Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Mar 1913, p. 5

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“@Ixe'gihml, RICHMOND HILL. ONTH MAR. 20, 1913 Mrs, D. Hill and Albert are spvnding the holiday with remakes in Peterlmrn. To-mnn-nw (Gnnd Friday) will he generally obsgx ved as a Public Holiday. A quantity (4’ Seed Pr-us fur sale at the Eievatmx . Schools close (0-day for the Easter holidays, and willre-open Monday. the also of March. Just, to hand a shipment, (If the cele- h‘ ated Crum’s prints. Call and see the new pant-ems. Atkinson & Swibzer. Tun more iots have been Suld in Rnsevww Gmdeus, on the Lawrence faun, \\ ithm the last few days. Mr Loyd Hill is home for thre‘e weeks‘ lwhdays. Mr. and Mrs'. Alex. McCague of North Tm-untn spent Sunday ,wiih Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. Yesterday’s papers reported the us- snssinatiou of George I, King of Greece. He Was R brother of Queen Alexandra. ._ Service will be held in St.Mnry’s church Good Friday morning at. 10.30. The s‘ermon will be preached by the pastor‘ Rev. S. A Lawrence. R/PV. Edward N. Frv of Pennsylvania will preach at Zion Evangelical LuLh- emu church, Sherwood, March 23rd and 30th. Arrangements have been made fur msmlling a Ten Horse vael electric motm- at. the Trench Carriage Works. Mr. Ernest, A. Palmer- has been trans- ferred to Sudbln-y where he takes the position of accuuutant in the Stet-hm: Bank of Canada specail meeting of Richmond Lo e, A.F.%’.A.M.. will he held \Ved- nesday evening. 26th inst. fur the pm:- pose of conferring degrees. Miss Estella. Oraon,vncalisf,gradunte of the Consvrvatm'v of Music with high honors, and a. pupil of Miss Sheppard :fin‘poses starting a class in Richmond ill. Newmm'ket Eraâ€"A deputation from Richmond Hill of six or seven gentle- men headed by Mr. Wm. Pratt. visit,- ed a couple of churches on \Vednesday evening to get some pointers on elecâ€" 7lsric lighting. The deal for Mr. Joseph Bales’ 200 acre farm at Lansing was cmnpleted on' Tuesday. The price is $250000. The place will he put, on the market and sold in city lots. . The members of the \Vomen‘s Insti- tute- are inviwd to meet the Thornhill bx-ainch at, the home of Mrs. D. Jnmes this (Thursday) afternoon at, 3 o’clock. Smoked her-rings 20c. box; Wethey’s 'minc'e mth 100. package; Beusdorps Royal Dutch Coca 25c. tin; Choice coffee 400. “L; Extra Choice Blended Ten. Ceylon and India, 55 and 700‘ lb. Atkinson & Switzm'. Mr. Hewes, Centre Street, happened with a. painful accident Tuesday, He was assisting in the repair of a bridge south uf the. village when his left hand became entangled in a pulley. Two or three fingers were so much torn and Bruised that the Dr. had to cut away large pieces of flesh. It is feared Mr. Hewes will have u very sore hand for some time {,0 come. Mr. G. A. Clark of Newmiu‘ket, as- sistant District Representativv, 0n- turio Dept. of Agriculture, was in this section yesterday relative to arrange- ments for Vaughan annship Rural School, Fair, 1913. Further notice next, week. Corsets that fit; without discomfort. at, reasonable prices 750., $1.00 and $1.25. They are of good quality and perfect, form. Moire pad hose suppnrt- ers 25c.. Children‘s white hose sup- porters 20c. Atkinson & Switzer. Rev. Dr. Smith and Rev. “7. B. Findlay," superintendent, at the Indus- trial Farm; had an exchange of work Sundavfnrenoqn. NextSundaymm-n- ing Rev. E. C. Currie will preach in the Methodist Church, and Rev. D1. Snuth in the Presbyterian Church. APPOiNTMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC. It is announced in the Ontario Ga.- zette of Saturday last that Norman Young Puncher, barrister and solicitor Toronto, has been made notary public for the Province of Ont.aI-io.â€"â€"The Daily Star. Mir. Puncher mentioned m the above notice formeer lived for some time near Jackson’s Point and is‘ a son of Thomas Puncher Esq. of Brougham in the county of Ontario. L()CA1JS To PATENT flood Vdaaa may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"'ENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md SEARLEâ€"uAt 31Nunt‘nu Ave" Rosedtllo, mi Friday, March 14. 1913, Eugen :s Marie Sem-le, mother 0f Fred H. Searlo. Funeral Saturday. March [5. at 2.30 in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. MCKENZIE~AL 46 Joseph Ava. Davis- v'illv. on Thursday, March {3.1913, Mary Lillian Eluck, wife of Kenneth C. McKenzie, aged 32 vein-s. . Funeral to Victoria Square Cemetery lbLh inst. ’ BELLâ€"On Tuesday, March 18, 1913. at her late mSIdPnce, \Villuwdnlr. Mrs. Elizabeth Bell, aged 72 years. widow (If the late \Villium Bell. 7 Funeral 20th inst at- 2 p.11). to Mount Pleasant, Cemetery. BIRTHS. FORDâ€"At m8 Bluff St., Beloit. nn thn ' 6th 0f Match. 1913, to Mr. and MM. H. R; Ford, a daughter, (Francus Palmer.) The fallowing members were present at n meeting nf the Board Tuesday evemng. March 18, 1913:â€"â€"\V. H. Pugs- lev, P. G. Savage. A. J. Hump. G. F. Allen, S. M. Brown, T. F. McMahon. The following officers were appuinc edzâ€"Chairnmn. \V. H. Pugsley; Treas- m-er. W. A. Sanderson; Secretary, T. F. McMahon. MiduLes of last, meeting read and udgpteg.“ Book Committee, Hume, Pugsley, Synderson, Allen. Room demittee. Sanderson, Brown. McMahmn. Entertainment; Committee, Hume, McMahon. Allen Mr. G. Cowie was reappointed Lib- rarian at an annual salary. of $110. on mntion of Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Allen. Humvâ€"Brownâ€"Thnt the secretary write Markham Township Council to ascertain if Lh‘lt Honorable Body pur- pose giving the usual grant to the Lih. rary this year. as the Library and Reading Room are open to residents of Markham township. Carrivd. The Board adjuurned. The death occurred last, week in Tut-out” of Mrs. Sarah Smith, relief, of the late George Smith. The funeral took place fmm the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. W'm. Viliiers to St. Andrew’s cmnetery. Rev. J. W. Mm'gun'gnve an address an the life nf David Livingston on SQIIda}: moi'ning. M r. B. Hefivry nf Orangevifle was in the village on busnwss on Saturday and called-0n a number of his friends: Mr. J. Kaiser has pluchusod a build; ing lot on Church St. ft-mu Mrs. Crabe fl is understood that he Intends build- mg: Mr. T. Cousins and Mr. S. Ireland have shipped a cal-load of hm sea to Portage la Prairie, and Messrs Tug-garb and Ireland of Teston have also gone out with at load to the,Wesb. ’ The service next Sunday evening in the Methodist church will be in the in- terest.- of the W. M. S. The Easter 0f- fering will'he taken; ' - The ‘W. M. S. and Ladies Aid Society have postponed their meé‘ting, an ac- count of the death of Mrs. Speight, un- til next Wednpsday. March 26. at 3 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. \V. H. Mylkes ~ The anniversary of St. Patrick was celebrated at Thornhill by the Liter-a ary Circle, at the residence of Mrs. James on Monday evening. The Weather being so favorable over fifty WPl‘e present and all appeared to en- joy the enteituinment very much. The mu>ic was particularly appropri- ate. The first piece. "Killnrney," was well rendered by Mrs. Davidson, as were selections given by Miss Kirly, the Misses Hood and the Messrs. Hood of Buttonvillo, and the last chorus by the company “0ft in the Stilly Night." The witty illustrations given of Celtic humor was richly enjoyed by the com- pany. The paper given by Mrs. A. Thompson on "St. Patrick” was crowded full of inforn'iatiun, while the address by Rev. Mr. Findlay upon “Ireland and the Irish” for interest humor and instruction will long he remembered. The Shamrock was much in evidence, and to be Irish or even related was claimed quite an honor. During this one evening at least, the people for whom St. Patrick haddnne so much were very popnlxir. An interesting meeting of the “’0- men’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Allen March 12th.. The meet- ing was (apened by the singing (\f“The Maple Leaf.” and the members wele then fawn-ed with an instrumental by Miss Oxrill after which Dr. Lillian Langstaflf read a. paper on “Facts about, Flies”, which was fOHOWPd by a solo by Mrs. A. G. Savage, “The Swal- lows." After the business was trans- acted the members discussed the ad- visabilityof forming a three course eluss: Sewing. Cooking and' Home Nursing. It appears each individule Institute in order to Secure an instruc- tor is required to formn class of at least 25, each, person to pay $1.00 for the course. This work consists of l'ctures and denmnscmtions by the lecturer, spending one day a week for a pwiod of from ten to fifteen .Weeks. The next, monthly moeting ‘will be held at the same place on \Vednesday, April 16th. when refresments will be served in addition to the usual. pro- gramme. Any member wishing to join this 012138 will please notify Secretax'yvf Institute. Miss B. Palmer. The next, meeting will he held at, the home of Mrs. E. R. Olliver, Aprilgllvth at. 3, o’clock. PUBLIC UBRARY MEETING VVOMEN’S INSTITUTE. Thornhill. DEATHS M ante. An internsting social gathering with an informal prngralnnTe was given last night; in the basement of the (Jinn-ch. Such events (In much in the wuv of prumuling sucinlnlity in a. cum grvgnunn. Une 50min! fixture of the awning Was the prvsr-Inatiun by the Sunday Schnnl and Guild, of an ad- dless and illustrated Morocco volumes uf Lnngfellmv, \Vhittier and \Vurds- wm'Lh m Ms: Nelliv‘und Messrs, Kuh- ert :mnl Hut-[y Knights. wh'l m-e alannt, Lu Lake 'theix- dv'pal'Lul‘c frum Rich- ymnd Hill. Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Hall of SC. Paul’s Church. buruia. have been ‘gnvsts at, the. Manse for a few days. Mr. Hall, whu is down for ’I‘ha-Hwne Mission Buurd luveting, Look the ser- \ icu nn Sunday evening. The- Guild will discuss the snhiuct of “The Studvnb Misxinnury. has Sphere mid \an-lli" mu Friday evening at 8 '1’l:l(l('K. Mrs. R. S. Cut-per." leader, and Mr. (‘mrie takes the subject. Next. sunlan is Easter and will be nlIsm-u-(l with am appl-npriatr‘. musical pvt-gram. In the morning ReV. Dr. Smith of LLe Mum-dist. Church will givvtlw EHSU‘)‘ Invssugo, and in the eve-Hing .\ll'. Currie will speak upon Llu- life and \\‘Ul'k of [be distinguished missinnm-y and explnrer. David Liv- ingstmw. whose centenary is of World wide inlm'rsl and is being celebrated this week. The Mysterious, Luminous Crucifix The Cross of TIH- mm! mm velous mystic wonder (-f I.hl‘ twentivlh (mutury. Olll'Sm inau- nuilvll [u the (lrnss, a beautint and mnrwlnus wm-k of "1‘84, leL has mys- tifivd the wlmlo \vnrld with its start,- liug lumimms effect. which is everlast- mg. ’l‘hc- figure of Christ as well as tho Cl'nss itwlf are nf imilatinn marble Illillt‘l'iill, showing \VHI'I‘Einduvl' ht. and in m GLUH'IOUS. LUMTNOUS. M YS I‘IC LIGHT at, NIGHT IN THE DARK EST ROOM. The luminous ef- fvct is eve-rlusting. The greatest Work of art 1‘\'(-l‘ known In sciem-v. It is in- deed a glorious and most precinus articler Lruwleavntiun. Science has lung hmm puzzled at this mysterious wm k of m t. Tin-re are two diffewnb sizes: The hll'g‘T <>ne( 11% by 6 inches) has been l‘z‘dllccd In only $ 2.00 frum the origin- nl price 0f $ I“. ()0 and tln' Smaller-one (41w 8) from .‘B 5. ()0 Lu hut (me (1. 00 Dullar in m'dm- lu enable every Chis- liun Family to have mm in their home. These prices will lmld guud only till 1. April. < Gond frame house. and int fur sari) in the village hf Maple. Pussessiun given at nnce. 30-tf. P102199 mention paper in which you found this ndverliseuwnt. Quantity of C'ahhagp, Pm-snip's, R! (1 ernts. WhitP Field Curlot, Table Bwts. Mungvls. Two young. Inn-go. white Yorkshire smvs, f1“uln_guj\_d_fln§l§._ Apply to 38- 3 38-3 A fwsh milk mw with calf by side all lot. 26, con. 2, Vaughan. 308. ESPEY. Easter Present PRESBYTER LAN UH URCH. from Mar. 251h fullmving Easter, mergee int.” our Summer Term In all l)up2u~l.tuvnts Hf “Shaw's Schools" TUI‘UHCU-â€"CE‘I|UM1 Busi~ ness )1-llrge wil’h an- City Bram-h Schnnis, Thvfientrnl Tel?- gmph and Halli-mud lit-hon], and Shaw’s Uivil‘ Sm \ ire Sclmnl. FH‘P. catnlngue explains cnursr-s and advantages. We invite you to \vriLe fur it. \V. H. Shaw~ [)rpsvi. dpnb. HF-ad Offices. Yonge 85 Gerrard Sts,, Tut-unto. divans; Tabul‘efi: for sour stomach. Rina 11.5 ’Eabules: pJeasapL laxative. A. Netkow 832 Yonge St; TORONTO, ONT. MOST BEAUTIFUL For Sale For Sale For Sale For Safie JAB Apply LQ MES CARNEGIE. Lot 425. Mill St west. Eternal Light ._on_. A. KNIGHTS. J. T. SAIGEON, Richmqu Hill. Richmond Hil‘ Elgin Mills. Maple fi++ޤ+++++°¥+++i ++°¥d‘+++°i°*%++++++W"Â¥*+i~*'Â¥i* $+++++++++4 f-I'Q'H‘i'i'mf Novelties in Ladias’ Egnars and Neckwear, Men’s Shirts and‘ries, 8m. : McGunachie’s C-fimv-Ghuw, bot/""17 a» McConachie’s small Onions, bot...20 z Calmts,«;!mw-chnw & mx’d pickles 20 z Heinz Tomato Cacsup . . . . . . . . . l5 Clark’s Corned Beef. 1 lb. Kippered Herring, tin.. . . Lobster, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . ++4°+§u O+§§§§§§§O§+§§§§§N§§§Q§O§ §+§§+§+H+¢§§§§§§§¢+§§§ i 4 1 New sub-division in the finest residential section 3 of Village of Richmond Hi‘l. i4m++++~i +4¢4~+M+++++~§wfi+ ++++%+4‘+++# Â¥++€W++++'§”§“§"§"§'Q§ VVYVVVVVVVWWVVVVVV'VVVVVVVYVYWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV" 3' IAAAAAAAL - These Lots will undoubtedly go up in value before year is out. _ Get in on Ground Floor. ‘ §§§§§§¢¢¢§m¢§§+§§¢+§§¢0399++§4+¢§¢+§§§§§¢f¢§+§09 A P P L Y 2AAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAMAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAMA'AAAAAAALAAgk EASTER GOODS ++++++++~Â¥+++i-+-S-+%M¢°++H-i'+£éM+MM¢$+¢+§$¢++++é+ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .AAAMAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAALL Atkinson & Switzer RICHMOND HILL PHONE , 17 REAL ESTATE AGENT. _ I VVVVVVVVVVWVVWVVVWWVVV VVVVVVWVVVV YVVVVVV VVVVV The/place fur Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Soxl etc. 'We have the finest and largest stock we ever had. Come and see it we can fix you up. Also a. good stock of all kindS'ol boots and shoes for spring wear. Would be pleased to have you call and in- spect them. THE RIGHMUNB Hill. SHBE STDRE WIDE STREETSA~A11 66 Feet. DEEP LOTSâ€"Well Drained. Only 0116 Minute from Metmpolitan Railway Station The best â€"investment in the Village. All Streets will be llghted by Electric Light, Roads kept up by Village, and Sidewalks put down. Don’t miss this opportunity to get a Lot while Price is Cheap, $106 per foot down and balance on very Easy Terms. Now is your'chance to get a Home of Your' Own. COME AND SEE ME. I CAN INTEREST YOU. Roseview Gardens. NORM-AN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Armand Savage June Roses. Sweet Violets, \Vild Rose, 3 cakes in box..15 Blue Bell, and VVltch Hazel. 3 cakes. bnx V . . . . . . . . . 25 Lilac and Rose Glycerine. cuke . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . 10 Box of 6 large cakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Gambric Corset Cover Embroidery, 15 in. Wide, yd._. .30 White Dress Muslin with aneStripe, 26 in. wide, vd.10 White Cross Bnr Muslin, 27 in. wide, yd. . . . . . . . . . 15 ‘White Butcher’s Linen, 36 in., even thread, yd . 25 >. M. C. and Peri Lustm Embroidery Cutton. in stock WE SHOW A LARGE RANGE OF Catsup and Pickles Canned Goods Tailei Soaps Dry Goods Sardines. King Oscar Heinz Tomato Soup. . Heinz Baked Beans.. Heinz prepared Mustard. Mnnzauifla Olives ,.. . . Peanut Butter. bottle . . . . . '. Raspberry Jam, jar . . . . . . . . Brand" . . n . . .

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