro Dame st. Welt, MONTREAL New and Second- hand. for heat'm and power purposes. TANKS AN SMOKE STACKS. Agentl for Sluxta. want Ventilating and Heating System. POLSON “3&3†TORONTO The Soul ofa Pianolsthe Action. Inslat on the "OTTO HIGEL" Plano Action Low Colonist Rates to Puma Coast Engines and Shlpbulldars Cachoo gm; Noisemakers PillMakers CA TALOG ON REQUEST NOVELTY HOUSE, {oisemakers 305;; and Sleigh Rides . . . . . . 15c Puzzles. Jokes. Tricks Galore Special prices to dealers â€"The Funny Powder [09 Sixï¬erers from protruding or bleeding piles â€"A Barrel '0! Fun,|oc Sir Robert Ball has been de- scribed as the most popular Brit- ish lecturer of the day. This is a, remarkable tribute, considering that Sir Robert’s subject is astro- nomy, which, in itself, does not usuâ€" ally create much interest amongst; a general audience. The secret of his success is to - be found in the ‘ fact that he is an Irishman well en- The Death Warrant Delivered Only One “BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip in Two Days. 250. ‘. “H a ruddy counten- ’ anoe, which, edâ€" ded to his genial, Sir Robert Ball kindly manner, convey the imâ€" ression of a. philanthropic land- ord. He was educated at: the Uniâ€" versities of Dublin and Cambridge and both Ireland and England have freely recognized his remarkable knowledge of astronomy. For eighteen years he was Astronomer- Royal for Ireland, and he is now director of the Observatory at) Cambridge and Professor of Astro- nomy at the University. Sir Robert Ball has presided over several learned societies and has written many books on astronomy. When not studying the heavens he ï¬nds recreation in gardening, golf, and cruising. No defence can be ofl’eped when you up- ply Putnam's to a sore cornâ€"the offender has to die. Nothing so certain to quickly cure coma M Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor; try Putnam’s. it’s free from acids. and painless. 25c. bottles sold by all dealers. On the occasion of one of his pub- lic speeches in Wales, Mr. Lloyd- George was introduced to the as- semblage by a Welsh deacon. The chancellor is fond of repeating the graceful words of the introduction. Miï¬nard’s LinitinrentrCo†Iiimitpd. Gentlemen.â€"â€"’1‘heodore Donia, u custo- mer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism after ï¬ve years of suffering, 913116 judicious use of MINARD’S LINI- The portion of the earth’s sur- face that is covered by water, when the lakes and inland seas are in~ eluded, is three times as great as the dry land area. The surface area of the oceans is 127,000,000 square milesâ€"an area more than 40 times as large as the United States. The ocean waters teem with life. Though thousands of water creatures are known and classiï¬ed, scientists are continually discoverâ€" ing new life forms in ocean depths. Heretofore dragnets have been mainly depended upon, but there are doubtless many sea. animals that elude these trawls. “I doubt if Kitty will be happy when married. She’s always had her own way too much.†“Oh, but Jack will let her do anything.†“I’m not thinking about her hus- band, but about her cook.†“Gentlemen,†said the deacon, “I haff to introduce to you toâ€"night the member for Carnarvon Bor- oughs. He hass come here to reply to what the Bishop of St. Asaph said about the Welsh disestablishment. An ungallant writer says the modern girl may not be able to darn her socks, but, at any rate, she can knit her brows! The Vabove fact/s can be veriï¬ed by writ- ing to him, to the Parish Priest or any of his neighbors. MInard‘s Llnlment Cures Distemner. MEET: A. COTE, Merchant. St. Isidore. Qua, 12 May, ’98. Second thoughts may be bestâ€"if they arrive in time. A woman’s headaches are naturâ€" al; a man’s era usually 3C.}‘Iiled. Mlnard'a Llnlmont Cures Colds. Em. . , . In my opinion, gentlemen, the Bishop of St. Asaph iss one of the biggest liars in creation; but, thank God, we have a match for him to- night I†AN IRISH STAR-GAZER. Water Sui-face of Globe. A Rival Aunnias. sional manner. His love of open- air exercise has endowed him with A scientist whose training has been chiefly academic, Sir Robert has lit- tle of the profesâ€" Barber Given a Chance to Carry Out His Threat. When Louis Napoleon was presiâ€" dent of the Second French Repubâ€" lic, the oï¬icer in command at Lyons was General Ca-stellane, a, veteran whose stern rule kept in check the riotous spirits of that disorderly Clty. The general heard of the threat, and one afternoon ‘ordered his ooachman to drive to the barber’s shop. Leaving his carriage, the general entered the shop unattendJ ed, took a, seat in a vacant chair, and desired the barber to shave him. The astonished braggart per- formed the operation as well as his nervousness would permit. When he had ï¬nished, the general paid him, and said, quietly: One of the most boisterous citi- zens was a barber, who openly boasted that he only waited for an opportunity to rid the city of his stern commandant. Sheâ€""Pardon me, sir, for wall:« ing on your feet!†Heâ€"“Oh, don’t mention it! I walk on them myself, you know.†“Monsieur, since you have not availed yourself of the opportunity I have given you to cut my throat, would it not be wise to refrain from uttering threats that you have not the courage to carry out?†Your druggist will refund money it PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing. Blind. Bleeding or Procrudinz Pile: in (to 14 days. 600. Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Cargo! In COWS. Agnesâ€"â€"â€Wou1d you marry a man to reform him ’1†Ethelâ€"“Not if I could get a man who didn’t need reforming.†Try Murine Eye Remeay. No Smartlngâ€"Feels Finaâ€"Acts Quickly. Try it. for Red,Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Ocullstsâ€"not a “PMth Med- lclne"â€"â€"but. used in fluccessful Physicians' Prac- tice for many ears. Now dedicated Lu the Pub- ch and sold b m glsts at 260 and 600 er Bottle. Murine Eye 5179 n Aseptic Tubes, 2 o and 500. “Yes,†replied Mr. Growcher; “but they don’t need them. What people want; now-a-days is lessons in keeping quiet for reasonable periods of time." When Your E 3 Need Bare Try Murine Eye Remeyy. No Smarglng-fï¬â€˜eeï¬s Quiet is Advised. “I suppose your children all take lessons in dancing ’1†A] ~ Murlné Eye Remedy 00., Chlcaso PIMPLES BHUKE' BUT AROUND BHIN Burst and Formed Ugly Scabs. Burning, then Itching. Had to Go Without Shaving for Weeks. Used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment. Skin Perfectly Clear. 18! Close St. Toronto, Ont.â€" "I was troubled with facial eczema. for nearly ten years. The ï¬rst; signs were pimples break- lng out; and then bursting and forming nasty ueg scabs around my chin. Very often the sensation was that of burning, then itching so that I scratched the sore. I had to so without; shaving for weeks at a time. I tried many patent remedies but did not ï¬nd a permanent cure. Every spring and fall the disease appeared at its Worst. I some- times got rid of it for a. few months, then it; returned as bad as ever. Not only are Cutlcura. Soap and Ointment most valuable in the treatment; of eczema: and other dial-erasing eruptions of skin and scalp. but no other emollian do so much for pimples. blackheads. red. rough skins, itching. scaly scalps. dandrufl. dry. thin and falling hair". chapped hands and shapeless nulls. nor do it so economically. A slnglo cake of Cuticura. Soap (25c.) and box of Cublcura. Ointment (500.) are often sufllclenï¬ when all else has failed. Sold by dmggists and dealers throughout the world Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-1). Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug e Chem. 00m. Dept. 43D. Boston. U. S. A. f‘About six months ago I received a. samâ€" ple of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment: and found gr'eat relief after a. few applications. I purchased two boxes of Cutlcura. Ointment} and some Cuticura Soap and used them as directed and now my skin ls perfectly clear. I can shave with pleasure." (Signed) Wm. MacBean. May 27. 1912. CONFOUN DING A BRAGGART. FILES CURED IN 6 T0 14 DAYS ISSUE 10â€"’13. A British Under-Secretary ‘Wus Once a Stone Mason. The training that the late Henry Broad-burst, former Underâ€"Secre- tary of the Home Department in Great Britain, and for many years a leading member of the House of Commons, received in his youth, was certainly not of a. Parliamen- tary nature. Yet, as 'this story shows, he knew how to turn it to good account. The son of a, stonehmason, Broadâ€" hurst followed his father’s trade until his thirtyâ€"second year, al- though he occalmonally worked as a blacksmith. But during this period of his life he gave evidence of such ability that he was plaeed in several important ofï¬ces of trust. He was elected to Parliament in 1880, and six years later Gladstone persuaded him to become Under-Secretar of the Home Department. For a, ong time Broadhurst refused the post, for he feared that his lack of eduâ€" cation might create prejudice against him. Even after he had entered upon his duties, he found it necessary to absent himself from court, for the simple reason that he did not own the proper clothes. In spite of these handicaps, Broadhurst quickly made his way to the top. Once, in a. parliamenâ€" tary debate that dealt with Oxford University, Broladhurst displayed such intimacy with the university and its buildings, that some one asked him whether he was a, gradâ€" uate of Oxford. “No,†answered Broadhurst, smiling, “but I often ‘had chimneys to repair there.†Ease That Sore Joint .Few men in his profession are better known than Mr. Thomas Hogan, of 27 Fortiï¬cation Lane, Montreal. who writes-.â€" "To limber up a stiff joint, to remove every sense of soreness from tired muscles I can tell you nothing compares with Nerviline. It is really a wonderful liniment. and I use it continually, simply because I ï¬nd it keeps the muscles and joints supple and entirely free from pain and stiffness. I earnestly recommend Nerviline to every person that requires to use a strong, penetrating, pain-subduing liniment." For Rheumatism Nerviline is 21 won- der; for Sciatica it cures where others fail; for Lumbago, stiffness and cold, no- thing surpasses it. Keep Nerviline handyâ€"~it‘s good to take inwardly, de- stroys internal pains quickly, and is just as good for outward application. Large family size bottle, 500.; small size, 250., at all storekeepers and druggists or The Catarrhozone 00., Bufl’alo. N. Y. The Centre of Interest. Lord Roberts, the great English soldier, beloved by all his country- men as “Bobs,†is so accustomed to being the center of interest on most occasions that he ï¬nds in an incident like this one. The Champion Clog and Pedestal Dancer of Canada Tells How to Keep in Trim. A boy’s rifle brigade of ten thouâ€" sand members was to be reviewed at Glasgow by “Bobs.†At the last minute, however, Lord Roberts was forced to cancel the engagement; a local notability was hastily substiâ€" tuted, but the managers of the af~ fair thought it only right to notify ticketâ€"purchasers that the famous soldier would not be present. In one instance they sadly over- rated the effect of the announce- ment. A small youth who was to take part in the parade had come to get two tickets for his father and mother. The manager told him as gently as he could of the disap- pointment. Motherâ€"“What is the trouble between you and Charlie 7†Daugh- terâ€"“I always thought Charles was fond of the turfâ€"but he won’t simply touchy; the garden or the lawnâ€"mower.†- The lad did not seem at all af- fected. “Oh,†he said, “it’s no Lair-d Roberts that faither and mither are coomin’ to see; it’s Charlesâ€"“I heard the other day that Gerald is going to get mar- ried . ’ ’ Edwardâ€"‘ ‘Well, why shouldn’t heâ€"he’s comfortably well off.†Charlesâ€"“That’s just the point. Why doesn’t he remain soi’l‘ Mlnard’s Llnlmant Cures Dlphmerla. “Excuse me,†said the caller, “but do you practice medicine?†“Yes,†said the doctor. “ThenI must apologize for having intruded. I want somebody who knows his business. I can’t let anybody practice on me,†said the visitor. PRACTICAL TRAININ G. Ncrvilinc Will Do It {HWY-TWO ACRES 'IN MIDDLEBEX County; soil clay and clay.loam; 11-2 acres orchard; good buxldinga. Twenty-seven hundred dollars. Would ex- change for larger farm. The Western Real Estate Exchange. London, Ont. My reason for selling is that I have more than I can handle. In 1912 my threshing lasted for minty-two days. Will sell on small payments down. The farm» are ready for the drill. Will sell homes, harness, machinery and farm. 0n the [arms are good water, house, barn. im- plements, shed, weigh scale. windmill. Write Percy Love, 33 Fairview Boulevard, Toronto, for full particulars. EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN k, Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick sale. HAVE OVER ONE HUNbRED 000p farms in different sections of Ontario on my list. If you want a farm comm“ IMPROVED AND FULLY EQUIPPED ‘1 0013 STOCK FARM OF 600 ACRES I with Three Houses; large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick Price is very low. Dinners grow shorter each seaâ€" son. King Edward was the ï¬rst. to set the cult of the brief dinner, and King George, who, in spite of the greatest care, is still a dyspeptic, cuts them shorter still, as he does not taste half the courses, and conâ€" sequently it is not etiquette to eat when the King is not doing so. H. W. DAWSONl Nlnety Colborne Street. Toronto. 1 VERYBODY ENJOYS BILLIARDB - J Barbers and Live Men in towns only 100 population make big money. Be ï¬rst to write for book, "How to Start a Bil- liard Room’PCoat, Easy Terms, etc. Catan logue-s of tables for Home and Club free. If you have a table ask for our supply catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Oom- pally. â€"Toront0. GENI‘S!â€"SURE MONEYMAKER! OUR Illustrated Dollar Book "Discovery South Pole; Tragic Fate of Scott, Expedi- tion." Commission Fifty Per Ce’nt. Freight. paid; credit given: free outï¬t; postage ten cents. Nichols Limited, Pub- Iiahera. Toronto. ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAIL der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred aiimenu pnsnlvely cured with the new German Remedy. “Banal.†price $.50. Another new remedy [or Diabetes-Mellitue. and sure cure. in "Sanol’a Anti-Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druzgiscs or direct. The Same] Mnnufao- ‘urlng Com any of Canada. Limited. Winmnez. B an flhum, only Seven Company. Toronto. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. - ETO.. internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write ns before too late. Dr. Bellman Medic-l 0». Limited. Collinzwood‘ Ont. Goes farthest for the money Just what you need afth 8. hard day's workâ€"A Refresh- ing cup of LIPTON’S TEA ‘ TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIX-‘- 3 ferent Foreign Stamps. Cataloguo. Jhum, only Seven Cents. Mark: Stamp FARMS FOR SALE Little blemishâ€, of com- plexion, small sores, eruptions! spots, are not only unpleasant to the person afflicted, but are the first thing noticed by other people. Overheard in a Street-Car. There’s a lesson right there! A little Zam-Buk applied at night to spots, eruptions, sores of any kind will do wonders. Zam-Buk is not a greasy preparation which will go ran- cid on your dressing table. It is made from healing, herbal extracts and essences. Always pure, fresh and ready for use. Doesn't lose its powar. Keeps indefinitely. Healing, soothing and antiseptic all the time. Try it! ’ 506. box all dmggiste and stores. Hard on Royalty’s Guests. n A WSON Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS‘ FARMS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS‘ 39 M BILLIARDS. WANTED.