Benevolent Old Lady (to Weary Willie, Whom she ï¬nds resting in the shade of a telegraph pole) â€"â€" “Alas, my poor wayfarer, travel- ling through this vale of tears! What has caused you to become disâ€" couraged and abandon the race so early in life 7†Weary Willie â€" “Tire trouble, lady.†That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip 7:: 'Iwo Days. 250. “Has your husband a steady in- come?†“No; hls fnends bring him home every night.†Mlnard's Llnlmem Cures Colds. Etc. ‘Via Chicago and North Western Railway. On sale daily, March 15th to April 15th in- clusive, from all points in Canada to Los :Angeles, San Francisco, Portland. Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, iNelson, Rossland, and many other points. Through tourist sleepers and free reclin- ing chair cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full in- formation as to rates. routes and litera- ture. write or call on B. H. Bennett. Gen- eral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. “Mine has never been anything but a liability.†"Papa, what does being disap- pointed in love mean ’2†“Why, either marrying or being jilted by the girl you are in love with.†{AND DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HER SON. The reason they cure rheumatism, ibackache, gravel, dropsy, Bright’s disease, diabetes, and kindred dis- eases, is that these all spring from disordered kidneys. To whom it may concern: This is to nertify that I have used MINARD’S LINL MEN'I‘ myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where a. liniment was re< quired and have never failed to get. the desired effect. ; Springhaven, Yarmouth 00., N4 8., March 31 (Special).~«Simple and straight to the point is the tate- ment of Mrs. Erven O. Trefry, of this place, but it tells of another grand cure by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. “My ï¬fteen-year-old son, Angus,†Mrs. Trefry states, “suffered from pain in his back, headache, and a pain over his eyes. “He was so bad he could not walk across the floor. My friends advised me to give him Dodd’s Kidâ€" ney Pills. “They cured him." That young Trefry’s kidneys were Wrong is evidenced by the cure. Dodd’s Kidney Pills only cure disâ€" eased kidneys. They never fail to do that. If you have any of these diseases you ha‘LQn’t tried Dodd’s Kidney iPills. Aslt your neighbors. They’ll tell you Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure them. “Brown’s a, luck dog.†“What’s he been doimz now?†“You know that $1,000 he inher ited a. year ago?†{‘Yes.†“Well, he still has. it.†Straight and Simple Statement Tells of Another Grand Curd By the 01d Canadian Kidney Rem- edy. SHE IflflK HER The Dili‘eroncc. “They say my son is a, credit to Low Colonist Rate‘s to Paciï¬c Coast Only One "BROMO QUININE" A Lucky Dog. Congenital. Two Ways. Unsteady. FRIEND’S ADVISE C. A. KING. M.D‘ ISSUE 14â€"13. Your druggiet will refund money It PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in no 14 days. 50c. \Vould you like it if you could talk to no one for three days? Yet that is the fate of the Chinese girl who is married. For three nights after the marriage the Chinese bride veiled, must stay awake and listen to the banterin‘gs. the teasings and jokes of some girl friend who is there just on purpose to make her laugh, cry, or anything else that will cause a. sound. But the Chiâ€" nese bride must not allow her voice to escape her. She must show, by staying silent- those three nights, that she will be a quiet wife. The man who flatters himself that he leaves little' to be desired should remember that a burglar does the same thing. “Have you noticed any change in your husband with the passing of years T’ “Yes; he used to tell me of his throbbing heart. Now he talks exclusively about his liver.†“I do, ma. I take it going down the hill, and he has it going back.†Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures Dlphtherla. “Earlie, why don’t you let your little brother have your sled part; of the time?†Try Murine Eye Remeax. No Stuntingâ€"Feels Fiueâ€"â€"A(3ts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Oculistsmnot a“PuLent Med- icine"â€"but used in successful Physicians’ Prue- flee for many ï¬eam. Now dedicated w the Pub- lic and sold b! )mgglsts at 250 and 600 er Bottle. Myrine uye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 2.0 and 600. The small boy was being reproved by his mother. “Why can’t you be good?†she asked. “I’ll be good for a cent,†he said. “Ah!†reâ€" sponded the mother, “you want to be bribed. You should copy your father and be good for nothing.†Murine Eye Remedy Coqvchicaéa He~~“I am going to ask your fa- ther for your hand,†Sheâ€"“Oh, that- will be lovely!†Heâ€"“You are glad?†Sheâ€"â€"“Delightedl I will call and bring you flowers every day until you are able to be out again. I have never seen the in- side of a hospital.†When Yam E as Head Bare [I‘ry Murine Eye Rama 5', No Smartiugâ€"F'eels Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Garget In Cows. Mr. Oliver Sims, of Purvis (Man), writes :â€"“I had an old irritating sore on my forehead that had trou- bled me for four years. Zamâ€"Buk was recommended to me and in a marvellously short time it healed the obstinate sore perfectly. You may depend upon it thdt after this proof of its power we will never be without a box of it.†As a rapid and certain healer of ulcers, abscesses. piles, inflamed places, cuts, burns, bruises, scalp sores, eczema, eruptions. etc., vou can get nothing to equal Zam~Buk. All druggists and stores at 500. box or post free for price from Zam~ Buk Co., Toronto. Try Zamâ€"Buk’s Soap for tender skins and baby’s bath. 25c. tablet. Indolent Husband ~ “I thould have started a little notion store and sold handkerchiefs.†Indignant Wifeâ€"“I wonder what you would have done if you had lived when men were ï¬rst compelled to earn their bread by the sweat of their brows?†General Lacroix and a, number of other eminent strategists unite in declaring that France has nothing to show again-st Germany’s aerial cruisers but a fleet of “penny steamers,†and they strongly de- precete the attitude taken gene-ralâ€" ly in France towards dirigiblcs. They think the <~udd~en development of aeroplanes caused an entirely unwarranted enthusiasm for those machines, and a corresponding dis- paragement of: dirigibles. General Lacroix holds that the opposition to rigid dirigibles in France is quite wrong; the supple type of airship favored by the French military auâ€" thorities is, from the military point of View, exceedingly risky, a pin p'rick sufficing to destroy them. Air ships of the German rigid type, with their several compartments, are capable of withstanding considâ€" erable damage before being pub ab- solutely out of action. Think They Are Being Outclasscd By the Germans. French opinion is waking up to the fact, that ‘ Germany, in the sphere of mihta‘ry aeronautics, is leaving France badly in the r_ear. FRENCHMEN FEAR AIRSHIPS. FILES CURE!) IN 6 T0 1‘ DAYS Siicncc of Chinese Bride. Brotherly Arrangement. HAD SORE 4 YEARS. Wasted Sarcasm. A prominent merchant was discovered a, few days ago brandishing a razor at mid- night. His wife called for assistance, but found her Hubby was only paring his corns. Far better not to risk blood pois- oning-use Putnam‘s Corn Extractor, 25c. It all dealers. Paper money is said to have had its origin in China in the year 806, when the government issued it to relieve a ï¬nancial stringency, re« ceiving coin in return, which en- abled it to pay off outstanding 0b- ligations. In the museum of St. John’s College in Shanghai is a paper bill worth 1,000 cash, the equivalent of. 50 cents American money, which was issued by the ï¬rst, Ming emperor (Hungâ€"wu, A.D. 1368-1399). It is nearly two feet- long and one foot wide, printed on mulberry bark paper, and is a. dark slate color. THOUGHT IT WAS SUICIDE in good restaurants outside the House. An excellent 11an bottle of whit-ea or red wine can be bought for 12 cents, while 8 cents only is charged for a, small cup of black coffee and a liqueur of brandy. The teetortallers in the House number about a hundred. To the refreshment depart-menl of the British House of Commons legislators pay over $40,000 a year for wines. The kitchen committee has an exceedingly low tariï¬ for alcoholic beverages. Champagne is many shillings a bottle lower than Mr. Peckâ€"Don’t hat that worry you. My wife-says she didn’t learn to talk until she was nearly 3, and nowâ€" Who is writing a series of letters on the Government land policy. He states that he will place Blenheim Park under the plow to produce food for the national food supply. Mr. Young~~My little girl is near~ ly 2 years old and hasn’t learned to talk yet. But Mr. Peck’s voice at this point was checked with sobs. quiaxly stops coughs. cures colds‘ me throat and lungs. :: -‘ u THE DUKE 0F MARLBOROUGH, Catarrhozone is needed in every home. Large size lasts 2 months. price $1.00; small size, 500.: trial size, 250. At all storekeopers and druggists or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Buffalo. N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. You can't successfully treat. Catarrh by internal dosingâ€"you Amuet in some way send u purifying, healing agent through the breathing organs. so that the germs can be reached. This you do every time you inhale Catarrhomne. It’s rich es- sences and healing baleams are breathed all through the nose, throat. pnd lungs, and eifectively destroy every trace of Ca- tnrrh. This is a nroveu fact. I endorse Catarrhozone because I know of six had cases of Catarrh, including my own, 'that it has cured. It is a sensible remedy because it is capable of going where the disease is. I believe it cures quicker than other remedy because it gets sooner to the source of the disease than anything else I know of. I had headaches, bad breath, and much stomach trouble as- sociated with my Catarrh, but they have disappeared since using Catarrhozone, which keeps me free from colds. head- aches, cstsrrh and all winter ills.†OTTO E. KRAMER, Belleville, Ont. A Simple Remedy Discovered That Cures Wlthout Drugs. The A’merican people suffer more from Catarrh than from any other disease. It undermines more constitutions and 01's- ates more sickness than all other diseases combined. It is, therefore. very dancer- ous. Offensive Breath Caused Usually By Catath Paper Money Began in China M.P.'s Have Big Thirst. Still H0120. and heals 25 cents. gblLERs If we had our lives to live over, it would enable us to make our mis- takes Gamer. “Well,†replied "I know all about of the thing. But mastered the police Sample free If you write National Drug a; Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. Qualiï¬cation Incomplete. “Do you know how to run a mo- tor car '1†For example, when the boy comes in with wet feet and a slight cough, Nervi- line will cure him. If a cold has settled on his chest, rub on Nerviline and the cold will go. If something has been eaten that. Causes cramps. nausea, or dim‘rhoea, just, twenty drops of NervilineAthat's all and cure is effected. The high cost of living 10-day demands economy on every side. Sickness is ex- pensive. Far better to treat, little ills before they grow serious. For this remon every home should have handy on the shelf a good remedy like Nerviline, which cures the minor ailments that. occur in every family. AB 21 liniment for outward application in case of Neuralgia. Lame Back, Sciati- ca, Lumbago or Rheumatism, it's really hard to imagine how Nervfline relieves, and how soon it, cures. Nerviline is something new. 30, it's one of the oldest and best known remedies. Used in thousands of homes by the peo- ple of many nations, simply because it stops pain, cures sickness, and rids the family of ills before they become trou- blesome. Get the family size bottle, price 50m; trial size 25c., at all storekeep- ers and druggiste or The Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N. Y. Bakerâ€"I was out in Blakely’s motor last week. He has everyâ€" thing in it, even a pedometer. Barkerâ€"Alon mean speedometer, old man. A pedometer is an in- strument for measuring how far you walk. Bakerâ€"All right; I’ll stick to pedometer. Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Distemper. If Your Home is Without “Ncrvi- line†Read the Following Closely. The Weeld’e Beet Linemth Needed In Every Family Free] Infancy Te Old Age Many Advantages of Living in Pro- vince by the Sea. A gentleman who has spent some years in Nova Scotin, writes, asfolâ€" lows:-â€"~“We have 328 days in the year out of 365 in which the ther- mometer goes above 32 degrees. This is 28 days greater than for any other part of Canada. We have 276 days in the year in which the thermometer rises above 40 degrees of temperature. This is better by 26 days than any other part of Can- ada. save the Paciï¬c Slope. We have 200 days in which the thermo- meter goes above 50 degrees of tem- perature during the year. This reâ€" cord is the same as enjoyed by the southern section of Ontario and by the southern strip of the Western Provinces. When we get into the higher degrees of temperature we ï¬nd we do not have the same excess of heat as in Ontario or other por- tions of Canada. 141 days above 60 degrees as compared with 150 and 160 in Ontario! 50 to 72 days above '70 degrees during the year, while parts of the west of Canada, as well as Ontario, have as many as 75, 100 and 112 days in which the thermo- meter reaches a. higher degree of temperature than 70 degrees Fah- renheit. This is evidence for our statements that we share neither the excessive heat nor the extreme cold of the Western part of Canada or the Northern United Stet-es. A splendid environment of fresh air, clear water, green ï¬elds, and leafy woods, add-ed to other advantages, gives us in abundance what is neâ€" cessary for ideal home life.†oronto. hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Sturto. vmnt Ventilating and Heating Systomz. POLSOH CLIMATE 0F NOVA SCOTIA. Englnos and Shlpbullders IRON WORKS LIMITED Mr. Chuggins. the mechanism I haven’t yet regulations.†TORONTO 2‘ Barber Trade; great demand; good wages; twenty to thirty advertised for daily in Toronto papera alone. Cnu teach you in six to eight weeks. Send for Cata- logue. Moler College, 221 Queen East, To- Tonto. F ~Soi1 clay loam: good outbuildings: close to market, railway station and post ofï¬ce. Would exchange for forty to one hundred acres within ï¬ve miles of Catholic church and cheese factory. The Western Real Estate Exchange, London, Ont. ARM IN SASKATCHEWANiEQUIP- ped: in crop; must sell: terms easy. Percy Love, Hawarden. SaBk. ALL h‘TUNh‘b’, hHJNLY AND BLAD- der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumhago and kindred aiYments pnaltively tured with the new German RemedY. "Sauol." price $1.50. Anmher new remed? for Diabetes-Mellims. and sure cure, in “Sanol's Anti-Diabetes." Price $200 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufns wring Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Man‘ HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontario on my list. I! you want a farm consult ANGER. TUMORS. LUMP-4, MTG. internal and external. cured with. out vain by our home treatment erte us before too ‘am‘ Dr. Bellman Medical PA, Limited. Collingwnnd Ont, EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN Manitoba; Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick Pale. Comnahy. Toronto IF'I‘Y ACRES IN MIDDLESEX COUNTY ~Soi1 clay loam: good outbuildings: “ TAMIJ COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIF- b [ex-em Foreign Stampa. Calamqu Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp U with Three Houséé: lafge Bah}; Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. H. w. DAWSON. Nlnety Golhorne Street; Toronto. _ H w NAWSON. Toronto Treatmeno: Gently smear the afl’ected parts with Cuclcura. Oinzmmc. on the and of the ï¬nger. but do not rub. Wuh at! the Ouucum Ointmeno in ï¬ve minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water and continue bathing for some minutes. This treatment; I! beat. on rising and retiring. Al; other times use Cuticum Soap freely for the toilet and bath, to assist. in prevenbing inflammation; irritation and clogging of the pores. Sold throughout the world. Liberal sample of web free, with 82â€"1). Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug «9 Chem. Com: Dept. 47D. Boston. U. S. A. silk ox mixtures. 24 colors-will give any shade. Colors l0c. Black l5c-~at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet ‘‘How to Dye" from it: and It was nearly un- posslble to heal. The sore would be very red and lnflamed round the edges and had a, bummg sauna. clan. When extra sore I could not sleep at; night, on accounc of the paln. I al- ways wore a cotton bandage on it (mm the ankle to the knee. For a number of years I used sticking plasters, then got a. salve. I saw the advertisemenb oflerlng a. free sam- ple of Cutlcura. Soap and Ointment and sent: for a. sample and purchased some more and In six days the son was healed completelylt (Signed) James Edwards. J me 21. 1912. DYES SO EASILY With Maypole Soap [here is no trouble and no muss in home dyeing. Dyes cotton. wool, Stewart 32:15:. Clipping Machine Turns calencnps racer and closer and stays sharp longer “an any other. Gears are all ï¬le hard and out from solid steel banenclozed. rotectâ€" pnlcn ed Ind run in oil. Hus six feet 0 new $ 75 style flexible shaft and celebrated stew 9 an single tension clipping head. (:01 'â€" 0». from your c! ller very machine guaranteed. CHICAGO FLEXEHLE SHAFT CO. 593 La Sails Ave. cmcaao. ILL. n um um me new catalog of most modern line of horse cupping And sheep shoal-In! machines. FOR PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS “7001) STOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES Bowman River. Manitobaâ€""When 3 Was thirteen years 0! age I got my shin badly hurt and when healed the skin Wu . attached to the bone. The M least; bruise would injure Nearly Impossible to Heal Skin. Badly Hurt. Sore, Red and In- flamed. Could Not Sleep. Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment Healed. 0U] SURE HEALEI] IN SIX DAYS Uye'h’om V 108 F. L. BENEchT & 00. Montreal T ONCE~MEN WANTED; PEAR) The Heart ofa. Piano is the Action. Insist on "the "OTTO HIGEL†Maypole Soap sTAmiw'S’A’ND coms Piano Action FARMS FOR SALE MISCELLANFOU“