......a w..-w.... Protect gour idemv thegJ may bring you wealth Write J HN WEDISERB RN a: 00‘. Patent Actor- ueys Washington, D. Unto! their 81.800 prize otter tad iisi; of two hundred inventions wanted. Wantedâ€"An Idea COOK & GILCHRIST,‘ . 3268 Confederation Life Bldg; - Taminto. Its Solicitors herein. ' Dated at Toronto this third day of April, A.D., 191:1. 41-4 IN THE ESTATE OF STEWART ROBB, DECEASED. The creditors or Stewart Rohh, late of the Township (\f Vaughan, in the County of Yurk. farmer deceased, who. died on or about the tenth day of January. 1913. and all others having eluims against or entitled to share in the estate are hereby notified to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned administrator on m- lwfnre the thiid day of May. 12.13. their Christian and surnames. address- esund descriptions, and full particu- lars of their claims, accounts or inter- ests and the nature of the securities. if any, held by them. Immediately after the said third dny of May, 1913. Han assets of the said intestate will be, distrihutc-d nmnngst the pantie-s 5 en- titled tLer to having regard only to the ('litilns or interests nf which the mlministmtnr shall then have notice and all otherswill be excluded from the said distribution. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, r ADMIN ISTRATOR’S Notice ta ï¬redimrs AND OTHERS DAVIDSONâ€"Ab Thm-nhill. Ont" on Thursday, Apr. 3, 1913. Nellie Cooper, beloved wife of J. J. David-son, in her 36th year. ’Funeral Sutuidny, April 5th,to Thoms- hill Cemetery. FORSTEIBâ€"At Richmond Hill, Sunday, April 6. 1913.‘Hemy Forster, in his 66th year. ' Interment in Victoria Square Cemetery \Vednvsdnv after a service at, the home. at 2 o’clock. The funeral of the late Thomas Legge took place from his residence, Oak Ridges, Saturday afternoon. Inâ€" terment, took, place in St. John’s Cemetery, previous to which an im- pressive service was conducted in the church by his young pastor, Rev. Mr. Dispard of Aurora. _ ‘ LLOYDâ€"In Star View District, Sask.. on Saturday, March 22nd. 1913. to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Lloyd, :1. son. (Nee Teresa Gormnn.) VANDERBURGH~At Elstnw, Sask., on the 30th of March, 1913, to Mr. and Mls. A. E. Vanderburgh, a. sun. DICTIONARY {THE MERRIAM WEBSTER; j The OnIy New unabridged dic- ' tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence ‘ of an authoritative library. Covers every ï¬eld of knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. $3)†Write for stimple pages, full par- ticulars, etc. Name this page: and i we will sendftee Pocket Decessed was born in Dorsetshire. England, in 1834, and came to Canada with his parents when seven years of age. He was a. successful furnwr and was highly esteemeed as a neighbor and friend. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. APR. 10, 1913 @112 ï¬iheml. WEBSTER’S "NEW INTERNATIONAL. \QVOQE ‘ LIMITED, 22 King Sheet East, Toronto. Administrator. Oak Ridges. DEATHS BIRTHS. or some simple thing to patent.) Who can win}: Its articles are carefully selected and its: editorial policy is thoroughly independent, 3 A. subscription to' The‘ Standard 'costs $2.00 per year to any address in‘ Canada or Great Britain. '9 It uses the most expensive Engrav- lngs, procuring the photographs 1mm all over the world. III-IE STANDARD 13 the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion 'of Canavda.’ It is national in all its aims. ACUW with calf luv side. Lot, 28. crm. 2. Vaughan). Elgin Mills. 40-tf 35-tf 40-3 50 Bags of late Potatoes, Noxal]. This will be a good chance to get, pure seed. Alan a quantity of eating pota- toes. Phone 2950 ’7 Maple Exchange. A quantitv of Turnips for sale on lot 13, con. 3, Markham. Orders now being taken for pring d elivery, 1913. Prospects bright for: the season’s trade. Experience unnecessary. We instruct our salesmen how to sex} Fruit Stocks in the country and Ornamental trees In the town. ‘ START NOW and have your territory reaerved. Weekly Pay. Free Outï¬t. WRITE FOR TERMS. ‘ Montreal! Standard Publishing 00‘" Limited, Publishers. Win? $75?meth ENN RO'YA L WAFERS. Ripans Tabules cure tornid liver. Rivans Tabules cure biliousness. Binans Tabules cure constipation. ,2 . fl All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- . ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: \ ‘ \~‘v READER: No matter who has treated you. write for hi honest oï¬iiign Free of Charge. Books Freeâ€""The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated) on Secret Diseases of Men. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a. premature grave» through Early Indiscreï¬om, Excess†and Blood Dining. If you have any of the folâ€" lowing s mpmms consult us before it in to: late. Are you nervous and weak, desponc dent an gloomy, specks before the eyes, Wlth dark Circles under them. weak back, kidneys irritable. palpitation of the heart. bashful. dreams and losses, sediment in urine. Pimples on the face. eyes sunken. hollow cheeks. cai‘eworn expression, poor memory, ifeless, distrustful. lack energy and strength, tired. mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, weak manhood; premature decay, bone pains, hair loose. sore throat, etc. Bonï¬enc vanish, thee e becomes bright. the face full and clear, energy returns to the ody an the mom], ysical and sexual systems are invigorated: all drains ceaseâ€"no more vital waste from the system. Don'tlet quacks and fakira rob you of your hard earned dollars- We will cure you or no pay. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Treatment can cure you and make a man of you. Under its influ- ence the brain becomes active, the blood puriï¬ed, so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear. thq yerxes bectgme stroqg gs} stggl, s_o that_perv9us_ness, bashfulngss angi dgs- erife for our private address. .TRY IT FOR 191 f WEE PM WHEN WEED STONE 8:: WELLINGTON: car- No NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT ~51 Drsq K, & K._TAKE_A§._.LWRISKS ARTHUR ELSON, Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. For Sale AGENTWANTE’D For Sale For Sale Aspecmc monthly medicme for ladies to restore and regulate the memes- produuinr; free, healthy and palulesn disclmrgu. No aches or pains on up )rouch Now used by over 30,000 Indian “(‘6 used wmuse again. Invigomte. these organs. Buy of your druggist only thole with our 3! azure acrosa {aceof lubeL Avoid subs itutea. Sealed rnuulam mulled 2c sump. 1.00 r A (grass. EUREK_A CH ‘Ml AL I ox. Address, (SOMPLNY. MONTREAL. FflNTHILL NURSERHES C. H. JONES, â€"FORâ€"- RICHMOND HILL DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL To sell for the “The Old lienabre" NERVOUS DEBILITY Cured By “no N'éi; MgthdATgengmenl‘ (A 'Caifmdfl Dxmu. no: Dollar P.O. Hope P.O. One copy of \Vebster's New Inter- natiunal Dictionary. This is not a revisvd editinn of \Vehstet‘, but a new creation from covet-lo cover. There are 2700 pages, 6000 illustrations, and the volume cantains moxe information of interest; to more people. than any other dictionary. The copy for sale is indexed. and the leather binding should last, a lifetime. The publishers price is $13.00, less a discount of 25 per cent. 43-t.f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. 32k ~ On lst Concessinn of Vaughan, lot, 38. Thirty-four acres. good rough cast, house. new Stune foundation, barn, new hen house. pig pen, young orchard just beginning to hear. plenty nf water. Suitablefor‘ poultry farm or market gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk to Metl-npolitan car. Monuments. Markers and Comer Posts. 51-3 m. Small Farm for Sale In Marble or Granitp. Good work. reasonable charges. Town 01 Country. Write, W. A.) ONES, Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripart' Tabules mm nausea. Should they be attract: 0d? Once out â€"-out for ever! Don’t be too hasty. Dome and consult us.- They MAY be saved. Surely the matter ls worth ï¬vo‘ minutes talk?. Our advlco costs you nathlng'. Enquire at Apply on premisvs or to HHAPPLETON, For Sale 22 Buchamin Sh, : Lettering Cai'n'ille. Toronto 37 -tf â€"AGENCY~â€"â€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY 'ALWAYS ON HAND. Pure bred Sheppard Ancnnas $1 for 13 “ “ Corning Whlte V Leghorns â€" - $1.50 for 13 " “ \Vhite \Vyandnttes (Gala. Strum) ~ $1.00 for 13 â€"- ORDER NOW â€"â€" Apply REAL ESTATE Hatching Eggs for Sale Every family should have both their local paper and’a ’ cit-y paper. RICHMOND HILL F. H. TODD, Richmond Hill. Thoroughbred Holstein Bull. nn Lot 28. Gun. 2, Vaughan. ’l‘euns $1 cash. 33-tf The Next Sitting of Diwswn Court to N o. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. RECHMOND HELL DIVISION - SGURT. FINE TAILUR’ING A. J. HUME Monday, April 2r, r913 AND NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Leases, Wills, Etc. Commencing at 9.30 n. m. T. F. McMAHON CLERK Special attention given to For ‘ Service Pressing ' Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing, JOHN SLINE‘Y. Elgin Mills.