UEERAL PRINTING do PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,0NT. Is PUBLISHED EVERY l‘HURSDAY MORNING 1'. F. McMAHO'N. Glazier, Gainer" and Papeb Hanger. . RESIDENCE. RICHMOND H111 W. HEWIS‘ON JOHN R, CAMPBELL. Calls Lioenaod Austioneers forthe County of Yurk. Sales “amended «.0 on shortest notice and at [69-0 stumble ratou Patronage solicited Plume N0. 28. Licenser Auctxoneer for the Counties 0f York. Oucurio and Nuth Tomntu. Special ntcennion iveu to sales of evurv description. Farm and arm Shock under; a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. m sales attended co on shortest notice and conducted by We [Must date (Penny. Pl’t‘pal'PS pupils for the grade ax. «mmilmtfmns held at, Tm onto Conserva. tm'y of Music and Univexsitv of 1‘0, rnntn. 1 Special cnurse in “Myers†Kinder. gal-ten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. _r _ Theoretical. Technical and Artistic ï¬laments Developed Systematically According to Modem Methods. Class recitals are given throughout the year 42-137 The Newton School of Music VOL. XXXV. DEL W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL . H 3-1 per annum, in advance.] ' '1‘ Szï¬geon. J K M Maple Wes Snigeon a; ï¬le Ewen. D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. ’Addresa: 259 mum» at, No.6]: Toronto. Firs: home north of Atkinsnn & Switzur’s storm MISS MIL LIE TRENCH HOUSE PA INTER, VETERINARY SURGEON, BUSINESS CARDS. Elaple. ()nt. Wm yum Richmond Hill, Ont. Eamon†a: Panama-on. 'FFICE AND RESIDENCE phone ur otherwise promptly I'aspn‘udud Lu. RIGHMON D HILL Teacher of Piano I‘ll-o I‘nhill . J. H. Prentice Pm me N1). 2 W3. ‘13? citriaar’y RESIDENCE gamma- AT THE J K MoEwen Weston it") PIANO TUNING 905:: :7. @avt'dson THORNHILL Organs Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed Barristers, Solicmrs, 810. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Telephone, Main Gable Address. “Dedo.†A. GE. Lizwrence F. J. Dunbar Barristersï¬oï¬citors. Notaries. 86:. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victorm Sts.. Toronto. V Mouov to loan 9n landsnnchabbe) mortgagesat ‘ flowsst rates ARroranfliceâ€"Removod to the old post om“ am‘wucloor was: of the entrance to the >0ntarto-Bn‘flk ' ‘ Newmayke: oriï¬ce-Jrhree doors south of the pustm’ï¬ce' ‘ « afl' _‘ , . Hmnxnnxnnnmdt ‘ G "3117 Human Aur'u'n. LEN NOX‘ & MORGAN Tel. M. 3631. BAMISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tax-lth Ofï¬ce. Rnom 328 Confedera- tion Life Bldg.. N0. 12 Richmond St. E.’ Richmond Hill ~ Uiï¬ce (“Liberal†Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Muplr, Thursday afternoon, l \Vnudm-idqe, Saturday fm'enoon. 3 Mnnev to 1mm at Five. Per Cent (5%)? Riohmonc; Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC CCMMISSIONE . coivVEYAN"ER. ETC. REAL ESTATE. ETC. TEEORNBILL 1' made rtaker 5 dz Exlnbalmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIL]. A large stock of Fumral Furnishing kep at. both places Danton, Grover & Field Lawrence & Dunbar, . Cameron MacNaughton H. A“ NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Barn-w. Solicitor, .;:otary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING " STREET WEST ’ ELLIOTT mnb numn Inn! (or Yonge and Alexander S“. Onmmissinnor, Onnveyancer. etc. Insurance. and Real Estate Issue: of Marriage Licenses. OWING m the HIGH STANDARD maintained in this zollege. the demand for the graduates is far in excess Of the supplv. THIS IS UNQUESTXONABLY ONE OF CAN- ADA’S BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS. Its record pl-nves it. Admits studentsat any time, pre- parvs them properly fnr choice positions and assists worthy students to Secure em lnyment. College open all year. \R’rite now for Handsome Catalogue. w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. slrriih, s and Sollcfllors. VOICING AND . . ACTION REGULATING WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. ONT. WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 10. 1913 “In Essentials, Unity ; in NonaEssqntéals; Liberty; in all things, Charity.†mm. Phone Main 2984 Algebra, Form IIIâ€"Class II~Winnie Simpson and Susie 'Cnnnel-l, eqyal. Class IIIâ€"Marv Vanderburgh. Gladys Ball, Jessie Hamilton, James Cosgrove, AgnesBuyle, Fred. Slmpson. Geometry Form 111418-83 Iâ€"Susie Cunnell. 85. Class IIâ€"Gladys Ball. 73. Winifred Simpsma, 71; James Cos- mve. 71; Agnes Boyle. 67; Mary anderhurgh, 63: J essie Hamilton, 62. Class IIIâ€"Fred Sim son, 57; Gertrude Cosgrdve. 47; Hazel eaman, 40. Form II, French~Class Iâ€"ances Carleton, Irene McMahon, Marjorie Wn‘ghb. Class IIâ€"Gm‘don Francis, Tom Scott, Bertha Harding. Class III -â€"Hazel Page, Floss'ie Allison, Walter Vanderburg, Jean Seager, Fullerton Gibson. . ' Form II, Germanâ€"Class Iâ€"Frances Carleton, Gordon Francis. Class IIâ€" Tom Scott, Hazel Page, Bertha. Hurd- ing. Class III--Flossie' Ailison, Walter Vanderbm-g. Je m Seager. Forml, English Grjammarâ€"Glass I -â€"Dm-nthy Findlay, :Inhn McOnge. Glass IIâ€"Helen Oke, (Louie Harding, Donald Findlay). equal; Milton Onher, Alma Nicol, (Jean McDunald. Bessie Hate'erman). equal. Class IIIâ€"(Marjorie Currie. Earle Walker), equal; Baldwin Ransom. Victoria Hunt, J aim Charles. Preston Elson, Mut'raeralmer. Form 1. En lish Corgi ositinnâ€"Class Iâ€"Dnrothy ngndlay. lass IIâ€"-â€"Lnuie Harding, Milton Coheï¬Jobn McCague. (Marjorie Currie. Helen Oke), equal; (Bessie Hugerman, Dennld Findlay). 9 Hal. Class IIIâ€"Haber McCague, ( enn McDonald, Argyle Campbell). equal; Jean Chasles. Fred Cnsgrnve, Preston Elsnn, (Victoria Hunt. Earle \Vulker). eq11alelmaNicol. Baldwin Ransom, ‘Villinm Wellman, Murray Palmer. Mc-Ch' '“ue 64; lepfl’Oke-b : Louie Ha ï¬dï¬igï¬'ï¬ï¬ Earle Waï¬kgrgC ;-~ 013$ Form 1. Frenchâ€"Glass Iâ€"Dorothy Findlay. John McCï¬iguo. Class IIâ€" Helon Oke, Marjorie Currie. (Jean McDonald, Donald Findlay.) ual; Louie Hal-ding, Earlé Walkeri lass IIIâ€"Argyle ()nmphell, William Well- man. Alma Nicol. . angm 1. PhysicsimassIIâ€"Jnhn McCa‘g‘ue._._§4z Hvlpï¬â€™okeb Q3: Louie III,BesԤie Ilégernmh, 5";’ Jenn Mc- Donald, 56; JeanCLhntJes. 54; Mar'orie Currie, 50: Victor-iii Hunt, 49; Ba] win Ransom. 49; Murray Palmpr, 44; Fred Cosgmwe, 4!: Alma Nicol, 41. Form I. Geometryâ€"Glass IIâ€"Helen Oke, 70; Victoria Hunt. 70; Donald Finley, 67; Louie Harding. 63; Earle Walker, 82: John Mchgne. 61. Class IIIâ€"Jean McDonald. 56; Domlhy Findlay, 56; Alma Nicol, 48; Bessie Hagerman. 48: Jean Charles. 47; Argyle Camphvll. 42; Fied Gnsgx'ovo, 42; Marjorie Currie. 40. The monthly meeting of the Literary Circle wilrbe held at: the I'Psidence of Mrs. Jame-9 nn VVe-dnesdny evening, the 16th inst. Refreshments served at, 6.00 p.111. Ladies are requested to bxing provisions. The entertainment will consist 01 readings. .Vocal and Instrumental music: 3180 addresses upon New Ontario and Japan are ex~ ppgted. Allwelcome._ - Deep regrot was felt here when it was known that Nellie. Cooper, beloved wife of Mr. J. .1. Davidson. had passed awayon Thursday 4 -flast week. About; four weeks ago slwwas taken ill and in spite of all that could he done by doctors, nurses and loving friends she graduallv sank until the end came. Thewhole village was plungedin gloom by the sad event, as she endeared her- self to a host of friends by her gentle loving disposition. She was a valued member of the Methodist Church choir. and those who listened to her sweet voice, will not soon forget the messages of love and hope which she sang. The love and esteem in which she was held was evidenced by the large num» ber of friends and relatives who attend- ed the funeral on Saturday afternoon, and by the large number of floral tributes. An impressive service in wnich Rev. T. Douglas. Rev. S. A Lawrence and Rev. J. H. Oke took part was held at the house before the interment. The choir led the singing and also sang “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.†On Sunday evening a memorial service was held in the church when short. addresses were given by Rev. J. H. Oke and Rev. Mr. Douglas and suitable music was rendered hv the choir. The choir loft. was draped in black and a sheaf of lilies and roses rested on the vacant. choir She has gone. to join the Higher Ohoxr, but the memory of her sweet life will linger long in the. hem-ts of those who knew and loved her. The heartfelt sym- pathy of everyone is extended to the sorrowing hnsha nd and the other rel- atlves in their sad bereavement. _ Names in order of merit. Lax-ets 5 ‘E. R. H. H. S. EXAMS. Thornhill. ‘ Reeve Pugsiey presided at a public meeting in the Masonic Hall Monday evening. He explained the severe 1035 that Mr. Lawrence had suffered on Good Fi-iday when his large Green- house was practicaiiy destroyed by the high wind. The Council wished to get, the opinion of the ratepayers rel- ative to giving Mr. Lawrence some usgi‘stance in replacing his building. The opinion was freely expressed. that the Greenhouse would soon em- ploy a large number of hands, and was considered a valuable asset in our village. By helping this industry we would be helping the village, but the new building must he built; so as to be prgof against, wind or storm. Among those who offered sug es- tions were \V. Innes. W. Pratt. %)r. Lungstafi Dr. Pentland, G. F. Allen, (3. McDonaJd, I‘. F. McMahon, J. H. Suudersnn, N10. Hégerman arm-(i Sims. Before closing ihe following re- solution was carried:â€" Moved by‘ Wm. Pratt, seconded by Wm. Innes:â€"That Whereas Mr. Law- rence has approached the Village Council asking for ï¬nancial aid to en- able him to reconstruct his Green- house buildings and to otherwise assist him to carry on his undertakings here. And whereas it. seems advisable for the Village of Richmond Hill to giant such aid. Therefore be it resolved that we the ratepayers here assembled request the Village Council to submit a by-law to provide for raising the sum of Five Thousand Dollaie to be loaned t3 the said Mr. LawrenCe. the loan to run for ten years and to be re paid at the rate of One Thousand Dollars per annum during the last ï¬ve years of the said term. Without interest. On Friday evening the members of the Young Men's Bible. Glass in the Methodist Sunday Schml surprised their teacher, Mrs. Morgan, by; visiting at; the parsonage, and after spending a, social time presented her With a. cut, glass water set accompanied by the fullnwing address. Mrs. Mnrgan has .missed 0an three Sundaysfrum teach fng‘xhe' class idlhree years and- two months. Dear Mrs. Morgamâ€"We. the mem- bers of the young men's Bible Class de- sire ï¬ll this “ceasinn tu express our gmtitude for the interest you have shown in eachmzd everyone 0f us. We regret that, the time will soon come for your rpmuval from our class. \Ve and the entire- schoul will suffer a 105! which will he felt, in all the departments of wonk. We feel that we can best, repay you for your endeavm‘s for us by trying to live up tn those principles of Christ- ianity uhich you have taught us by bath precva and example, by 9ndenv- m-ing bole-ad others [0 Christ. We are certain that no umtter where your lat umv be cast in the future, your efforts will always be in the interests of God’s Kingdom, and we pray that God’s hleswiï¬g may always be upon you in in the Work. Asa Lnken of on ' appreciation of our efforts and nf the esteem in which your are hPld by all of us, we ask you toggcept this small gift. __.- v.--.-.. n“ \Ve hnpe thdb when you have re- moved from us you will remember us in your prayers. We Wish Mr. Mnrgn n and yourself and family success in fut- ure lives and hope to meet, you in the land where there will he no separations. Signed unbehulf of the class, CHAS. T. STEPHENSON, ., Pres. ADRIAN KILLOUGH. Sectv. A pleasant evening was spent in games and music and refreshments were served. Mr. Thomas Geany sant Sunday in_1_\’e\\:[na_rk_e:t with Mr. J. ngney._ Mr. Herb Hawman of Nohletor; has started work with Mr. Malloy of the Summit, Hmise. Mr. 0. Sylvester of York Mills spent Sqqda}: MAM} Mnnlgmarfg. _ Some very large hauls of ï¬sh are being made down at the creek tbme days. One net full tank six men with block and tackle to land it. Mr. J. O’Connor is able to be out after his illness. He Pxpects to he. at wmk again shortly. Mr. Jack Brown and Mr. Fred Osborne of Aux-um at; tendeda curd party in our town one evening last wgek. We éée Miss Laura Hudgin‘s smiling fags: again at'we Summit. ngse. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thnumpson spent Sunday at Mr. C. Thompson’s on the second line. Mr.UWn1. Thomas intends moving mgg our uva beer long. THE - LIBERAL Schomber‘g Junction Subscribe for PUBLIC MEETING. Mame. f++M+*+NM++~P-§'+°¥ 4v++++++Q W. A. Sanderson STIVEB & HAMER ++Â¥+$+WWÂ¥++$$Q¢+++Q'Wé'éfl-in; Believing it will be' beneï¬cial to not; buyer and seller, have decided. Coal; Flour, Corn, Bran, 'WOOd, 860. Myrna C.N.O. STATION AND. ELEVATOR - We thank the public for the genernua patronage in the past, and will earn- estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. LASKAY P. 0. 85-tf Livery a: Teaming JOHN ELLIS Manicure Sets flair Brushes BELL PHONE We solicit: a call no trouble to show our lines DOMINSON HflUSE Painter, Paper-hanger Gen‘eral Decorator RICHMOND HILL F. C. E GAN STABLE ACCOMMODATION ‘AFTER 0C.T., 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LICENSED AUCTION EER My Stdck of ï¬ne lines of PERFUMES are up-todate and Reasonable 1n prices For .tbe County‘of York. [Single copies, 3 cts» RICHMOND HILL FOR EVERYBODY. PERFU MES for STIVER & RAMER. Comb Sets Pictural Cards int-4'4"} DEALERS 1N PRESENTS DRUGGIST L. 3. 5mm, Prop; ONTARIO No. 41