Rlcmmzm HILL. ONT" Mr. :md Mrs. A. E. Lehman and vhildx-Pn spent a few days this wevk M, Cedin- .Valley. The W.‘(}.T.U. win “wet. M, We ‘h‘nmp hf Mrs. Mortsnn n‘eXL Tuésday ‘ after- "mmn an 3 O’clock. @119 ï¬ihcmi. ; Mr. and, :Mrs. Jung’s R. Bak m- of 'Gl‘und Vï¬mey um- making n visit with their daughter Mrs. Wm. Tyndall. Mr. M. Faun“ Ff: Tuesday night on a “Wimpy u ip tn thv'Cn‘nndian West. He went by way of Chicago. The auction S'flf‘ of H19 px-n H-ty of the late John 'l‘ustin of ank lill. ad- vertisvdin THE LIBERAL last week has been Withdrawn. u: r. uh v \ . . . , came White at Easiéi- arnd spent: a few «lays with 'his brother George who has been Very ill during the past, ï¬ve months. laéi’, week Bro. A. Sumnwrtpldt‘ “1 Uninnvi‘lle \\ aS'rP-appninted D.D.G.M. \V. for this district. ‘Mrs. Malloy-B'rmvn and daughter Miss Glade Mnlkavnf Barrie spentover the hniiduvs with Mrs. F. Gibson, the formal’s Innthpr, and o‘t’her relatives mud friends. his brivate siding. Rmeview Gm-den lots are selling iyeyond expectation. Mr. Lawrence nisq yepoy s‘ enquiries for factory Inns Mr. J. E. Steele, Mr. W. A. Glass and Mr. W. W. Trench, Principals of" High Schouls at. Cayuga, Midland and P119900“. respectively, are home for the Easter vacation. ' The annual rppmt reevnï¬'y sent to the Superintendent of Public Libraries {hows that the Richmond Hill Public Library now contains 37681muks. The number of vulumes taken out, last year Was 3220. In the state-0f Ohin thousands are re- rted drowan by th9 recent. Bond, (Judi-eds of thnnsnnds are left, home- less, and Inss of property goes into the hundreds of mxlliuns. Maple syrup quart jar 300. English raspherry jam 20¢ jara Split, pvas' 70. lb. Chnice white beams 63. lb. Potato Ruhr 105. pkg. Celluloid starch 10c. "pkg. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Ecru hungnlnw curtain net. 48 in. Wile, fancy stripe pmtern, 30c. yd., plain white curtain scrim. 38 in. wide. very ï¬ne quality 350. yd., colored curtain art muslin, 36 m. wide 15c. yd. Atkinson & Switzer. Women’s cotton Princess slips V “shaped neck trimnmd with emhrnidery and rian, skirt with frill uf Pmbmid- ery. Ladies gmvns, gund quality White cotton. pull m-er slylv neck and sleeve trimmed with lace tu- emhx-uidery, 750. and 1.00. Atkinsun & Swit‘zer. V Mr. John Rumble and family 01" Pat- fel-son moved .here Thm-sflny. They have taken a house un Richmond street. and hope in Septemberxn re: move innu their new house which they are building on Arnold street. VOn‘ account nf the. unfavorable Weather the Victoria Square branch of therVVt-mun’r: Institute, will hold their postponed meeting at the home of Mrs. Cnmwll. Butlonville. Wednesday afce'rmmn. the second of ApriL‘ A good prugran'lme will he provided. é-Mk W. BakPr of Gm-mley, con- tractor. who recently purchased seven lots 13f the Lawrence estate. between Church St. and Baker avenue, will commence building his ï¬rst house as soon as gravel can be hAuied. Mr. Baker has the name of being a. that- cldss builder. Horses. cattle and implements brought high pricas for the estate of the lute Bert. MurLsnn last Friday, on lots 4 and '5. con 4. Whitchurch. The farm also went under the hammer- of the auctioneer Mr. J. T. Suigeon for $8,600. The buyer was Mr. .1. Ash of \Vhitchurch. iii-wild. died Sunday night at H o‘clock A he body “(assent hum-A on Monday. At the A. 0. A special ‘czu‘ left. North. Toronto Sunday mm'ning, M, 3 n’cleck, and made armor-d trip to Newmm'ket to carry thyeé-year-old Joyce Davis tn the Hpspiml for lung trouble. An qperatinn‘WaS perfnmwd M the Hos- pital, but. all efl‘nl‘ts wvru in vain-as the Farmers requiring heavy horse-s for “min spring work should not fail to attend the auction sale at the Palmer Huuse on Tuesday the 8th of April. The horses have heeu in the lumber cam s all winterand are said to he in :0 walking canditinn, ranging f1 0m $208 yeafs 01d‘ and weighing from 15400 lbs upwards. nit thqi. "dinN-nmom mu“, Be‘veï¬ey Glover" of Montreal W. annual meeting A. Sumnwrtpldt‘ 7171‘ MAR. 27; 1913 E‘ho can think uf' some simple 3- flag to cited“ 2 yr.“ weak]: 1‘ L t A! .24 NICROLSâ€"WINGER-qu Lhu Paw-m- age, Richmond ‘Hill. by Row G, S. Sm th. Ph. 0., on Wednesday, M um}! ‘26, 913; Miss Mary \Vinger '(-If U u-r- ville. Ln Mu Anson James Niehnis uf Victmia Squaw. LAHONâ€"At 63 Dundee Ava, Bear-411 Park. on Sunday. March†16. l9l i in Mr. nmd Mrs. T. A. Lmuun, n daggh- ter. ‘ ‘ ' Jomhflwin the R.‘ V; Haspitu‘l. Btu-Tie. (m Thursday; ' Mal-ch 2â€. 1913, thn ‘ Jordan, aged 49 years, 4 mom; N. 8 days, formerly uf Richmnnd Hih. Interment in Barrie Union Gemeaury. Monday 24th inst. A Public Reception under. ,‘the nu- spicps nl' the. Am-m-n Rpfm-m Afl<rwi Minn will he tendm-vd to Hon. W. L. MacKenzie King. Lihm-nl candiute fur the House nf Oomnlum. Nnrth Yuk. and J. M. Walton Esq. in the M chnnics H ll. Auto-a. t,~ mm'mw (Fridn y) evening at 8 u’clmk. Adarems will he lnte'Y‘sfvel‘g‘led with music and nther social fe-Lulres. All without, regard to party aï¬ilimiuns will be cordially Welcumed. L-Idies specially invited. _ FROM EXPRESS-HERALD i The last number of the Newnmrke-t Express-Herold contained a. referwnce to two sermons preached the. previous Sunday 'hy Rev. Mr. Simpson. pastor of the Methodist church. We believe the'synopsisis Worthy at a place in this paper:â€"-_“The pnstorpreuched two excellent surmnns on Sunday. The! morning subject Was“ Four men «ml I another.†The text choson was M wk 2. 5. "When Jesus saw their faith He said unto the sick of the Palsy. Sou. thy sins be forgiven theeâ€. 'Wtht the world wanted was not were preach- ing‘ or more churches, but more. sym- a putbyï¬m- one another. Instead of criL~ icï¬ing and condemning another. to put enrselves in annther’s pl we, and say if we were in his place how would we feel. was sym "thy. S une pen le were so paralyze und warped wit sin they would never get In Christ unless some one helped than ‘ to get .to Him. If one method failed, ‘ invent another. We were not usmuch interested in mar neighbor’s spiritual welfare us we should be. In the even- ing the subject was the“Ohristian and amusements.h Every on needed some. recreation or their work became mo- notonous. What the nature of that amusmnentshould he, must he‘decidwl bv ‘ each ï¬ndividuad. Some people like the ministerto say just what was right and wrong, but he refused to not us the conscience of any man. What- ev er made religious things distasteful to us or kept us from doing things. was wrong. He condemned bettingâ€"fit Was wrong from beginning to end. If betting was stopped it' would kill horse racing. The theatre also was a place for the breeding of vice.†LTHE LAWRENCE GREENHOUSE; 1.0.0. B‘- LECTURE. i Invitations have been sent out: hy‘ Hillel-est Lodge, I, O. O. F.. of Rich- mund Hill. tn :1 lecture'given by pro- fussnr L. E. Homing M.A. PJ'LD“ cf Victoria College Universal-y i)f‘%i‘a»li- to. The members Consider themselvus VH‘V furlulmt-e i‘n se-curing Dr. Homing and are giving the penpleof Richman Hill and vicinity the opportunity 0f hearing one of nae most. highly ednc it- ed men. and one of the suund st thinkers on Canada’s present day problems that we have in Oanadn' m- d'zw. This is assured by recent, address- ves before the. Canadian Club. and Empire Cluh of'l‘uronto, and also his recent election tn'the Presidency of the Peace and Arbitriatimn Society of Canada. His subject on Wednesdiy, AQl‘il‘an. at. the Masonic Hall, will be "‘bnnadiun Citizenship and Outlouk" and his'ï¬nudience is assured that, Luis rather hackneyed subject. will be tren- 3 ed from new and unusual standpninm ‘The lodge has gone to ‘camfllerm-le Lroulileï¬andgfexpense to provide his i treat. for their friends and feel sure it, i will be accepted in the spirit given. . M r. W. J. Lawrence suffered u-heuvy loss nn Guod Friday afternoon when the east; half of the Greenhouse-w“ unronfed and the great lass building practically destroyed. n will be M'- member-9d that. early in the winterthé roof on the West half \venL m from the weigbtzof the snow, as that pmt \vu not, heated, and consequently Lhasnow on the room did not. melt. Theme-m part. of ting gash iImIf h‘ad been} Juggfrdml lip, hut. Friday uhnut‘z O’clnck thé hile wind gained an entrance. Valid tlw building was practically demolished. Mr. Lawrence had In the buildng 50.000 ruse bushes read y' h -r Mailsplan L- mg; 50.000 carnatians. And ï¬nwws and plants uf manv variables. Evexylmdv sympathizvs with Mr. Lawrencth his tremendous loss. but of course sym- pathy .will not repluca the building. Our citizens are pleased to know, how- ever. that Mr. Lawrence will anybqu us.speedily an pussihle. Mr. J. U. Sheakley. District Repre- sentive, 9m; Dept. of Agriculture and Mr. Munov, P.S.I.. have planned a Ruml Sehofll Fair for Vaughan '1’“an- sbip for .1913. This Fair is open Lu £125» upils (.f rum! schools in Vaugh-m "uwnship. and is for the pin-ruse «If stimulating interest- in Agriculturv among the pupils. The pupils will lu-l given the seed whiclr th-y are to sow ancnrdiugvtn instructiuu. A four. page: rircularhus been issuml, and any pup I wishinz ttu-nler fm- pr'izws which “3in he awanlgdrfnrï¬â€˜pmvu’ ’ cur-n m , l ,-1 :TER‘M frnm Man 25â€: Tulluuï¬ng Easter, 7 uwigiw intu nur Sumnu-r,’l‘:~rm n: all DI-pm-tmenla nf ".Shnw's Srhnuh“ 'l‘uronmâ€"Cenhul Bud,- 'no.« Ur-lll-gi- with Firm" Citv “mun-h Sulumlk. 'l'lw ( lenti-nl Trlv- graph and Rnilnmd St-hunl, nnd HImW's Uivil HP! \ it-r- Suluml. Fun- (:umlugui- expluius C(illl'St-ï¬ and ndwinlugeh'. “'9 inviu- you to wriir fur: it. \V. H. Shaw. Presi- ' Hmd omens. Yr nge 36 s’ ! (l libs“ Tul‘nlltn. RERAL SQ HOOL R. MARRIAGE; BIRTHS. Aurora. DEATHS Th: murringo- uf .Mts‘ M. E. Harm-In. (lnughu-r at Mr: and Mrs Wm. Alll'll. In Mr. R. H. Hunth may: place at his human in Newn'uu-kr-t un Spigle 31.. \Nvdnesdav. March 19. in. the presence of nlmun 40 guests. 'l‘hv‘ "nu-ml nf humn-wn_s MissE. M. Allen. while‘ the grunm was :umudvd by his nnphew H. ' E. Huntlev. va. S._ Q. 'Sn'ulvt‘ nfliciuivd. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt- lvy receivvd many handsmm‘ and use- ful‘ pwsents. Alter Lhe'wudding sup- pm the: huppymcnuple left, far their hunuymoun in Pine Orchard, Keswick and Tux-unto. M R. CHAPMAN’S \ViLL (sum: Ubupumn. who flied at his hmuesteud in Vaughan township. Thurnhill, on March 12. left an estate vulde at 335.473 [hp pnincipal item [wing I30 acres of land in Vatughqn tuwnship valued at. $32,000: $2.50“ in fa rm amck nnd pruduce. A mortgage uf $800 i510 he. dividvd numng six gn-aarndtmildu-en. Twn of his grand- children are bequeathed $100 each. and the reulnindvr 0f his estate is equally divided heme-en his two daughters. {Sh-rtha. and Lucy Chapmanâ€"Daily tar. A GREAT SALE Mr. Bvrwick “’eldrick who recenfly sold his fill‘ul at, [.ungstnï¬ and after- wards purchased the Kirby farm near Trstun haul an excéllem, sale conducted by Mr. J. T. Saigeuu on Tuesday (K but. WPPk. Hm-ses Innmghl from $200 $0327."), c-nvs frmn $501“ $91. and his 20 pigs nvtted h1m$438. ,Aimgether the mile aniuuuLe-d to $4.092. The pmpriebm' mat/nian all the stock and implements‘h‘e liquide fur the new fan-m. hutm his credit. it. can he said that everything he mlverlispd and pub up for Sale wrnsrkuncked down to the highest hidde - ‘ METEG‘DIST CHUROH.‘ The Ladim; Aid Sewing Circle will mva in the Sunday Schuul Runm ‘on Friday of this Week at 3 o’clock. All mumbï¬'s are requested in attend. The seem-id Ten Cent, VTen. on behalf the lmdies‘ Aid will hvgiven by Mrs. 'l‘urp. Mrs. J. H. Sundersun and M43. Metcaxlfe in the S. S. mum. Ftin hum 5 m 7 u‘clnck. The Society will] he pleusrd to see a large number pres. t-Ilt. - ‘ Easter Present The Mysterious, } , Luminous Crucifix The Cross of‘ The most marvélous mystic Wonder (If the Lwentivtflrcenml-y‘ Our Sa‘x‘kmr nniled tn the Cross, ‘1; beautiful and marvelous wm-k of art. 'l‘hat, has mys- tified the wholu world With its share» ling luminous effect. which is everlast- mg. Th9 figuré of Christ as well as the cums itself are nfjmimtinn marble mate-rial. showing \VHI'J‘Eindavlight and in a GLO HIOUS. LUMINOUS, MYSTIC LIGHT at, NIGHT IN THE DA RKEST ROOM. The luminuus ef- fect is flex-lasting. The greatest work nf art ever known to science. It is in- deed a. glorious and mirst. previnus «m-ticlenf tx-uedevntiml. Scivnce has lung bee-h puzzled at, this mysterious wurk of art. There are: two diffuwnt‘sizes: The larger une( 11% by 6 inches) has ‘heml reduced m nnly $2.00frmn the origin- :11 price nf $ It). ()0 and the smaller-one (4 by 8) from $ 5. 00 l,“ but, une (l. 00 Dullar in nrder t(- enable every Chis- tian Family U» have (me in lhvirhmne. Tbusv prices will hold gund only till 1. April. ‘ A. Netkow ~ 832 Yonge‘ 813., TORONTO, ONT. Plume mentinn paper in which you ï¬auud this udvertisvmvm. " VGflnd ï¬-annv 1:01am: and lot {Mr-5211931! the village: ME “3919. Pussess‘lmngiwmx at (man I 30-tf. By an Pxpm-ienc'ed fai-m hand, may- ried man. _Apply sin-Ling wugvs (u frnm Man 25â€: Tullu\\'..-ing Easter, InengN intu nur Sunmu-r,’l‘:~rm n: all DI-pm-tmenla nf ".Shnw's Srhnuh“ 'l‘uronmâ€"Cenhul Bud,- no.“ Ur-lh-gv with an‘ Citv Hmun-h Sulumlk. 'I'lw ( )enn-nl Triv- grnph and Rnilnmd St-hunl, nnd HImW's Uivi} HP! \ it-r- Suhuul. Fun- Work Wanted H U NTLE Yâ€"HAR'I‘EN MOST BEAUTIFUL For. Sale Apply tr} THGMAS BEI‘TLES Eternal Lighi __0R_. J. T. SAW} EON. H L J.1-D.u'ling’.~2. M n p10 EHOUS OLEAEENG Exery ggod_ housekeepe, 1+4- +++4-+« Dod’nfafl to have plenty'nf the nld reliable on hand. AIL kinds. er . bag- 50. - Snap chips and Laundry, tablet make washing e‘iwie‘r. ry 'tnï¬'mpgrpkg...... .;; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .BROOMS AND BRUSHES EAtkinson ,& SWitzer é RICHMOND HILL +P+++++M+WM¢MWÂ¥M+ 4WP+++++++++ ï¬d-i-N‘l‘W-I‘N'l-M‘ e ‘ gouge st,_ House and ham.†'7 Acres of choice land '/, mile off" good terms. \ E r 6 Acres ï¬rst-class land and next/E? / House and Barnï¬h miles off - Yonge St. First-class Buildinglots in' Rose-E ' 'vieWGard‘ensg Richmond Hill: D Anna“ snAnnAuunAn +++++++++++4~+w~++¢“Mi-ï¬n++++§~++++M+M++m+++w vvvvvvvvvvmmwvvvvv’vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvivv’vv g AAAAAAL “AMA VVVVV “AMA unnnnnnnnunnn Aswan.â€Aunmagmmuum AA s-rsamm a ms 5 ms; 5‘ emu: A3} 41,3; A newhroom sweeps clean.) Get one for spring work. . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 350 We sell fluor, stove, and whitewash brushes. washboards. etc. There is nothing like-a dainty wall paper to {rightean Moth. Our stock includes a- nice varietypfdesigns und colui'ings. ' _No use scrubbing une’s arm Oï¬â€™ when a little Pam-Tine takes everything affix) a. jiffyrpk . . .50. CLEANING POWDERS Pnemz a: ' A handy helper for cleaning darkâ€"corners. closets. crllm-s, eté.,§hnuld be-nsed freely. px-tinJOc CONCRETE HOUSE LYE, A POWERFUL DISIN“ FECTANT REAL ESTATE AGENT. ‘ "vvvvvv"wvvvvï¬wmmvvvvvvrvvvvvvv Viv" vvvvv The placehr Hats, Caps,’Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Fox, eté. 'W’c have the ï¬'ae-‘t anal largest stock we ' ever had: Come and see if we cém ï¬x you up. Also a gpod Stock of all kinds, of "Do my and- shoeslor spring wear. Would be Eplexus-ed to have yuu call and in- spect them. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' “ §§§§§§§§Q§QMQOOONNOD§O§O¢9§§§§§6+§§§§§Q§§§§§§Q iii-Eiémfbï¬ihiifgiidééidéé N 0R MA NJ. G LASSâ€" PRQPF¢IETOR A little puwdered Ammonia. sprinkled in the washing wnter makes washing easier, per box . .. . . , . . .. 5 and 100 Use the home bleachm- nnd puriï¬er Omo forremoving stains and bleaching linen. per pkg . . .2. ‘..' . . . . . . 10c Every good housekeeper loves to see the Home 'Iook spit and span. S‘he i'n‘ sistsrou having it wholesome and sanitary "Cut out half the labor by getting ï¬some of these Handy Assistants: Armand Savage POWD‘ERED AMMONIA AND 0M0 LIGHTEN THE LABOR 0F , FOR SALE. ~r-wr-r-9~t¢+'l +m+++++++ M+++++i+++ WALL PA‘PLjZR A~PPL Y SOAPS SWEEPING POWDERS 3'