. " .-:~._' -y â€"â€"_..‘..â€" _. r' _ m ‘_ ‘Sï¬r‘diï¬â€™lbttention given to For . '. : ~ herâ€""541w 7'2: v.- " ‘ SLAM stilts, .Llrsltss ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~’°Hâ€Â°â€œâ€ ; DEBlLlTA'rEo MEN 1‘ {LIBERAL CLUB FEDERATION YOUNG MEN AND mbnmAcED MEN. 1 __ the victims of early indiscretions and later ex» cesses, who am failures In, liteâ€"you are the . oneswercan restore to manhood and revive the spark 0; energy and vitality. Don‘t give upln despair because on have treated with . Pressan Clearance 2 other doctors, used e.ectrio belts and tried ' . a" various drug store nostruma. ' . . 5‘ _ g I. - , Our New ,Method Treatment has snatched 9 J," in the- y: ' hundreds from the brink ot des air, has re- J‘. ; v “"9 Vy storedhappiness to hundreds 0? homes and ' mmfwturo 0' ' ,. has made successful men. of those who were - I. . .. . . "Clown and cub.†We i3mscdbe speciï¬c rcx-z- ' i ‘ - . edles for: each Widen case according to the - .1 ’ » symptoms. and‘complicstionsâ€"we have no 3 'The aggressive attractive policy of «development and expansion is to be the rule for the new Liberal Chub « :rEederation of Ontario formed in To-i-‘f 2 gamma with great success on March ; ï¬lth. "The Executive Committee of Elbe new organization met in Toronto you March 29th and immediately began _ to putinto effect suggestions made at the Federation meeting for the ex- .tension and improvement of Liberal ' . patent Indedlfll‘les. This is one c‘lzfthe secrets of i . our won or u success as our reatment can- not fail, for we preecribe'remedles adapted to 2 no limitation 0' co“ each individual'case. Onl curable cases ao- . hinders the attain- ceptï¬d. We have done mine-a (bronchus m,“ of apprdximte h I . perfection. 3'1" A.‘ V u 1 Canada for over 20 Years. ‘ ’CURABLE CASE GUARANTEED .: mm the makers build 51’ A OR NO PAY ~Clubs. Are you a victim? Have you lost '7 an Ideal . _ . piano, . . . . . h . ._ 7‘ . The .Federatlon meeting itself was cggoéï¬ggetflgï¬tgpdggvgoyglflgf "It" may reckon the NOTARY. FUEL .10 van unqualiï¬ed success' Delegates curt; 511101: Wigtiteiigshjcllbil'ï¬ozotheralg 008t- Were present from all parts of Onta- bilefhgolireglzii'Ҥ3it°%il'§°ior 1:: $3323: “Tumâ€! “‘9 'um' , ï¬lo, and there was apparent an en- Eggyiï¬gg.ï¬zshï¬gg'mï¬hmir‘i‘mï¬g: “m†m 0" ii; Cenveyanc‘ingl Ethusiastic determination to make the . . on lame“ 'en' 7 . H9 . . ~ 4‘5 l - - > no NAMES USED WITHOUT wan-rm CONSENT. ‘ ' ".1. l 151' 33.93. =5" : 7 '1 r . finely movement countfo‘r much. ,The ,. %!;§£-A1§mgll‘lin:Conï¬denï¬aL Quenuonmxueccuoi-Tlfgagï¬e' W551? blow: . Wghgdwn Huh ; ~ Leases. W 1 38, Etc , Jlope was expressed that through it " ' ‘ I J . v I ï¬he young men ofthe Province would D Y; x. ’5 _ u ' . become more interested in political RS. . ' r . A , \t'wgï¬-j- '- , ifluestionsin the Province. Hon. Mac- . COP. MIChlgafl Ave. and Griswold SL, Detroit, Mich, . â€"â€"’â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"dâ€"~â€"â€"â€"â€" “" ‘ W “ " ‘;."-*Kenz{e King was present to give « t .1 1All letters-from Canadamustbeaddressed RICHMON'D HILL ' ; . .. . , _ w: ._ , 0 our Canadian Correspondence Depart- - ~~ ’ ' . his best Wishes to the new organize i ., W yawn-Windsor, Ont If you desire to p .. . . , a I I ilon. In the evening the delegates no p u t.nfllly calla}. ocliir Medéical Insfltuï¬e in Dfetroit as we see and treat 1 . . K ’ The Next Sitting 0f Diwsmï¬ Court to ' I . . . < non mour insorocesw'c are C d . " . I 7. ‘ were. entertalned 1.“? dmner m the Laboratory for Canadian business only. Addressoill fftteeigogsezï¬ioï¬g ‘ “AGEN C Y‘- N0. 3’ Sgï¬ï¬lï¬zï¬ï¬ilbeheld :palatlal new Ontarlo Club. Mr. N. L DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY; Madame». ‘ A V ‘ * w. Rowell K. 0., M. P. P.,wast0ast- I ate _ _ F _ I 77 , J. H. SANDERDON, V. S. RICHMOND HILL Master, and a number of splendid ' ' i l ' " ’ " "V MANAGER - 0N “ tspeeches were given by young men V ‘ _ . - VILLAGE AND FARM. PROPERTY ' ' _ from various Clubs. . - . V ALWAYS'ON BAND. ?’ Monday, April 21, 1913 _ A G E N T w A N T a D 4 -â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ .. m. The Markam Sun commends the ___FORâ€"___. " , ' . T. F. MCMABON CLERK lepeech oi Mr. W. F. McLean on the : RICHMOND _____ Two young. large, white Yorkshire - I Navv uestion and sa s:â€"â€"-â€Mr. Mac~ ' q y soWs, from good stock, Apply to To sell for the “The Old Reliable†Lean suggested that both parties V . JAMFS CARNEGIE A . , r h V - A -' r . ‘ 7 One copyflof Webster: New Inter~ .-,should ï¬nd common ground upon ‘ L0t481M}llbt‘VPStg ' national Dictionar . This is not it 38‘2 RIChmond Hint, revised edition of V. ebster, but a new which to base some form of agree Orders now being taken for pring d elivery, 1913. Prospects bright fur: the season’s trade. Experience unnecessary. We instruct our salesmen how to 5911 Fruit Stocks Croatian from cover to rover. There . are moonligrs. 8000 illustrations. ‘nnd the volume Contains mole information axnent on the naval question, some ‘I‘lihing Which would contribme, to in'the country and Ornamental trees In the town. Y El of interest to -Dl()l'P:.pu(lplfg than “my, 5' st‘lé safety of the Empire and leave un- START, NOW and, have your territory reserved. Weekly Pay. ' Free Outfit. ‘3 0&5!“ ‘thillni'}l‘)T-H “11" Clllpy 1.0%?â€(1; l3 _ _. _ . n , «I __ ‘ , i are , N am ‘ 1e , outlet In our impalred canadlan amonomy' we ‘VRITE FOR TERMS' ' A fresh milk cow gm] calf by side should last, a lifetime. The publisher}; 0n 1m, 26, con. 2, Vaughan. price .is $13.00, less a discount of .25 JOS. ESPEY, ’perzcent. ’ . A . ‘ ' x Enquire at .383 .. E'g‘“ Mdâ€; .4344: . _ grim LIBERALOW ; u w‘ I - _ RATES Every family should have both .‘agree with The Sun. Mr. MacLean. made a very sensible speech. The member for South York made it per-Si *sfectly clear that he believes in a " 3 I 7 . Canadian Navy, to be built and ‘ _ ' ' 5OBags of early Potatoes, Eureka. manned by Canadians. ‘But Mr- 50bitgsof1ate Potatoes. Nl-xall. This ' MacLean does not want to vote for will be»; good chance to get pure Seed. Also a quantity of elltlng potatoes. l C. H. JONES, STONE a; WELLINGTON. l anything proposed by Sir VVilfl‘id In Marble or Granite. Good work. Lauri“ and the Dominion Opposition ‘ Phone 2950 Hope P'O. Wilsiltlguble charges. Town or Country. . .311 the House of Commons. ‘ _ Maple Exehangï¬ _ ’ W. A. JONES. ' do-tf . - I _ 22 Buchanan SL, ._ Toronto " "Some of the newspapers are quite. s-r . I l ' M‘m‘m‘ems' 1%â€1‘91‘3 and GUN!" ' L “7 ' wists. é'p’roperly praising the‘Hon. Col. Sam ~ , 51-3 in. _‘Hughes,- Minister of Militia, in his Th' ' ‘ . ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" . _ _ _ oronghbred Holstein Bull. on - condemnation of the drinking prac- Lot 28, Gun. 2, Vaughan. Telms $1 Sm f l I then/1 local paper and a, tices in the rankrand ï¬le of the citizen Ought JOHN SI IVFY a arm or a e l - .' I . ' er 7 soldiers, and in forbidding the sale Elgin Mills. On lst Concession of Vaughan, M “y p p '- pf liquor in can teens, And the same 3341’ V p 38. Thirty-four acres, good rough cast house. new stone foundation, barn. journals cannot be blamed for point new hen house. pig pen, young Orchard ing Out that the same Hon. Colonel ‘ l ‘ gust beginning to hear. PlentYOf water.~ l ‘eould materially aid the movement “‘3‘â€? fol-.1190? my farm a. "silken o I v‘ I n 7 _ mn- enlng. lc uresque surrnuli mgs'. f - ' be is seeking to promote by keeping Twenty bushels of Seed Pam Fifteen minutes Walk to Metropolitan car. Elijiquor out Of the Ofï¬cers, Clubs and . V NGE . on remisos or o A ' I_- guesses also. The inference seems to Phone 2919, H x I (Ermineh Apply“. XERLETONf I I ‘ Family Herald and Week. 1 . ' » , o f - _=‘.: be that it is not improper to drink if 32 H E‘.,Ht’hose who indulge, drink like gentle- film' F“ sale Hatching EggstrSa‘le ' 13' Star. 137881†39-2 m ' Ga rrrille. urn-v u-â€"-. if; ‘ IV '- .Qminuiy “Wight; wm’d suitable for Pure bred Sheppard Ancanus$1 for 13 r 1 7 5 kindling dlld mugging: OLIVER. .. .. .’w h} for 13 [g ' m. m. 7 Emma Hm†" lgflif‘émiile?“$“ï¬oo f... .3 Weekly. Mail and Empire 1 7 r zj-EXEOUI‘ORS’ NOTICE TO GREDIT- Wanted, WOBDER Now-r Dominion Poultry Gulde ’ ‘ a d one RE JAMES ALBERT MORT- Apply _ ’SON ESTATE. E. H. TODD. 7 . ' . "NOTICE is hereby given that all Party to Work 6 acres garden soil on 37"“ . ‘ Richmond Hill. 1 A 0 ‘ rel-sons having claims or demands shares. ‘ I ~ . ' ' ' ' ' . ainst thle estate of James Albert Apply, S ‘ ortson, Me of the Township of ' l ghitcilï¬lrgn, whtorlivield on or about. the 39 2 F' R' Hm I l ':_ lePlll. :ly o‘ e n-uary. 19I3. are ’ ~ ’ a," . ' A I ' About 60 bushels early seed peas, . " required to Sl‘lld the same by post pre- ald or deliver to H. A. Nicholls of the ., . - . - . . . '1 C‘ ' Apply " .) llluge of Richmond Hill, an executor. W. H. VVELLMAN’ . 8 5 0 - . 4pm or before the First day of May, 3913, and that after the said First do ' " â€"eâ€"-- L012 16 000: 3, Markham. ' “of May. 1913, the assets of the said de): A quantity of Turnips for sale on 37.4 , ' teased will be distributed among the' 101313. 0011' 3. Mill‘khilm- . . ,, ._ , . .__. - ‘ i {mi-ties entitled thereto having regard ARTH$P£IÂ¥SLSON r 7 ' “ ion to the claims of which notice . ' . ' 'sba l have been received. 4023 ' Dollar P.0, ' I ' ‘ . -__ .Dally Mall, York Co. WINIFRED MORTSON, H. A. ‘EIOHOLLS. Executors. - 7 ‘ ' y ’ a . n :zu. ‘ . . ' p day . For Sale- Daily Star. \O-uiSIde 0f 2 50 a,“ . p ___ - 39 2 MRS: JOHN PALMER- Vlllages . ACow wilh calf by side. Lot 28. j; I I coli.2.Vaugllau.Elgin Mills. ' ' l - Fofï¬ale - For Sale y ' I 2.50 Ripans Tabules cure bilionsness. eva- 7. An‘ oval shaped billing Table. \Vill Ripans Tat-MUM. pure constinauon A .x , ~~ - ‘ ~ 1 _ ; .4 , V , .v t » _ . goon Twowoar-old More, General 4 . . " ’4?“ “gm ltd' Rinnns‘Tahules: pleasant laxative. . Purpose. Lot 27, Con, 3, Markham, . p p . - Apply to Ripens “ironies assist digestion. J. CR-UIGKSHA NR. i ' , ‘ ~ . â€" 0 MRS, ii. A. Ii'ilï¬iémi'ï¬ ï¬ipam I amine: Eor sour stomach. 5.1-7. Victoria. Square. ‘ ' i