3. fl. PREN'HE’S LIST OF Auction Sales THURSDAY, Aprilaâ€"I-Horses, pure bred Holstein and gi‘ades, fa}; cattle‘ and hogs. lot 11, 2nd con. \vest.YorK, the property of Geo. S. Stewart, DoWns- vimv. Sdle at 12 a.m.~ Termsflmo's. FEL, April 4â€"Farmst0ckdm lements etc., lot. 15, con. 2 from the ay. thé‘ roperty of T. \V.\ Browm Stile at o’clock. Terms 7 months. I SAT.,- Am-il 591101139, shop. lot, fat-ni- " Lure. tools etc... at. Unionvllle, the » property of the late Herb Baker. h, Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms on posters. MON), Ap. 7â€"‘â€"Heuvy work horses, fresh = cows, springurs, ‘beef ringers; brood soWS, colts etc. lot 10, con. 10. VVhit= church- the property of Rolf Conner. Sale at 1 o’clock. 7 mos: Time†Apr. 8â€"Ahout 30 heitv'y draft horses. at the Palmer House. Rich: » mond Hill, the property of Lauder, Spears 85 Howlzmd Lumber 00:, Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms 6 months; FRIDAY, Apr. 11â€"Anction sale of ' Horse. complete stable outï¬t. regis= teredJersey cattle; fowl, gut-den tools etc: at York Mills, the property of J. H. F; Ussher. Sale at 1.36}. Terms cash. I - SAT., Apr. 12â€"=Farn1 stock,- i‘mple- . ments. furniture etc.. lot 34,: con. 2, v,,M.u-khaln.- the propertv of Isaac Klinck. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tex-msï¬ . months. -- Two farms within twn miles of Mount Albert. 100 acres each. Good buildings. 35-t.f. The undersigned offer-s for sale a block uf live $1000 dollar Dehentm es (if the Village of Hichmondflill. The debentures run 30 years. and bear in- terest. at ï¬ve ppr cent. Installments of principal and interest; paid annually. 'IIhesa debentures may be bought smeg or EN- BLOC. Full particulars may he had at the Clerk’s Olï¬ce, Rich- mond Hill. ' . SB-t'f Frame House nearly new. all madern improvements. small fruit. cherries, plums, &c., nice lawn, a bargain. Also another frame house nearly new. six rooms, just. the place for small family [ï¬at/h these properties on Centre Street ash. One of the best business or residence lots on West side of Yonge street. Buy now as price will be advanced on A‘pm 1. Farms For Sale ‘ Buick house a. few steps from Yonge on letme Street West, ï¬ne garden, tx‘ice lawns, a. cosy home. . Front Lot; 31,2nd Con. Markham, 100 acres well drained. running creek. good dairy farm. Hess. A safe and pleasiniéirupâ€"mmnï¬gists. H. A. NIGHOLLS House and g nch on Richmond Street also froan 0n Centre Street. Rear Lot 64. VVhitchm-ch, 100 acres ('ï¬iei-‘lduking Luke Wilcox. Money in it to subdivide. * Erubllahers, Springfield. M‘s.- New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles. based on the latest census returns. containing the names of over 10.000 note}! persons. date of birm, death. etc. NgwyBiograbhiCaI Dictionary 35,090 New Words Edited by W. T. HARRIS. Ph.D.. LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Page: Yew Plates. 5000 Blessmtlonl. men Bhdhgd; HAS FOR SALE ,___... ï¬Ã©cï¬e diirï¬ Also Webster's Caflegiqte Dictionary 1116 Pages. ‘ 1400 Illultmï¬onu. Regul Edit,an 7:10:256 inchsl. Shindings. De Luxe Egï¬tion 6;[x8§§xl% in. Printod from same )1 (as, an bible paper. 2 beautiful binding; "mm, «Daaubnlï¬v. nnkxuvmmmmpum. Electric Light _ Debenturé‘s. is. a c. MERRIAM 00..r Real Estate Agent Recentiy Enlarged mm Richmond Hill J .~ H. FEEâ€"NTICE; 239 Balliol 813.. North- anlmto’: A; J. HUME, Clerk. stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop's Croup_ Remedy. One test W111_ surely prove. No vomgï¬m$ no Ais- GOOD STOCK 0F? School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. Public lerary and Beading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings‘ F/pworth Dengue- â€"Meats evorv Monday, Presbyterian. Guildâ€"Meets every Friday at 8 mm; in the Church. I 0 Fâ€"«Meets third Thursday of every month. R. H. Ratepuvers Association meets last Tuesdav oi everv mouth. 'l +++¢§+$Â¥+¢M+W+++$+$ï¬+fl LCh'urch or EnglandnSex-vices at 3 13.111. 19% 8nd and 4th Sundkyi Thxrd Sunday at 11 112.1133 Fresh barium Churchâ€"Services as 11 3.. 11)., mi: p. m. ‘ndny Schoalv at 2.30. Prayer meeting rhursdav aiming: . Roman Gaqulio Churchâ€"n-Setvioes on titer unit‘s “Sungqyggï¬g a. m. aqd 10.80 a. m. ;“nk’etEEEflaE'éï¬ï¬foï¬Iâ€"Eéfï¬Ã©oé 3211350 E.'m.,nnd p. m. ' a Sunday School at 9230. Ganeml prayer meeting Tamil“): smiles- 'ï¬iohiï¬â€˜Ã©dd nodEé, A F and A M due»: Mon- day on or before full moon d CourtRichmond, A O F H Meets fourth Fri- ï¬y , Ivy Lodge. A0 U WmMeets-thitd Warmesde of each month ' 'dziihp Eiélii; s o s â€"Me6ts second and (emu Wednesday _ a "Hirilfldréh't Imago. I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- day mfg fljirq Frjqu of (fetch pgongh. Fire BrigadeF-Meénéiï¬r‘m Mbhdaiy 0! every month . Printing ' Stationery School Books +é~§~~§0§0+++ Go to the Liberal Office for Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, Lax-ets-S ‘Ec +++4++$$Â¥$$éi++¢$4$Â¥$++¢+4 TEURS.‘.~ Am. lob-Sale of ehm-sies; add cattle at th'év Maple Leaf. Hum; Maple, the prop‘erty of J; Hr Bin: linger. Sale at 1 o’clock. Téi-i'ué 8 months; 535E313 Elia “'3de. New Wk on once. 5% B- St... Wuhlnztou. D. est eit- oulatlon of an scientiï¬c joumnl. Tum, ‘1 anadmg‘ 579.59â€. postage prepaid.- Sofd’g; Anyone sending a sketch and desorlgtion may quick] ascertain our opinion free w other an Invent on is probably Patentubl ommunieu- giom strictly conï¬de t. - HAND, on Pm. ant tree. Oldest a i; fora t8. Pgtgntq pakeqfltï¬rpuéh Mann km‘ "mm; ï¬iéii mm Emma's? manlth £1919“ Lawn“- Terms: $4 a‘ year, $2 for Six months. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. 00. 346 Broadway, New York. new depariJ ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home andits surloundings. We send 1' free on rez quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation. with 2 for Ian i' d periences of angler ers and campers, c Adventure “on STREAM,†o'r';e‘n:1 fus twenty-ï¬ve cenks for our weeks trial trip. an large illustrated weekly , journal of shooting, G n ï¬shing, natural his- “ tory and yachting. A Saigeon & McEwen’s List of Auction Sales Village Director? periences of anglers,-shoot- ers and campers, or yachtâ€" | t Egg; or 1 you .n we terested in country life, ask your newsdea er for “FOREST AND &c., &c. yoh i If not j «Mun0M§$§+4+$ï¬w+u¢ Nowwwï¬Ã©Ã©hnï¬nu‘ i‘IHE RICHMONUIHILL‘HARDWARE CU, What About T hat Raof? Oassél’s’ Mâ€agazine,_ per annum . The Story Teller . The QuiVer .’ ' . Musical Home Journal The Girls’ Realm . Little Folks . k Chums r. . c' v o i 3 rrerHâ€" 832 We)! c"- S Q! j §§+§§§§§§§§§§§§OQOOOOOQOOO ¢+++¢o+¢+¢¢¢+mw+wo+ Subscflptinns taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, ‘ or may be sent to CASSELLS & COM PAN‘ 42 Adelnlde St. W Taro“? GEO. McDONALD, Richmond; Hill - It is not necessary - send to foreign cou‘xtri‘e. ! >1 maga- . ' .l ‘ . zmes. Read the fohowrngzr- ‘The monthly magazines of the' above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in, Can- ada by yearly subsuiption at low rates. A reliable French regulatormever falls. These pills are exceedingly glowerful in regulating the gaï¬gfatiyépoflim of b e {emale system. Refuse all Acheaï¬ Jmitjnttiphs.. 15?: d9 Van’s are sold at 5 a box. or threé for $10: Mailed tqnny address. 0 Sooben Drug 00.. 8t. (Tamil-mos. Ont. C A S S E L L ‘8’ Canadian P uh â€" ï¬shing Company RIDGEVILLE Dr. d'e Van’s Pema‘n‘er Pills THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON‘CO. ALMAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ‘AKRAAAAAAAKAAAKMAAAAAAAA >3â€? 'vvvvv‘vï¬vvvvvvvvwiv‘iï¬vvv vvvwvvv'vvvvï¬vvvvvivwwv RSERY STOCK We Want two more agents 'in_ The wind has possibiy blown some off. your requirements Plant Bonan's BIBHMND HILL HARDMRE 80. PHONE 18 IT WILL mam. STEEL SHI’NGLES CORRUGATED STEEL BRANTFORD ASPHALT ROOFING WHALE-HIDE v“ -. ‘- SURETY ††AMATI'I'E, Mineral Surfaced ROoï¬ng‘ in stock we can procure any of above for you on: short notice at manufacturer’s prices; " E Gï¬AHANT‘I’éEB this Eoï¬ï¬ty; FOR MAE; oï¬ï¬‚mo and. in fact, everything in the hue of Iiax-xlgss._Blarxxkets, andnmnny other artféles necessary for your Harness room. _ h 'The gnods we (:fl'vr are himestly made and will stand the wear that, you expect of them: H. F0 B S TIER Repaiflngi (HE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada. It- iâ€"s Salim}, m a11~ ,ita It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. Its articles are carefully selected aqé m5; editorial policy is thoroughly) independent. - A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any'étdgi-sess in Canada. or Great Britain. THE Manï¬'eal Standard Pubiishing 90-. We have solid comfort in theway of Reliable goods at 1-1 aim} OFFICE- - TORONTO . , w RICHMOND HILL BRANCH ind mï¬iey are used. _ m OPPOSITE DR. LANGSTAFF’S NORMAN BATTY, MANAGlfï¬. Blankets, Robes, Mitts Boats and Shoes Repaired ©F‘ @ANADA TRY I? FGR 1912! Uiï¬iied, Pubiishgrs. ml), * . a a mans»; Bgénchgs aka) at ï¬apfe. Stouffvme, Unionvilla and Locust Hill. ' OR "BEAST ESTAMSHED I813 MONTREAL. Let us suppIyE 'easmmble pric‘ †ENDING money to any point‘inx ; CanEJd, the. United States or Eutopé is' safe, arid Cipedilious when this Bank's 'dr'afts ind mï¬ey o‘i‘déis are used. 3F. 1. WSWARE | ph Gsphono} restores every nervg! in the body -m to its prnper teuswn; restores- vim and vilalit y. Premature decay and all sexual weakness ave: (ed at once. Phonphonol win make Von a new man. Price £3 :1 box. or two fat 1 $5. Mailed M 2w v aJdre ‘_. The Scobell Drug I (10., St. Catharines. Ont; ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRAD‘f'E STRICTLY ATTENDED To, Electris Restorer for Maxi i In“ xnfnr'mhon nbou! «ml: which v n "h. '1 area! home-3.11m will pay f: am 5- 7n 31‘: [war day. Some hare n 3 i n day Eidnr n'x. yewng at old, Cumin] ~ 45 ‘y'm ~u e smne'i m-c, Thu-ewhnmm a: on“ mien) \uru nf nmx Huh fortune; A1! i: new. (It'd: mu sauce. hm than wno wflu . mm. "a P:- ,Pnrnnnd. Hamemfllmivo i 3.4! nm .u he; an. PATRONAGE ‘ SOLICITED . w ‘ . I . - \ - » H- AND‘ SATISFACTION G UABANTE our Canadian smmé AND mmnï¬hmï¬ nozszs A SPECIALTY You can éarn one too; easily. You only have to do three things. FIRST. Rdgfht any nowâ€"take a, pets! card or a. sheet of paper and write unit the full names (Christian. names and surnames) and full ad‘ dreams or TEN r'bay friend‘sflo‘g chums whom you know Would like to can Janie pocket money. (Boys between 8 and 15 years of ageâ€"â€" no two in the same family.) ' éECON D. Sign your name and' addwss at the‘ bottom of the card or sheet 553‘ that we will know who sent the list. F. 3; WUï¬DWKRï¬ Man the us: cemplete Wm; nvé cents in coin or’ stamps to us right away, addressing your Letter to Sales Division, the ‘Wtuiéss,’ 'Wltness" Block. Montreef. Your list of name‘s shoz mailed within sgven (7\ days you read thissnfena‘id m'fnr Sfxduld your 0":='nrx: 2 perience In g e - se ling-~50 mH THEâ€? 2" mm, : offnz', : you read thisénfenan Just as soon as we mâ€. your Ii-rt of names. we will (1 on? or these beautiful Some: .; you and you will like if: ï¬rm 13’. V. Shduld your 0":='nrx: 2H '- per" nce In mzzg’ se ling-~50 hwy". THEâ€? 2"- ).We (in thé man don't f‘ï¬f‘P; yourself was. for waka‘r‘r 1 “We dun'i f the Han don't Pare; yourself for Work letim‘ 211: whole In MAPLE LEAF PEWS GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley \yw ANY of our boys arid girls have just received one M 2H“ d 'u' mane}! ‘(L y. W a FREE -mak! THlRD. 1, flow iul should be