"ï¬Ã©â€™Ã©hbcfavaï¬o great, the disappoint- ment so keen, Evelyn p‘aled to the very roots of her light gold hair. While the coach dashed on in pursuit. of the one occupied by Evelyn, the famous detective, ,who was always prepared for cases of emergency, hastily traqgformgd himself into quite a different bemonagé from the respectable looking gentleman who had entered the coach. The cab stopped once more. this. time before a large drug-store, and Evelyn aJighbed; with a ï¬rm step she walked up to the counter and called for the drug. but here a. startling dilemma confront/ed her; the clerk would not/let her have it without a written order from some re. Bpgllaible physician. "I wonder what may I've run afoul of now,†he soliloqu zed, hastily calling a. cab and ordering the driver to follow closely the cab which had just turned the corner. . Hastily‘securing another paper of the lame date, he turned to that. particular column and found the article missing; she had tom the name of a. deadly drug from the paper, together with awful] desérip- tion.of its effects on the human system. , Quick as thought the experienced detec- tive whipped out his note-book and jotted down the incident, together with a full desgriptiqn of‘the dainty 1310mm. "Eggâ€"niflliiéwihé heirees’ was whirling cw_1_ft1y ing hroadvyak- The cab stopped before one of the great “leading dailies, and Miss St. Claire enter- ed the oflice'. The papers were on ï¬le for a month back. and toward these the bean- tiflfl, guijty g§r1_made hexj way; / The next instant the gentleman, who .was none other than the famous detective Percy Granville had at once time en- gaged to search for Little Guy, was bend- ing over the columns which had attracted 'the_ stylish young lady“ __‘TIâ€"Ehiifi~13e'§ï¬ré'Â¥o 'réinember the name of the drug now.†she told herself, passing on: of the ojï¬ce. "Society lifters.a Theuré'e nothing of the kind here,†he muttered. “Ah-ha! she has toy: aabit from the paper, I see.†She had read the account in that verp paper only a few days back, of a, lovely Spanish girl who had killed her faithless lover on the eve that he was to have been wedded to another. by the use of a. subtle poisonous drug. whose power was almost, unknown to the medical fraternity. as its presence in the human system could not be traced. How this lover had met his death even experts could not deï¬ne. until this girl came to die. and confessed all on her death-bed. “Perhaps I can help you ï¬nd the paper you are searching for.†said a keen-eyed, leaeant-faced gentleman standing near er.- "Thank you. I was looking for the paper hearing date of the twentieth in- etantpit contained a. few society notes I should have liked to have_seen." As he spoke he exchanged a. mea‘ning look «with the clerk. and immediately ‘the paper was passed out. He handed it. to Evelyn with a. low bow. “Thank you. sir," she replied. Although the gentleman stepped around to the other side of the room, he noted with keen eyes which column she was segrehing. 'fhé.""sÂ¥xiile that flickered a moment round her lips showed him that she had found what she wanted. “ The awoï¬zxï¬bcfgtiï¬} ggwe'ntlemah stepped upijco the clerk's desk. - m . .. .‘ Jul “y “u. u.-- _ _«-_ †"give yovu n paper'of the twentieth?†he said carelessly. “It seems to be miss- lng fljom tht} ï¬l_e." ~_0h, cruel cityâ€"dark, mysterious cityâ€" where crime peeps forth with the setting sun and stalks boldly abroad under the dim, flickering light of the stars. “Anything could be done ‘in a, great wicked city like this," the voice. of the deadly tempter whispered to Evelyn St. Claire. ‘ l “I love him the‘ best," she muttered. hardening her heart. “Lat. me think what life would be worth to me without him. and let that thoughtï¬ecide me."_ uuu nvv vuwu u..u..,...u An hour later, Evelyn, wrap'ï¬ed in a long. dark circular and heavily, veiled, stole quietly out of. the house, quite un- observed. _ _ _ __ She hailed the nearest cab, and, with a few hurriedly whispered words of direc- tion to the driver, was soon whirling rap- idly over the streets of the city on be: fatal errand. .uuu. L um uuL “an: wnuo mun um†“Hm. That thought brought still another and darker to her brain, so dazed with the myflicting: tortures of intense jeailous‘y. “I will he'lmck before they have time to‘miss me," she muttered, sinking back an;an the cushignï¬.‘ _ Long and diligently Evelyn searched the ï¬le. Was fate conspiring against her ass}qu It yae n9t_there. -v ._â€"..V ,v..- .w...‘ Evelyn pretended todemur a'. little. but ended by accepting. It w†well her whips lidg drooped over her eyes, veiling then- btggnge glittgr. __ ._ . . .,n‘, When she found herself shut up in the solitude mid seclusion of her own cham- ber. 8119‘ gave full vent. to the terrible rage and despair that waged such dead- ly war in her heart. “Fate is playing against me," she stormed, “but I will del’gv fangxmd (push this girl: .v.., n..- ___. ~_, 7,.‘ “Gaynell in the city and Percy Gran- ville coming here to call upon the girl whom he rescued in the parkâ€"never dreaming it is she. Was there ever such an unaccountable attraction in fate be- fore? They are liable to meet any day -â€"a.ny moment; explanations would fol- low, and the old love _would sway the hearts of both; andâ€"and-he would break with me to wed his old love. "‘Oh, no, no!†she cried out. wildly, pressing her hands tightly over her throb- bing heart. and rocking herself to and fro. “I will kill them ï¬rst. I love him -I love' him!†she cried ï¬ercely. “and she shall not take him from me now. when I have every chance of winning him. I am not safe while @313 Gay lives."' vvu...vuuu .N-..u-v- v- _...~_,v _ For an hour or ,more she gazed out of the opgn window at the starlit sky; gazed without seeing aught but. the bean» tiful girlish face of Little Gay. The night deepened and darkened, spreading its sable wings ovprï¬he greaï¬c'ity. H The banker's wife pressed Evelyn to ac- cent. the hospitality of her home while shq_rema:ingd _in the_city. .mn. -..._...__-‘. .- .0..- .0-.. “You shall haventhe room opening oi! from, Gay’s," she said, “and we win try to__m§.ke your stay yen] pleasant." A- umâ€- L..L NA-DRU-CO LAXATIVES are. best for the children as well as the grownâ€"ups. 25c. a box M your druggist’s. laiional an: and chemical no. at 836"“!me For Wcal or for Woe; Because they act so gently (no purging or grlplng) yet so thoroughly ~ CHAPTER XXV.â€"â€"(Con_t'd) Or, A Dark for “Shine tonight. my pretty Gay!" she cried bitterly. “for you have to die era the day dawns. You were uncommonly pretty when you were only a little loom girl in the Passaic Cotton Millsâ€"now you are more beautiful than an houri! It would never do for you to meet my lover againâ€"he loved you onceâ€"he would adore you now." and involuntarily her hand crept to the fatal package concealed in her bosom. She could have told Evelyn of two dif- ferent proposals she had received that evening. and of two bitterly jealous rivals. bggvggeg whom a duel was imminent, be- éause eauti L11 pgttle Gay had waltzed twice with t 6 one, ng sung "Kathleen Mavoureen" to the ct er. or course, Gay gently refused them both; still, each of them declared that. he would win her if his rival was gentleman- ]y enough to give him fair play and cease forcing his attentions upon her. which Wqu cerï¬aiply updesjred. Thegirl's wondrous beauty_fairly took her breath away. The dark eyes glowed like midnight state. The lovely. curling hair fell about the little head in a. sheen of shining gold: the peachy, dimmed cheeks were flushed like the heart of a crimson flower, and the creamy tulle dress she wore. garnished here and there with waber-liliee. set of! the lovely arms and slender, graceful neck to their advantage, heightened by the necklace of gleaming peel-ls she wore: 7 , Evelyn St. Cldire hit her lip furiously under the mask of a. smile as she gazed at the lovely vision before her. “I am so sorry you are not. able to come down," said Gay, sympathetically. "I will come in when it is over, and give you a__perf99tragoount of it," .Shg wa'tched the slender ï¬gure but of 618M One of these handsome young fellows was Harry Chesleigh of Rosecliï¬', the other a dashing young military cadetâ€"â€" Hal Leslie. _ It was no. of them Gay was thinking as she song t her couch; it. was of Percy Granville, and she fell asleep wondering when he would make the call he had promised, and wondering how she would school her heart sumciently to keep from flinging herself in his arms and crying out, "Oh, my love, my love! I cannot meet you as a stranger! it is breaking my heart. Love me again, Ircannot live with- ing}, youl’fl The foot-mail who admitted her won- dered vaguely that Miss Guynell's guest should have gone out alone on the street, especially at night, she being a stran- ger in the city. too. He told this to Fan- “Y“1GEY'8 maidâ€"who had declared that. she fairly hated the n-irish blonds who ordered her around as if she was nobody, and hoppd “for goodpess sake she wasn’t to__remam longg’ There was to be a brilliant reception at the Remington mansion that night, but Evelyn pleaded a. severe headache as an exgusg fo_r _no_t going to the drayvillg-rpom. A tigerish ha-te swept. through Evelyn's very 'soul as her eyes vested upon Little Gay as she came into her room for a. moment before going down to welcome he_r_ anemia. When Gay came to her room that night, Evelyn feigned sleep, and Gay quitted the apartment with noiseless feet. and sogght he}: gwn bulldog. Fanny. Gay’s maid, had been engaged in putting the pretty cream dress and all of her things away; she turned the gas- jet low. and was just about to quit the boudoir, when the knob of the door turned with a, low, subdued click. and through the aperture glided the white ï¬gure of ’87. woman. 7 The maid 'stood among the. shadows of the window drapery and watched her curiously. muttering to herself: ’ “What is she about. I wonder? I'll stay here and see." “Iâ€"I almost think she bewiwhed me," murmured the clerk. ‘ffleavens! what a risk I run in letting her have that deadly drug-and by the Harry. I forgot. to take her name and address, too; what it any- thing should come of it," and a shudder passed over his frome. "Hello." he mut- tered. with a violent start, "whathas be- come of the fellow who was cleaning she showâ€"cases?" He glanced around in surpriseâ€"the old man was gone. ‘ Evelyn St. Claire regained her own room in. thg Remington mansion without being muse . ' “Do,"‘repiiéd"EQEEXE. Vigéiirn veiling the teEg-ible gliï¬tey i_n her gteel-plue eyes. Rememâ€"bering- the old man had said he was deaf, Evelyn did not take the pre- caution to lower her voice in the least. For a. moment. Evelyn St. Claire-401' h. was sheâ€"paused in the centre of the bum doir; and casting one quick keen glance “I’m deaf,†whined the old man; “if you will give me the job. nod your head. I‘ve a, wife and nine children to support. The clerk nodded his head in assent. to get rid of the old man; for as it happened the cam really did need polishing, and the latter went at the cases with a will aparently. ‘Wifue"Â¥ï¬gy 'Qve'ié' mung} ’féebl'e’bld man had entered the store, tottering up quiLe close to t_he haughty heirgag. 37111;)?" 'r’ésgoï¬déli'ihe am: “get out of hers quick, $9031 . "'A’t iénéih, 7inch Rim final drug in her posgegsiop, Evelyn leitï¬hq mare1 He was young and easily influenced, as many a. man has been before him, by the alluring blandiehments of a, beautiful girl. He was not proof against the bquty’s bgwjtching _ glancqs. “$3555 "wi'liTe'E 7112’ h‘Eï¬Ã©â€™Iï¬Ã© drug. won’t yo_u?'_’ persisj/ed Evelyn. “She must have the deadly drug at any cogt," she_ b91d_ herself. She laid one little white hand on his in her intense eagerness, and the thrilling, magical touch of those ï¬ngers made the blood leap through the bashful young clerk’s veins like electric ï¬re. m‘TPTég-xé lieNtPIâ€"Jié Iii-337$? Sigided Eve- lyn. her heart thrilling with exultatxon, as she noticed he was ngeriqg. ‘V‘r'wraï¬tjroï¬l; éhowâ€"casés c-Ieanedj’†he in- qmysd, m a crgckeq whjnipg ymce, “ 'I‘lié' ciér’l‘xV'waé £65616 afxid Emmy-heart- edâ€"it was the hardest. task he had ever dggettefqaiggjhis sgylish young-lady. "Why need you mention it to the pro- prietor, then?†she questioned innocent- ly; “he need not know of it. You look so kind andâ€"and accommodating, surely you cannot ï¬nd it in your heart. to re- fuse me. Iâ€"I want it to touch up an old painting? “AftetV ali. she Qï¬iï¬gdfitï¬ for such a hagglless pbject,†_he tqld__ 11i_rm;e‘flfz ‘ Kidd sEéricrélriiconséiBu's of what he was dgiflgfwhjte to the vggy lipsâ€"1E6 ‘ojaeyqd‘. 7-8116 turned her blue eyes upon him say- in_g_ plegdingly: ‘ . "A3131 1E5Ea‘iï¬iéé tie’lb'vfely' blue'eyea gazing up iyto his own: Temptation "Eklyâ€"nhlooï¬evdiï¬thihe young clerk; if 921,6 could but, coax him to let her have 1 . “Oh, if you would but make an excep- tion in this case for me, sir. I should be very much obliged,†persisted Evelyn, in 510w yoipe, “I want}; 30_ 11111011,â€. He. blushetiafuriously {Ed'ei‘ï¬tiï¬eiï¬rr'er of gler dbright. eyes, and was terribly cou- use . ‘ “If 'it was my store. you should have it 111 a minute.†he said. “The prepriebor is more than strict. I must rrefruge you." CHAPTER XXVI. “Oh, where am I?" she cried, in pre- tended bewilderment. "I pray you to for- give me,†she went on, wringing her jeweled hands imploringly together. "I must have fallen into my habit of sleep- wglkiqgr. I’m 11} some_b_o:_1y’§ room.'_’ “biévéflyrixs bvélyn had played her little game, she had not succeeded in deceiv- ing the servipg-tpaid._ A "I’m not to be du ed in‘ that way, miss." she retorted blunt y. “I have heard of people walking about in their sleep, many a time before.†whispered the girl. sig- niflcantly, "but, I have never heard of a somnambulist doing what; you attempted to do to-night,’:_§h§ added. She drew back with a suppressed scream ~yawningâ€"and opening her blue eyes in the__most_ natural glyjprise. very wide. about her, she detected the faint outlines of the slender, girlish form resting upon mgglwe-drapeg couch. One grain from the vial. shook between those crimson lips, would produce instant death. Evelyn St. Claire nerved herself for her dastardly workâ€"again the voice of Jealousy urged her on as she hesitat- edâ€"~wl_1ile_Ga_y’g__young life wia,s_at»s>tak§. Again the briliant powder flashed in the dim light, but in that thrilling moment a. strong arm hurled Evelyn St. Claire back. and Fanny, the faithful maid. sprinng between Evelyn and/her innocent v1c 1m. In that moment the daring bravery of the guilty heiress asserted itself, as she found herself so suddenly and unexpect- ed}y cornergd. _ "Quick Vaswthorligrht'shre exuecute'd her bold scheme. 7 By tï¬is time thermaid Had turned on a flogd of_ gaslight: "Your time has come, Gay Esterbrook, or Gay Remington, whichever you ma. choose to call yourself." she muttere , clinching her jeweled hands‘deep into the folds of her dress, as she glided swiftly toward the couch with a. devilish gleam in_her»steel-7blug eyes. "it: Wis welrlwthat she had planned what. she should do In a. case of emergency, 1! she were demoted entering Gay's» roo_m._ Evelyn SLWClaï¬x-Veflgarzéd on tï¬Ã©wge'autiful face with the intense rage of a. ï¬end in- carnate. ' "You have crossed my path again, girl,†she muttered, "and now you must die for it.†She drew the vial from her pocket and held it, up for an instant toward the gas- jet. It was of slightly greenish hue, and seemed to emit a. thousand rays of spark- ling tongues of ï¬re. then changinz‘to pur- ple_apd b_1ue 1i_ke tile flgmepfuafligmong. "Take that, Gay Esterbrook," she hissed, swiftly unoorkiug the vial and holding it close to the unconscious sleeper’s nos- trils. A pungent odor swept through the boudoirâ€"one breath of which had looked Gai's senses in a stupor before she could wa en. Gay lay with her head resting upon her am. No warning of the awful danger that menwed her flitbed through her dreams. If it had not been for her gentle breath- ing Little Gay would have looked like a. beautiful statue carved in marble. I" (0:40 irem." A never "’1'; gmi . {or Group and Whoopxpg Cough. (Allin! fella “Willy: wli’a-tr'did I try to do,†returned CANADA now Ldoes a largerunew life aSsï¬rance business than any other company incorporated in the British Empire. ’ The SUN LIFE OF CANADA now occupies the premier position among Canadian Life Assurance Companies. Outside of Comganies issuing indggtrial policies: the SU‘N LIFE ROBERTSON MAGA'JLAY, President. are as follows : The leading features of the Directors’ Report for 1912, as presented to the Annnal Meeting of the Company, held In Montreal, March 4th, 1913, SUN LIFE ADDED TO SURPLUS during 1912 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614,008.09 TOTAL SURPLUS 31st December, 1912, over all liabili- 5,331,081.82 ideas and capital, (according to ~the Compan ’5 Standard, viz., for assurances, the Om. (5) Tab 0, with 3% and 3 per cent. interest, and, for annuiâ€" ‘ .6 ties, the B. 0. Select Annuity Tables, with 3% per cent. interest) DEATH CIAIMS, Matured Endowments, Proï¬ts, during 1912 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAYMENTS rho Policykhollderrs since organization . . NEW BUSINESS (paid {pr in cash) du‘ring 1912 .. Increase over 1911 . . . . . ASSURANCES IN FORCE ASSETS as at 3181; December, 1912 . . . . . . . . . Increase over 1911 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROFITS PAID to Policyholders in 1912 ................... CASH INCOME from Increase over 1911 . ‘. . . . . in 1912 . . . . . . . . Increase over 1911 . 1872. 1892. 1902...‘ 1912. . Year. There are women who possess the dead- ly, magnetic fascination of a serpent over their fellow-creatures. and Evelyn was one of them; she held the girl spell-bound under her 0001. rkeenr eyes. w'i‘heflxï¬aid, who had never been able to scrape twenty-ï¬ve hard-earned dollars to- gether in her whole life. fairly gasped at the stupendous offer of the great heir- esa. Who can blame her that she wavered, and that at last. dearly as she loved poor Gay, the promise of so much gold for simply writing a. few word»; and holding her tongue, overcame her scruples? Evmnr St. Claire rapidly wrote out a few lines, and the thoughtless maid, too dazed and dazzled by the heap of bills on the table. took uy the pen and signed her name to the document, without. stop- piflg to read it 9Ver. “I mean it," said Evelyn StuCIaire; "write a few words which I will dictate and it will earn for you a. thousand dollars cash.†“You tried to murder Miss Gay.†re- turned the girl sharply. “She would have geen a corpse by now if I hadn’t been eve." Evelyn recoiled with a. hoarse cry. "It is false!" she stammered. "If you dare amuse me of such a. thing, girl. I will swear upon my oath that. it was you who attempted to destroy your young heiress, my; 1: rushpq i‘nï¬o prevept yoq.†“Be Wiseï¬Ã©irl: make terms with me; say nothing of what has occurred to-uight; give me your written pledge you will not, and I will pay you down a thousand dol- lars cash."- WXVthoiï¬Ã©anidï¬ï¬‚'oI’lzii‘rsl V'VVas ever such a temptation offered a poor girl who knew soiwell the fugue va_1ue of monpy? The faithful maid fairly gasped at the depth and extent of this fair flend’a atrocious wickedness. Evelyn saw her advantage and followed itrgp swiftly. _ Evelyn, turning white, still pretending mulled w9n_de;‘. ASSURANCE COMPANY Héaven help her! she little dreamed an a sealed le_ad pgckage of Ceylon Tea, is your safeguard aid guarantee. _ f‘SALADA†means freshness, purity, exquixsite2 aroma, delightful flavor. “SALADA†means purity, healthfulness, satis-‘l faction. 46,210.93 1,105,680.43 3,661.509.34 12,833,081.“ The Company’s Growth : Income Premiums, YOUR EUARANTEE OF QUALITY * MONTREAL. Blst December, 1912 Head 0mm 96,461.95 3,403,700.88 $5,480,272.88 4930551349 entitled to participate Interest Assets BLAGK. GREEN or MIXED Rents, OF CANADA Llfo Assurancu In Foroo s 1.064.350.00 23.901.047.00 67.131.602.00 132,732,420m T. B. MAGAULAV, managing nlrector and Secremry. ... . $49,605,616.49 . . . 5,704,730.51 She threw herself down into a. oushion- ed chair by the window, and all thro h the wearyhoure of the long night thong (a over plots and plans against the life of 113411885 99y. _ _ -u .. .. 4,732,463.29 $4,402,734.66 .. $0,814,409.64 , 4,377,628745 . . $2,732,420.00 18,160,347.00 that she had signed a. so-oalled confeso ston. setting forth that she herself had attempted to take the life of beautiful Gay, and that she had been frustrated by Migg $3.. Qlairq, a guegt in yhe houselr .‘ _..r..-~.., “w†v “The girl seems to bear a charmed life,"‘ she muttered; "but. my next attempt shall. not meet with such dire failure.†"Ha!" thought Evelyn St. Claire tri- umphantly. “in the future, when this girl grows weary of keeping my secret, this will silence her!" ‘ - It's the CLEANEST. SIMPLEST. mi BEST HOME DYE, one can buy--Why you don't even [ï¬ve to know what KIND of CXoth your Good- nre nude of.--So Mlnnkes urg Impossible. Send for Free Color: Card. Story Booklet. Ind Booklet giving results 0! Dyeing over other colon. Tho JOHNSON-RICHARDSON (10.. Limited. Mammal. Canada. 12,338;081.60 1,775,746.08 691,975.84 614,008.09 \4