Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Mar 1913, p. 5

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The Head Office men of the Met- lnpolitan R, R. dufentod the OVPl'hmld iavpb. Friday evening here by a score ‘Uf 5â€"4. . Snowdl-ift bleached Iongclnlh 36 in. wide, 13 and 150. yd. Unbleached nwill sheeting. 72 in.“ wide 359. yd. Dark flaunelet 34 in. wide 110. yd. AL- kinsun 85 Switzer. Rev J. W. Hoover and wife of Tn- mum visited at; Mr. Dilumn Wide- ?an's last Saturday afternoon and prenchedut huth services at. Gonn- luy (m Sunday. Sulphur- nmLche-s 2 large boxes fur 25m Crest; Hunting soap, 3 cakes for 10c. Sheet UztsLile snap 50. bur. “Esme bar 250‘ Atkinson & Switzer.- Two rinks wentin Thurnhill Friday evening, and played a friendly game with the curlers. 'ihe score at the close of the game showed the highest score for the home rinks. The return match will be played here at an Wearly date. “The ladies of Thm-nhill and vicinity are invited to attend Mrs. Shuter’s early Spring Millinery Opening on ‘Wednesday the 19th of March. See runnouncemenb elsewhere in [his pap- L'petu A hockey mutch will be played in the rink, Thoruhill, next; Monday evening bet/Ween St. Mary’s A. A. and Thurm- hill. Pnck heed at 8.30. Admissmln, ladies\ [U cents; gents l5 cean. About600 people were cmwded in the Tbumhill rink Tuesday evening to witnessa hockey match between the flunductnrs and the, Road Gangnn --the Metropolitan Railway. There was ,:I. special our from Sutton, one from ‘Newmarket and another frmn Ton-vu- to. The road gang seven won bya score of 10-5. ' . 4The Canadian Magazine 'for March. apart from several important: articles, contains more short stories than usual. There are seven [gulps from the follow- ing writers: Theodore Gnudndge R0- hei-ts, Alan Sullivan, Anne H. Spice-r. \Valter Shaw Sparrow, U. Lintm'n Sib- ley, and VioletJncuh. with verse by 1L M. Mnntgmnerv. George Herbert Clark and Cun'ull G. Aikins. Rod and Gun for March. publisth 'hy \V. J. Taylor, Limited. \Vondst()ck,; Out. is 0111 with a. varied and enter- taining list of contents which include the following: “ Afterib‘urilmu with the Utchvkuts ” by R. J. Fraser; “Old Ui’nndzLâ€"A visit to the. Gnspe Penin- sula.” bV Madge, Macbeth; “ Up the Vanerlt-y Road” by pm]! A. W. Wall- ace; “A Piscnlm-iul Pilgrinmge of Port Arthur Sportsmen” hy L. \V. Bingny “An Eastern Black Fox Ranch” anoth- "81‘V’If the series “Small Fur Bearers and How ‘ to Take Them" by George J. Thiessvn; an installment of “A canoe Trip in 1854, and other art- icles ':)f outdom‘ life hath Exit “and \Vest. The Issue is attractively illus- ‘ZtraLe-d and Shnuld he rend by all spurtsmen and lovers of «indom- life The \Veekly Mail and Empire, The Duminiun Pnultry Guide. and a (:hoicp nf a-Burden portrait. m- u “finsmnaid” premium ppictm 9 all for 75 cents when clubbed with THE LIBERAL. Mrffieor'ge Smith of Kellnr, Mani- toba, Mr. and Mrs. VViHimns of Sols- -kirth, Manitoba. also Mrs. Lane, Miss Gaby. Mr. O. Gully and V. Gain/«pent last, Saturday with Mrs. Miclmel and Mrs. Hinchley. The following wme vlected officers 'at a meeting of East, Ym'k Liberals held at, East, 'I‘(_n'0n_t.0 lust Saturdayzf_ @112 @111“sz These are the days when We Iblizzards rialow, And men and women to clmréh don’t; go. , And it. mnsz you feeldâ€"well, you hardly know. Or, Ln say the least, that things are slnw, The1 thing to do is to hold up your lead, ‘And nub. like an invalid, go to bet}. Remember that, great; things never The offimlrslfm' the ensuing year will be: Presidium, Jmnthnn ,Nigli; Vice- Presidcnts fur all municipalities in the riding: Men-khan township. A . DBruce‘ Gnrmley: Markham Village. Dr. W'n).* StPWM'L; Scarlmm’ Lmvnship, Ml-Sbew- art, Agincourt: EastTm-nnto, F. P. Ab? butt. Coleman P. 0,; Nm-wuv. T. Phelan; the Beaches, W. L. Edmonds: North Toronto, R. Bruce MUQIIEPU; Richmond Hill. '1‘. Trench: Sveretnl‘y.’ '\V. J. Outtel, 50 Alhertus avenue jthe home of «Mrs: G‘ F. Allen Wed- lnosday, March 12, M3 o’clock. This > nrganizatitm is nndenmninutinnal. and all are cordially invited to become members. The programme Wednesde afternoon w1ll include a paper by _ Dr. (Lillian Lungstafl“, instrumvntal music by the Misses Orrell. and a. vocal solo by Mrs. A. G. Savage. lm To mm sand ldaas move'fust. For every great thing is madertn last; And its not of faith to abandon hope, ‘While wiLh the evil of life it must cope. '“ ‘.” TOYEâ€"At the Methndist Parsonage. Hillsdule‘, on Sunday. March 2. 1913, to Rev. :1 nd Mrs. E. Harold Toye. a. "son. EAST YORK LI BERA LS BIRTHS. Among the entertainers was Bru. R S. Wood whu gave a nnmlwrdf hu- morous Selectiuns to the delight, of all present. " UuurL Richmnnd hopes to accvpt an invitabiun. and mam the fraternal visit at nm early dmg. Jefferson Public School Re- port: for February. Sr. IV. Marjm-ie ()lubiua. IKitse-y Tapper. Jr. IV. Marjm'ir: Murphy, Alex. Mc- Leod. Nellie Dlhh. Sr. III. Edna Brackin, Lnla Hus- kin‘, Elev'twt va-tmly‘ (31ch Ma Lend. .II'. III. John Topper. Sr. 11. Fred Oluhinu, Ray Dihh. Jr. 11. Howard Smart. Irene Kai. ser. Primary Annie Clubine. Zilphm Topper. Jr. 1. EH". Dilyh, Culista- Kaiser. Harald Dibb, R‘ggie» Newbery, Cecil Mormon. ,, A very interesting and uncommon event took place on Monday afternoon and evening. when Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eyer celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding day. If it is an. occassion of rejoicingwhen a mew home like a new s'taris sprung to birth and rolled on its harmonious way among myriad homes of earth, the joy may be all the greater when after so many oyclts of months it still per- sists. looking back upon so long an interval of prosperity. Children, grand children and friends to the number of one hundred. from Saskatchewan, Hespeler, Guelph. Toronto, Meaford. Acton, Dundas and the immediate virinity-, participated in the festivities of the occasionâ€"many were the greet- ings and congratulations. Letters and telegrams were received from those who could not be present. Mr. and Mrs. Eyer were also made the re- cipients ot many Waluable gifts, in- cluding three arm chairs, .a quantity of silver and chinaware, two hand- some umlirellaS. hesidesnearlya hund- red dollars in gold coins. After supper Rev. E. O. Currie was made chairman and an informal program of music and speeches was given. Appropriate readings were also contributed by Mrs. Currie and Rev. Dr. Smith. Dr. Smith also toasted ~,the host and hostess in most appropriate style and was followed in apt remarks by Messrs. “linger, M. Heise, D. \Videman. L. Heise and others including the ers‘t-' while groom. 'l‘he.,,program was con- cluded with family Worship at the request of the host and hostess who gratefully acknowledge the manifold farms of Almighty God in the process of the years. ‘a The Rev. \V.BL Findluv and Rév.‘ E. G. Currie exchanged dutyr‘un last Sunday warning. The Iattmarepm-ts a full house and fine singingflvfihé' Indusn'ianarm. r K " Tu be modest and selfipnntmlled and not blaze when you féel-likei’t are, we presume. marks ofaChl-istian; yeb (me cannot; but, feel some irrita- tinnuf feeling when a really gund thing, full (If interest and informing, and gin-n with masterly efficieme and all for mat-hing. meets with the indifferent, n'ppi'eciatinn which Rev. me. Farmer’s Illustrated Lecture re- ceived on last Friday evening. Night af-Lm‘ night the same penple will =thrnng a rink and pay thvlrwny to get in to see a few ludS'chase a “puck” hubthe Lhng which is uf permanent value is aha discount. 0 temporal O muresl The regular meeting of the Gulld on Friday evening Will discuss ' the subs jerzt, of “Jesus Teaching Concerning the Future Life,” Leadm'er. G90. Guwie; essayist, Miss Marjorie Boyle. The Vvam-en’s Institute will meet at the home fif «Mrs: Gm F. Allen Wed- Rinans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure headache. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. III. John Topper. 11. Fred Oluhinu, Ray Dihh. 11. Howard Smart. Irene Kai. VVGM EN’S INSTITUTE GOLDEN \VEDDING FORESTERS MEET. may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md All thus» who were hut fortunate enough to he present and Luke pun; in the servicciu Sh Mary’s church on Sunday Feb. 23rd missed a great blessing and are the-power for it. The senice Was vex-v hearty indeed. and the uddl'eis one of [he most practical ever delivered in ‘n Hiphmuud Hill church. The Right Rev’d W. D. lit-ewe, 1).”. :(WNLMR Bishop of Tu- roulu. wn‘iihe special pl'ezuzher. The Bishop tank fur his text Ephes. III. pint of \erse :40 "The Powerlhut \vm-keth . in us." Frum the text he wm-ked out his theme. iuamust ef- fective “my. shuwiug wlmt. a. buncful effect the rulng [max-nuns, motives and desires of many. appalently .gmld pepple., upuu the religious. s0cinl and luniness world of tndny. In (:lming, his Lordship appealed to his hearers lusee to iL than the. aner than. \VDl‘kl'Lh ih‘them should lmt‘be one tlmL [nude fur selfishness. but to knuw the luve uf Christ. and be filled With :tllllw fullness of God. [The Lenten Work night s’ex-viuvs in St. Mnry‘s Uhumh have been well nt-‘ Lenard ‘dm-ing the past fmu- weeks. The mhfi‘vsse-s have been very helpful and insLlumive. The next. 5691 vice will he held nn Fridwy ex ening March 7th 36-1 at 7.]50’clock. The. Rev. U. Patter- suwSmyth. 'fif‘. A. of, iSb. Alhetn’s Ce» lht-drul.“furnntn,.will be the spebial preacher. On VVodilesd-ny evening Mame ’12Lh.~the Rev. 0;.1‘. James. M. A. of the Church nf the Redeemer. 'l‘nruntu, will he the special preacher.- Everyoue will be made welcnme. Four room Cottage at Victoria Squulu, L. B. HEIS Pa, 33-Lf Applinatinns fur the position of Li- brarian for the Richmond Hill Public Lllu-nry will he received at. the Clerk‘s office, by Mr. A. J. Hum», on 01' he- fure 4 p, mL on H‘uesday, March II, [913. > 'I‘helnwosbnr any tender not nec- essarily acv- led. A gnnd house. 9 mmns. with mw acre uf land. for with In the filing» of Sherâ€" wnud. Guod stable and other nuLhuild- inge. Half nl' the lot, is (hr-chard. Ex- (:ellvnb Well of waL-m. Close by Post Office. ~ MARK BADGER, . 36 4 "l'hm-nnghlu-ed ‘I-Iulstpin Bull, on Lot. 23. Gn-n. 2, Vaughnn‘ Teams $1J rush. JOHN SLINEY, ‘ Begs to announce the early .> Trimmed and Untrimmed HATS, GLOVES, LAUES, RiBBONS, SIL'KS, ' -â€"ANDâ€"â€" FEATHERS Tenders for Li- - Marian.- Two Hundfi-vd Bushuls 0.A.C. N0. 21 Bm Ivy, h-mvdmivked in the field. Prx-iue UPIILSPPI' bushel; ' ‘ 'V Phnné Thm phi]! 36-3 ’ Wednesday. March 19. 1913 EVERYBODY WELCOME 'I‘ }£()I{NHIIJIJ Seed Grain for Sale REES. SEEITER ESPRH‘SG OPENING from Mar. 2311) fulhmiing Easter; nn‘rges intri our Summer Town in all Dupm-tnwnts (if ' "Shaw’s Schnuh“ T..mnmâ€"Uuntral Busi- ness 0011ng wiih Foul» City Bra nvh Sulmnls. The (‘vvntml T919- graph and Rnih'uud Sl‘hUU], and Shaw‘s Civil SPI'V'iK‘e Schnnl. Froe catalogue explains cum-SM: and advantage-s. We invite you to write l'nr it. \V; H. Shaw, Presi- dent, Head Offices, Yonge & Gerrard Sts,, Toronto. ' House to Rent W: H. PUGH‘LEY. Uhnhman of Library Board. ST. MARY’S CHURCH. Far Service For Sale __._ 01L. GEO, COOPER, Elgi11.Mills. \Villdwdule. Slmrwo bd. tw¢++++~b+++$*+-§~+'Â¥++++~rÂ¥i‘+ ++++~§té+s§¢++H3++MOÂ¥+++++*+*+Q 2 Heavy Loch Lomnnd Shirts atn75c LAAAAAAAA‘ These Lots will undoubtedly go up in Value befofe year is out. Get in on Ground Floor. §¢§+§§§f§W§§§Q§¢§§§§¢ §Q §§§§§§§§§§M§§§§+§O§§§+§§§ .A P P L .Y ' rvvwv'vvu +~§++¢+M+++~M+w++JM+++++¢M+ ++¢£¢++M~t~s§§~~§éo§~é4~~§~+++§v~§0Â¥ .. +4~+++++++++q~++ HM++++++M M'Mww-wM-w-bw +++4~+++++++ lfiH-bhi'd'iu’ $6"! ++°¥+d~++++1l §"§‘§”§"9 i‘+‘b++*Â¥+++‘v+++*+-h"++fi AAA’AAAAAAAMAAAAAMAMAMA .AAAAMA “AAAAAAAAAA AAAAA Me’n‘s stripe flannél-ms'té Night Shit-Ls, with collar & pncket MMV.‘ “Javanfifific Lgdiegi Tea Aprons, Lawii, em- Men’s Navy Knit, Tap Skirts} . . .l.00 Heavy Bluck 3am Top Shirts 75c Grey Uninh Flannel Blankets size-58 1‘68, .Weight 7153. at, 2.85 pr. Cream Opaque W'indnw Shades insm‘tiun nnly, with tassel on roller. at. .. Ladies’ Robesplerre Céllars,hlk. satin. trimmed with white figure and white lace. reg. 750 White Flannpl Shepting. 72 ins. wide, reg. 75c. ryd. fun... 65c Wool Undershirts‘ reduced to 45&65c PHONE 17 Atkinsonfis Switzer RiCHMOND HILL VVVVVYVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VWVVVVVVWV YVVVVVY YVVVV- +§§¢§Ib§§§§§§§§¥¢§§§§§§ §§§§ 900+Q+§§§§§§§§§§ Q§§§§§+ New sub-division in the finest residential section .of Village of Richmond Hill. WIDE STREETSâ€"«Ail 66 Feet. DEEP LOTSâ€"VVell Drained. Only One Minute from Metropolitan Railway Station The best investment in the Village. All Streets Will be lighted by Electric Light, Roads kept up by ' Village, and Sidewalks put down. Don't miss this opportunity to get a Lot while Price is Cheap, $1.00 , per foot down and balance on very Easy 'l‘erms. Now is your chance to get a Home of Your Own. Dry Goods Juno .u- (Apl‘vllfiq yawn, clu- broidery trimuwd, at. . . . .. .258 "snag proof -- ‘ - - _ $250 Men’s Heavy Rubbers, two buckle, heavy'sfol’e, solid heel, snag prooL. - ' - Men’s Overshoe Rubber, best grad-e \\ omcn’s Overshoe Rubber, bgst grade- We have just'refiHeJ all our diffaeht lines of Rub- bers with bright new stock of the best grades, Menf's Heavy- Rubbers, laced, red soles, solid heel, "or COME AND SEE ME. I CAN INTEREST YOU. The Price (is only Half the 0bject,the Quality counts the other Half Roseview Gardens. NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Armand Savage REAL ESTATE AGENT. ...650 50c 3 Lb. tin Japan Tea, at: . . 3 Lb. Tupmca 2Tins Peas .. . Kippeer Herring. tin Salmon, tin. $2.35 $11.25 51"1-4‘11 wwz‘: EMS

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