Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Mar 1913, p. 8

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Two farms within two miles of Mount Albert. 100 acres each; Good buildings. ' 3540f. Front Lot 31, 2nd Con. Markham, 100 acres well drained. running creek. good dairy farm. THURSDAY, March 20-Reg. Clydes- dale horses. High grade cattle, im- _ lpments , etc. on lot 2 con. 4. East ’ork, Town Line. property of J.‘ 0. Hunter. Sale at l. 8 mos. FRI; Mulch 21â€"Fm'm stock. imple- ' meots etc., lot 31. con. 1, Scm-horo. the property of F. D. Galbraith. Sula at 12 o'clock. 7 mos. SATURDAY, March 22â€"Farm lements, ctc.. lot 12 con. 5. Mark. am. property of Ross Stiver. Sale at 1. 8 mos. - MONDAY, March 24-Farm stock. im- lements etc.. lot 8. rear of con. 5. arkhmn, the property of James French. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. TUESDAY, Min-ch 25â€"Farn. stock. im- plemeuts. etc., lot 23. con. 4. Mark- ham. the property of Wm. Burk- holder. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. v “’EDNESDAY. March 26â€"min) stock. implEments etc... lot 29, con. 0. Bourbon). the property of James Creighton. Sale at 1. 8 mos. THURSDAY. March 27â€"Farm stock. implements.etc. Yonge St. Finch’s Corner, the property of Mr. Scott. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. FRIDAY, March 28â€"F‘irst class herd of Dairy Cattle. lot4 con.3, East York. property of Pete: W. Milne. Sale at . Smos. SAL. March 29â€"Olyéesdale horses. high grade cattle. farm implements etc., lot 30. con 4. Scarboro. the pro- perty of Wm. Daugherty. Sale at 12 o’clock. 7 mos. MONDAY, March 3lâ€"â€"-Furm stock. im- plements, elc.. lot 28 con. D.. Scur- horo. the propertv of T. A. Patter- son. Sale at 1. 8 mos. TUESDAY. April 1 ~Furm stock. imple- ments etc. at Thorohill. Yonge St... the property of Risebrongh & Jack- son. Saleot 1. Smooths. WED" Apr. 2¢Farm stock, imple- ments. furniture etc. lot 10. con. 2. East York. pro erty of the late John ’Tustin. ale at 1 o'clock. Terms '7 months. THURSDAY. A ril 3-Horaes. purebred Holstein an grades, fut cattle and hogs. lot 11. 2nd com. west York. the property of Gen. 8. Stewm-t. Downs~ view. Sale at 12 mm. Tel-Inst! mos. FRL, April 4â€"Furm stock. im laments etc.. lot 15,991). 2 from the iiy. the Rczar Lot, 84. Whitchm'cb. 100 news nverlrmking Luke Wilcnx. Money in it to subdivide. Every fume: Ihéuld know that tho tries offered by the dulen for attic, oga, etc” in 3 {air on. How can he know thin i! he does not hire a min busineu paper! tht doctor or law yer or busmesa man would be without his business paper? Them in but on. farmers’ business and market paper, did is The Weekly SunhoSuu-t 1010 right by > The undersigned offers for sale a Hunk of five $1000 dollar Debentmes nl‘ th Village of Richmond Hill. - The debentures run 30 years. and hnm- in- terest, at, five per cent. Installments 2f principegl and intel 9st, pai_d anpually. Thise debentures may be bought singly or EN BLOC. Full particulars may he had at the Clerk’s Office, Rich- mond Hill. One of the best. business or residence lots on west side nf Yonge street. Buy now as price will be advanced on Apr. 1. Farms For Sale mhncribing. 35-“e Brick house n few steps from Ynnge rm Cvntre Street West. flue garden. nice lawns, a cosy home. House and a acre nn Richmond Street, alsn fronts on Centre Street. pmfierty (if T. \V. Brown. Side at 1 o‘clock. Terms 7 months. Sun, ADI-i1 5â€"Huuse. shop. lot. fumi- ture. tools etc.. at Uniunville, the pruperby of the late Herb Baker. Sale at 1 u‘cluck. Terms on posters. M052. Ap. 7-Heavy work horses, fresh L cuws, springvrs. beef ringers. brand smvs, cults etc. lot 10, Gun. 10, \Vhito church‘ the property nf'Rulf Gunner. Sale at, 1 o’clock. 7 mos. Frame House nearly hm". all modern ilupruvenwnts. sumll' fruit, cherries. plums. &c.. nice lawn, a bargain. A130 another frame hnuse nearly new. six moms, just, the place fur small family both these properties on Centre Street East. ~ H. A. NIGHOLLS J. H. PRENTICE’S LIST OF Auction Sales .THERE IS BUT UNI-2a moans Tabules a’sslsl digestion. HAS FOR SALE Electric Light Debentures; Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill J. H. PRENTICE. A. J. HUME, Clerk. 2'39 Ballinl St». North Toronto. GBQUP -vv I vnuA I/J “U H' floss. A safe and plepsing syrupâ€"SOcmmgzit-xts. THURSDAY. March Wâ€"Crodih sak- of horse, cuw. VPhir‘JPs and furniture. the prnpm-ty of William Cr‘nk. Int. 16. con. 2. Vaughan. Carl-ville. 7 mos. credit. Sale at ! p.m. FRIDAY. March 28-Farm stock. im- plements. househnld furniture etc" lot. %. con. 2. Markham. the pmpwtv of the late Peter Btu-khm-dt. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms 8 months. FRXDAY, March 28â€"Anction sell» of horses. cattle and farm implements, ut. Calednn East. property nf Hurry Swinton. Terms 7 mos. Sale at. 1. THURSDAY. Match 20~Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc.. the property of \Villinm Egan, lot 33. con. 8. Vaughan. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p. m. THURSDAY. March ailâ€"Audion sale of farm stock. implpmonts. eta, prop- erty of Gmrge M. Robinson. lot 9. con. 5. Albion. Terms 7 mos. Sale at, 1 pm). FRIDAY. March 21~Anntion smle of Real Estate. farm stock. implements furnitnte. etc.. the Estate of the Late Bert Mortson. on lots 4 and 5 in the 4th con. of Whitcburch. Sale at. 12 o’clock. Terms 8 mos. FRIDAY, March 21â€"Auction ' sale of farm stock. implvments. etc.. the property of H. J. Strong. lot 6. con. 2. Albion. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1. SATURDAY. March 22â€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. the pronertv of John Smith. lot. 6. con. 8. Vaughan. Elder’s Mills. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. MONDAY. March 24â€"Gredif sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. the property of Joseph Jennings. lot 35. ion. 8. King. Terms8mos. Sale at p.m. TUESDAY. March 25â€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. rop- erty of William Maxstend. ot2. con. 4, West York. Terms 7 mos. Sale al 1 pan. i WEDNESDAY. March 26 â€"â€" Ant-tint: sale of horse. cow. and household furniture at Elder-'5 Mills. property of George mason. Sale atl p. m. Terms 7 mos. DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dio- tionsry in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in s single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. ' 8000 Illustrations. Cost nearly hslf a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. . Writs tor-ample j pages, tulips:- new depart- ment has to do with the \C o u n t r y \ Home and its isurroundin 5. Terms: g4 ayear, $2 for six months. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CD. 346 Broadway, New York. ' We send i free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s t , books on outdoor life and recreation. “dflu andm STREAM," or send us twenty.five cents for four weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, fishing, natural his- tory and yachting. A periences of anglersghvogt; ers and campers, or yacht- Ing; or Adventure if x0“ gggggg : WEBSTER’S ’ __NEW INTERNATIONAL Sport Saigeon & McEwen’s List of l ' Plant Bowman's Auction Sales { I lf you like to read of the ex-‘ periences of anglers, shook ers and campers, or yacht- terested in countr life, ask your newsdea er for TEQRVEST AND c. an Ionic-Co. I 511311.141. mu.“ “mpped in w mlnuroa sure with Dr. Shoop's Cmup. Remedy‘ One test wxll. surely pro“, No vom_1[;ingJ no _dn- arc in- VVVVWWWVWVVVVVVme V'VVVVWVVVWVVVYVVVVWVVV It is not necessary I send to foreign couatne 1 n maga- zines. -Read the followmgzâ€" Oussel's Magazine, pernnnnm . 83.3 The Story Tellvr . . 1.70 ThBQllin'l' . . ‘. . . 1.50 MusicalHnmeJnumml . . 13:)! The Girls’ Realm . . . Lol. Little Fulks . . . . 1.50 Chums . . . . . . 1.5‘ AAAMAAAMAMAMAAAAAAAAAA “AAMLAMAAAAAAAAAAAAALM‘ Subscuptinns taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COM PAN‘ 42 Adelaide St. -W Toronto The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsaription at low rates. RIDG EVILLE A reliable Ftench togulator:ncver fails._ These plllu no exceedingly powerful in rcgulatxng tho generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Vln’l are sold fl '5 a box. or three for 810. Mailed to any address. [to label! Drug 00., at. cumin». 0m. CASSELLS'i Canadian P u b - fishing Company GEO. 'McDONALD, Richmond Hill THOS. W. BOWMAN 82 SON C0. Dr. de Van’s Femai_e__ Pjfls NURSERY STOCK We want two more agents in §§§§§§§N§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§+§O§§§§O§O§O§§§OQOOO OM9NNO§§§§§O§NO§§QQN OOOOOO’OOOOOOOMQOOQOO THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. PHONE 18 RIGHMBNB HILL HARDWARE 00. ded or your ed. Now is The purest and best preparation on the market toâ€"day. Every package guaranteed to do just asrecommen- . 0‘ i; a good time money refund‘ Stock 8; Paultry Specific. IT \VILL‘ GRCHV. ROYAL PURPLE GUARANTEED this county. LIMITED [AREESS FOR MAN ASK US ABOUT ONTARIO and, in fact, in erythng in the lme of Harness. Blankets, and many other articles necrssary fur yum- HHI‘HHSS 1'00"]. The gmds we ufl'vr are hunestly made and “'1” stand the want- that you expect nf them. Reliable gouds at reasonable prices. (HE STANDARD 2. the National; _ Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion; ‘ of Canada. It. is national in all its' aim ' ha uncles are carefully selected and its editofial poxicy is thoroughly independent. Repairing! It usel the moat expend“ engrav- (ngs. procuring the photogrhphs from all over the world. A subscription to The Standard costs $2.630 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britain. Cub on hand and Notes Inc! Chfiucs of other Banks . Government Depotit‘ to secure Ci‘cul‘uim - u n a a 0 Due by'Bnnh . . . ‘ . Governmentt Municipal and other chcnmtes . . . . Call Loans on Bqnda. etc. . . Loans and Diwounts . . . Bank Premises, Held Oficc __~ ..__Â¥__ “fl”...â€" TEESTKNDXfifii‘ANK of CANADA; "m1 Standard Pubfishfilg 60., \Ve have snlid (:umfm't in the \vnv ut OPPOSITE DR. LANGS'I‘AFF’S NORMAN BA'I‘TY, MANAGER. anti Branches . . . Boots and Shoes Repaired Blankets. Robes, Mitts .FORSTER TRY IT FOR 1912! CONDENSED From Report to Dominion Government, 315! Jam, 1913 Limited. Publishers. to try some. Once used al- ways used. OB BEAST RESOURCES HONTREAL $4 I 234,487.92 $5,541,652.65 2. 766, l92. I8 2,501,087.30 28.898.667.57 STATEMENT 1 “£030.00 362,2 BB9 996329.03 58,645.22 ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. ‘ F; J. WUUDWARD in. purud' In mmqu ' Capital . . Reserve Fund. Surplua‘ 1nd Reserved for Int.~ Dividends . . Circulation . Deposiu . Banks . . PATRONAGE SOLICITED _ AND SATISFA(""ION GUARANTJ: LVI- have Just received one M our Canadian You can can one too. anally. 5 You only have to do threo thing‘s. FIRST. Right away nowâ€"take a post can: or a sheet of paper and'wrlte out the full names (Christlafi names and surnames) and full ad- dreues ot TEN boy friends or chums whom you know would like to earn some pocket money. (Boys between 8 and 15 years of agoâ€"- no two in the same family.) _ Mail the list complete'wlth five cent: 1n coin or stamp: to us fight away, addressing your letter to Sages Division. the ‘Wimess.’ 'Wltnesa' Block. Montreal. SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY Your list ’of “magi?ch should he mailed within seven (7) days after you wad this splendid offer: Should your u-hvvms 2mm: w perfence In magazinc' or s: . “Hingâ€"so mum the heLc. Ti'C'VR ' mvu‘ SECON D. Sign your name and address at the bottom of the card or sheet. so that we will know who sent the Just as seen as we get your us. of names. we will 39m! 'A-m- or these beautiful Emu-gait fins to you and you will like is immense b'. “70 don‘t (1:11 3-0:: “"‘\' “a. Wu the than ‘5 ('~ n don't “are: 2! ynu r. ‘r it yours?“. want to «an. tvwv! n for work for stwhy 792' .~ loft” and we win 1- Jay. D 'hdev more)" making. -~amj Is-ea'flvs you ‘R-I‘smavsfzipf TI; '61 F. J. WUDDWARDA" MAPLE LEAF PiNS GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley THE "‘VYT - - W lnus' VKOCK. ‘1.) air 9, in n ANY of our boys and girls mm. In! nuns. mu thou wno m Sunwn .k (2:... Parnand, fitment-m receive free. fu‘»! inrenmuion thmu work vhlrb ‘lPV run 40. gm! "van homeJhat will guy 'lwln lromt’. l0 ‘1'» per (h). Some but ' in a dun Either ‘cx. young a: 0M cam: You are Manet! free Thane via-mm! u um mm 01‘ um: fifth (annual. A" i not. FREE LIABILITIES THIRD. . . . $2,429,275.00 Profits Test . 3,310.79IJ7 “1,234,437.92 77,597.55 2,339,643.100 32,017,130! I.060.,027.59

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