Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Mar 1913, p. 8

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“an”... , “V uAa‘ Ross. A safe and p1055£n£§§rup~50m waists. Two farms Within two miles of Mount. Albert. 100 acres each. Good huildings. 35-b.f. THURSDAY, March 27â€"F:u~m stock. impleménts.etc, Yonge SL. Finch’s Curm-r, the prnperty of Mr. Scott. Salt-:41 l2n‘clm-k. 8 mos. FRIDAY, March 28~First class herd of Dairy Cattle, lut4 cnn.3. East, York. propnrty of Pete: W. Milne. .5.on at l. 8 mus. SAT.. March 29â€" llydesdale horses, ’ high grade catblv. fax-m implements «10., Int 30. con 4. Scarlmm, the pro- pe-rty nf \Vm. Dougherty. Sale at 12 n’clock. '7 runs. MONDAY. March 31â€"Farm stock. im- {)lHlnt’llLb'. elm. lot 28 con. D. Scur- mm. the property of T, A. Putter- sun. Sale at l. 8 mos, TUESDAY. April 1 ~Fau‘m stock. imple- nwnts etc. all. 'l‘hurnbilol.vY'unge Sh, llw pi'nperty 0f Rise-In'ough & Jack- Sun. Snle an 1. 8 months. THURSDAY. April 3â€"Hurses, pure bred llulsLt-iu and grades, fut cattle and hugs. lut ll, 2nd con- west. Yul-K. LhH property of Gen. 8. Stewart. Downs- \'ie-w. Sale at B2.”an Ten-lusts mus. FRI.. April 4â€"«li’mrm $103k, implements 910., int )5; cmLZ from the Buy. the pvt-party of- T. “I, Brown. Sale EIL l n‘cluck. Terms 7 months. S1512, Am'il 53â€"me59, shop. lot, furni- tu-rv. (unis otv... at, Uninnvillv, the pa'inrty of the late Herb Baker. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Terms (m pmlers 31024., Ap. 7-â€"Henvy work hm-sos, fresh cnws, spriugvl's. her-f ringers. lu-nnd sun‘s, culLs etc. Int 10. con. 10. Whit. _ nhluuh. the properly nf Rolf Gunner. Sale at l u’cluck. 7 mos. $1158., Apr. 8-Almm 30 hmu'y draft burst-s. at tlw Palmer House. Rich. mund Hill, the property of Lamb r. Spvurs & Hewlqu Lumber Cm. Sulp at lZn’c-liuck. Terms 6 months. The und‘t-rsignod nfim‘s for sale a blnuk nf flu- $1000 (Inllzu' Debentures uf the Village‘ nf Richmond Hill. Th!- dehentures run 30 years. and hour in tfrvst at fivv [191- can. Installmenls nf principal and inn-1' est paid annuully. Thase delwntures m‘ny be bought; aingly 01' EN BLOC. Full particulars may hP had at, the Clerk’s Office, Rich- mond Hill. Front Lot, 31, 2nd Con. Markham, l00 acres WP" drained, running creek. good dairy farm. 36- tf One of the best business or residence ]ots on west side of Yonge street. Buy now as price will be advanced on Apr. 1. Farms For Sule Rem- Lnt. 64. VVbitchm-ch, 100 acre-s overlooking Luke Wilcox. Money in it to subdivide. Brick hnuse in few steps from Yonge on Centre Street West. fine gal-den, nice lawns, a- cnsy home. House and § acre on Richmond Street also francs 0n Centre Street. H. A. NICHOLLS Frame House nearly new. all modern improvements. small fruit. cherries. plums. &c., nice lawn, a Inn-gain. Also another frame house nearly new. six mums. just the place fur small family £51m these properties 0n Centre Street, net. ‘ ,7 membership fee is Ona‘nollar for _ “1 not an above, and you may with- uny time within three months if you do so and on ynur delmr back. It you men 3100. send 25 cents {or three terslfp. Nebodyezm Miami be use You w! 1 931 {mu- money ban in ’ u'. .. parficuiax‘s will be _-'- h ynn are him you wm U V IN mmmhomhiu with the. j. T: he 25 his. than: mouth; mem- 1‘3) '1‘ 6.2 tr. er‘e: a “it"s? M’UQEO (mun " w. "' 50 h D“ J. H. PRENTICE’S LIST OF Auction Sales HAS FOR SALE Rina?" Ta bah-2 urc' nausea. Electric Light Debentures. . Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill J. H. PRENTICE. 239 Bulliul St... North Toronto. A. J. HUME, Clerk. stopped in 20 mmubes sure w1t-h Dr. Shoop‘s Crnup_ Remedy. One t9“ w111. surely prove. 1m vomgying. no _dis- THURSDAY. Mnrvh Z7â€"â€"Crr“dily sale of horse, cnw, vvhir-Ies and furniture. the: pn-perty of William Ol'uk, lut Iflcnn. 2. Vaughan. Currvillv. '7 mm. credit Sale at I [1.111. FRIDAY, March 28â€"Fnrm stock, in:- laments. hnnm-hnld furniuu'v eta, )t 26. con. 2. Markham. the prnpx-vty of the late Petvr Burklmrdt. Slllt‘ at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. FRIDAY, Mnth 28â€"Ancfinn salP nf horses. enlth and farm implenwnlS. at. Gnlednn East. «property nf Hurry Swinton. Terms 7 Inns. 8;”? nt 1. ‘mgcummm 06.5%me SHIRE-36: o’ldeot Sfiéy Patent. taken 1; ton â€" BEE , 511569! ‘ Anyone lending a sketcfifiid'délcr'l {Buâ€"m], amen ascertain our opinion tree w other In Invent on is probably “smug! ommunloa. 9211'.E‘_’l°tl!9953999§2‘25}! 0.111???“ DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER IIflte Only New unabridged dio- tionu-y in many years. , contains the pit]: and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Coat nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. :23" x7 . _ Write for ample , ' ' ix pages, fullpan- We send I free on re- quest 0 u r catarogue of t h e» b e s t . books on outdoor life and recreation. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. 00. 346 Broadway, New Yotk. Terms: ‘34 :gyear, $2 for 51x months. new ,depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home andits surroundings. with E for Ian STREAM,” or send us twenty-five cents for four weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, fishing, natural his- tory and yachting. A pen'ences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yadn- ' mg; or Advenfiure {Spam 'Sfiéfififi5 filmed“. Saig'eon 8: McEwen’s List of Auction Saws If yéu b “ like to read of the ex- periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yadn- terested in countr lu'e, ask your newcha er for “FOREST AND are in- LAA; If not What About That Roof? Gussel‘s Magazine, per amok") . $1.51” The Story Tvih-x- . . 1.70 The Quivvr . '. 1 . . . 1.50 Musical Hmnv .lnunm . . 1.5! The Girls’ Rwilm . . . Little Folks . . . . Chums . . . . . . Subscriptions taken at_ Tm: LIBERAL Office, ur may be sent to GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill j §§§§9§§§§§§§§§§§§H§0§§O§§ Nfifi§§§§§flfi§§fi§fiit§§ CASSELLS & COMPAN‘ 42 Adehxde St. “1 {Toror‘to n Immune L‘lcwn "95mm...- , 3 ................ pills are exceedineg o’Wcrqu its tcgulafinz the generative portion oft e female system. Refusa all cheap imitations... Dr. do Vun'a are sold a! Pia box. nr three for 810. Mailed to any address. flu Beebe“ Drug 00.. St. Catharina. Ont. Dr. de Van’s FemaEe_ Pills The monthly magazines 01 the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by year}y subsuiption at low rates. If is not necessmy - send to foreign cou‘ntne 2 ;. magu zines: Read the followxngt- RIDGEVILLE C A S S E L L 8' Canadian P u 'b -7 fishing Companyi THGS. W. BOWMAN & SON C0 WVVVVVWVVWYVWYWVYV" VVYVYVVVVVWVVWVVVVWVV “ALMAAMAMAMMMMAAAA MAMAAMAMAAMAAMAAAMQ NURSERY STOCK We want two more agents in II. UV 1 “I. a I VII-“I- A reliable Frqpe-h. (7953:320‘1’ abs“! (ai‘lgz ++§§§¢§§§§§§§§§QONMQQNO ‘9099‘0960‘9600009QOOQO Flam Bowman's The wind has possibly blown. some off. Let us supply ; your requwements ’ STEEL SHINGLE'S, CORRUGATED STEEL BRANTFORD ASPHALT ROOFING- WHALMâ€"H [DE “ . " 9 RETZ’ ‘-“ “ AMATITE, Mineral S-uriaqed Roofing vmnvvnivvww "v THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. RIBHMflND HILL HARDWARE 30. E PHONE 18 I’I' W ILL GBOVV. ‘ in stock 'we can procur» nf above for you on short notice at manufacturer's prices! 7"“ GUARANTEED this c-os'mty LIMITED w‘MNESS' FOR MAN ONTARIO and. in fact, in erythng in the line of Harness. Blankets. and nmnv nther articles necessary for yuur Harness 11mm. ‘ Thag)nds we nfl'm- m-p hunestly nde and W!“ stand the “War that you expect of them. Relinblv goods at reasonable prices. fHE STANDARD is the Natfona! qukly Newspaper of the Dominion: or Canada. It is national in all its aims. It uses the most expensive engraw inga', prewar-fag aim photographs from all over the World. Its articles are eareiuuy seXected and its editorial pozicy is thoraughu independent. A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year :0 any address in Canada. or Great Britain. Repairing? H. FORSTER Cash on hand and Notes and - Cheques of ofher Bmk. . . 33.551.552.65 Goves'nmtnt ’Dcp'os‘t Io mum Circulation . . . . . . Due by Banks . , . . .. Govefl‘hmam, Mutide and other Debentures .- . . . Ca" Loans on Bonds, cit. . I Loans Ind Discounts . . . Bunk Premises, Head Ofise The md‘Eunchu . .v :- . . Oiwaucu. . . . . . We fimfimfi flanks-a1 Stimdard Puwlshfing 0a.. \VL- have sum! cnmfnrt in the way of OPPOSITE DR. LANGS’I‘A FF’S NORMAN BA'rrY. MANAGER. Blankets, Robes. Mitts Bouts anl Shoes Repaired TRY IT FOR 1912? CONDENSED ' From Report to Dominion government, 3Ist Jam, 1913’ Ls'm Tied, E‘ublishm. STANDARD BANK‘of CANADA OR BEAST momm RESOURCES $4 I 234,487.92 21766;!92J6 2,501,037.30 23,898»,667.52 STA TEMEN T I 10,000.00 362.2399 996.0290 1 58.645 22 ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. E9. J. WWWARD Capital . . . . . . , . Reserve Fund, Surplus Profils and Reserved for htkrcn Dividends . Ctrculstion. Deposits . Banks . . PATRONAGE Smwrrxm AND SATISFAC'T‘ION GUARAqu You can earn one Loo, easily. . You only have to do three things. ' FIRST. Rig-ht away nowâ€"take a' post card or a sheet of paper. and write out mg, full: names (Christlan names and surnames) and run ad- dress” of TEN boy friends or chums whom you know would Ilka to earn some pocket money. (Boys between 8 and 15 years of ago-â€" no two in the same fanny.) SECOND, Sign your name and. address a: the bottom of the card or sheet no that we will know who sent the “st. . Man the Hat complete with; five cents In coin or stamps to. nu. right away” addressing your leizcr to Sales Division. the ‘W'itness.’ 'Witness' Block, Montreal, our Canadian Should your (““wms ‘L'axfh ‘ perience in mag int; or selHngâ€"vsn YTHU‘.. the, by“: 'FPFTYP n-"rac. EING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY Your list of names should be. mailed within seven (7) days after you read this 3'3:chch aifer Just as soon as, we are: your list: at names. we will sr-nd‘ mm.) of mesa beautiful Souvenir Pins to: you and you will like it. immenseâ€" 1y. We don't 10-” you why vs» Want the l;.m.m~ ». chum: 1.x“ .:.,4.~,, ., (1'; (1011'! our (Eu. or ‘f yw: yourself ‘!1 g'wfl guy for work [PH us in 51 letter and ‘ a ain‘ our whole moneyâ€"makh‘g Nu to ye‘: ~~~and nesfdr‘s you WU? hwu-‘z' Quiesmans‘nipi F, 5. WUDDWARD. MAPLE LEAF PiNS GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ew Gormley THE ‘V‘HTNESK' W‘itnws’ 8909.19 Montran ANY 0.! our boys and girls have Just received one ¢-’ ITR EE LIABILITIES nu‘ mow "no wr! '- I’mxmnd, Sinnv‘wiil rute' ,vmrnu «bum w-w’n wn >5 ’ Dunn (mum 'hll WIHI -y “27;; parday. Same h .5 mt mr H. wanna n1 old ()apiul - N'n' f. .9 Those whusmrl at out); 4 um): i ll fortune; A" II M‘â€" “1,234,487.92 $2,429,275.00 3,310,791.77 77,597.55 2,339,643,911 1,060,027.59

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