Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Apr 1913, p. 1

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IS PUBLISHED EVER; THURSDAY MGRNIRQ . " " Inm'rfim, a V ,V as " . ” , "*ri“ ’9» EBAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING: H6632 ‘ RICHMOND amnion. ' ., Prepares pupils for the“ gmde 9x4 gtmimttions held at Tm onto Qonherva- tnry of Music and UniVexs‘itV 0 '1'0- , r9utn; """ Special course in “Myer’s” Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to : 93..., W...R..-BEMMN§ RICHMOND HILL - Saigeon a; McEWen'. Liosnsod‘Auctioneex-s torthe Countyfif York: Saws 1.60311de 60 on shortest‘noti‘cg and at tea.- mx Ibis rates Patronage solicited fi‘fieoyetlé’sbl, Techniqal and Artistic Elements Deéeloped Systematics.le , According to Modern Methods. beg‘i nnors. ,‘Ulass recitals are given throughput the veau- I 42-h; The Newton School of Music “ I.i“ensed Auctxoneer for min (.lofinties of York. Oqgwrio and North "Torona‘ao. Special attention gavén to sales of every ,description. Farm and stock miles a. specialty. Farmh bought and sold on commission. All sales. attended to on shorbest notice and conducted by Hie latest; lap-update methods. _Addréa§: 239 Balliol Sh, 1510th Toronto. 'iihone No. 28. :HS’HEEENOE‘ RICHMOND; HI‘LI 1‘. Me Mkfioggg W; EWfl‘S‘N 31-12193. Grains? afia‘fipei» - 'Hiflg‘ér. .‘ f, “ ’1‘ angeon. Maple Jails phone or: otherwise promptly ' resp/‘nded m“: M” MISS MILLIE TRENCH ’D. H. PINKERTON, v.3; is“ mine lfi‘ihml V‘BL. XXXV. RESIDENCE. his: hnuse north of Atkinsbn &- Switzer‘s same. x ‘ $1 per annum, in‘adyapcéz‘} VETERINARY SURGEON,- ’Fhornihillli" HOUSE PAIN’I‘ER; Maple; ()nt; BUSINESS CARES. Richmond Hill, 'dht; OFFICE AND RESIDENCE ' RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J“.~ H. Prentice, Emma a Paonmmny Phone No. 2192, fittermafiif‘ @héiimt J K Mcinw'en Wenon Riéhmbnq H111 J EDWARD FRANCIS N‘OfARY PUBLIC 0QMMISSIONER. CONVEY AN”ER. ET1 A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at both places WRIGHT BROS. (1nd ertak ers a; I? mbalmersg RICHMOND HILL &‘THURN‘H1‘L’1 uurrl 31ers and Solicitors. Moliov to 16 sh out'uh d an ac bathe! mortgages aft awash rates A _____ - Tel. M13631: vwvav Law- Auromomceâ€"Romoveo 1.0 the old [pouto‘tfiu . . one door west of the eh'tr'a‘rfiie to the WK Qufiwn'o Batik ‘ 2%qu ,km ofliceâ€"Thme doors south of the ' pésnorficer A .1 . - '1‘ HEIpmnMswuox G va‘Momux ‘ - ‘ Aura,“ BAnmsTERLSOL‘Ic-fi‘ék, N OTARY, ETC. "Tm-unto Office. Rzunm' 328 Confedera- tion Life Bldg'q N0. 12 Richmond St. E; . Richmond, Hm Office (“Libel-a1” Ofl‘lce), e‘very Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. ~ Woudbridge, Satyrday foreno‘on. Monev to mm at Five. Per Gobi; ( NAQIQNAL. TRUST CHAMBERS go KiNG ST TORONTO, Canada Telephone, Main - A owe Address. “Déiim. LENNOX & MORGAN Organs Repaired and Expert. Work Guaranteed A. G.F. L'afinence F. J Dunbar Bhrrisners, Solicitars. Notaries,>’&¢._. r Home Life Buildng Cdr. Adelaide & Viacfifiét'Stsn l‘uxfmltd‘.” 7" PIANO, TUNING Cor Yonge and Alexandér Sts. Admins students at any time; 'pre- parga them properly for.“ choice positions and assxsbs > worthy students tn secure “employment. College open all year. Write now for Handsome Catalogue. » W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal. REAL ESTATE. ETC. TEORNHILL OWING. togthe HIGH STANDARD maintained in this Jollega; the demand fcmthe graduates is far in excess of the Sdpply. THIS Is UNQUESTIONABLY ONE OF CAN- A'DA’S BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS. It‘s record proves it. Commissioner,_Conyeyancer. efc. Ipsiummce, and Real Estate 1 Isader of Marriage Licéb‘s’eé‘. Benton, Grover. & Field .. Cameron Mac'Naughtcn Barrister, Solicitqr, mm, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3i. TORONTO DAILY STARBLQG" 18 KING Lawrence 24 Dunbar, L A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Eofin flqu’dsfli ‘THORNHILL WILLIAM COOK Barristers, Sniiclufs‘ finicmé-‘Ahb .‘ . ACTION REGULATING RICHMO'NfifiILL. 0NT.,]‘THURSDAY,’ APRIL 3. 191.3 STREET WES’f £mnl. f‘. In 1 Essentials, Urfity ; i7! a", Pnone Main 2984 'ER. ETC. The Thornhill ‘Vomans Institute met. at; the home of Mrs. David James on Thursday, March 20, (It 3 RM. The Branch Was visited by thirteen members froiii Richmond HillBranch. pr. Johns of Thurnhill prepared a. paper on "Medical liispectinn in Public Schools.” Mr. Framer of the Sterling Bank also preparedapapernn “Things about; banking Women should know.” Both of these papers were very care- fully prepnred and were very much appreciated by those present. Vocal and, Instrumental selections weregiven during the :lftexmnin by Miss Street; and Miss Cecil Pearson. Mr. James gnye an Address on “Hdbbi'es” which delighted the audience And l'éfl: the im~ pression that every person should have s, “Hobhv” ofsorue sort. This address presented the hiimordug as well as the practical side. Mrs. J. E. Francis also‘ prepared an excellent paper. After singing "God Save The King" refresh- ments were served {1nd ajelry pleasant e'md sociable time was spent by those present. I r W. ‘‘‘‘‘ .;\.|a u. uuu pent”: , Yuck Association at, ‘ a meeting held here on Saturday innanimousl suppi'n-ted the name (it 3 Mr. Gabigé’ ams‘xlé’n us thvir candidate for thig‘flcmiu‘l‘rzfl‘fiouse. Mr. Rams- dem ‘hvh‘n ' was": ‘pf'ésefit‘, ‘amwed .7 the Llherals there Wag nothing he would appreciate more than to fight the bat- tle in the ridiu of his birth, but feared he was unnh (4 {0' Owing: to family reasons. Hga We at some length on the navyl‘qtiestjou and‘ civil service relumu. cmhpari ng the Burden Govern- mcvm, to the foulishylan Whob'uilt his house oqthe sands‘ .afifl‘hp I predicted g1 eat, would he the full thet'ebf. Other speukms were :Mr. 1.1. Scott, McNair, Dcpucy Reeve, and Ii)r.Rhutley. Chair; mum of all théxs'ubdivisinns were up- p’oinwd; Thefgy lowing rcsnlutinn, 's‘i mlmandfimfiu ‘cmt' M(:N;iir,~whspaissed: “That we are in perfg-cb accord with the. px‘vsé‘hq fighbuf Sir ’Wilfred Lgmrier and hw \ followers at..0ttaw:1- to uphulg the; lug- V ‘vnl pr'wLicy {vhich wiis, iijaugumted the mein'iun Pnrliment, in 1909. “79, Standfox-aflunudian naval unit built, 0 manned and mainbair‘led in Canada” “The monthly meeting cf ihq‘V. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. W. Mylks last Wednesday aftérnnnn. Quite a large number tnuk tea and a plgéxsenrg‘tgzime wixs spent. » VF-IiinulzefRZJEiilri' of V’Richhmnd Hill visited fx'elnds here last, week. \A great many have been called :1an by death during the- winter and last Week our village had to mourn theluss of one ofvits most respected citizens. After a very long illness Mr. W. 'l‘. Bnhinson passed-away at; his homo last; Thursday morning. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon and _Was attended bya, very huge number of r’el- ixtiVes and friends. Theflm-al ofiyringq {ire-re very beautiful.“ He yyi lbqgreut- ly missed as an activ'e w'or‘erin the church when in good health. having held the positions of teacher and superintendent in > the Méthodisi Sabbath School fur m‘any veurs. Every- one synipathiseé with the sister and the. énn in their bereavement. ' Miss Edna Burns ‘(Etiibrtage la Prairie spent a few days last) week at thghnme of Mr. '1‘. Cousins., .V-- ...r... - 2. Usual numher‘fm‘ sale each year. 3. Apploximatelv the prices asked. 4. If possible a. brief statements re- garding expenses found nvces- saw an“ ‘the returns which may ' be expected by one‘ engaging in raising this class of stock. ‘ .‘ _' Commumoationsaupplyingtheghnve infornmtion should be. addressed to the Live Stock C(mnmissinn‘er,‘ Ottawa. (Tut. Such lettersgo not require post,- age. During the past few monthé theLiVe Stock Branch of the DolhvihimrDt-parb mum of Agricultlu-efiafi’been in receipt of numerous inquiries as tn where it, might be possible to pine-base either Angora nr Milgh goats, It; Would ap- pem-‘that in many‘jpar'ls Of the Do- miuinn {he demand far these useful andflrqfltahle a'ni‘myls is rapidly de- fi-{lupm’g and tngt-Vthnse who at me- lqefi‘t have any sul'pliis .‘stock can find a wndy Sale for Shelf) ifn channel 01 ‘cogxgmunicutinn between supply and dflh'nfi'd is vStablishg‘d.‘ Acmufi‘rfi‘gly as a. nwan‘s of sla'rta'zfg a Convenient, DII‘PCLUI‘Y of Canadian Breeders of Angora Goats and Milch Ghats. the Live' Stock Commissioner. will be pleasgd to receive from such breeders inmrlfiatinn regardifig their respective flocks cu'vering the fuliuwing puings: â€" 1. Elnd‘and qumher of gaats kept. n Ripans Tabules gin-e ba‘fl bmui. Ripana Tabules cure «1122111995. V Veliére é...â€" 'augh;3n‘.togn§;§1p fimn‘éh «ft the ABOUT ébii‘fi. Thornhill. Ella/pie. ;Ess.mtiazs,‘ mam ; £52 £22 Mags; Charity.” WATSONâ€"0n Monday; _March 31, 1913,- at his late residence; at the 7th con: cessian of Vaughan, William George Wdtéon. in his 57th Year. TEAéDALEâ€"At H'eaélii‘ord, April 2, 1913 William Teasdale, son of the late _William Teanftle’, in his- Matiyear.‘ Fimeral from hié lat-e residence on Fri» day at; 2 pm. to Thornhill Cemetery. LEGGE~AE his late. residence, Oak Ridges, on Wednesday, April 2, 1913; Thomas Legge, in his 79th year. Funeral Saturdin afternuun at 2.30 to St. John’s Cemetery: FOLLIOTT e At his latié residence Texnpex-‘anrevflle, on Tuesday, March 25th, 1913, Gilbert Folliotl in hi563tyl yam: ROBINSONâ€"At his late resi‘den‘ce, Ma: ple, on Thursday, March 27, 1913, Wu;: '1‘. Robinson, in his 64th year. Fuuél‘al to Maple Cemébery, Satin-day, March FLEURYv-At his late residence, King. on Saturday, March 1913. Arthur J. Flam-min his 32nd year; Funeral to Aurora Cemetery Monday, March 31. '1‘ . Uarrville , ,. 'fhe Ladie’s Aid soniew of Cdrrvillé MethodisL church met at the home of Mrs. W. Cook on Monday, March 24th for the purpose of reorganizing the Snelety. The following new oflicelé Wer electedzâ€"Presidenb, Mrs. G. “7006; lst €7ice-President. Mrs. Thomas Cook; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. W. Herd; Treas‘, M is; W. .Bune; Secretary, Mrs} F. Graham; Corresponding Secretary: Miss Pearl Reaman. ‘ Moved by Councillor Sanderson; seconded by Councillor Sims, that this plan (If Rest-view Gardens, subnlitt'ed Berr; Lawrence to the \Gullncil fq; its approval. be. and it is heréby, ap- proved, and the Reeve is hereby author- ized to sign the said plain. Also that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution and that a. copy thereof be forwarded to Mr. LuWre'nce.’ Mr. Lawrence was present and address: Edythe Cuuncil as to the possibility (If obtaining some financial aid in View of the seyeife loSs t6 his ‘g'r’e'enhuuse Dcoaslb'h'edvby the late storms. It was decided to issue bills calling fona pub; lic meeting on Monday evening next to consider the matter. , ‘ Th5: {the V Curling 13181; Tie" éixéfr'géfi $20 for the use of the rmk for the past,» cuyjing 99a50m' V The Council submitted a, draft con- tract for use in the Working of the Electric Lighting Systemigwhich ‘ Was approved and the Shark was instructed to groom-e a é‘mpply printed, .1“ IL was also decided to char- e 4 cents per K. W. hour against the image for street lighting. Uouucil adjourned. I The Council nhet in theRéeVe’s Oflice On Tuesday. April lst. "All the mem- be‘xlsgpl'esunb.‘ ' , ;. v * *HV M. Ransom waié’appginted to at; tend to the street lighting switch us a. salIz‘u-y of per annmm Byl'x gasol‘uti‘dti 7 cVé13tiuâ€"iixmnecessar'y re- adjustments were made in reference to the assessment of the Village. 1“ ._ , A ‘ I I n u ‘ -, The, Ubhncil met on Wednééday, Max-ch 19, in the Clerk’s office. P1 esent the Reeve and Uou‘nciflurs Tyndall, quderson. and Palmer: Cuunciflur Saxndéfsbti agggppointed Chaime nf the Electric Light; and Piifi‘vei' CummiSsion. The Council met in the Clerk’é (mice on Wednesdayv March 12‘. ,_P're3eqt the Reeve and Conllcilliix's Sahdei-‘S‘Ofi'. Txgdan, and Sims. \ v 'Mr. Lucas addressed the Council On behalf of the O. N. O. Ry. Cu, who wish to geb‘electric current ,for the station. The Council ave Mr. Lucas‘ an assurance that,- t ey would on- deavour to meet the requirement of the Company, A Sandersonâ€"Simsâ€"That the meters shall be rented at. the rate of 10 'cehtE pér month for 10 ampere meters and 15 cents for 25 ampere meters, or if users of current prefer to purchase .Lhe meters outright the price is to be $10 and $15 respectively. Uuuncil adjoin-fled: V Soinéflc'i’i‘sci‘lséion of Mr. Lawrence’s plan of Ruseview Gardens took place, bligfiuxdeffinige actidnywas taken. Simsâ€"»-Sanderson~a-’I‘liat the mtg for electric current, he sevén Cents per K. W. hour. with a. ten per cent discount if paid_ by the 15th of each month. VILLAGE co’unéih. DEATHS LASKAY P. 0. Livefu & Teaming We thank the public f0!“ the generou, patronage in the past, and will earn- estlv strive to serve you‘faithfully in the future. Bélibwé‘mg ‘it‘win be beneficizd what? bye; and seller, have decided, ‘ STWER & RAMER , «- +i¢++§nb++®§f++‘9+*+'§~Â¥+M+++¢Q it i w. A.*3anuerson§ Coal,F10ur’ r ’-Gorn.“Bra.n,-' ATâ€" THE [LN-0., STlAT'IQu; i+++++++*++¢+++++¢++e++*+Â¥ BELL Pfide DUMINIBN ~ HOUSE JOHN ELLIS SlAéBLE ACCOMMODATION Painter, Paper-hanger . General fiecorator RICHMOND HILL Manicure Sets flair Brushes Wesolicit a. call ‘ no trouble to show .our SATISFACTION; GUARANTEED LICENSED AUCTION EER _ e AFTER OCT. 49 To, Do BUSINESS‘ON A CASH BASIS." ' For the County of York My Stt‘mk‘of fine line‘s of ‘ PERFUMES for are up-to-date and Reasonable m p'ri'cés PERFUME'S FOR EinéYBonY. [Singlecofiiaé.f3;cts; RICHMOND HILL STIYER 8: RAMERE Comb Sets Pictural Cards ' PRESENTS ‘EALERS IN DRUGGISI‘ L. B. STGNG, Prom, - ON TARIOV No.‘4<

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