Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Mar 1913, p. 4

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37-4 37-3 37-tf A House and '1 acre of land with sotb and hardxwate'r and fruit trees, abgjat g mileflorth'nf-Vicbm'ia. Square. GEORGE A. McOAGUE. Quantity of Cabbage. Patsnips. 'Red Carrots. White Field Carrots, Table Beets, Mungels. Pure bred Sheppard Ancanas $1 for 13 “ “ Corning thte Leghorns .- - $1.50 for 1'3 'f “ White Leghotns, (Gala Strmn) - $1,00fi0r213 â€" ORDER NOW ~. Appr Tim Milli Row“ is ’afmost to‘the lettei' fiche- WW 3313 whim Afléance ffdi' ling? “if ’tbev do *not ‘W‘gfimmfiffifill ‘show ebhclus- >ivayrmfi'fiméy 2are: prepared to sink {m’mranee ikprincifi'les on ac- wflwpmymfim. ' Hatching Eggs for Sale *IRELAND-‘Ab the residence of his son Alfred, near Unionville, on Saturday. ,March 8, 1913, Samuel Ireland, in his 94th Year. Interment; in King City Cemetery on Tuesday. CHAPMAN â€"- At, his late residence. Thm-nhill, on Wednesday, March 12. 1913, Isaac Chapman Esq. in his 89th year. Funeral Friday. March 14, at 3 ‘p.m. Friends and relatives kindly accept «this intimation. Please omit flowers._ . hagflfinmunion will be celebrated fin‘Zi‘ 'n’s Ev. Lutheran church next Sunday morning. Preparatory serl “Vices on Saturday, 2 P. M. This Will he the pastor’s last; service while in chm-are of this congregation. He has accepted a. call to St. Paul’s Lutheran church. Gander-sport, Pa., where he will begin ygwk phenhgxhsinghy; BIRTHS. HOPPERâ€"At Downsview, on Thurs- day. March 6. 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hopper, a. daughter. Sunday School will be held in'Zion’s church each.Sunday, although there is _no regular pastel; About 60 bushels eaLrly seed peas. Apply w. H. WELLMAN. _ The cartoon in Monday’s Worla ‘éhows M11. Wfilimweli making love "to é"a. young My, "the “Dominion "Ailianmg” Elia ‘question asked is: Wm. am: mange puny ‘whleh é‘uppefizéé mifitfiven's Abolish the Bar Eafifiey Hall 'a'WBek or tw‘ewagbg, "gb’fiéék on him on- election dasy'jln _No more striking proof of the popularity of the leader of the Op- position in Ontario could be given than the amazingly large érowd that filled every gallery and spot of vantage in the Legislature last week ‘when Mr. Rowell made his speech on the Abolish the Bar policy‘. Visitors were present from all barts of the province, and unfortunately some Were unable to gain admittance at all. Half an hour before the House opened every gallery was crowded and many people had to stand. On‘e Cf the significant incidents ‘w'as Sir James Whitney's anxiety :th at there ’should be no applause. When Mr. Rowen rose to speack some Universi- ‘ty men in the-gallery began to ap- ‘ {plauda Sir James was on his feet in an instant and. wanted it to be dis- 'tinctly understood that no hand- blapping or demonstration of any kind would be tolerated the visitore'ofi tile Hofisez- RXCHMOND HILL. ONL. MAR. 13, 1913 Wt: fiiheml. ForVSale or. Rent For Sale For Sale WWood. Lot 16. Gun. 3, Markham. I‘ DEATHS A. KNIGHTS, F. H. TODD. Richmond Hill. Victo’ria Square, Richmond Hill. A good house, 9 rooms, with one acre of land, for sale m the village of Sher- wood. Good stable and other outbuild- ings. Half of the lot is orchard. Ex- cellent well of water. Close by Post Office. MARK BADGER, 36-4 Sherwood. 30- tf. Good frame house and lot for sale in the village of Maple. Possession given at once. I " - Brick House with one acre of land in the Viilnge of Headtord. Stable and Driving Shed. 354,5 into every poultry yard in Richmond Hill and district. Price $2.00 per set- ting. guaranteed fertile after April lst. Only a limited number for sale, so act quickly, book your order miw, 25c. de- posit per setting. Next Week may be too late. I want'to introduce my great «flying strain of SILVER CAMPINES Lot. 28. Con. 3, Vuugfi 1050 Maple Exchange. 35-tf Phone 2950 Maple Exchange. 50 Bags of early Potatoes. Eureka. 50 bags of late Potatoes. Nuxnll. This will be a good chance to get pure seed. Also a quantity of eating potatoes. c. H. JONES,” Orders now being taken for pring delivery, 1913. Prospects bright for; the season’s trade. Experience unnecessary. We instruct our salesmen how to 9911 Fruit Stocks in the country and Ornamental trees 1n the town. START NOW and have your territory reserved. \Veekiy Pay. Free OuLfit. WRITE FOR TERMS. Chance of a Lifetime A Fresh Milk Cow for, sale. Applv W M. CLEMENT. “ All letters from Canada must be addressed to our ‘ r m Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Out. If you desire to See us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofices which are used fol1 torrespondence and Labbratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: KENNEDY 6’: KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. “74“ r-.. AHA ,s, Write for our private address. CONSULTATION FREE: Books Free on Diseaiea of Man. U unabl- IO c911. write for a Question Blank for HOME TBEATDIENT . We Tm: an&,_Cgre,VAR1coss VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD “and. URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dis- ease: and an Diseases Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATIOI‘LEEEE, Books Free on Diseas'en of Men. If unabl- Ia cn". writ: dare not marry; if you aremarried and live in d How many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeed§; "Sowing theif "wild Oats’ ’ in various ways. Excesses, violation of na- ture’s laws, “wine, women ‘ and song”â€"all have their victims. L Y,‘ou have re- formed. but what about the seed you have sown-wl1at about the harvest? Don‘t trust to luck. If you at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by fleg’rees; if you ’are Suf- fering from the results of past indiscretions; if your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you read of symptoms breaking an. 04»â€" out 'and exposing your past: if you are suffering as the result of a misspent lifeâ€"DES. K. &. K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay you? fase before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you ire curable. SOWING HIS WELD OATS WALTER H. WATSON. Mill Street. Rlchmond: Hill. STONE 8a ELLINGTON. For Sale For Sale A’GENT WANTED Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold SLI, Detroit, Mich. To Rem; For Sate For Sale Apply tq FONTHILL NURSERIES REAPING A HARVEST 0F SORROW 5P. THOMSON, -RICHMOND HILL To sell for the “The Old Reliable” you CAN PAY WHEN ' CURED J. I‘. SAIGEON, Headford . Hope PM.) Maple an. The lowest; 01' any tender not nec‘ essagilyflccspted. Applications for the position of Liâ€" brarian for the Richmond Hill Public Library will be received at; the ’Clerk’a office, by Mr. A. J. Hume. on or be- fore 4 p. m. on Tuesday, March 18, 1913. ' Four room Cottage at Victoria. Squaw; Tenaers for Li- . "brarian. 32 t-f On lst Concession of Vaughan, lot 38. Thirty-four acres. good rough cast house. new stone foundation, barn, new hen house, pig pen, young orchard ,just beginning to l)ear.;plen:ty-of water. Suitable for poultry farm or market gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutes Walkto Metropolitan car. Small Farm for Sale Monuments. Markers and Comer ’Pusts. 51-3 m. In Max-bale» 01' Gran'ftv. *Gond wm‘k. reasonable charges. Town or Country. Write, W. A. iJONES, 35-tf The following‘wlll ‘he sold by private sale:â€"60 Yds. all woo! carpet, Chenille curtains-and table cloths, parlor table. new'm‘gan stool, music rack, fern box with zinc fray. walnut dining mom chairs, kitchen chairs, kitchen cup- board, 1 large clock. lawn seat and chair, 1 box stove, 1 Washingtungmte stove, pictures, lumps, &c. Tombstone W". H. PUGSLEY. Chairman of Library Boardt House to Rent Apply on premises or'to H. APPLETQN, For Sale 22 Buchana'n Sp, MRS. CLARK. Centre St. West. Lettering L. B. HEISF. Can-ville. Tbrontn "i The Weekly Sun tbwns and villages Daily News Daily Star, outside of Daily Globe, York Co. Farmer’s Advocate Canadian Farm Daily Mail, Yoxk CO. Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with "The Liberal” at the following rates:â€";â€" I Family Herald and Week- ly Star, l’year Weekly Globe I - Weekly. Mail and Empire 1 7f 86 Dominion Poultry Guide, a t) â€"â€"AGENCY~â€"h J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. REAL ESTATE MA‘NAGER VILLAGE AND ‘FARM PROPERTY AIsXVAYS ON HAND. Phosphonol resgores eveiynervg in the body _ A to xts proper tensxon Heston: vim and vltalfty. fPrgmature decay and all sexual weakness avened at Phlosphonol will make on a new man. Price 83 abox. or two, {91' £5. ailed to any addfssg. The Scobell W nA n_n_-__._-_ . 56.. i£;'éicfiiiihéifbni MUVN & C(J;.'hf this SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN COD "mun to an! m: :«ulicimrs in: D’guerfln. Cuveuta 'I‘rudl \inrks. Clmynuhts. for the Lsnibed Santos. Canada. flunk-ml, r mm‘ -. barman y, ew. H: '1 Book about P- ma newt r. “Th-in 'experiepce Electric Restorer for Men Patenls ouvninxeutt]nu 2 1M NN & C0. are noticed a the SCKENTIF‘IC AMERICAN. the largest. Lea. and 'umt widely circulated scientific paper. $3.203 yea: Voekly. 'Splnndid enmvinzs and Interesting m, "amnion. Speclmon copy of the Halt-In flc Amer- -r.nn sent {res-u Addronn MUNN A: 3 .. elm-rm:- MIBICAN Gilles. 26] Broudwny. New York. Every family should have both ’ their local paper and a. city paper. RICHMOND HILL One copy of Webster-’5 New Inter- national Dictionary. This is not; In revised edition of Webster. but a. new 'croation from cover-t0 cover. There are 2700 pagos. 6000 illustrations. and the volume contains mote information of interést to more people than any lather dictionary. The copy for sale is indexed, and the leather binding should lash a lifetime. 'l‘he.publislier"s {price is $13.00, less a discount of 25 1 per cent. . 4:3-t.f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE The Next Sitting of Diwsmn Court to No. 3, County of York,rwill be held In the Court Room. RICH’MGNfi EHLL fliVISIGN - 88587. A. J. HUME FINE TAiLfifiiifi RATES Monday, April 21, 1913. Cnmmenmmz at 9.30 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK AND NOTARY PTjBLI'C RICHMOND HILL Leases. Wills, Etc. Special attentinn ‘gf‘fiin h) CouVeyan'cin'g, Pressmg Cleanmg Regairing Enquire at For Saie 2.40 1.90 3.50 3.50 2.50 50 1.75

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