"Woman is the vine and man is ithe sturdy oak. Have you a sturdy oak to cling to?†i ,quialyistéps corghs. cures colds. ’-the throat and lungs. :: :: “Naw,†inswered the washwo- man, “my sturdy oak turned out to be a poor stick.†System Used in Mexico to Separate ‘ the Metal. It was at Paohuca, Mexico, that the patio system of separating sil- ver had its origin. This system is still followed extensively at the sil- ver mines‘throu‘ghout Mexico. The ore is crushed and worked down to a. state of puddle. It is then spread out to a, depth of two or three feet :over the paved floor of the court- yard, or patio. To this mass sul- phate of copper is added in powder, labout ï¬fteen pounds of sulphate to 3,000 pounds of puddle. This is ftrodden into the puddle by horses. g‘Several gangs of old, worn-out ihonses or mules, about twelve in a :gang, are seen in various parts of the patio, being driven round in Circles to tread in the sulphate. 1 On the next day 6 per cent. of common salt is added and in two 'more days 100 per cent. of pure ,quicksilver, or as much as the assay Lof the ore shows. is required. This mass is then trodden up by horses for ï¬fteen days. It is then Wheeled to a, large tank through which pass- es 3. rapid stream of water. This iwashes away the clay, leaving the silver and quicksilver. This besi- duu'm is poured into coneâ€"shaped canvas bags through which most of the quicksilver runs out, and what remains with the silver is passed off with the vapor by means of heated retorts. None of the quicksilver is test, and even the vapor is brought (by cold water to its original state and used again and again. The quicksilver soon rots the hoofs of‘ the horses and the mules, but the Mexicans themselves do not seem to be much the worse for it, even though they wade around in the puddle for days at a, time. Because Ho Took GIN PILLS Mr. H. A. Jukes of Winnipe writes: “I have been a sufferer from umbago for some years est. I met your Mr. Hill and he a vised me to take GIN PILLS. I have been taking them at intervals during the early part of the present wintqr, and up-to-date have had no return of my old troubleâ€"in fact I feel better than I have for years, and think that my old enemy has vanished for good_and an." _ 55c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 130 SHILOH That Stab-like Pain in the Back is Sure Indication of Kidney Trouble. FREE 0F [UMBAGG Is Your Back Full of Aches All Day Long? No greater medicine exists than Dr. Hamilton's Pills for the cure of indiges- tion, constipation, flatulence, liver, blad- der and kidney trouble. Refuse substi- tutes. 250. per box or ï¬ve boxes for $1.00, n-t all druggists and aborekeepere, or post- paid by the Catarrhozone (‘43., Buffalo, N: Y., and Kingston, Canada. ‘ Mrs. Anna Rodriguez writes as follows )rom her home in Valencia: “For a long lime I suï¬â€˜ered with failing strength and lagging headaches. My condition grew )teadilv worse, my limbs became bloated md shaky, I was Hallow and thin, felt )heumatic pains, dizziness and chills. I lnfortunately didn’t suspect. my kidneys 1nd was nearly dead when I discovered Che true cause of my sufferings. I read )0 much about the wonderful health and Itrength that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills that I felt sure they "would help me. Such blessings of health Ind comfort I got from Dr. Hammon's Pills I can't descrlbe. They speedlly put me right, and thelr steady use keeps me nctlvo, energetic. strong and happy. I ltrongly urge others to regulate and tone Ihelr system with Dr. Hamilton's Pills u Mandrake and Butternut." PUDDLES 0F SILVER. Poor Timber. and bed: 25 cents. "There is always room at the top,†said the sage. “Aw, yes,†yawningly replied the youth with the curly blond front hair. “But it is so blamed much easier to sit at the bottom and make excuses.†The tonnage of British merchant shipping for 1912 amounted to 1,- 738,514 tons gross, and of warships to 191,737 tons displacement, a total of 742 vessels there were 69 of 6,000 tong and upward, and of these 16 were over 10,000 tons. The prosâ€" pects for 1913 are even more satisâ€" factory, and shipowners are ï¬nding it almost impossible to get their orders ï¬lled. Practice makes the miser perfect ~in his specialty. Mlnard's Llnlmem Cures Garza! In Cows. Sheâ€"â€"It seems strange that you did not remember my face and yet you remembered my name. He (awkwardly)â€"Well, you know, you have an attractive sort of name. E “No, buï¬ she’s rising in the social ‘Fscale. She’s been snubbed by a. better class of people this year than last." “an; Youra Eyesï¬ Needï¬ ' " “" No Smartlngâ€"Feels mimeâ€"Acts Quickl; Y Try it for Red. Weak, Watery Eyes and 0 ll r Granuutea Eyexms. unnamed Book in each Package. MURINE 13 com- Ey e s Exounded b ourUculIsmâ€"nota “Patent edlclne" ut usedlnsuccmmll’h al- N d cinns’ Practice for many yen-a. ow e 3 dedicated to the Public And sold by ‘ Dmggists at M04509 per bottle. Murine a a re Eye am in Asepcgo tubes,‘_2§o-500. It is a fact that Nerviline will ease up a. tight chest," will relieve that sore, wheezy feeling. will knock out a cold in just a few hours. It penetrates deeply, draws out the congestion, cures prompt- ly. Get. a large family size bottle, 509.; small size. 250., at all atorekeepers and druggists or The Catarrhozone 00.. Buf- falo, N. Y. “When I came home last evening," writes Mr. Thomas E. Jarvis. "I was all used up with cold and a. ranking cough. I felt sick all over. My wife rubbed. my throat. and chest every hour, and made me Kargle with Nerviline and water. I was soon warmed up and made comfort- able with the Nerviline. and the chilly sensation passed away. At 11 o'clock, after ï¬ve hours’ treatment, I was practi- cally well. I therefore wrlta you at once in order that it may be publicly known that Nerviline will knoek out a bad cold over night.†“Has Maud succeeded in getting into society yet WV 7 If the most noteworthy trait in the fashions of the present day is an ecle‘cbicism which permits no one dominant tendency to hold sway, the reason may perhaps be found in the fact that while Paris un- doubtedly sets the fashion for the whole feminine world, Paris is the capital of a, republic. It was because La, Belle Ferrou- niere had a. burn exactly in the middle of her forehead that she wore over the cicatrix the charming jewel held by a. ï¬ne thread that is called a Ferronniere to this day. In the reign of Henry II. some princesses who suffered from goitre hid the blemish beneath their highâ€" flut-ed ruff-s and disguised the crookâ€" edness of their shoulders under the puffed sleeve. Formerly, under the Empire, or when there was a king on the throne of France, the sov‘ereign’s wishes had a distinct influence on the tendency of fashion. The court liked to copy the smallest detail or whim of his majesty or of the prin- cesses who surrounded him. For example, trains owe their origin to the fact that the daughters of Louis IX. had abnormally large feet. Anne of Austria, were short sleeves because of her beautiful arms; Louis XIV. brought the Wig into fashion because; he was afflicted with a wen on his head. Mme. de Pompadour Created the vogue of high heeled slippers to hide her lack of inches. A Racking Cough And Sore Throat Cured In Five Hours How Some Recurrent Modes Were Originated. The Empress Eugen-e had very beautiful shoulders, so she set the fashion of decolletage which left the shoulders bare and set them off to the best advantage. The wife of Philippe III. was af- flictedwith a. tremendously long neck, so she invented the high guimpe. Use the Proper Remedy and Colds and Sore Throat Disappear. Merchant Shipping Tonnage. WHY FASHION S CHAN GE.“ Murine Eye Rembdy 00.. Chicky; fry Mnurlge Eye Remedy Social Uplift. ED. 7. Imagination is what keeps the doctors busy. In Chili, during the winter or hot season, the shops are closed all the afternoon, and remain open till midnight. » Strawberries are so called from the custom of placing straw over their roots to shade them, to pre- serve their moisture, and to prevent exraporaï¬gion: Violins are now aged with X-rays. Gossip has a, hundred tongues and no heart. A ship’s life is 25 years. Don’t think that because you cast reflections people will deem you brilliant. Illnard’s Llnlmem Cures nlnhtnorla. A squire, worsted by Sydney in argument, said, “If I had at son who wasan idiot I’d make him a pal-son.†Smith said, “Your father was of a, different mind.†“We know it’s a question,†yelled a coarse man in the audiâ€" ence. "What’s the answer ’I†"This high cost of living is a. seri- ous question,†bawled the cam- paign orator. “It is a great qufas- tion, a. very serious question, 111- deed.†Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulnine'Talbletl. Druzgists refund money if it fails to cure. W. GBOVE’S signature in on each box. Have Group ; cure. CHAS. E. SHARP. Hawkshaw, N. 13., Sept. let. 1905. As he started out with the bushâ€" el of ashes he walked into a. clothes line that he didn’t see. When he had picked himself out of the ash pile and recovered his hat he stood in the back yard and relieved his feelings. “Henry,†called his Wife. “Well?†he snapped. “Don’t stand out there to do it. Come straight into the house and tell me that; it’s all my fault.†Miyard's Lipinjggg 00.,7Li1njteid‘ Nerve weakness and exhaustion are caused by impure blood. Im- pure blood is caused by diseased kidneys failing to strain the waste matter of the body out of the blood. The natural remedy is to cure the kidneys. Dodd’s Kidney Pills have yet to ï¬nd a case of kidney disease they cannot cure. “For over two years I suffered from attacks of exhaustion and nerve weakness,†Mr. Jeremy states. “I tried many nerve foods and tonics but must admit that Dodd’s Kidney Pills have beneï¬t- ted me more than anything else I ever used. ' “I am more than grateful for What Dodd’s Kidney Pills have done for me.†. For Cases of Exhaustion and Nerve Weaknessâ€"How S. Jeremy Found Relief when he Cured his Kidneys. Sniatyn, Alta., March 10.â€"-â€" (Special).â€"â€"That the natural remedy for exhaustion and nerve weakness is one that will give good circula~ tion and pu\re blood carrying nutri- tion to all parts of the boay, is again proved in the case of S. Jerâ€" emy, a. well-known resident of this place. THAT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS ARE A NATURAL REMEDY. ANOTHER PROOF To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY used MINAED’WS LINIMENT' for found nothing equal to it; sure Fact and Fancy. Disconcertlug. In Private. FROM THE WEST ISSUE 11â€"313. Seed flats be.†‘ï¬Why not '2†r “Well, Pa. and Ma haven’t ever been able to agree as to which one ghem ought to do it.†Cleanse the System v - l v u man.†“I know it, but I’m not likely to Mlnard’s Llnlmam Gum Distemplr. Your dru gist will refund money if 'PAZC QINTnlgï¬ _T“!‘nll§_ to cur_e any case 911mm “She’s as pretty as a picture!†said he. “Yes,†replied the young woman, with a glance at her ri- val’s complexion; “and hand~ painted, tool†Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills (ï¬g, rmiinid:B»13_e§lï¬E BF-irafxfuarr; Fiï¬-“IE Ito H dayl. 500. There was no reference to tea, as is often supposed, nor was the word the result of a. stuttering attempt at the word “totalâ€; for Turner was not a. stammerer. He was a, ready coiner of words upon any emergency, and often p-erpetreted what .inen Irishman would be callâ€" ed “bull-s.†In one of his impasâ€" sioned addresses on temperance, he said: “We will 'go with our taxes on our sheuvldere and plow up the great deep; and then the ship of temperance shall sail garllantly over the land.†“Oh, yes, but I don’t recommend it.†Out-side of Preston, probably not one person in a. thousand knows how the word “teetotal†came into popular use. It was, ‘to all intents and purposes, deliberately invented by “Dicky†Turner, who, at a meeting held in the Old Cockpit, declaimed vehemently against the arguments of the moderate drinkâ€" ers, and insisted upon bot/31 absti- nence. "I’ll have nowt to doe wi’ this moderation botheretion pledge,†he said. “I’ll be reet down out-an’out tee-tee-toml for ever and ever.†No death is more certain than the end that comes to every offender treated by Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Out comes the corn or warts, root and branch. Insist on “Putnam’s†only, it’s the best, free from acids and painless. Price 250., at all deal- ers. Entitled to Rebate. Doctor (to patient)â€"You’ve had a. pretty cloSe call. It’s only your strong constitution that pulled you through. Patient-Well, doctor, remember that when you make out your bill. Mlnard'a Llnlmentgcuru coldu. Eta. FILES CURED IN 8 TO M DAYS Your drugsigtnwm refund money if}? A?‘Vm1.n “Well done!†shouted the meet ing, and the word was adopted with enthusiasm. "Do you believe in love at ï¬rst sight ‘2†The Word Was Coined in the Town of Preston, England. The quaint sayings of “Dicky†Turner, one of the earliest advoâ€" cubes of tempera-nee in rural‘En'g- land, are still remembered~ in the little town of Preston, where the reformer began his attacks on the drinking habits of his fellow towns- men. In “The Manchester and Glasgow Road,†Mr. Charles G. Harper describes the work of this interesting man: HANGED BY THE NECK ' FOR your Field in the GOV- ERNLIEN'I' FIELD CROP COMPETITION you cannot do better than send for our Catalogue. and see what we have to 0381' in SEED OATS. We have n. splendid stock and will be glad to send samples. $20. KEITH & SONS. :24 Egg ï¬t. East. nDu-cfn n... CIA-) ‘1_,A nu. -_ .-.... . .. .- uVA‘v' lg. mug qt. cast. ronto. Ont. Seed Merchants smoe 1866. are made according to a formula in use hearly a century ago among the Indians, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- tempts have been made, by physi- cians and chemists, it has been found impossible to improve the formula or the pills. Dr. Morse'a Indian Root Pills are a household remedy through- out the world for Consti ation and all Kidney and Liver trou les. They act promptly and effectively, and M “YOu FOR HOME DYEING Washes and dyes at one operation..giv- ing remarkably clam, bright. fun coloxs.D cs canon, wool, si 1: or mix‘ um. 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors l0c, black l5c uyouulealcr'a or postp'd with b'k- let “How to Dye' from THE FIRST TEETOTALER. Take a Second Look. Why He Escapes. ought to be spanked, young uw to Dye' @ 105 F. L. BENEDICT & 60. Montreal Maypole Soap ""1520 Just ads-Minute can be curedrby uling nature's own re- medy~no mediciukno operation. This remedy does not profess to cure internal piles, but. is a certain cure for protruding flee. Discovery was made by suï¬erer of 0 years' standing, who is now quite well. Full instructions on receipt. of $1.00. WM. B. OXLEY, 294 Berkeley St.., Toronto. BRITISH AMERICAN YEING 00. D jhe north shone of Lake Erie, 25 9e lecth kinds; Black Cap Raspberrieï¬ and Evergreena. Free catalogue. Lnkeview Fruit Farm, Grovesend, Out. (This ad- vertisement appears but once). W VERYBODY ENJOYS BILLlARDS â€"7 J Barbers and Live Men in towns only 100 population make big money. Be ï¬rst to write for book, “How to Start 9. Bi!- liard Rnomâ€â€"Cost, Easy Terms. etc. Cata- logues of tables for Home and Club free. If you have a table ask for our supply catalogue. Brunswickaalke-Collender Com- pany, Toronto. STORY BRICK STORE, DWELLING and ten acres: in a thriving village in Western Ontario. Will exchange for farm in Saskatchewan, Alberta or On- tario. The Western Real Estate Exchange, London. Ont. D Vi'iï¬xlnergflia‘l’éiyéi‘aâ€"-$f and $1.75 be: 15. Bert. Wis er, Preston. Men’s Suits‘“%25?‘ 1 faring ih differâ€"aintiaérciions of Ontario on my but. If you want. a. farm consult EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN k. Manitoba. Alberta. and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for qmck sale. ANGER. TUMORS, LUMPH. 510.. internal and external, cured with. out min by our home treatment. Wplto us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00., Limited. Cnlllnzwnod. Ont. ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy. "Sunni." price $1.50. Another new remedv for Diabetes-Mellitua. and sure cure. Io "Sanol'e Anti-Diabetes." Price/$2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufac- turin Com any of Canada. Limited. Winn peg. an. H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. ‘ OOD STOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES T with Three Houses: large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. ‘ TAMI) COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED D1F~ 5 (area: Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album. only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp f‘nm na ny. Toronto. H “I. DAWSON. Toronto. Siawart .335?“ Gflpplng Machine 'mrna summonin- faster and closer and m." sh: Ion or than any other. Guam are an mg hard out 11: wild mu bu. enclosed. rotoct. pale- ad and run in 01!. EM six root 0 new s 75 "7!: flexible shaft and oelabrnted Stew- . _ an unite tension clipping and. on on from your duler, every mAcmna guaranteed. CHICAGO FLEXIBLE OHAFT co. 593 La Sallo Ave. omcnao, ILL. u mm mum new catalog of most moan-n “no of balsa 0119111113 and sheep shun-m mu:th Cuticura Soap and Ointment do so much for pimples. blackheads, red, rough skins; itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry, thin and. falling hair, chapped hands and shapeless nails w‘lith painful ï¬nger-ends. that it is almost criminal not; to use them. A single cake of Cutlcura Soap and box of Cutlcura. Ointment are often sufficient when all else has failed. Sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32â€"p. Skin Book. Address post, cart? Potter Drug & Chem. Com. Dept. 481).; Boston. U. k). A. “I used several cures which were recom- mended to me but without any avail. I saw how I could get a. sample of Guam Soap and Ointment which I did. I used the samples and found an improvement. Whenever I applied the Cuticura Ointment the itching and burning ceased. I got a fullâ€"sized box of Cuticura. Ointment and a cake of Cuticura, Soap and only used about half when it; disappeared and since then I have not been troubled. That was six months ago. Cuticura. Soap and Ointment completely cured me." (Signed) Miss Elsie E. Zinck, Mar. 7. 1912. 1 Lower Blandford. Nova Scoutâ€"“Thm‘ years ago I became tmublod with sore arms. It came as a. rash. My aunt! looked Ilka raw meat; and ltched and burned so badly I could not rest; night; or day. When I scratched they became awfully sore. A! long as the weather was warm it didn't bother me so much, but in winter' it was almosï¬" unbearable. My arms were sore from the wrist to the elbow. Looked Like Raw Meat. ltched and Burned So Badly Could Not Rest Night or Day. Arms Sore from Wrist to ‘Eibow. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Completely Cured. } BASH 0N ARMS ALMOST UNBEABABLE Best, Work in Canada. HAVE OVER ONE HUNDREDV GOOD TRAWBERRY PLAN’I‘SVGROWN 0N UFF ORPINGTON EGGS 7 FROM I 0. BOX. 133. MONTREAL STAMPS AND COINS‘ FARMS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARDS. Goid Medalisb FBENGH-BLEANEI Sufferers from protruding or bleeding piles DVED