bAN LAUGH A'l‘ LIFE’S Mlqu ILLS 'ED. 7. A man never quite realizes how (much furniture he owns until he gtries to walk rapidly through his Lrooms in the dark. - “Pop, what is the difference beâ€" ;tween an artist and an artisan 7†“An artisan, my son, can usually ,make at least $3 a day.†“Do you really love me ’l†she wrote. “Referring to my last lH- ter,†he promptly replied, “5m: will ï¬nd that I love you devoteilly on page one, madly on page fhree, and passionately on pages four and ï¬ve.†New Brunswick Woman Tells How l She Was Rescued from 111 Health by the Twin Remedies, Dodd’s Kidney Pills and Dodd’s Dys- pepsia Tablets. Neguac, Allain P. 0., N. B., Mar. 24 (Speciallyâ€"Mrs. Joseph G. Savoy. o Wellâ€"known resident of this place, whose illâ€"health has been a. matter of much concern to her friends, is telling of the cure she found for all her troubles in Dodd’s Kidney Pills and Dodd’s Dyspepsia. Tablets. l “My health is ï¬ne now,†Mrs. Savoy says, in an interview. “The gains are gone from my side and arck, and when I go to bed I can sleep. Before I started using Dodd’s Kidney Pills and Dodd’s Dyspepsia Tablets I could not eat anything heavy, such as meat, but now I can eat practically what I please with no ill effects.†Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMEN’L‘ fails to cure any case 0! Inch- ‘gng, Blind. Bleeding or Prouudinz Piles In no 14 days. 50c. Why does not a successful man al- zways give his friends the' same {brand of advice that he uses in his “own business? The Thing to Da. “What shall I say if Mr. Blink? ton asks me to marry him ?†asked the young woman. I “Don’t bother about studying iwhat you will say,†replied Miss Cayenne. “Rehearse an effort to look surprised.†flainard‘n Llnlmem Cures Gargut In Cows “You told me to take the man's 'measure,†explained the profligate 35011. “This man had a. greater ca- ‘pacity than I had.†Marlon Bridge. 0. B., May 30, ‘02. 1 I have handled MINABD'B LINIMEN'I‘ during the past year. It is always the ï¬rst Liniment asked for here. and unques- tionably the best seller of all the duffel:- ant kinds of Liniment I handle. llllnard's Llnlment Cures Dlstnmner. ; Dodd’s Dyspepsia Tablets insured proper digestion of her food, thus furnishing the body with the nu- trition it required. Women‘with healthy kidneys and sound diges- tion can afford to laugh at the minor ills of life. “What do you mean by getting 'drunk when I send you out with a. prospective customer ’I†asked the merchant. ‘ Mrs. Savoy was in a generally run-down condition, and her cure came about by using the natural remedies. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured and invigorated her kidneys, thus purifying her blood and imâ€" proving the circulation. INCE DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HER KIDNEY I DISEASE. FILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Learns by Knocks. Greater Capacity. kilnâ€"'ï¬iiGUSON. ISSUE Iiiâ€"’13. The river population of Canton, China, and vicmity is womputed at 500,000. Rapid breeding and con- stant recruiting from the pirates of the West River further up keep pace with the high death rate. They have no schooling, no religion, no morals, no hope. Until three years ago not even Christian missionaries noticed them and their efforts to- day lacking adequate support from the homeland, are like throwing birdâ€"shot against Gibraltar. These river rats are of neceesity piratical and lawless. A body floating un- noticed and un-cared for down the stream some bright morning tells the tale of a ï¬ght or treachery the night before or perhaps days ago. The man who can laugh at a. funâ€" ny story' after hearing it the third time should not be trusted. He is a hypocrite. Many are the stories told of Rt. Hon. Mr. Birrell. His wit is irre- pressible. When things were going badly with his Education bill, he met a, bishop, who said 60 him, “I am afraid your bill is dead.†“Yes, it may be, my lord,†was'Mr. Bir- rell’s answer, “but I believe in the resurrection of the dead.†At the time when the Crown jewels‘had been stolen from Dublin Castle, the visit of King Edward to Ireland was nearly due, and if was part of Mlnard's Lln!mcnt Cures Colds. Eta. Though married to a cooking school graduate, many a man would rather ï¬ght than eat. on new life and vigor. Every morn- ing, now, before going to school, she eats the crisp little. morsels and is now completely and entirely well, she seems to have a. new lease on lifeâ€"â€"no more distress in the sto- mach, nor headache, but sound and well everyway.†Name given by Canadian Postum 00., Windsor, Ont. Read “The Road to Well- ville,†in pkgs. “There’s a Reason.†Ever read the above letter? A new om appears from tlme to “me. They are genulno, true, and full 0! human Interest. Mr. Birrell’s duty, as Irish Secre- tary, to walk backwards as the King advanced, and to carry the big sword of state. ~Walking back- wards is not one of Mr. Birrell’s accomplishments, and he looked forward to the occasion with peculiâ€" ar emotion. .When, therefore, the horrorâ€"stricken ofï¬cials announced the disappearance of the regalia, Mr. Birrell replied, “Good heav- ens; I hope they remembered the sword.†That’s why imperfectly digested food may, and often does, Cause ir- ritation of the nerves and stupor of the mindâ€"brain and nerves are really poisoned. _ __ _ “She had been fond of cereals, but had never tried Grape-Nuts. From reading the a000th of this predigested food, it seemed reason- able to try Grapeâ€"Nuts for her case. “The results were really wonder- ful. The little brain that seemed at times unable to do its work, took To Feed Children and Get Good Results. There are more nervous persons made so by undigested foo-d lying in the stomach than the average individual would suppose. “My daughter had complained for some time of a distressed feel- ing in the stomach, after eating, which set; me thinking that her diet was not right,†writes an anxious and intelligent mother. If food remains undigested in the stoma-ch, it begins to ferment, set up gas and a large portion is thus converted into poison: Rt. Hon. Augustine Bil-rel]. Lawless River Population. MR. BIRRELL’S WIT. THE KN OW 110W A Man to Avoid. But the Healing Fumes of Catarih- ozone, Which are Breathed to the Purim-st Recesses of the Bronch- ial Tubes, Bring Quick Relief and sure Cure. Every sufferer, from coughs. colds. bronchitis and all throat. and chest ail- ments needs a soothing, healing medicine which goes direct to the breathing organs in the chest and lungs, attacks the trou- ble at the source, disperses the germs of disease, and cures the ailment thorough- l.v. And this medicine is “Catarrhozone.†The germ-killing balsamic va-por mixes with the breath, descends through the throat, down the bronchial tubes, and flu- a-liy reaches the deepest air cells in the lungs. All parts are soothed with rich, nure. medicinal essences, whereas with a. syrup the affected parts could pot be reached, and harm would result. through benumbing the stomach with drugs. "I have - been a chronln sufferer from catarrh In the nose and throat for over olght years. I thlnk I have spent four hundred dollars trylng to get relief. I have spent but slx dollars on Catarrh- ozone, and have been completely cured. and, in fact. have been well for some tlme. Gatarrhozone Is the only medlclne I have been able to ï¬nd that would not only give temporary rellef but wlll always cure permanently. Yours sincerely, (Signed) WILLIAM RAGAN, Brockville, Ont. The family remedy: fox-v Coughs Elsi Colds. “Shiloh costs so little and does so muchi" Many‘Reasons Why ‘ Liquid Bough Mixtures Can’t Gure Bronchitis For absolute, permanent cure, use Ca.- tarrhozone. Two months' outï¬t costs $1.00; smaller size, 500., at all storekeep- ers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Company, Buffalo, N. Y. and Kingston, Canada. “I tell you, Pat, it’s the ould frinds that are the best and I can prove it.†“How will ye do that, Mike?†“Whereâ€"I ask ye as man â€"~Where will ye ï¬nd a new frind that has stood by ye as long as the 011ch ones?†Prof. Fibigcr Develops Parasite From Cockroach Eggs. Pro‘. Johannes Fibigcr, director of the Pathological Institute of Copenhagen, has communicated some results of cancer research to the Klin‘i‘sche Wochen-schrift. It is a, great misfortune to anyâ€" one to conceive and cherish the idea. that he is not as other men areâ€" that he is of ï¬ner clayfand of su- perior order of nature, and re- quires certain dispensations of life and a particular ordering of events in relation to himself to enable him to endure this mortal pilgrimage at 2111. It is a, misfortune, ï¬rst, beâ€" cause it is difï¬cult to provide a. sufï¬- cient number of persons of this con- viction to ensure the desired com- fort of his life; and, secondly, beâ€" cause, if a large proportion, or even all with whom he comes in contact, were so persuaded, it would so~isolate him in an atmosâ€" phere of selï¬shness that his better nature would be absolutely stifled and dwarfed, and in time killedwif that immortal part of us which is our better nature can die. Prof. Fibiger found that tumorâ€" ous affections in the stomach and oesophagus of rats were associated with a. particular species of worm, which develops from the egg to the larva. stage in the bodies of cockâ€" roaches. He fed healthy cockâ€" roaches with the eggs of these worms, and then healthy rats with the infected cockroaches, with“ the, result that the rodents developed tumors of am unmistakably cancer- ous type. Thus he asserts he has demonstrated for the ï¬rst time that cancer can be produced at any rate in rats and mice by the opera/Lion of these parasites. The German medical world is very reserved in its opinions as to the importance of this discovery, past experience with the claims of cancer investigators having ren- dered it very sceptical. ' ï¬hilohE Regularity- Dr. Morse’s ‘° Indian Root Pills PRODUCES CANCER IN RATS. of the bowels is an absolute neces- sity for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a da, , it decays and poisons the whole bo y, causin biliousncss, indi~ gestion and sick eadaches. Salts and other harsh mineral purgativco irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morse’a Indxan Root Pillsâ€"entirely vegetable â€"- regulate the bowels eï¬ectively without weak- ening, sickening or griping. Use Not. As Other Men. Proof. If we are to believe the latest authorities on the subject, we ï¬nd that women are much more ten-a.â€" ciou‘s of life and resist disease much more readily than the average man. She is in many respects the superior of the two. Do Not Expand Their Vital Strength Unnecessarily. Statistics prove that women live longer than men. From this point arises an extremely interesting physiolOgical questionâ€"how is ft #6 be accounted for that the sexwhich always has been consider-ed physi- cally fra‘iler than men should in the majority of instances outlive men? As a, rule, she does not expend her vital strength unnecessarily, While the majority of men either in work, in play, or in pleasure, are literally prodigal of their store. _ A writer has turned out some in- structive comparative ï¬gures with regard to the liability of men and women to disease and death. He 523in from 3 to 35 years of age the death rate between the sexes re- mains about even, but afterwards the scale turns in favor of women. At 40 a woman has seventy-eight chances to one against dying, while man has only fortyâ€"nine chances to one. At 60 the odds are nearly twice as large in favor of woman, and at 80 they are ï¬ve times as great. Prof. Sargent of Harvard says their ï¬gures are changing to resemâ€" ble more the men: More height, deeper chests, smaller hips. Is the most delicate fabric in the world. You may cause it permanâ€" ent harm by using poisonous minâ€" eral ointments for the little rashes and eruptions that every baby suf- fers from occasionally. Don’t take any chances. Use Zam-Buk, the baby’s best balm. 1'0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if It falls to euro. 21%. W. GROVE’S signature is on each box. c. The. average man takes ï¬ve and a half pounds of food and drink each day, whi_0_h_ am9lEptS‘t/0 nearly one Zam-Buk is made from ï¬ne her- bal extracts, and is free from any harmful poisonous coloring matter. Like the grasses and the flowers, nature has colored it green. It is nature’s own healer! Just put a little Zam-Buk on baby’s skin, and see how soon it is absorbed, showing con- clusively that the pores of the skin are greedy for it. The junks hold to the middle of the stream as they sail lazily up and down. Some are very old, be- ing at once the cradle and the bier of their navigators. The sampans drape themselves along either bank of the river for miles, bot-h below and above Canton. At congested points they block together solidly, sometimes twenty and thirty abreast. They are low, unpaintecL from ten- to ï¬fteen feet long and about ï¬ve feet wide, having a good cargo capacity. A ba-mbgo outrig- Us; noéhing but Zam-Buk for baby’s skin troubles and wash with Zam-Buk Soap. All druggists and stores sell at 500. box, or post free from Zam- Buk 00., Toronto, for price. Reâ€" fuse harmful substitutes and imi- tations. I ' .IUI. NoSmurtlngâ€"FeelsFineyâ€"Acts Quickly. Y Try It for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and o Grunuiated Eyeflds. Illustrated Book in each Package. MURINE is com~ E! e s nded by ourOm1Hsts~nota “Paan iclne“ but used in successful Pl) 5]- N clans'l’mcglce for many years. ow e e dedicated to the Public and sold by [nuggets at 2bc-50c per bottle. Murine Eye he in Aseptic Tubes, 25c-600, I..- cw. Dam...“ n.‘ Ind---“ Vial Chicago and‘ North Western Railway. On sale daily. March 15th to April 15th in- clusive. from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria. Vancouver, Nelson, Rosaland, and many other points. Through tourist sleepers and free reclin- ing chair cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full in- formation as to rates, routes and litera- ture. write or call on B. H. Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. In but a, few short weeks she’ll say: “My darling. grab thy mace And beat those rugs for me, I pray, HOusecleaning’s taking place.†torleof solid and liquid nourishment annuagly. A man may have great conver- sational abilities, says one who is married, and still have few conver- sational opportunities. When Yo u-r Many a meek and lowly man has ruled the roost-as a baby. Minard's Llnlment Cures Diphtheria. Low Colonist Rates to Paciï¬c Coast WOMEN LIVE LONGER. YOUR BABY’S SKIN Junks at Chinese Port. Try Murine Eye Remedy Murine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago Due. Zahiï¬'ééfllbndéixi, Ont. H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. q EVERAL nmmflï¬m FARMS IN k. Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick sale. }? Eraâ€"me 114.3338.’ number of outbuild- mzs. Owner anxious to sell. going to Northwest. The Western Real Estate Ex- ‘- veu; Au (uuy, mun» no“ Percy Love. Hawarden. Sask GOOD HTOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES with Three Houses: large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. I HAVE OVER 01%: HUNDRED 000p _ farms in different. sections of Ontario on my list. If you want a farm consult FIFTY ACRES IN BRANT COUNTY-â€" Frame houset number 9! 9 b 1d ging at the side helps to maintain balance. Steering is done by one big oar, which works in a groove at the stern. EES FOR SALEâ€"ONE HUNDRED _ ï¬rst class colomes of Bees. partly Italian, in Eight frame Laugstroth Hives. Delivery in May. R. F. Holtermann. Brantford, Ontario. Canada. When a man gets_ engaged to a, girl all the other fair maids of his acquaintance begin to talk about his poor taste. ‘ ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. der Stones. K\dnex trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred allments pouflvely cured with the new German RemedY. "Banal." price $150. Another new remedy [or Diabetes-Menitus. and can cure. {a "Band's Anti-Diabetes"' Price $2 00 from drumzists or direct The Ranol Manufac- turing Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Man. l-AQLSQRHJ N S CHEN/LLE CURTAINS F‘ W DAWSON. Toronto. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETO.. internal and external. cured with- out vain by our home treatment. Writ: us before too late. Dr. Banman Median 00.. Limited. (‘n‘linzwnnd Ont. V I‘vAii’ 'COLLECToxsâ€"HUNDRED DIP- b ferem Foreign Stamps. Catamzue. Album. cull Seyen Cents. Mnks Stamp éoinhahy. Toronto. [Oh Ai'ï¬ié aï¬d Legs. Caused Runnln Sores. Would Tear Himself Ti I! They Bled. Like Open Woundsu ilutlcuraSoap and OintmentCuretIJE 03 Stewart 86.: '1‘ o r o u t o.†Ontarhsï¬ "When my baby was nine mpnms old he: had a. lot of pimples come on his arm and‘ legs which used to com.“ to a. head, then break and! cause running sores. They‘ * were bright red spotl.", which Itched and burned? so badly that he would tear kinself till he made them bleed and they were all like open wound“ They were on hls face and am: no bad that I did not: like to take hln’ ut. He could not sleep _ . ,7 or rest anywhere. I trlod‘ beveral things at home and lot: of dlfleruiï¬' things people used to advise me. but ha did not get a. blt better. f‘I bathed each place in warm water and Cuticura. Soap and than I put some of who Cuclcura, Ointment: on and bound them up In soft rags ï¬nd he slept; better that ninth than he had for three weeks, and he did not scratch himself once that night. I did that for three days, nighb and mom.- lng, when wa noticed the sores were sect ting drier and healing. so I bought a. cake of Outicura Soap and a box of Cut!- cum Ointment. and after a week and a. ten days there was not a blemish on hind: (Signed) Mrs. E, West. Feb. 29. 1912. Cutlcura. Soap and Cutlcura. Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere.‘ For a. liberal free sample of each. with 32-1). book. send post card to Potter Drug 6; Chem. Com. Dept. 391). Boston. U. S. A. Write to us about; yours. Gold Medalist. UTISH AMERIOAN DYEING 60.. Box 233.Montroal 29 Broadway, New York. “I bought some of your GIN PILLS at Victoria, B.C. last September. wYour remedy I ï¬nd. at 60 years.of age, to give rfect relief from the Kidney and Blad er Troubles incident to (mac? my age. I urgently recommend GIN PILLS to friends as being the one thing that does the good.†E. G. WOODFORD. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Money back if GIN PILLS fail. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 131 BONSULTHG ENGEEEER EHflflRSES Gm PILLS EIMPLES‘ITBHE‘" H ~ ~T-AND BURNER} THE CLEAN HOME DYE Gives rich. even colon, free from streak: and absolutâ€" ely fast. Does not stainhands or kettles 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors 10c, black 15:. am your deal-21's or oat ~ paid with Booklet “How to Dye" from F. L. BENEDICT & 60. Montreal ARM IN ifSASKATGHEWAN*EQUIP- pe_d; in grep; glustflsel‘l; terms easy. and :11 kinds of house hangings. Illo STAMPS AND COINS. Maypole Soap FARMS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. DVED AND CLEANEI LIKE NEW. ‘