Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Mar 1913, p. 8

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Two farms within two miles of Mount Albert. 10:) acres each. Good buildings. Front Lot 31,2nd CUE. 'Méi'kham. 100 acres well drained. running creek. good dairy farm. 86-t.f. Rear Lot, 64. NVhitchm-ch, 100 acros overlooking Lake W’ilcnx. Money in it to subdivide. ' One of the hPst businass or residence lots on west side nf Yonge street. Buy now as price_ will be advanced on Apr. 1. Farms For Sale ' House and 1; acre on Richmond Street, also fronts on Csnu'e Sweet. Brick hou’se a few steps fl 0111 Yonge 0n Centre Street. West, fine garden, nice laWns, a, cosy home. Frame House nearly new. all modern improvements. small fruit. cherries, plums. &c., nice lawn, a bargain. Also another frame house nearly new. six rooms. just the place for small fumin 230th these pppfiérties on Centre Streyt ast. ' H, A. NICHOLLS A First-class farm in a, good state of cultivation of 100 acres, on Lnt. 24, Gun. 5, Markham. On the rcmlses are two bank barns. a brick muse. a young orchard hearing good, and a nevear failing funntain. Terms and rice reasonable. Possession April lst. 913. Apply «m the premises._ - The undersigned nlfers for sale a. Muck of five $1000 dollm- Debentures of the Village of Richmond Hill. The debentures run 30 years. and hear in- terest, at five per cent. Installluents of principal and interest, paid annually. These debentures may be bought singly 01- EN BLOC. Full particulars may he had at the Clerk's Office, Rich- mond Hill. 36-tf THURSDAY, March l3â€"Farm stock, implements, lot 30 con. B. Scarb‘oro. the property of A. J. Reynolds. Sale > at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. FRIDAY. March M~Furm stock. im- plements. 03th lot 9 con. 7, VVhit- church. the property of Gideon Ba- ker. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. SATURDAY, March 1.5â€"me stock. implements, etc., on lot/700m 10. Markham, the property of Geo. Bennett. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. MONDAY. March l7â€"Farm stock, im- plements, etc., lot. 4. con. 2, East York. the property of Mrs. Son- berger. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. TUESDAY. March. lSâ€"Farm stock. implements, etc., lot 12 con. 5, Markham, the property of ’A. W. Brownlee. Sale at! 1 o’clock. 8 mos. ‘VEDNESDAY, March 197-Farm stock, implements, etc., lot 28 con. Scar- buro. the ploperty of Wmr White. Sale at l. 8 mos. THURSDAY, March 20â€"Reg. Clydesâ€" dale horses. High glade cattle. in)- plements. etc. on lot 2 con. 4, East ork, Town Line, property of J. 0. Hunter. Sale at I. 8 mos. SATURDAY, March 22â€";Farm stock,im- lements, etc.. lot 12 cou.5, Mark. ‘ 1am. property of Ross Stiver. Sale at 1. 8 mos. MONDAY, March 24â€"Fnrm stock, im- pilements etc., lot 8. rear of con. 5. arkham. the property of James French. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. TUESDAY. March 25â€"Farn. stock. Im- plements, etc., lot 23. con, 4, Mark- ham. the property of Wm. Burk- holder. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. \VEDNESDAY. lVIarch26â€"Farm stock, implements etc., lot 29, em). 0. Scarboro, the property of James Creighton. Sale at 1. 8 lnus. THURSDAY. March 27â€"Farm stock, implements,etc, Yonge St., Finch's Corner, the property of Mr. Scott. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. FRIDAY, Man-ch 28â€"First class herd of Dairy Cattle, lot4 con. 3, East York. property of Peter W. Milne. Sale at 1. - 8 mos. ‘ MONDAY. March 31~Furm stock.~ im- plements, etc.. lot 28 con. D.. Scur- m-o, the property of T. A. Patter- son. Sale at l. 8 mos. TUESDAY. April l-Farm stock, imple- ments etc. at Thornhill. Yong‘e St., the property of Risebmugh 6c Jack- son. .Sale at 1. 8 months. THURSDAY, A ril 3â€"Horses, pure bred Holstein an grades, fut cattle and hogs. lot, 11, 2nd con. west York, the property of Geo. S. Stewart. Downs- view. Sale at 12 mm. Termsfi moo. HAS FOR SALE (J. H. PRENTICE’S LIST 03‘ Auction Sales Electric Light Debentures. Farm for Sale Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill J. H. PRENTICE. 2'39 Bulliul St... North Toronto. \V. G. BOYNTON. A. J. HUME. Clerk. Victoria Square. SATURDaY Mar. lEâ€"Farm implements. buggies, cutters, cream separators, household furniture &c. at. King City. the property of A. D. Mc- Gallum. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Tex-ms 8 months. F. A. Egan Auct. SATURDAY. March 22~Oredit sale of farm stock. imploments. etc.. the proneer of John Smith. lot 6. mm. 8. Vaughan. Elder-’5 Mills. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p.m. ‘ MONDAY. March 24,â€"Credif sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. the propertv of Joseph Jennings, lot 35. con.8. King. TermsSmos. Sale at 1 p.m. TUESDAY. March 25â€";Auction sale of for!!! stock. implempnts. 9tc., rop- erty of William Maxstead. at 2. con. 4, West York. Terms 7 mos. Sale 31 l p. m. ‘ WEDNESDAY. March 26 -â€" Auotion sale of horse. cow. and household furniture at Elder’s Mills, property of George mason. Sale at l p. 11). Terms 7 mos. THURSDAY. March 27â€"Oredit; sale of horse, cow, vehicles and furniture, the property of William Cook, lot 16.con. 2. Vaughan. Cnrrville. 7 mos. credit. Sale at 1 p.m. FRIDAY, March 28â€"Farm stock, im- plements. household furniture etc.. lot 26. con. 2, Markham. the proprety of the late Peter Bm-khardt. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. ’ ‘ FRIDAY, March 28â€"Anction sale of horses. cattle and farm implements, at Caledon East. property of Harry Swinton. Terms 7 mos. ‘ Sale at 1..) A inididméxi ’uifit'mEdFv’e‘eny‘ ' " ii! im' 31:. oulatlon at any scientlflo journal. Tegrma tor Cumin. 83.75 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by .1] newsdealers. magma-susmmmk £308.65]? Anyone sendlnk a. sketciixid‘de’écrl tloli my quick] ascertain our opinion he. w ether gn Invant nn 1: nrnhnhlv nnfimtnhln. Communion. i'nvendo'; is proSa‘fi'l" v; 13133.." annual; :m-f-xwassafl“%?”"9§°° mm“ army or an “some”. Patents taken rou h Mann a Mat was. my“ in» lathe Vailghan, Kleinburg. V Terme 7 mos: Sale at. 1 p.m. FRIDAY, March ILâ€"Aucbion sale of farm stock. implements, etc.. the property of Gid Smithsnn, lot 20. con. 4. West York. Terms 8 mos. Sale ntlp. m. - ‘ SATURDAY. March 15â€"Dispersion sale of horses, cattle. and vehicles at the Woodbridze Stock yams, Wood- bridge. Terms 7 mos. Sale at l p.m. Parties having surplus stock to dispose of may bring same on day of sale. -MONDAY, March 17â€"Auctinn sale of [ farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Jas. F. Doberty, lot, 28, 4th line, Albion. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p. m. TUESDAY. Mar. l8â€"Glydesdale horses, registered slim-thorns. grade mllch cattle, sheep swine, and farm imple~ , ments, etc. on l0t35. cnn. LVaughan, Langstnff, properly of Thos. Berwick W’eldrick. Terms 8 mos. Sale at )2 o'clock. TUESDAY, March lSâ€"Credit sale of farm stuck} imulements. etc.. the property of John Bowman. near Weston. Terms 7 mos. Sale at, 1. WEDNESDAY. March lgâ€"Extensive Auction sale nf farm stock. imple- ments, etc.. the nrnpeity of Robert. Orr. rear of 4th cnn.. Vaughan. 10!; 29, 1 mile north of Teston. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p.m. - . WEDNESDAY. March. 19401-96“ sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. the pmperty. of John Marshall. lot 28, con. 8. Albion. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l n.m. TUESDAY. Match 20â€"0redit sale of farm stock, implements, etc.. the propPl'tVUf William Egan, Int 33, can. 8. Vaughan. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p. m. THURSDAY. March 20â€"Auctinn sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. prop- erty of George M. Robinson. lot 9. cnn‘. 5, Albion. Terms 7 mos. Sale at, 1 p.m. FRIDAY. March 21â€"Auctinn sale of Real Estate, farm stock. implements fur-nitrite. etc.. the Estate of the Late Bert Mnrtsnn. on luts 4 and 5 * in the 4th con. of Whitchurch. Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms 8 mos. FRIDAY, March 21â€"Auction Hale of farm stock. implements, etc.. the pr-nnel-ty of H. J. Strong. lot 6. con. - 2. Albion. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l. ENNY’ROYAL WAFERS. THT'RSDAY, March 13-»Credit auction sale 0! Tum": stuck. implemenm Veh- icles. harness. Etc” the, property of MessIs-r J~.- and \V. Wood, west half hf hit 19'. con. 9, Vaughan. Terms 8 mus“ 81le at 1 p.m. FRIDAY. March. 14â€"- Credit sale of I‘m-m staph, implements; etc.. prop- erty of George Arnold, lot 24. con. 8. Vaughan, Kleinburg. Terms 7 mos. Siiéfitiiiéffiiifiicau. Saigeon '& Mcfiwen’s fist of Auction Sales A specific monthly media-no for India: be restore um regulue tha menses producing free, heaflhy and punles: dischargo. No aches ox- palni on ur- proucn Now used by over 30,000 ladle:- ()ncouaed wlu uaoagain. luvizcual . these organs. Buy of_yonr druggixr only chm-e with our slgnatura Acrox fag-mflahcl. Avom substitutes. Sealtx- m-Lsuulars manna 2c nmmp. $1.00 , {on Adlll‘elll, EUREKA 011 H! Al: (‘47 EPAN 1'. Dana". mm .1..â€" j §§+¢++§+§§§§¢W§§§§§§§§N§ §1§+§§§¢+§§O§§§O§§§O§O+§ AAAMAAAAAMMAAMMAMA MAMAAA‘AAAAAAALLKAAAAL :_ OO§§§¢§§+§§§§§§09000090000 +0¢§+§6§§§§§§9§§§M§6§ GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill Cussel’s Magazine..pel- annqu . 3 . The Stm‘y Teller The Quiver . . . Musical Home Journal. . The Gil’l’s’ Realm . Little Fulks Chums o a n ' ! g n , u a h rrrrrr~ 9S92$82 Subscriptigns taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to ' ‘ “is not necessary L send to foreign cou.1trie 1 n maga- zines. Read the following:-â€" CASSELLS & 'COMPAN‘ 42 Adelnld’efit. \V Tordrto The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety ‘of- interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsaription at low rates. v ‘ Canadian P u b - fishing Company VVVVVVVVVVVYVYVVVVVVWWVVV VVVVVYYVVVWVVVVVVVVVVWW Dr. de Van’s Femaie Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the fem ale system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Vnn'l are sold at- !6 a box. or three for $10. Mailed to any address. the Boobs“ Drug 00., St. Catharina. Ont. RIDGEVILLE CASSELLS’ THOS. W. BOWMAN &- SON CO NURSERY STOCK We want two more agents in THEIBICHMUND HILL HARDWARE CU. Plant Bowman's PHONE 18 BIBH’MUND' HILL HABDWAREME ed. Now is ded or your The purest and best preparation on the market to-day. Every package guaranteed to do just asrecommen- Q‘- ‘ a good time money refund' Stock 8s” Poultry Specific. IT WILL GROW; ROYAL PURPLE GUARANTEED this county) LIMITED ~4â€"ASK US ABOUT IT.â€"â€"- ,Amggss‘ FOR MAN 1/" Ir)" ONTARIO and, in fact, everything in the hue 0f Hanwss. Blankets, and many other arLicIe-s necessary for your Harness mum. The gmds we ufl‘nr are honestly made and wxll stand the wear that you expect of them. * Reliable goods at reasonable prices. H. FORSTER Repairingi Its articles are carefully selected 3:16 its editorial policy is thoroughly independent. A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada. or Great Britain. It uses the most expensive engra-v- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. fHE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion 0: Canada. It is national in all its aims. Circulation} . . . . a Due by Banks . . . . . Government. Municipal and «her. Debentures . . . . Call Loam on Bonds, etc. . . Loans And Discounts . . . Bank Premises, Head Office undBunchu. . . . . OthexAm...... NORMAN BATTY, MANAGER. Cash on hand And ‘Nole's and Cheques ofotbet Babb . -. $5.54i,652.65 Government Deposit 10 seems Montreal Standard Publishing ch We have sulid comfort. in the way of 'TESTKNSEW @1116 gamma OPPOSITE DR. LANGSTAFF‘S Blankets, Robes, Mitbs Boots and Shoes Repaired TRY IT FOR 191 CONDEA'SED From Refiort to Daminion Government, 315t‘Jan., 1913 Limited, Publislua’rs. way‘s used. to try. some. Once used al- OR BEAST MONTREAL. RESOURCES “1.234.487.92 2, 766. 192. I 8 2. 501 .037. 30 28.898.667.57 STATEMENT 996.0290 I 58.645 .22 Y 10,000.00 362.2 I 3.99 EF. J. WGUBWARB ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. Capital........ Reserve Fund, Surplus Profits and. (of Interest periem-e In I: 501' mm at: n T}: '11: I'nv) dou': PATRONAGE Soucx'mn AND SATISFACTION GUARANT]! Mail the 1131 Cnmpiem with five cents in coin or Mum-s :A; fight away, addreuhzg your I: to Sales Division. the ‘Wia Witness' Elm-k, .‘Joz-Lreul, Your list of mnws mailed wiih‘n S'vr'. :1 you read .his S'Iu. Just as soon a: ‘v 0! names. we 9-. these lreaxnlfzzl iw you and you viii "I 1y. You an earn one too, easin You only have to do tbnze things FIRST. Rich: away nowâ€"take a pawn card or a sheet or “per and write out the full Ham.5 (I‘ll-34m name: and surnames) and Y‘all dl‘efiael OlvTEN “boy frien)n r): chums whom you know wuuid him to earn some pocket money (I?! ' botween 8 and 15 years 0: ageâ€"â€" no two In the same (all).l§.l Sign your name and add-5s... 5”, the bottom of me can} or e-e. x;- Q‘Iat WI will know who semi it; list. 3“ have just received 01‘... ~ our Canadian SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERI‘NG ' HORSES'A SPECIALTY F. J. WUDDWARD. MAPLE ma? Shmzld GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormey 'u‘ril no name. but than wno If“. nmun £1?n..Porflnnd. Mannwfllnwl‘n ‘ hm Informinme abmll wnvk which ~r "mv dc. and hvo al homcfint win 111' v n from $6 to 3'5 per day. Some hr 1. a day Eilhar ucx. young or old‘ Cnpiul Ym: me started (me Thom Ihn mm fl an“ Sun: a! mu: mu- fnnnnu All i “I. d U n ANY of our boys and gm LIABILITIES SECOND. THIRD .f. N $4M234.487.9_2 3.3I0.791.77 77,597.55 2,339,643200 320171530: |.060.027.59 $2,439,275.00

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