4w. HEWtsw ' HOUSE PMNTER, weaned luctionaers for the Gountyof York. Sun mnended to on abortest notice and at rea- sgr tble rates Patronage solicited 6113197. Gainer and . Paper- Hanger. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. (3,4113 phone 01- otherwise promptly; ‘ reap/‘11de to. “ @112 ’ggï¬bml " ts PUBLISflED m7an EHU ,: DAY MORNING Linensed Auctioneer for the Cogntiea of York. {haul-Io and Noruh Tomato. Special attention grmn to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a. speciaJty. Farms bought and sold. on commission. Ul salsa at dedto gm sharnesb notice and conducted by E a latest up. o-dace menhmls. ' Address: 239 Balliol St, Nokbh Toronto. Thenrehcnl, Technical and Artistic Elmnents Duvelnped Syï¬tematicnlly Auom'ding to Modern Lletbodé. ‘ Schial cnnrse in “Myer’s†Kinder gumvn Mmhod, particularly helpful to beginnm-s. ‘ Flume Nu. g3. Pl‘l’pzll'PS pupils for the gmde PX- Aminatinns lwld at Tmontn Cnnsm-va- tm-y ut‘ Music and Univmsity uf 1‘0- 11mm. RESEE’ENCC. RICEHIOND HIL‘. Class recitals are given throughnut the vein- 424V The Newton School of Music '1‘. F. McMAHON. T Saigeon, Maple 133.. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMUND HILL ‘ D. H. PINKERTGN, V.S. MISS MIL 13E TRENCH EB.“ PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,0NT. VOL. XXXV. 3I'per annum‘, in advance.] First; hnme mnth of Atkinson & vaibzer’s store. VETERI N ARY SURGEO'N, 'l.‘ hornxllill . l‘Iaple, ()nt. BUSINESS CA3DS . Richmond Hill, Ont. Salgeon Gt NlcEwen. 0331911; AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano EDI-ton a Pnopmnron. J. H. Prentice Phone No. 213033“ mmmm RESIDENCE await-at. AT TEE J K McE wen Weston BARBIS‘EER. Sunmxmon, NOTARY, E'rc. Tortmtn Ofï¬ce. anm 3:538 Cnnfedern. (inn Life Bldgn Nu. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmpnd Hill Oï¬ice (“Libel-:11" Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenpun. an19, Thursday nfternnon. VVnud bridge, Sutvnrduy forenoon. Munev to loan at Five Per Cent. (5%) iiarrislera and Hollcllors. Mouov ao hug}! 9n Igyd anuonnuol mortgages“ mm mm Aurorantnaeâ€"Rpmmeu to the 93d pout 0mm one door west 01 me upgxgnne to the Ontario Bank Newmï¬rkeï¬ mixesâ€"Three doors south at the puuorï¬ae I‘ HEBRERTLERNQ} 6 SW MORGAN Righmonq Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN"ER. ET! NATIONAL TRUST UHAM BERS ZU KING ST E.. TORONTO, (‘mmdn Tqu phone. Main Cable Address. "Dvdu." Organs Ronni-rod and Expnxt Work Guaranteed PIANO TUNING . 611‘. I.“ reueo unbur Tel. M. 3631, Barristersï¬olicitors. Notaries, ace. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide «95 Viewing. $13.. I‘m-unto. LENNQX & MORGAN A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep am both places RICHMOND HILL& THORNHII]. ' 3111.101": mn'p nxrmn Hum W4. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor Yongo and Alexander su. Many former st‘udvnts are now earning frnm $700 to $2000 a yvnr. We den] in unly the BEST KIND of Practical Edumtirm. WP use best systems, employ hvst tmxchers and prnduce thr- best, results. Enter now. Cutalogun free. Stenographers. Baokkeepers. Cnshivrs. Ofï¬m- Asaismnts. Unm- mercial and Shurthand Teachers are in Emnt'denmnd if tlwy graduate frpm the Undertake-M a: Embnlmers. H. A. NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC Danton, Grover & Field Oommissinnex, ()unveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer 0! Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL _ Cameron MacNaughton Lawrence E; Dunbar, S , Notary, Etc. ()IiFICEwSUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STARBLDG.._18 KING STREET W’EST VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING 50511 3. Z’avx'dson THORNH ILL TORONTO. ONT. Barristers. Sulimurs. 811:. WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS RICHMONDHILL. ONT... THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1913 loan at, Five Per Cent (5%) Aunm $1 gal. 9171 Essentials, Unity: in Phone Main 2984 Bvsides dvnmlishing the Lawrence Gwenhuuse nu Gubd Friday, the storm did considerable damage in this sum-u nf cuuntry. Mr. ()urLis’.lmrn on the Arnold fnnn was um-oufed, also Mr. Matthew Bnyle‘s, Mr. F. Jackes’ and Althur Morgan‘s near Thoruhill. Mr. Gt'u. Rubinsnn’s silo was blown duwu; also that of Mr. Geo. McKenzie, south of Thm-uhill. Shingles and lum- ber have been in great deumud sine? the stunu. A delightful suun-ise took place. on Friday evening. March 14m, at the home ofle, and Mrs. \V. Cook, when uhuub eighty-ï¬ve of their friends gnLheI-Pd tn spend the evening with them before muviugto Richmund Hi“: (Continued from last. week.) At this date Feb. 21, I am visiting my brethren around Abilene. Dickin- son “0.. Kath, 168 miles west of Kansas City. A0 I travel south from here. the roads are badly blocked Wit-h snow. Farming is dune on at larger scale. Some still cutting their wheat with a header. when it is short. These machines are run with 6 horses. and a man standing on a beam, running lmck hetwreni the houses, with a helm on it. by which he gqideg it. The heads are elevated into wagons which follow and put. Ill piles in the ï¬eld, and threshed there, Some farmers use a. two lurrow sulky plow. each plow cutting 14 inches. drawn by 6 horses. Que, farmer here sold last week at Kansas Uityulmnch of105 fut. Cattle. at 6.530 to 8.60 for which he. got a chequo form rr $10.ll00.00. The land here is not as strong and in Eastern Kunsns “here my brother lives some had commenced sowing outs before the. snow game and expect. to be at it soon again. I ulsn visited the Belle Springs Creamery at Abilene where they umonfurtmed last year 1.700.000 lhs. liulternuq 40.000 gallons iCe rremn. They also hm e an iue plant with Cllpllr city of ()5 tons a day, a cold storage capacity of 40 cans. They bundled last year 100 cars of eggs. also at [huge quantity of poullry. The cream ls guthmeti “.0100 stulimis and shipped by exprras, Butter and eggs are shipped to all parts of the U. S. and Sulne In \Viunipeg. Mar. 4.†I am now 20 mile» further-south. The snow is leaving. and the farmers will soon he at Seeding. Full wheatis looking ï¬ne hero. of whiuh there are large ï¬elda. Thele is a glenl deal of alfalfa grown here also knfl’er corn, so there is plenty of feed, and farmers are. pros: paling. The evening wastï¬pent ingames and music and about, [on o‘clock all ,lus~ smuhled in the drawing, mom whg’re Muss Hazul Reamun read the fnlhiwing address and Miss Minnie C(mk rx'eo sented Mrs. Cook with a ’1'."va fruit. 59!; with rut, glass ï¬nger howls. Dear Mrs. (looksâ€"rt is with deep re- gret, that We. hat‘t‘ learned of your de- cision to ieuiove from our midst, thus severing the pleasant relations that, have always existed among us'; for we have learned to regard vou as one of, our most faithful members. \Ve are indeed deeply sensitive to the value of your services. Â¥Ve will lose your efl‘lcietn‘y. your willingness. your pl't'llllfll‘lPSS. your unselï¬shuess, your sound judgment and the facultv of always being ready to help with husi~ ness-like suggestions. All these. quali- ties have been freely and generously used in the work of this community. Truly the way in which you have labored at home, in the church and Sunday School shows how a woman can spread her influence in more spheies than one. \Ve grieve to see you go, hut, it is all‘ too true that we cimnot always keep House We love best beside us, and we cannot, pass the full terms of your existence, in the im- mediate centre of those whom we “lost, regard. We feel that We are sustaining a great IOSS for we shall miss your wise counsel in our meet.- ings, hut. We are quite sure that an. other society will gain “but «we are losnig, and you will continue to give your hearty supportda kind sympathy to all works connected with the build- ing up oi God’s kingdom on earth. Not only in our Sunday School and Church but. as a member of this Com- ;nunity, you have always used your influence for what is right and true. \Ve could out L'éll!§¢‘!l.t,ul part with you without leaving juyour hands some memorial, however ti ifliug of deep and abiding gratitude for your tint-easing etforts to beneï¬t us. When in future. days you look upon this memento let, it he a pleasant token of the deepest. reverence of out hemts. Now, dear friend, wishing you every success 't'nr the future. we (levoutly pray that, the. blessing'ot‘ God go with you and yours and that. you will con- tinue to serve your Master until your work shall end in coronation._ Signed un behalf uf‘yuur many fx-iends‘ LETTER FROM H. R. HEISE. (Tu be cuuï¬nued. Uarrville ‘ssentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.†HAZEL REAMAN, MINNIE COOK. At; Che annual meeting of (the‘A.O.U. W. held in Tmontu last, week \hv del- egates nsswnhled endm‘sed l'he lulf‘s wluch wereudvpled a, year ago, but which were umllifie’d hv the cum-ts nu the grnund of insufï¬ciency of under. For the older memlwrs the monthly lulleuï¬vr May .1 will In: mun: Lhun “(tubu‘dfl 7.7 Church of Englandâ€"The 1Annou Vvstry Meeting heid‘ml Mundny Even- ing in Trinity Church was a. decided succvss in every detail, The x-epans uf the Hectm'and Church Wardens, coupled with lhusv of \Vunmn’s AUXi? lieu-y. Sunday S.:huul & uLhws shuwï¬ ed a very encouraging growth nnd development nllnlung [he line._ The average antendanpe at, the. church services, Sunday and \Vt’t'k day; the weekly and uthm' utferings. and the in- terest taken In the walk uf the church has shown a large inure-use. Otï¬cers Elm-ted fun lhowusuing year: Rt'CLUl'S \Vnrden, S. Wilcucks; Peuples \Vnr- den, Wilfred Ball, Sidesmun. Messrs. G. H. McKenzie, F. Jackets. '1‘. S. Guuk, E_. Lungslaff, Wm Rnbmsuu, M. Pegg, Harry and Percy Simpkins. Commit: tees were. appnimrd fur the rohuxldin and oplauging of the church shvd an repairs to the realm-y. VA Uvmetery committee was also appointed. It, is expected that, the chnir, twenty ï¬ve in number. will appear in sm-plices in the Meat futuru Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Chapm‘un 0an11, Elgin spent Easter with the “maï¬a parents Mr. and Mrs, T1193, Rupert, v- .-.... -\ umAun laun “I II- In is the mrly fruit th t makes the bx-nflb. In growing plants what should heuimedat is’ the production of a stocky. sturdy plant which will have some fruit set, upon it, when set in the field. Ann-planting the chief work isvulï¬vatinn which should be done bath ways in the plantation. In older to prntect tomato plants from diseases, of which there are svveml. they should he repmtedly sprayed. even when quite young, with Bordeaux mixtlue. These and many n'Lhm-‘pnjntf, _\yhich cover pructii-allv The Senice in the Methodist, Church on Sunday evening was undvr the am- spices of the Women: 3 Auxiliary, Rev, 'J. W. Morgan preached the sex-mun and special music was render’ed by the chair. The members of the I.O.F. h‘ld a supper in Masonic Hall on Salurdaly ensuing. Quite a number of new members have been recently added Lu Lb» suciet v. - Miss E. Rumble-of Tnmnw spvnt frnm Thursday till Munday visiting Irignds in_ Elle- \ i_llug.e.m Almost anyone with a garden or farm in a temper-ate climate can grow tnnmtnes with greater or less success but there is a great difference between the extent and quality of the crops grown by different persons in the same locality. These differences are due to several causes amon which the vari- eties grown and met ads of cultivation practised are perhaps the chief. According in ex en'ments can-led on for Vern-s at the xperimentul Farm at Ottawa. Earliuna, 0f whlch there are sewi-nl strains, is the best early sort but. Bunny Best, Uhalks’ Early Jewel are also gnod emly kinds. Of later \‘urietiPS Mutuhless Trnphv, Living- ston’s Gllnhe and Plentiiiul rank high. [r L. l ..-~I-â€" R ' nmerpnints, which cover pructimlly‘ Lhu whale field of tomato culture in the green hum-1e as well as in the gawde and ï¬eld. are fully treated in pmuphlc-t Nu. Ill nf the Central Ex- perimental Farm prepared by the Do~ mini-m Hm-Liruhuriet. Mr. W. T; Mum-nu. 'I‘hie unrk is for free dis- irihutinn to null who apply for it m the A fwling uf sadness spread over all Ihis cmumunilv when it. was learned that, Mrs. Wm. Speight had passed away on Tuvsdny night of last. wee-K! She was belnved by all whu knew her and she will h? greath mxssed, especi- ally in the church as she was president. «.f the Ladies Aid Society, The inner, nl which was of a private nature Lgok place on Friday afternoon, There were many beautiful flurnl tributes, , trihutinn to null who apply for it [u the Publicatinns Brunch of the Department of Agriculqu- ut Ottawa. Dear Sir;â€".â€"Will you please allow me space in your paper Lo cunvey my sincere [hunks to those whn so nubli helped us to save our ynung ch after th cnllnpse of our grveuhoixse; alsn for the kind sympathv expressed up all sides. We hope to couunence wlmildiug as soon as we are able to clear “\Vfly lhe duh; is, To the Editor of Tam Luann}; 'l‘imnkil'lg yd: 1'81.P your kindness, I bn-g Lu wmgin, Wis. LA' WRENCE. Egliutun, Ont", Max-ch 25th. 1913. THANKS CONVEYED TOMATO CULTURE Ynlix's .v 91-y_ txylryz Thornnlll, Maple. til LASKAY P. O. We thank the public for the gunman. patronage in the past, and will earn- estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Livery & Teaming STIVER &. RAMER Believing it will be beneï¬cial to out buyer and seller, have decided, E .A. andersan T + -l-+++*+++++¢1°§°%+++++H++dflfl Coal, Flour, COrn, Bran, Wood, 800. AT THE C.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR +++++$++¢+fli+++++¢+‘l'+-!'+'l'+0 BELL Imam: JOHN ELLIS DOMINION HOUSE STABLE ACCOMMODATION Painter, Paper-hanger V'General Decorator RICHMOND HILL 1*“, C. EGAN Manicure Sets flair Brushes We 30110“; a call no trouble to Show our lines SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS 0N CASH BASIS. LICENSED AUCTION EEK. For the County of York. are np-to-date and Reasonable m prices My Stock of ï¬ne lines of PERFUMES for PRESEN ‘ S '. PERFUMES FOR EVERYBODY. [Single copies DRUGGIS‘I‘ RICHMOND HILL STIVER‘ & BAMER. DEALERS 1N Comb Sets Pletural Cards ' L. B. srona, prop, ONTARIO ) NO.. 39