The students in training fm'rbeachers *at the Normal Sulmoléhawe cummenced visiting the rural Public Schools in the Wicinity of Toronto. This week fgm‘ rstudents are at; York Mills school. font- at Willuwdalegfuur at Newton Brook. ifour at; Thornhill, four at Laugstalf and four at Jefferson. The students sat Langstelfl’ me Miss Geru'ude Den-y, Miss' Helen Edmison, Miss Myrtle HDuwn and Miss MaymeDonncllv. Miss Viblet Smith and Miss Irene McMahon were captains ata spelling «smutchat the Epwurth Lmngue Mun- day evening. The former’s side well after a shal p contest. The words were takenvfnnu the ï¬rst book of Samuel. ers‘. Swibzer and Miss Mary Trench were still on the floor after thelzlst opponent had fallen in the opposite side. The Public Library Board met; Tues- day evening to receive applications for 45119 position of Librarian. T“ o tenders were received, but the Board decided to extend the time for receiving appli- cations up till Tuesday of next week. The :Bonld Will meet, Tuesday even- ing in the Library room to again con- sider applications. At the last meeting (ff the village council Mr. W. J. Lawrence of the Richmond Hill Green House. present owner of the Palmer farm, offered to give a. strip of his property, eight. feet Wide along his property on the east Gideof Church street, if the council would widen Chm-ch street; eight; feet on the west side, from ' Lorne Avenue to the southernslimib of the conpora‘ vtion. Last Sunday being Quarterly Tem- perance Sunday, Mr. Alderwood, a student from VVyclifl'e College gave a short address in both the Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday Schnnls, un- derï¬he auspices of the W.C.T.U. Mr. F. '1‘. Graham also gave a. short ud- dress. Mrs. David McKenzie a few days ago 1-eceiwdfmm the Domininn Gov- ermenb a cheque tor $100. her late .husband having served at the time of the Fenian RAM in 1866. Dr. Pentland ’who conductad the correspondence. “was greatly assisted by Capt. T. G. ’Wallace, M. P. for this ruling. A meeting of the Rxchmond Hill branch of the Milk Producer-5’ Associ- ation will be held at the Palmer House me!“ Monday evening at 8 o’clock. All interested are requested to attend. Mr. H. R. Heise of Gm-mley who is visiting in Various parts of the United States is at present engaged in a. series nf church meetings at his brother’s in Brown County. Kansas; At the Methodist Sunday School Irene Thompson and George Wiley werepresenbed each with a. nice book for having collected last year the larg- est amount; of money for the mission- ary fund. Smoked herrings 20c; box; VVethey’s mince meat 100, package; Beusdorps Royal Dutch Coca 25c. tin; Choice coffee 400. 1b.; Extra. Choice Blended Tea, Ceylon and India. 55 and We. lb. Atkinson & Switzer. Corsets that ï¬t, without; discomfort, at reasonable prices 756., $1.00 and $1.25. They are of good quality and perfect form. Moire pad hose support- ers 250., Children's white hose sup- porters 200. Atkinson &-Switvzer. The Faculty of Education, Toronto. ipiayed a hockey match with the Rich- mond Hillrseven Tuesday evening. the visitors carrying off the laurels. The ice was too soft for good play. The Directors of the Agricultural Society met: yesterday afternoon. revised the prize list, appointed judges Mid committees for the Annual Fair to be held on the 24th of May. Manv of our citizens called upon Mrs. Maxwell on Munday.and extend- ed their congratulations on her 108th birthday. Mrs. Maxwell is enjoying fairly good health. The Thornhill Hockey team won from Bedfurd Park Thursday evening by 11â€"3. They also defeated St. Marys A. A. Monday evening by 12â€"3. Rev. E. C. Curriewwas n‘ywms-fnltod h the Tomntn Presbytery a ()mmnissiner in the next General Assembly. Just to hand a shipment of the cele- brated Crnm’s prints. Call and see the new patterns. Atkinson & Switzer. The Methodist Church Missum Band will meet Monday next, 17th March. Everybody cume and bring someone else with you, RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. MAR. 13, 1913 Specialâ€"This week only. Best gran- ulated sugarin 100le "bags at $4.75 aim/e cashyâ€"Naughton Bum, Elgin Mills. Specialâ€"400 lbs best granulated sugar for- $4.75 {9131‘ bag, this week ouly.â€"\V. 0. Savage, Lm-ne Block. @112 gamut L()CAIJS ‘ny. , The ï¬nal game was played .in the Newmurket rim-k Friday evening when Aurora defeated Sutton by a score 0f 12 to 8.’ thus winning them-nphy to be presented by the management, ‘of the Metropolitan Railway. There were a. number of strong teams in the league which adds to the glory of the winners. stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop‘s Croup Remedy. One test will surely prove. No vomitin no dis~ mes. A safe andpleasiug syrupâ€"50c. gsmggista. The ï¬ne was (mid. The Magistrate gave warning to others, laying down Lheiaw $0 HIP“). It, is in he hoped that this will be a Warmingâ€"New- market; Express Hem-Id. Saturday last, the premises anohn Milton was raided by the Inspector and a keg of beer was fauvnd" 0n VVednesdny, he was brought hefnre Police Magistrate Bruntun on the charge of selling qunm- without: 'a li- cense and was ï¬ned $100. 00 and costs. The week day services in St. Mary‘s church during the lenten season have been interesting and instructive. The address last, Friday evening by Rev. G. Paterson Smyth. of St. Aldun’s Oath- edrul, Toronto, was based on the ï¬rst; seven verses of Luke 15. The address last; evening was equally helpful. The preacher was Rev. C. J. Jame‘s, Church of the Redeemer, Toronto. Next “(Ted- nesday evening the address will be given by Ven. Archdeacon \Vurz'en, M.A.. of Toronto. Twn rinks of the Toronto Granites came up Saturday, and played matches afternoon and evening with our curl- ers. The home links were successful on both occassions. The visitors were entertained at'the Rustic’lnn. The followmg skipped the games:â€" Granites Richmond Hill Mr. Beattv 10 Mr. B0er 16 Mr. Gray 9 Mr. Cowie 17 Mr- Beattv 16 ; Mr. Wilev 9 Mr. Gray 7 j Mr. Pratt 17 The home rinks won out. by points. Last Monday’s Evening Telegram contained photograveurs of twu nfnul‘ esteemed citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eyer, taken on their wedding day, 50 years ago, also ,phgbagmvelu-s as they were lastweék when they celebrated their Golden Wedding. The pictures were accompanied by a column article giving a sketch of the family fxom the time Mr. Eyer’s father came over with the United Empire Luyalisls. A glance. at the pictures will prove that well as Mr. and Mrs. Eyer lucked 50 years .ago, they haverimprm'ed as the years go by. ' The regular monthly meeting of Richmond Lodge. Adi: & A.M. will be held next Monday evening when the chairs will be ï¬lled by the following P.M’s.:-â€" A cungregntinnal sncial will he held on next, \Vednesday evening at 8 o’clock. The Ladies‘ Aid, Guild and Sunday School are co-operating in this and its success is assured. All the congregation is invited and a par- ticular insulin is extended mall recent Corners and comparative strangers in the congx-Pgntinn.v An informal pro- gram will be given and refreshments will he served. All are asked to be present inatheir most genial mood. The chmr will meet: for practice on Thursday eveningntS o’clock at the home of Mr. J. Earle Newtnn. A number- of new members have been added and the choir assumes the digâ€" nityn'fvan grganization with Presi- daft. Vice Pres., Secretary, Treasurm- and lerm'inn. The more favorable weather of last Sunday made quite a. diï¬erence in the Church attendance which we hope may be maintained. Waterloo. As Mr. Rubineuedvci’ined to accept, the honor. Hun. Mackenzie- King received the unanimous nomina- tion as Liberal standard bearer at, the Next, Dominion election. Rousing and inspiring speeches were- given by Mr. Robinetm, the Candidate, Dr. Michael Clark. M» P. and 'O‘Lhers. Naturally the principal subject; of dis- cussiun was the Government, Navy Bill. Everybody preseth was im- presssd with the idea that, Mr. King is one of the strongest. candidates that, could he placed in any riding, at, the. present, time. MACKEE‘ZEE KING FUR NORTH YORK. Quite a number of the citizens of Richmond Hill and vicinity went; to Newman-km Saturday to listen. to the speeches at the Liberal Convention for North Ymke The Town Hall WM crowded to the doors and hundreds were turned away, Another meeting, huwvver. was held in the same place in the. evenin . Thelwo nominations made were ‘. C. Robinette, K. 0.. who contested the riding unsuccess- fully in Sept; 1911. and Hun. Macken- zie King, formerly M. ‘P. fox: North ur~ . W. Bro._ AURORA THE WINNERS 50 YEARS AGO AND NOW. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PA ST M ASTER'S NIGHT. ST. MARY'S CHURCH. FRIENDLY GAMES FINED $100. 00. Byrup, LP. M. Legze. W.M. Hill. S.VV. McMahon, 1W. Newton, Secy. Nuvbery, S.D. Nicholls. J.D. Savage, 8.8. Lennon, JYS. Trench, LG. Shaw, Tyler. ‘ Two Hundred Bushels 0.A.C. No. 21 -B;u Ivy. hand-picked in the ï¬eld. Prixe 80 cents per hushvl. Phnne Thm nh‘ilL 36-3 (if Thoroughbred Holstein Bun, (m th 29. (Jun. 2, V-uughan. Tenus $1 cash. . §OHN SLINEY. Elgin Mills. 9') 44¢ Begs to announce the early @ Single Fare FOR THE ROUND TRIP Wednesday, March 19. 1913 EVERYBODY WEiCGME Fol-Tickets and all information ap- ply to anal Agput. . w .. rap»- - fmmd this advertisement. There are two diffewnt; sizfAs: The lax-gur one ( “it by 6 inches) has hem] rr-duucd tn nnly $ 2.00 from [ht-I origin- :II price of $ )0. 00 and the smaller-one (4 by 8.) from $ 5. 00 Lu but une (1. 00 Dullnr in nnler (u enable every ChlS- tin" Family to have one in their hnme. 'l‘lwse prices will hold gnod only my 1 A .‘..:l 1. April. V-“ feet is everlu'sLing. The greatvst wnrk (If art ever known to sciencv. It is in- deed a. glorious and most. preciuus article (If true devotiun. Science his lung bven puzzled at this mysterious work of ant. nuilnd t0 Ihe ()x-nss, a beautiful and mm'vvluus wm-k uf art, that, has mys~ lil'ivd the whole avm-ld with its start- ling lIIH-llHUHS-Pfft-‘L‘t. which is even-lust: mg. 'l‘hvfigl'x‘renf Christ as well as the cross itwlf are nf imitation marble nmlwial. shmving \VHI'I‘Ein duvlight and in :l GLORIOUS. llTlMannR The most nmrn-Ivus mystic wonder of the twentie-Lh C(‘htlll'Y. Our S21 vinm‘ and in a GLOH‘iOUS, ’IZ’U'M'J'N'dBé: MYSTIC LIGHT at NIGHT IN THE DARgK 1+:s’1j ROOM. The luminous ef- Easter Present . The Mysterious, Luminous Crucifix _0R._ The Cross at __- 0F_ Trimmed andUntrimmed HATS, FLOWERS, LAUES ‘ RIBBON-S. SILKS, -â€"ANBâ€" FEATHERS 'FEIOIlNHIIJ 14 frnm Mar“ 23H] fulluwing Easter, merges into our Summer Tvrm in all Dew-r1 Ini'llls (If “Shaw's Sulnmls'" TUI'UIHUA~C(‘n11ill. Busi- lwss Cullng will) an- CiLy Bl‘illll'h Schnnls, The Central Talo- graph and Railroad Svhonl, and Shaw’s Civil Sm vive Schnnl. FI'N’ mtnlngnv explains cmn‘svs and advantages. \Vc invite you to Write for it. “7. H. Shaw, Presi- dent. Hmd Offices. Yhnge & Gerrard Sts,, Toronto. Seed Grain for Sale Goad gwing March 20. 2|. 22 and?! Returning 26, between all stations on the Pleas") mention paper in which you 1...,1 5L2 . MRS. SHUTER SPRIN CANANAN NGRTHERN ONTARIO . CENTRAL ONTARAO and ‘ BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAYS A. Netkow 832 Yonge 313., TORONTO, ONT. For Service MOST BEAUTIFUL 7G 310.. ‘GQWER. EG OPENING -v Easter Eternal Light To PATENT flood ma: may be secured by our aid. Addreu, THE ° ' 'ENT RECORD, flaw-tore, 'ld “\Villowdztlm w»wowowmnounnn 009§¢§¢¢§§§§§O§§§§§¢Q§§§§t 00090§§+§§§+§§§§§NQO§§§§O 04WOQ§§§§§§+M§¢§Q§+¢+§§§O AAAAAAAA‘AAA CQME AND SEE ME, I CAN INTEREST YOU. These Lots’will undoubtedly {go up in value before year is out. Get in on Ground Floor. “muoowwommnoM«wwwwwwowouwk A P P L Y VVVVVVVVVVVY RAAAAAAAA §§*§§§§OQQ§¢§§§+§§§OQ¢O¢4§§¢§§§§§§§§¢§*§§§§¢§§§§§ New sub-division in the ï¬nest residential section of Village of Richmond Hill. WIDE STREETSâ€"All 66 Feet. iAtkinson & Switzer § RICHMOND HILL PHONE 12 +W++~i ++++++++++d4+++ ~l-++’§"§'+*}'+m ++++++¢++4°$$+¢403 3'. Clark's corned Beef. 1 lb. Lin 1: Kippm-ed Herring. tin . . . . . . . I; Lobster, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ McCunachie's Chow-Chow, h0t....l7 I McConachie’s small Onions, but...20 '4' Cnh()ts.clm\v-chow 8: mx’d pickles 20 Heinz Tomato Cutsle . . . . . . . . . . L5 ï¬++++++++++¢+*+* +++$++°§++~2¢++$++++$$+iflnÂ¥++ '? ++++++++++Â¥ NoveIï¬es in Ladies’ Collars and Neckwear, Men’s Shiris - and Ties, 8m. REAL ESTATE AGENT. E D VVYYWVVWVVVVVVVWVVVVVVV VWYVV‘WYVW 'VVVVVVV VVVVV, ++++++++M+Néé+¢+fl+++¢++ F++++%+%Z§-+%+++++¢++++++* EASTER GOODS Insurance Agent For Lender: Mutual Fire 1118, C0. British America. Fire Ce Aoaéia, Fire Insurance 00. â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" Yorkshire Live Sta-003:: Ins. Co. DEEP LOTS~Well Drained. Only One Minute from Metropolitan Railway Station The best investment in the Village. All Streets will be lighted by Electric Light, Roads kept up by Village, and Sidewalks put down. Don’t miss this Opportunity to get a Lot while Prigeis Cheap, $1.00 per foot down and balance on very Easy Terms. Now is your chance to get a. Home of Your Own. Roseview Gardens. N. ’3', GLASS Armand Savage Cambx-ic Corset Gaver Embroidery, 15 in. wide, y White Dress Muslin with Lace Stripe, 26 in. wide, White Cross Bas- Mrmflingm in. wide, yd.. . . . .. . White Butcher’s Linen, 36 in.. even thread. yd . June Roses, Swovt Violets, Wild Rose, Scakesm b0x..15 Blue Bell, and VVItch Hazel. 3 cakes. box . . . . . V . . . . . 25 Lilac and Rose ‘Glycerine. cake . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Box uf6 large cakes .. . fl WAGENT-â€"â€" RICE1M()N I) IIIIJL. WE SHOW A LARGE RANGE OF Le uress Muslm with Lace Stripe, 26 in. wide, vd.10 te Cross BM- Maï¬in,'27 in. wide, yd... . . . . . . . . . .15 te Butcher’s Linen, 36 in.. even thread, yd . 25 7,. 0‘. amt] Peri Lush-a Embroidery Cotton. in stock Catsup and Pickles Canned Goods Tailet Soaps Dry Goods Snrd‘inea', King Oscar Brand Heinz Tomato Soup. . . .. . . .. Heinz Baked Beans . . . . . . . Heinz prepm'pd Mustard Mnnznnillu Olives L Peanut Butter. bottle. . . Raspberry Jam, jar- . . . . . . wide, yd...30 "' ++++++++++F 20 32