AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING dv PUBLISHING HOUSE RIOKHOND HILL,0NT. “ 615M giihml †[s PUBiJSHâ€"EDEVEBY E HURSDAY MORNING l‘ . F. McMAHON. W. HEWISON RHN‘IUENCE. RICHMOND HIL‘. .V'OL. XXXV. 3112191: Grainer and Paperâ€" Hanger. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. 51 per annum, in advance. Calls b phmw or otherwise prompth respl‘udud to. bio rued \uotioneera for the County of York. 8 I. .u hazeuded no on shortest notice and at rear- nr ï¬le rates Patronage solicited {Amused Aucnoueer for the Counties of York. Onwario and North Toronto. Special attention ginu to sales of every description. Farm and farm shock 5&108 a specialty. Farms bought mu sold on commission. All sales attended'to an sh-Jrhest notice and conducted by the latest up; pzdata 199;“;ka Phone No. 28. D3. W. R. PENTLAND RiCHMswn HILL VSï¬Ã©-cial course in “Myer’s†Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginm‘rs. » Pl‘Ppm-es pupils for the graded ex- Mninntious held at Toronto Cnnservn- tory of Music and Univexsity of 1‘0- mmtn. Glass recitals are given throughout the vear 424‘? '1‘ amigeon. J K M Maple Wes Saigeon a: NlcEwen. The Newton School of Music Theoretxcal, Technical and Artistic Elements Developed Systematicnlly According to Modern Methods. {Adheasz 539 Bums) Sh, No. bh Toronto. D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. HOUSE PAINTER, Firs: hume north of Atkinsun & Switzer’s sturv. MISS MILLIE TRENCH BUSINESS CARDS. 'VEI‘ERINARY SURGEON, Maple, ()nt. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Richmond Hill, Ont. E mrou :2 Pnornmroa . ’l‘ ho rnhill . RICHMOND Elm] Teacher of Piano J; H. Prentice Phone No. 2102. 3:? eterinary Warm. RESIDENCE J K McEwen Wesson Organs Repaired and Expert; Work Guaranme P I A N O '1‘ U N 1 N G LETTER NOBLE. R. flEISE. Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building Cm. Adelaide 8: Victurm 818.. l‘nmum. Barristers. S‘rlictnrs. 8m. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada ’I‘L-lrphuney Main Gable Address. “Dedo.†A. Cameron MacNaughton Mouov no loan on land anuonatulmortgagesnt owust rates Auroraofllceâ€"Remm'eu to me old post 0310.: one door we“ 0! hhe entrance to the Oubnrxo Bank Newmarke‘ ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the pvmnovï¬oa ’I‘ HERBERTLENNOX G S'rV‘ Monmm Aurora. Tel. M. 363]. LED BARRISTER. Sémerron, NOTARY, ETC. anuntn Ofï¬ce. Rnnm 328 Confedera- tiuu Life, Bldg., No. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Lille-rill†Ofï¬ce), every Thursday fore-noun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. VVnudhridue, Saturday fox-ennnn. Monév to {mm at Five Per Cent (5%) Richmona Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC CCMMlSSIONER. CONVEYAN'WER. ETC. Danton, Grover & Field Lawrence 35 Dunbar, Undertakers a: Embalmers, RICHMON D HILL& THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at. both places Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STAR, BLUG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST H. A. NICHOLLS Commissioner, Conveyanber. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 31.32.10?! ' Cashiers. Ofï¬ce Assistants. 00m- mercia! and Shorthand Teachers are _in great demand it they graduate from the REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL Many former students are now earning from $700 to $2000 a. year. We deal in only the BEST KIND of Practical Education. We use best systems, employ best teachers and produce the best results. Enter now. Catalogue free. VOICING AND l. . . . ACTION REGULATING .7051: 9. 9110111301: THORNHILL Bzu‘rlstern and sollcllorn. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor Young: and Alexander Sn. NOTARY PUBLIC Stenographers. Bookkeepers. WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. ONT. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 1913 WRIGHT BROS. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†imal. Puone Main 2984 (Cuntinned {mm last, week.) I visited my sistm‘. Mrs. J. H. Byer, twu nï¬jgs nurtjl. \Yhe[e_ms:_tgmt_l_1er, A. J. Heise amd uncle John Heise live, I arrived Feb. 5 and found all well. This is a land of corn where they grow on an :wemge 01'60 in. on 160 acres. Last. year the yield was small, being about“) hu. shelled per time. Here there are also large npï¬le orchards. One of 100 acres brnug t, last year $30,000. Here is where John Eye;- of Hendel-t Grist. Mill located about. 38years ago. and was deceived by Fruit, Txee Agents. who persuaded‘ him to buy trees to the amountofi $13,000. and he lost his farm through that. and mow-d to Arkansas, and‘ from there to Oklahomn, where he died ahoutayearngo. Here land is soaring wry hi h 1-4 Sections bring- ing $30,000. Tï¬e farmers are l~u.~y breaking down the corn stinks by taking a railroad imn and hitching a (mun to each end and dragging it across the ï¬eld. l‘hey then rake and ‘ burn tin-m. Some are busy plowing i for nuts. The roads are frozen and as Iluonth as usphalt. The conntryis quite rolling and you can see as far as the eye will carry. The corn is shelled when they want to sell. a. number of farmers cumin together. with team and wagons. hey ï¬ll up the box ,which is 2 ft. deep, and off to the 919. water where it. is dumped in3058c- onds. Horses me selling as high as in Ontario. mostly of the Parthenon breed. Feb. 17 did some gardening at my brother’s. The soil is as loose as ashes. Feb. 18. I left for Manhattan. Kim. 11'.: miles suuth west where I called an Ben F. Ever. sun of John Eyernf Headford and nephew of Jacob Eyer of Richnmlld Hill. Here I fuund the largest Industrial School in the Unit- edSmLes. They have 320 acres and 26 buildings as fullows: Auditorium, Nichnls Gymnasium. Printing, Physi- calScionce, Agricultural. Horticultu- ml and Grin-n Houses, New. A'gx-i'cul- tux-ail. Veterinary, Armuury, and En- gineering Shva, \Vumen‘s Gymna- sium. Stock Pavilliun. and Bm-ns’ Dan-y hu:ldings and Burns, Andel'snn 85 (10. Hall. Here you can see u Hol- stein cmv which gave in one year 19- 712 lbs. of milk, which made 8,376 lbs. hunt-r. Mr. Ever has taught in this schunl fur a, numher of years. He is an prvsvnt out, putting in electrical plnnlï¬. me here I Went West m Abilene, another prosperous tnwn, where. there are about 100 uf um- unem- hens, and several hundrpd more lhrnughuut the country which [ex- pect, .tnï¬visit. . .. n :- 1n r Fob. leL had a snow fall of 12 in~ ches, which was general nver the West, and will prove a great blessing as it was very dry. The farmers are busy scraping it, “if the road as they du not use sleighs here. This is also a pros erous county. I was with a farm- or X at had a farm stock sale in Jan. that, hrought $6.600. The :ulcliunper received 1;, percent, or $99.00. How is that, John? There was 12 mouths’ time given on approved security. with interest at, 10% or if paid when due only 8% would be charged. Cash came in to the extent, uf nearly $6,000. The fencing is of Osage Orange Hedge, but is being taken up now and re- placed with_wiye. There was a good and attentive nud- ience in the Methodist church Monday evening. March 17. when Rev. Dr. Speei- of Toronto gave his lecture “Auld LangSyne." The leclurei-drew a. contrast between the manners and customs of the people now and ï¬fty years ago, and incidentally pointed out the rapid strides our own cuuntrv has made during the past half century. The Dr. tuld a number of'humnwua anecdotes and related many incidean of wit and humor, in his inimitable style. The lecturer was introduced by the pastor Rev. Dr. G. S. Smith who presided with ability during the even- mg. The musical part of the programme was given by the Misses Salgeun of Maple. Each of the sisters sang a. solo. and these With their duets were much appreciated. The accompaniments were played by Miss Num McMahon of Richmond Hill, Atthe close of the en- joyable entertainment xefreshmeuls were served to those who took part and others who remained. Mr. Clarence C. Heise of Victoria. Square left. Tuesday for Kindersley 838k. This is Mr. Heise’a second trip to the west country. _ of Kindersiey. Sask, left Gormley Monday with a cal-load of horses for the West. RECEPTIONS T0 MACKENZIE KING. Receptions to Hon. Mackenzie King, Liberal candidate fox- North York. will be held as follows;â€" Smutfville.. . . . . . . Tuesd»1y.Mux-ch 25 Mt. Albert... . . . . . . . .Wednesday, “ 26 Schomberg . . . . . . . . Thursday, " 27 Aurora. . . . . . . . . . . .Friduy, " 28 Queensvillv. . . . . “Saturday, “ 29 V ictorla Sq 118.18. (To be continued.) WEWL Latin Authurs. Class Iâ€"James Oosgruve. Class IIâ€"â€"Agnes Boyle. \Vinifred Simpson, Gertie Cosglove. FORM II. Arithmetic. Class Iâ€"Irene McMah- on. Thomas Scott. Marjorie Wright. Gordon Francps, Jean Muthesnn. Class IIâ€"Mary ()noper, Murray Kirk- land, Jenn Beymm, Francis Carleton, Mary Rumble. Gertrude Harding. )lass IIIâ€"Ronald McLeod. Stewart Page, Nellie Page. Tillie Patton. Geography. Class Iâ€"Tillie Patton, Marjorie Wright, Irene McMahon and Ethel Multson(equal), Stewart Page, Graca Pratt. Mary Cooper, Gertrude Harding. Mary Topper. Class IIâ€" Jean vanon, Amy Ball. Mary Rum- hla, Edith Clement, Nellie Page. Jean Mathesml, Vera Jennings, R. McLeod. Clarence Sanderson. Bessie Bracken. Axithmetic. Class Iâ€"Donnld Find- lay, Jnhn McCugue and Milton Coher (equal). Dorothy Findlay. Class IIâ€" Fred Cnsgmve. Jenn McDonald. Lou- ie Harding, Victoria Hunt, Earle Wal- ker. Jean Charles, Prestnn Elsun, Hel~ vn Oake, Baldwin Ransom, \Vm. \Vellumu. Glass IIIâ€"Argyle Camp- bell. Marjorie Unrrie. Murray Palmer. Bessie Bagel-man. Alma. Nichol, Marie Mllldnon. Algebra. Class Iâ€"Donnld Findlay, Jnhn McCagne, Dorothy Findlay. Class II-Fred Uosgmve. Earle VValkâ€" 01-. Helen Oake, Louie Harding. Jean McDunald. Jean Charles, Baldwin Ransom. Class IIIâ€"Alma. Nicol, Preston Elson, Argvle Campbell, Mar- jorig Gnn'ie. Physics. Class IIâ€"Helen Oke, Dor- othy Findlav. Marjorie Currie. Jean Charles, John McCague. Victoria Hunt. Jenn McDonald. Class IIIâ€" Louie Harding, Baldwin Ransom, Fred Cnsgmve. Earle Walker, Murray Pnlnwr, Bessie Hagermzm. __ The Remaining rzsults \Vln appear in the paper quer the Easter vacation. Special to Tm; memL: In spite of careful attempts tn make light of the matter. the fact is gradu- ally becoming known throughout the pmvince that in Ontm-iu ï¬nances, as rewaled iu the Budget statement by Hon. 1. B. Lucas. there was it deï¬cit last year of $245,000 on revenue acâ€" count, and that this year the deï¬cit up to the present, not including the extra supplementary estiumtes, is $213,000. The total will be more than that, 01" last year. This is not pleasing news and reflects disc“ (ii on the Guvm-nment which has to report, it. \thb is worse, Mr. Lucas has outlined no plan forcnping with the difï¬culty. The liabilities have to be met, but, the acting Provincial Treasure-r has refused in the hnuse to discuss the matter or to tell whether the necessary funds will he mised by special taxes or hv loans. Such dis- regard of the vital question of ï¬nance has no paralleliu_Pi-()viricial Politics: “Reactinnaries†is a perfecth fail-de- ï¬nition of the Governmentnn theTem- penance question. The Liberal policy of Abolish the Bar has been re-intm- duced into the House, but the Conser- vatives. who had an "ppm-tummy to take a forward step. moved backwards instead. In the recent Tempe-lance debate the Government‘s reshlulion did nut, go nearly as far as their piopnsal lust year to flhUlISh the treating system. That was their pnsitiie cure fur evils 01’ the liquor traffic as nppused in Al). nlish the Bar. Thisseason theysimply stand on their past record. whatever that is, and the abolition of the treat- ing clause is relegated to an obscure, minor and qualiï¬ed position in their resolutiun. Local Option and other temperance voles in the lastfew years have ruved that. Ontario is progressing. an that it ismnviug quickly to wipe out every bar and every club license. and there- th‘glpating system. The Whitney vaerument. on this question and on others is not in line with the progressive sentiment of the Province. They may have the sup- port of“Reactinmu-ies‘ in their “policy 0f do nothing". but, "reactiunm-ies†are. not going to be allowed by the people of Ontario to rule this Province. ' His Honour Judge Morgan’s final dicision is that the recent. local option hy-law iu Aural-n he quashed. The temperance party are not. satisï¬ed with the decision. and are appealing to n. higher court. Instructions have been given to Mr. H. E. Irwin, K. 0., who is acting for the temperance party to immediately appeal. The appeal will he based upon the allegation that the judge exceeded hisjurisdlctiun in de- claring the hy-law defeated, the tem- perance people claiming that his Hun~ or could not tell how the vuu-s wele cast, but merely report that, 30 many votes were cast. improperly. AURORA TO REMAIN \VET HIGH SCHHHL REPt RT. .0.â€" FORM III. TORONTO LETTER FORM I, i PERFUMES f-l-i-H-t-Méi- M+$$++++++++++O i W. A. Sanderson ++++++++++m+++wm STIVEH &. RAMER Coal, Flour, . Corn, Bran, Wood, 800. AT THE C.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR Believing it will be beneï¬cial to .1 buyer and seller. have decided, ‘We thank the public for the genermz. patronnge in the past, and will enm- estly strive to serve you faithfully in the future. LASKAY P. 0. Livery '& Teaming 35-“ Manicure Sets Hair Brushes \Ve solicit a call no trouble. to show our line: JOHN ELLIS BELL PHONE Painter. Paper-hanger General Decorator DUMINIflN'HUUSE F. C. EGAN LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. STABLE ACCOMMODATION AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. RICHMOND HILL My Stock of ï¬ne lines of PERFUMES for are up-todate and Reasonable m prices [Single copies, 3 ctt.‘ :J J RICHMOND HILL FOR EVERYBODY. STIVER & RAMER. Comb Sets Pictural Cards ‘ DEALERS 1N PRESENTS DRUGGIST L. B. STONG, Prop. ONTAB 10 No. 38‘