Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Mar 1913, p. 1

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Licensed Auctioneers for the County 01 York. 84,113.! “sanded no on shortest: notice and at reap [or thin rates Patrons“ solicited Prepares pupils for. the graded ex- aminations held at, Toronto Conserva~ tm-y of Music and University of. To- (ontn. ’ Special course in “Myer-’8" Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to heginnm‘s. Glass recitals are given throughout the vear- 42-1v Theoretical, Technical and ' Artistic Elements Developed Systematicnlly _ According to Modern Methods. LIBERAL PRINTING 41 PUBLISHING HOUSE - RICHMOND HILL,ONT. ‘ Licensed Auctloneer for the Counties of York, Ontario and North Toronto. Specie.) attention given to sale! of every description. Farm and arm stock sales 3. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to ‘on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-to-dete methods. Address: 239 Balliol St, North Toronto. The Newton School of Music; JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Phone No. 28. RENEE} ENCE. 'RICHMOND HILT. T Baylzeon, Maple r. B1. McMAHON. [S PUBLISHED EVER; L‘HURSDAY MORNING AT THE W.’ HEWISON HO USE PA INTE R. lezier, Grainer and Paper‘ Hanger. MISS MILLIE TRENCH hulls by phoné or otherwise promptly resp'mded to. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL VOL. XXXV. $1 per annum, in advance.] ‘u RESIDENCE First huuse north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Phornhill . Maple, Ont. Richmond Hill, Ont. lgeon, J K MoEwon Mapl- Walton Salgeon & McEwen. bUSINESS CARDS. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano Me @ihml . PINKERTON, V.S. J ; H. Prentice Eamon a onpmm‘os. Phone No. 2102. wetcriuam aura ital. NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEY ANTth ETC. REAL ESTATE. ‘ET/C. THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishing . kep at both places Undertaken 4", Embalmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Riohmona Hill Monev to loafi at Five'Per Cent; (5%) BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tommtn Office. Runm 328 Confederaâ€" tion Life Bldg.. N0. 12 Richmond St. E, Richmond Hill Office (“Libel-al" Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon, VVoodbx'idqe, Saturday forenoon.. LENN-OX & MORGAN NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. Telephone, Main Gable Address. “Dc-(10.“ Tel. M. 3631. Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, 86c. Home Life Building. Cor. Adelaide & Victona Sl.s.. fur-onto. w. .I. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor Yonge and Alexander Sts. Organs Rapnlred and Expat Work Guaranteed Many former-l students are :now earning from $700 to $2000 a. year. We deal in only the BEST KIND of Practical Education. We use best systems, employ best teachers and produce the best results. Enter now. Catalogue free. ~ Stenographers. Bookkeepers. Cashiers. Office Assistants. Oom- mercial and Shm-thand Teachers are in great demand if they gradu_ate from the PIANO TUNING Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issugr of Marriage Licenses. Danton, Grover & Field .. Cameron MacNaughton Lawrence & Dunbar, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICE~SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILYflSflAR BLDG" 18 KING Barristers and Solicitors. NOTARY PUBLIC TORONT-G. ONT. . A. NICHOLLS 505:: 3. 27cm z'dsou THORNHILL WRIGHT BROS EDWARD . FRANCIS, WILLIAM COOK Barristers, Suiicmre. 8m VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING ELLIOTT RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. THURSDAY, MARCH'13 STREET‘WES'E 33ml. "In Essentials, Unity; in Non-E ‘Pnone Main 294 1 Members present? IKEâ€"J. A: Camer- ‘on, Reeve; Mr. J. S. McNair, Deputy- reeve: and Messrs J. G, Whitmore, J. T. ‘Saigenn and Alex. Cameron, Coun- cillors. fiT-he next meeting-“Sill vbé Xheld on Tuesday, April 8 aplqa. mL :7; ‘ A'Iat'ge n'umb'exl of gravel and general accounts were by resolu- tion ordered to D9 paid,___ x Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. ‘ Applications were made for the usual grants to the Richmond Hill Agricul- rural Society and the Richmond H1". Public Library. ' Moved by J. S. McNuir. seconded by J. T. Saigecn. that the Treasurer he and is hereby authmized to pay to T. F. McMahon for the Richmond Hill Pu‘linlic Library the sum of $15. Car- rie . ' Saigecn â€"â€" Whitmore â€"« Thatl the Treasurer pay to T. F. McMahon for the Richmond Hill Agricultural So- cie‘tx the sum 9f Carried. The Ouuncil of the Municipality of Vaughan 1nd; at. the Township Hall, Vglrlorq, on Tuesday Mar-9h 11. V English Composition. r Class I -- Irene McMahon. Gordon Francis, Mar- jorie \Vright, Stewart, Page. Jean Sea- ger. Grace Pratt, Francis Carleton, Nellie Page. Glass Ilâ€"Flnssw Allison. Ethel Mortson. Max-y Rumble. Hazel Page, Mary Cooper, Jean Matheson, Morton Brown. Amy Bull. Tilly Patton, Bertha Harding. Vera Jen- nings, Bessie Bruckin. Class IIIâ€" Edith Clement, Gertrude Harding, Fullerton Gibson. Mary Topper, Jean Beynon, Tom Scott, Ronald McLeod, Walter Vander’bu: g. English Grammar Class I â€" Jean Mathesun, Irene McMahon, Frances Carleton, Mary Cooper. Class IIâ€" Grace Pratt, Marjorie Wright», Ger- trude Harding. Ethel Mormon, Bertha Harding. Tilly Patton, Gordon Frau- cié. Tom Scott. Ronald McLeod. Class IIIâ€"Walter Vanderhnrg. Mary Rum- ble. Amy Ball, Mary_Tnppex-. TL. “:24, n Bunk-keeping. Class Iâ€"éJean Math- esnn, Irene McMahon. Class IIâ€" Gmce Pratt, Ronald McLeod (equal), Marjorie Wright. Class IIIâ€"Mary Rumble. Tillie Patton, Vera Jennings, Jean Beynon. Stewart. Page, Man-y Cooper. Nellie Page. Ethel MOI-[son and Edith Clement (equal), Gertrude Halding. Clarence Sanderson, Bessie Brackin. Geometry. Class IIâ€"lrene McMah- nn, Fruucis Carleton, Tom Scott, Amy Ball. Jean Mntheuon,‘ Edith Clement. Walter Vamderburg Glass IIIâ€"Tillie Patton. Gordon Francis. Ethel Mort- son and Stewmt, Page and Ronald Mc- Leod (equal). Mary Cooper, F lossie Alliston, Grace Pratt. ‘ Physics. Class Iâ€"Irena aMizMabon, Mary Rumble. Class IIIâ€"Gertrude Harding, Tillie Patton and Jean Math- eson(equnl), Amy Bull.‘ Ronald Mc- Lend, Vera Jennings and Grace Pratt (equal). Marjorie \Vripht and Mary Cooper and Clarence Sanderson, (equal). Edith Clement Bessie Brgckin, Elbe] Max-tsun. Nellie Page and Mary Tapper (f‘qual). F‘ullm-tarm~ Gibson. Latin. Class; _ff-:J;;;;IOS Cos Winide Simpson. Gertrude grave, Agnes Bgvle. * V Physics. Class Iâ€"Susie Cunnel. Jes- sie Hamilton (equal). Glass IIâ€"Jas. Cosnge, Gladys Bull and Mary Van- derhurg (cquaL) Class III -â€" Fred Simpson, Hazel Reuman, Gex-uude Cusgrove. ' English Cnmposilion.° Glass I-Su- sie Ounnel, Hazel Reaman. Class IIâ€" Jmues Uusgrnve. Agnes Boyle, \Vini- {red Simpson, Glast Bull. Mary Van- ’derhurg. Class IIIâ€"Fred Simpson. _ A 1....L.._ 1‘! v v Geometry. Class lâ€"Mary Vander- hu'rg. Jae. Cosgrove, Winifred Sunf- son and Susie Ounnel equal. Class I :«Jessie Humiltu‘n, Agnes Boyle. Class IIIâ€"rGlady's Ball and Hazul Reamun. (equal). Fred Simpson, Gertrude Cos- 8‘23'9- _ - - «v. Mun-ll‘v\vlli Algebra. Class I - Susie Connel, Mary Vandal-burg. Class IIâ€"Wini- fred Simpson, Agnes Boyle. Jas. Cos. grove, Gladys Bull. Glass IIIâ€"Jessie Hamiltnn, Hazel Remnan, Fred Simp- son. Gertrlgde Gqsgruve. FORM III. English Literature. Class IIâ€"-'Susw Cunnell, Mary Yanderburg, Winifred Simpson, Agnes Bovle, Hazel Reu- mau. Class IIIâ€"Jessie Hamilton. Gertrude Gusgmve, James Cosgrove, Gladys Ball, George Bailey. Fred Simpson. Ffench. Class IIâ€"Winifred Simp- son. Agnes Boyle. James Cusgl-ove. Clnss IIIâ€"Gertrudg ‘Cusgrgye. m..-" .L n The following is a partial list, of the names of pupils of the Richmond Hill High "School and their stnixding as shown lay their term’s work and ex- a'mlnu Lion IESUNS. The cumpleted list will appear in next, week’s isSue. Class I contains Lhe names of pupils in order of merit, taking 75% or over: 11 those obtaining 60 to 75%. and class III 40 to 60% ‘7 - VAUGHAN COUNCIL. HIGH SCHOOL REPORT. FORM II. ssentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” -J nines Cosgrgve, Cos; MET): \Villiams of Kindersley, Sask. Miss I Sbeckley of Bethesda. and Miss C. Williams were entertained on Tues. evening by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Uns- grove, where a. most enjoyable time was spent. - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cosgmie Were“At Home” to Mr. and Mrs. Williams and family on Vvednesday Feb; 26, where axery pleasiantfltuue was _spent. Miss Myra Neillv of Gilford is Visit;- ing'her a‘ugt, M'rs. .7313. Cosgrove. 'Miss Ida. Steckley of Bethesda visit- ed Miss 0. Williams. Music Will be given. 'Sociztlâ€"eQéSing. Gentlemen invited. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Williams and family who are moving to Tomnm will Le greatly missed in this neigh- box-hoood where their genial bospital~ itgyugexlgndedm all. MusiEbnth vocal and instrumental. appropriate for the occasion will be given. The Rev. Mr. Findlay will give an address in keeping with the An» uiigrsqu. All welcome. Papers on “What Women shuuld know upon Banking”, Medical inspec- tion of Schools”.“The Father’s duties’ inureqring“ ghe _ family? _“_Hobbies’- The Women’s Ins’tibui; will meet at the residence of Mrs. David James (m Tlgyrsday. the__29_th inst, at 3.00 RM. The monthly meeting of the Liter- ary Circle will be held at, the home of Mrs; D. James on Monday evening, 17 century inst. The subject of course will be “Ireland and the Irish.” Each person present will be expected to give a selection from an Irish author in prose m- poetry, m-u humorous piece shg'wing' th‘e wit ‘of tile. nationality. Miés Josie Beynnn. teacher of Edgeâ€" ley public school visited at Mr. 0. N(_n.'mitp‘s_or'i Spuday.‘ M 1'. Herb J ncksrorh vié making prepara- tions for building a dwelling house on his lot near the. railroad. An interesting eventtook place last, Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. Thomas, of Hope, when their daughter Bessie G.. was married to Mr Aemilius Wilson. The ceremony was per-formed by Rev. A. Bodfm'd of Davenport in the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride an‘d gro‘om. Rev. J. V. Sappenfield has resigned his pastorate of the Zion E. L. Church, and [nuns accepted a charge in Penn. 'rvn , "no- w.-- -. “w. They manufacture Bed Ifounges, Lounges. Duvenpnrts and Morris chairs. and ship on an average 6 car loads a. day, total output about $1000,- 000 per year. In thevafbernoon I went 9 miles west tn Aurora. and tuck the train in the evening for St. Joe Mis- souri. arrived at. 8 o’clock on m. Took a look through the large town and left for Hamlin 10.50 p. m. and arrived at, 11.55 n.m., and was taken to my sis- ters home, Mrs. J. H. Byer, 2 miles. (To be continued.) I next came to West Chicago again, where [remained over Sun ay with friends, Attended a. German Sabbath Schnol and preachiu service for the first time in the vangelist Luth- ernn church. and being Penn. Dntch lcould understand them. Reading leasnn in S. S. Eli'a retirin in the true Gud. Text" ne for [gain]. one for Appoilns." The minister tried to show how Christians should strive for unit)", is'Jesus _ba_ught. Feb. 3 I was driven to Wurrenville to visit another cousin, and from there to Napervifle. 30 miles west of Ohi- cagu to‘nnother cousin. Feb. 4 I was conducted through the Bed Lounge Factory where they employ 385 ban 5 who earn on an average $2.50 per day. ml- .._- ...,, k“: ,A n 1 v _ _.-._., ‘00.... .v “.5... in! van“, «a uuualu. Mr. Geo. Glee,“ a banker. Here are the large factories employing 2500 hands for the manufacture of Elgin matches. Visitors are not allowed through. This is a fine town of 17,000. I next; came to \Vayne Where I visited the Durham stables where they handle Percheron horses. ‘They have a farm of 2000. acres, employiu 75 hands. They use 16 teams. hey put, out from 300 to 400 acres of corn. They have 4 silos with a capacity of 1,000 tons. They have 110 Dairy cattle and 160 feeding steers. They raised last. year besides com 1700 bush oats, 1,000 tons hay, 4000 bush rye, 5 acres sugar beet. They keep about 350 horses for sale. Stallion’s avexu e weight, 1900 lbs.. nmre’s 1500 lbs. btullions sell for from $800 to $3,000. mares from $600 to $1200. (Continued from last week.) February lat I next came'to Carpen- ter-sville, 11]., where there are large shops f()!‘_ the manufacture of steel plough shares, steel discs and culti- vator pomts of every description. Thele is another large shup where they make steel skeins for wagons. Lnezltt canle to Elgln £9 Visit a cousin. LETTER FROM 11. R. HEISE. Elgin _Mi.l]s. Thornhfll. Maple. . 191-3 'pen- .arge steel :lxlti- ti()11. here gens. usin. are N in Hggd ;000. fined ,ndle Fara] nds. ;0ut Fhey L000 and last L000 lgar for 1900 ‘for $600 $$*6*+*+****+¢¢+*+***$+*$¢*+é%é¢+éé*$*¢*% {’LASKAY P. 0. 5341' Livery & Teaming .- We thank the public for the generou. patronage in the past, and will earn~ estly strive to serve you faithfully in the future. STIVER &‘ RAMER. Believing it will be beneficial to 00¢ buyer and seller, have decided, STIVEH & HAMER i W.â€" A. Sanderson; *%+M%m++w+%+%+WG-; Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, 860. ‘AT THE E.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR DflMlNlflN'HUUSE STABLE "ACCOMMODATION BELL PHONE JOHN ELLIS +++++é+¢++ m+++++++++++++ Painter. f Paper-hanger General Decorator RICHMOND HILL SATISFACTION \GUABANTEED‘ We solicit a. call no trouble to show our line Manicure. Sets flair Brushes LICENSED AUCTION EER AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS.- For the County of York; c. E GAN FOR EVERYBODY. are up-to-date and Reasonable m prices My Stock of fine lines of JPERFUMES for PERFUMES RIOHMON D HILL [Single copies, ~3 cts‘ DEALERS IN Comb Sets 5 Pictural Cards ‘ I PRESENTS DRUGGIST L. B. STONG, Prop. ONTARIO N‘o. 37

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