_ .Mr, T. HJLennox‘, K.C-..'M.L.A., member for Now) York-in {hegerqxl House, said he did‘ nmxbe'li'ev‘e" that Mr. RoWell‘s abol‘ish the bar policy Twas calculated £5 advahce‘ the cause ‘uf te'l‘mperance... In the House. Mr. :Lennox voted against Mr. Rowell’s ipmpdsedj measure. and supported the .f following section of an amendmem ~ “Introduced by Premier Whitney:â€" Mr. Rowell in his last speech on the a‘holish the bar resolution which was i‘oted down by the Conservative majm'ity,‘ attacked the Government efor going back on what they had ‘urged last session, and read a number ‘of extracts from The Pioneer, the Temperance paper. in 1911, 1912, and {1913, charging the government with the failure to enforce the license laws thoroughly in many places. - Mr, Rowell also made the direct charge that the Government "waslined up for the, Bar with the'liquor interests; and thug it expected‘to‘ be ï¬nanced by them at the next general election. Sir James denied. this Vigorously, but Mr."Rnwell declared that if the Prime Minister did not know' it he was‘about the only person. in the Province win) didn‘t. ' {‘vils resul't'ihérï¬â€˜om th‘e traflic am; the habit.†[ï¬rs'nb't possible for the Temper- ance debate to continue during the whole of the session. Last wegk saw ‘whac Was probably theciose of the controversial side of the question for this year. It is now possible to ex. amine the posiï¬on ot the two parties. The Liberals are still standing ï¬rm ,with their policy of abolish the bar, which means the closing of all bars and prohibiting the sale of liquor in Clubs and the retaining of local option to wipe out; the shops where the eleét- vors sodecide. This course has been deï¬nitely endorsed by the . Dominion Alliance.- “That to‘ forbid the sale of such l‘qmrs in bars, while permitting such male in shops, would be disastrous in the extreme. and weak! increase the. RICHMOND HILL. ONTL. MAR.,27,_191:-~; In the Legislature Mr. Lennox in. terrupted Mr. Rowe]! and asked why 'the. Iatterdid not propose'to close the shops as well as the 1400 bars_ in the Province.) Mr. Rowell‘s answer was that with Mr. Lennox' and Mr. Whitney's help he would guarantee to wipe both shops and. bars out of "existence. ‘ ' Agaid m; the Bonsai-Votive meeting in 'Newmmtket last Saturday, Mr. Len-aux, as reported in The Toronto “M it make any difference,†whether Marink out of a glass at a have? mm a bottle in the house? “I don‘t Wka 30. “I’ve tried both.†This amused the men of North York and whenthey ï¬nished laughing Mr. Lean eoutirnued. 'He thought ab‘ dishing the bar Would simply bring‘ The Conservatives, on the other hand; are making no 'i‘emyerance propoaal of any kind. They have di'opped their-Abolish Treating idea ofllast session and now‘reiy entirely on what they claim to be their strict ‘7enforcement of the present ‘liceuse laws. iiéï¬Vinnto the home afld ultimately}v weal: in Wm conditions ,‘than the _ Two Parlor Hanging Lamps. May by. seen by calljpg 3w hmne of It. aunt} ‘Fwn-w-mwnid him-9. Genera} Puv-png'e. Lot 2&7. Hun, B‘Vï¬v’im-kham. - ‘ J. CHUICKHHANH’; 13112 *flibeml. QENPERANCE POLICIES. BARS AND SHOPS. Fer Sale For Sale MRS-JOHN. PALMER. “r ivfny Rn‘IH 1'9. 35-“ Orders now being taken for pring d elivery;-1913. Prospects bright for, - the season’s trade. Experience unnecessary. We hush-pct, nur salesmen how to sell Fruit Stucks in the country and Ornanwntul trees In the tnwn. ' ‘ START NOW and have your territm-y reaerv'ed. Weekly Ely. F 14:6:«thï¬b. 50 Bags of early Potatoes; Eureka. 50 lmgs of late anmes‘ Nuxnll. This will he a good chance to get pure seed. Also n quantity of antink potatues. Phone 2950 Maple Exchange. qu’antiriyvï¬â€˜f hgï¬t wood suijmhle for kindlingga‘ud ï¬xiexprd. . A gnnd house, 9 rooms. with one acre uf land. f‘in- sale In the vilflngfl of Sher- wood. .Gond stable Mtg] other outbuild- ings. Half ut‘ the lot: is nrchard. Ex- cellent, well of Wards: . Close by Post Ofï¬ce. : ~ - MARK BADGER. 38-4 A Sherwood. Party toqu’k enema. garden. soil» on, share h 33-tf 'Thm'nughhred Holstein Bull. on Lot. 28. Cum-2, Vaughan. ’l‘en‘us $1 cnsh. ‘ LIOHN SLINEY. Or) the 3rd Can. of Markham, part lots 18 and 19.‘ known as the John Kelly Estate... For further particulars Apply to- " F. J. KELLY. Phone 2919. Twenty bushels of Seed Pens. Statements made by Salient: ‘. WND imam-Test: CONSTITUTIONAL L002) DIS Daré You Marry; DUKES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ‘; w. um and dare VAlucose vms. NERVOUS DEBILH'Y. .B'mtm Am) URINARtY coupuxms. KIDNEY AND BLADDER Dgsmss And .11 phages Milli" 0 men. , . 7 r .A...... 0-. mp... nun-n nnnun uni-u up _,,»,,n 1,. -_ u A ,-. o .- ‘1‘, DmKENNEDYGtKENï¬EW Patient No. 18474. J “The spots are an tong from my legs Ind ï¬rms and l ch good m i am very gratetul to yoii um I“!!! mm foli’e} the tenor your medicines hax‘féfa‘oné for me. You'can. whiny nme in recommending It to any Mel-ark I am going. to get mart .1... â€".â€".-- . rroa 9mm "'Thnnkl: Patient No. 15923. "I have not had a, regular Emission I don't knvw when Ind am feeling ï¬ne. The world seems nltogether dmerent to m and 'I thank God {or $9?an me to ‘v'ou. You have m C31 hoï¬e‘at doctor with me." are.“ Patient No. 716785. Age 23.. Single. Indulged in immorni l in 4 mu. De- posit in urine and rains at night. Varicose Veins on no aides. pains in back. weak vlexuailyqu He wrltoszâ€""I received your letter of,recent date and in reniy I am pleased to say that after taking two months‘ treatment I would consider myselt completely cured. as I have seen no aignl 0: them coming back (one your). . um WORLD Sm DIFFERENT. SAYS TWO MOW CUBE!) Hill. Farm to Rent STONE as N WELLINGTON. é Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Sh, Detroit, Mich. For Service ‘ For Sale AGENTWANTED For Saée For Sale For Sale Wanted FONTHILL NURSERIES C. H. JONES, “sflzï¬ns mmgygg RICHMOND HILL To sell for the “The Old Reliable†{an (warm _ I Richmu‘hd. Hill H. WINGER, F. R:. OLIVER; Elgin Mills,70nt. Richmmifl Hill, Elgin Mills. \VRITE FOR TERMS. Hope P.O. b’nce Currville. DRS. __'b:;s§é5e;t as " Eva‘s .. w NDSOR. O '_" ion NEDY - KEN NEDY. ï¬'ï¬ï¬iétdm In Mau'bie m- Gl'allitl'. Good IXvnrk. r'PusunuMe «charges. Town 01 Uulnguy. Write, W’. A. J ONES. 51-3 m. 37-“ 0n lst Ouncessicm (if Vangba», 10% 38. Thirtyfuur acres. gnnd ru‘ug‘h cast, house. new stum- foundation, barn, new hen hnnse. pig pen. vmmg orchard just beginning to hear. plentynf water. Suitable for poultry farm at market. gardening. Picturesque sm-mundings. Fifteen minutes walk to Metropolitan 0111‘. 32 t-f 270. 16338. Symptoml when} he ’1 treatmentmge ~21, single. in- \ 4“, 1:1 immoral habit! §¢Maqumm Varicose Vain: can both‘ fldellgs on the face, we. After two mo‘nlhs’ treatment. he wtlles an lollowehâ€"“xflour Welcome letter to hand and am Very glad to say that I think myself cut-cl. My Varlcoae Vein! have completely Edis- Appeared for quite a while and n “fem: e cure. I work harder and feel less tired. I have no desire for that habit whatever and if I stay llke thln. which I new every reason to believe I Wm.- Thankmg you for your klnd attention," etc. Small Farm for Sale A House and 1 acre nf land with sotbnnd baa-d wager and fruit trees. nhnat 1} mile nprth vï¬â€˜Victm'ia Square. GEORGE A..McOA'G;UE. Four rcth Cottage at Victor-ht Squaw. . ' L._ B. HEI‘SE. Pure bred Sheppard Ancnnns $1 for 13 “ " Corning White Leghnrmz â€" - $1.50 for 13 “ " White Wyalldnttvs (Gala Sci-mu) - $1.00 for 13 â€" ORDER NOW -â€" Apply GADIED l4 POUNDS IN ONE mom. tatlent No. {$22. This-patient (aged 58) had a chronic case of Nervous. De- illty and' Sexual, Weakness and was_ run down in Vigor and vitallty. Aneri one month's treatment he reports asxfol- low5:â€""I am feeling very, well. I have gained 14 poundb In one-month. so that I wlll have to congratulate you." Later reportzâ€"“I am beglnning to feel more like a mug. I feel my conditioï¬ls gettlng better every week." Hls last’re- port:e~"Daar Doctorsâ€"As I reel ml: 13 the last month’s treatment that ;I wlll have .to get. I thought at 'ose ‘t-lme I would never be cured. but 1 ‘put '6 n- fldence in you from the start and on have cared um." . Hatching Eggs or Sale Amman, lniéhrlsném'l x seed»péaa.. Apr")? ‘W, . 9M A77. Monnmepts. Markers and (Tm-her ’ ’ Pnsts. “by how it Cures House to Rent «4E VIAâ€"Etch consent ~'_&;SIC05E,VEINS Cm. For Sale 0r Rent For Sale Apply-9n premiss-s m-tn . “n- “mA-â€" mandamus 22 Buchan'én Stu. H. APPLETON, Lettering F. H. TODD. Victoria, Square. Richmond Hi1]. Can-'1' vi“ a. Ti‘ mm to â€"â€",â€"AGENCY~â€".â€" v J. H. .SANDERSON. V. S. REAL ESTATE MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALKVAYS 0N BAND. Two young. inrge. whlte ankshire sows, from gnnd stock. Ap fly to JAMES CARNE IE. Lot 48. MW St. West», 332 , 1 Richmond Hill, A fresh milk cow with calf by side on lot. 26, «mu. 2, Vaughan. . J08. ESPE Y. 383 , Elgin Mills‘ , Subscriptions for. weekly: and.“ daily papers taken with ‘The Liberal†I at the following ratjeszu Family Herald and fee-k; " 131 Star, 1-year, I ' Weekly Gibb-e. ' I ‘ I Weekly Mail and Empire I?» haminin‘n 'Dnnltviv “ ï¬bwns 37nd; Villages, Daily News. The; Wee‘kly‘jSlm Daily Star; ‘ ‘ Qflï¬gide OLUBBING Weekly Mail and Empire 86 Dominion Poultry Guide Farmer’s Advocate Daily Globe, York 00.. Canadian Farm Daily‘Mail, York Co‘ “Every family should have both ~ their local paper and a. L ' city paper. RICHMOND BILL ‘ For Sale For Sale FINE TMLURING: RICHMGND HILL“ The Next Sitting uf Div lsmn Com-’1 to No. 3, County of York. will beheld ' in the Court Ruom. ' DIVISION - GQIIRI. "‘ ""r; ‘- -v- ~-w - muiunnl Dictionary. This is not, a revised 9ditiun of VVehstPr. hut a new crogttiun frnm cnverm cover. Tin-Id- are 2700 pugvs. 6000 illnsfrntinns. and the volume leuntains mme iufm'nmtiun uf interest, to more people than any other dictkmm-y. 'l‘hepnpy for sale is indexed, and the leathm-c hindiug should last." lifetime. The, puhlishm"s price is $13.00. less a discnunt of 25 per, cent. .- . A 434$. 07m! gang of ’We‘mtvgg‘Nefw Inn-r- .L HUME "RATES Mon-day, April 21, 1913 Oc‘vmm‘encmu at 9.302». m. T. F. MCMAHbN (imam NOTARY PUBL 1f; Leases. Wills, Etc. Special attention given to RICHMOND HILL _()N.._. Pressing Cleaning Repairing For Sale Eggfxire at oa’i’ze’y an (-111 g, ‘L‘ihEBAL’ OFFICE ' 240' 1.90 3.59- . I 3.50, £2.50 . 250,