"The grading of the teaching of the Staifin the Richmond Hill High School as given by Inspecter Houston in his oï¬icial report, to the Board recently is as followszâ€"Lutin I, English I. History . Mathematics I, French I, Readin [- 11.1 Drill and Ualistheuics I-II. ghe latter would have been graded I had a suitable roam been available for the work. Grading ranks from I highest to IV the luwest. Science and Com~ “mercial work were‘not graded in the report. As is usual Inspectors du not. grade the teacher who is doing his ï¬rst year’s High School work. Both these deï¬artmeuts were inspected and the wor hging done very favourably commented“ upon. The School re- mains in the “approved†list. A GREAT SALE. Probably the best salenf work horses ever held in Richmond Hill took place Tuesday at the Bulmvr House._ the x-nperty of the Lauder, Spears & owland Lumber Co. The sale was Conducted by‘Mr.,J. H. ‘BrenLice, and ~s‘cqrcgggly an animal ,n‘ï¬t nf nearly 30 gala wai‘knocked down†at less than 3200. Some teams went $600. and many of the hm-ses for $250 ahd $275. - A recent number of the Springï¬eld Homestead contains a- gund picture and a sketch of (Ike life (If Rev. Claude Wesley Freeman. A.B., M.D., recently a pointed' Missionmv in China, by ,rinity Church. Dr. Freeumuxs mar- ried to Miss Florence Morison, daugh- ter 0f the late Thomas Mortsnn of this Mace. They ‘will be stationed ‘ ab Ghengtlf, China. - 75c. Mens workingrshii-fé‘éé-II 50. 75 and 950. Mens teck ties 25c. Soft outing mum-s 145 and 15 at. 256. Atkinson & Switzex“. Changes are taking place in the Lorne Block. Mx-.VRansnm has re- moved ‘tu his residence opposme the Rustic Inn ~pi'0perty, and 'the two south rooms in the Lorne Block are being ï¬tted up for Mr. Norman Glass gents’ furnishings. ' Mens black overalls and smacks. mans blue and White stripe overalls and smacks from 1.00 up to 1.45. Youth’s overall? blue and white stripe ‘7Ԡ\l»..» ___,, I4: 1 - . .. . Pure Japan tea, good quality ï¬ne flavor 300. H). Extra ’ unlit “sifted Hyun 601:; per ll). Bhwï¬ (29y on good flavor 30c. 1h. Ceyl'on and Indian hl‘ehded tea at 55 and 700. Fresh roast- ed, coffee. newly ground 35 and 40c. Atkinson & Switzer. ~4th ‘ï¬ï¬szieamm’é‘: next Monday ‘ewning, win he in' chargd nf the Suciakï¬Ã©purimeat. A var-1% prngl-mnme Wilt-he give-n, und'refreaï¬r mean will he served ab the close. Everybody invited. ' The “'eekvl ‘Globe and Canada Farmer. incln 'ing the illustrated spe- tion will be. sum; to any uddrvss .in Canada fmm this date until January 1, 1914, for 35 cents. Order at THE LIBERAL Ufl‘icé. . _ The Daily Mailzmd Empire will be sent, by mail fmm this date to the end Of the year for $2.00. The price of the \Veekly for the same time will be 35 cents. Orders may be left- at this ofï¬ce. Miss Margaret Maitlund of Sarnia ï¬nd Miss Annie Mainland her sister. who has just graduated from the Deaconess’ Home in Toronto, were guests at; the Manse on Monday. ' Mr Hewis who had his ï¬ngers crush- ed a. couple of weeks ago was last week taken to the Hospital suffering fran Lock-jaw. _ When word ,waslaereceiv- ed Mr. Hewis was improving. Miss Gladys Cowie who spent the winter in Turontn has taken the posi- tion of teacher of the Public SI-huul at Inmdule. Hulibm tun (‘nuan. at a good salary. She conmlencud duties ‘a few days ago. ' memND HILL. ONTâ€. APR. 10,1913 terLMI-s. N. 0.. McLeaniofn'li‘éVi-HRB. visited at, Mr. D. Hill’s. Miss Alleyne of White Rose' has been spending a week with Mrs. J. Mormon. †; Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCal-ter have réturnedvfrnm S-lskntcllewni), and w'iil make their home in Richmond Hill. Best granulated sugar 19 lbs 1.00. Golden yellow sugar 20 lbs. fm- 1.00. Fruit sugar 14 lbs fox-1.00. Paris lump sugar 81:. lb. Atkiï¬snn & Switzer. Miss B. “’ulstenholme of Toronto visited for a few days with her sister, Mrs. D. Hill. . Reserve the evenings of April 30 and May 1 for “Alice in Wonderland†to begiven in Lbe'Masonic Hall by the Richmond Hill High School Alumnae: \ A Car load of Mame Glut-en at the Elevator. A - Dr. And Mrs". Slam» of California; are mnkin a visit with their daughter, Mrs. ill Duncan. “@1119 ï¬i‘ihcrï¬l. Mr.;Iame§ Hill of Elmvalo 1mg! daugh- mgr H. S. GRADING. Meney to loxm oh ï¬rst mo: tgngP. 4l-t'.f. ' " HOUSPS in the Village on Centre Street eastuud west, SiX'awres with new buildings on Mill Street. Vacant lots on evgry street.~ ~ ' 155 acres ï¬rst-class farm in every particular It miles from Elgln Mills. Two 100 acre farms near Mount Albert best value in the Countv of York. .-- -_-.. v \u sun. on u. LICWL|'I.I- The "(751' F. M. :5. held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Burnett. Rich- mond Street. ‘ - ~The monthly meeting of the W0- mon’s Institute will be held at the hnme 'uf Mrs. F. R.‘ Oliver. Friday, April 11th at 3 o’clock. Miss Hughes of Toronto will give an address during. the afternoon, areadinglhv Mrs. Cur~ rie, Roll Call. quatatinns from Authors by m'en‘nbers. All members together «with those who wish to become mem- _hers areinvited to attend this meeting. H. AhNICHOLLS The Rev. H. H. Allen B.A. who next week is to be inducted into the past,- m-al charge of the Presbyterian Church in Aurora will preaql). next, Sunday: I‘L - . Choir pmctic; foinV ng atfltpe 1101116ij Mr. J. E. Newton. A freight car stundiï¬g on the siding at 'the Metropolitan Waiting Room ran down the grade Friday afternva and thrp‘ h the lumber shed, the property ï¬-Mm'Trench. A cart, was completely smashed, n, :cprered buggy badly damaged; albng’fï¬with other articles. Workmen were on the jnh must. of the afternoon and night. jack- ing up thg'e can and getting- it up on the track aga’m. ' Commencing April 7th ,a‘tmin sex v- ice that involves some changes for ur- rivals and departures at stations bev- tweenng-nnm and Runl has been put into effect, by the Canudjiin Northern Ontario Railway. . Richmund Hill southbouud‘tmins leave 9.15 a.m. and 8.06 p.m." Northbnpnd 9.15 mm. and 6.17 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 2 mm; v m uvcum ignomeztnnpgncs ï¬ " ngg'org"§;})y;M WillkDuuyan. ‘ A pe -on Mm rian‘s Fmieml'ï¬: wu‘s yen-by Mn. ’1‘: F; McMnhpn,‘ an 3‘ discussion followed. At the .cléï¬emésocial time was spent. . 1 INDUCTION AT AURORA. The Rev. H. H. Allen, B.A.. who has been under appointment; as stated supply in the Presbyterian Church. Amara. for the push Six months. will be inducted into the puma-ate there next Tupsday evening. Presbytery meets at. 7 o’clock. The following ar- rangements a re made for the induction. The Moderator (if Presbytery to pre- side. Rev. S. R. Robinson of Maple to preach: Rev. Hugh Mathisnn of Be- thesda to address the minister and Rev. Dr. Carmichael of King to ad- dress, the people. 'HAS FOR SALE mm, vvéturu fare; 35_y_¢ents. Schmnberg Jlih‘ctiou and .Richmpnd Hill, at, »9 3.1m" ï¬nd- 943 respectively. return fun-e25mnts‘. Ahmited num- ber of tickets have, been left at; THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce ‘ i; , .No less than six of the larger boys from Richmondjiill High Schnnl have entered branches “0f chartered hanks since last June. The are the follow: ing: Robert Redditt, ninn Bank, Tn- routo; Fred Thompson, Uniun, near Ottawa; Duncan Reid, Union, Tornntn: Hamid Hagerman,- Standard. Rich- mond Hill; Murray Kirkland. Stiriing; Toxonto; and Howard Jackson, Imperi- al Bank, Aurora. In most cases they s‘tartat an initial salary of $23 to $25 er‘ month, > with yearly ‘ increases. hey have‘tbe advantage of entering it profession with their Xvav paid from the start. It is a. door of opportunity to many boys. ’ ‘ Arrangements“:liuveubegn made, for atempm-ance deptgtn‘ï¬oï¬ â€˜ iu’LerVic-w ch. W. J. Hannaerhmzi‘alr-Secre- tary, next Tuesday a’bl’lla.m.' legm'd- ing the anal‘fflpï¬mr‘smmtion in Aurora. The bewperiwce’ party Lwa that anal’Opï¬b wins cm-x-ied‘by a\_ three~ï¬fths nmï¬ï¬ last Janmilfy. but a few votes prop panned as illegal "by Judge Morgan M14 .1 pdgeLeum-x. and taken utf thï¬ï¬mï¬lg Option ,anu, re- duced the ma’jm‘ity a. ‘trifle'uhdi‘xxn the necessary number. It is hoped that under! the circumstances the Provincial Secretary wiil withhold’ulicenses in Ant-0m. untilf another vote is taken Besides Aurora, deputations will bepresent from Newmarket. King. Whit. church and Richmond Hill wnei-e the measure is in force. and these places are eifected by the licensed houses in’Jï¬irdmwSpecial cars will Leftfe Newmgrkeb at 8.45. Aurora. :‘TEMPERANQE DEPUTATID'N 'n'wrtii PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION. Real Estate Agent VVOMEN’S INSTITUTE G.N.O. TRAIN SERVICE. POSITIONS IN BANKS; Ribhmon‘d Hill ABAD SMASH BETWEEN . O - RICHMOND HILL AND TORONTO DAILY 3mm strum? ‘ Northbound ‘ Toronto Lv†..... 8.00 a.m.- ...‘5.15 p.111. pRichmond Hi1] Ar.9.15 a..m.. . l . . .6.17 pm. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims or demands. against; the estate of Jameï¬ Alï¬ert Mormon, late of' the Township of Whitchurcn, who died on or about; the ï¬fteenth day of Februarg. 1913. are rpquired to send the same y ost pre- paid or deliver to H. A. Nicholls of the Village of Richmond Hill, an executor. on‘ or hefpre the First. day of May. 1913, and that after the said First‘fluy ; of May. 1913, the assets of the said de-_ ‘ ceased will be distributed among ‘Lhe' parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice "shall haw2 been received. ' " Sonthbound . Richmond Hill am. . . . . . ’.8,06 pm. i'l‘oronta An. . . ..10.30 mm ....... 9.15 pm- 40-4 Mine in" ‘crediiflfsgl Dated at Richmohdï¬ixl this 3111 any 9: April, 1913. ' WINIFRED .’ M6RTSON, NIpHQLLS. Executnrs. ' Lot 33. rear 2nd0tm. Markham, fenn- mining 100 acres, more or less. Good hank har‘n, hullse and outbmldings; Never failing spring creek through the farm. Also two good Wells. ,Good orchard and plenty of small fruit. About 70 acres cleared, balance bush and pasture land. ' 414 41-4 EXEC UTORS’ Nï¬fGE‘fOï¬ï¬EDIt 088 RE JA MES ALBERT M031;â€" SON ESTATE. v :- 292 St. Tel. Hillcresb 1720 41-t.f. I wish to inform my patrons and friends that until my new; Shaving Parlor is erected I am doing business atlpy Ijegzidence. Thinking for past patronage. and hoping for acontinuance of the same, I ' ‘ Good†general maid waiuted at once. Appply to .' ’Rinans Tabul‘es: pleasant'laxatlvo. Ripans Tabules assist-digestiom‘. 41mm; Tabulea: tor sour stomach. Immediate pnssessirm, nice farm, 32 miles from Aurora, _ 55, acres" sandy loam, with mode frame b’nuae, large hank barn, agricultural impled meats. windmill, pumping Mtgâ€"from preek into ham and‘h'ous-a, nicerorchnrd 15 'miles frpm l-uilWav station. For terms and price apply. S..J. MARCHALLEGK _& 09.,“ 19 Richmond Street, East. 41-t.f. v Toronto. u, Mr. Justice Leuniii’is‘shed judgnwnb .Mfmdav dismissmg the application of the temperance forces of Aumm for au‘urglex‘ prphihidng his, HmmrJudge Mmgem from certifvipg “that the Iqbal option byâ€"luw submit.th to a vote, of the people of, that, ~1mmieipulicy in Jnnum~y.lmtwa5 not carried. The ef- feet of this decision. together with Judge Myrgnn’s ï¬nding that the re- quisite three-ï¬fths vote Was not, 5'3; cured, is that, another vote cannot. 'be’ taken for three years. ’ ' 3 AURORA LOSES' tGCAL "OP'TIéN: Fm- courses in all Business subjects lending to positions as Bookkeep- ers urStenngmphvrs and for Civil Servicé and Cmm’nerciul Special- isls’ examinations will he candncb ed in Shams Schools. Toronto. the (Central BUSHIPSS' Cnlle 9, with fnur city/Blanch Schnn 5) Hum July 3rd to August. 16th this yam-.1 Student's-may Enter any time fur gvneral courses. Nn Vacations. write \V. _H. Shaw, President. for catalog. 391 Ynnge St,, Twnmn. TO THE PUBLIB SUMMER SCHOOLS Maid ' Wanted M RS. O’CONNOR; For Rent For Sale I am. yours trglv, DILMAN WIDEMAN. ' Richmond Hl‘lh '2 St. George St†Toronto. Time Table - «The Lake Shore» line†M. RANSOM. AAAMA‘A‘AWAMAAAAA§A AAAMA'MAAQAAMAAAAAAAAAM V .~:, .v r I r In“. t. ' v): r ‘ . . . * ?Ԥï¬ï¬%¢+wivm+++&++++++d-M $+++++++MM+W+++MM++H VVV'WYWVWVVVYWVMVVYV VYVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVV“ 7 ACres of ohbice lah’d '4 mile off; ' ' Yonge St. House and barn,E v good terms. - ' ’6 Acres ï¬rst-class land and new House and. Barn, 3/4 miles oï¬â€˜E .- _ Yonge St»? ;; First-class Building, lottsl‘lin Bose- E ' View Gardens, Richmond Hilly; AAA AMMAAAAAAAAAMA [AMMA inry Goad-S Mi‘l‘liflfl‘vy ' Sunny Hats. renav/trimminfl' M G IS A w P egiflww-z-M-«zlwg "VVVVWVVWVVVWVWVVVVV VMVVV'VWVVVVYVVVVV VVVVV “Ann nun VVVVV nun AMMAAAAAMAAAAAAMAAAMA Atkinson “8:;- 145m; ’ “RICHMOND. HILL 2 r uï¬wï¬uwwnwnu“wowuowï¬wowwwno .Wom'en’ buttoned, Goodyear welted', Russian tan » : I calf, best quality ‘ - .- V t _- ' ‘ $4.5m Women’sbuttoned, Goodyear welted, Patent colt, - - extra good quality >-’ - V -v $4 50 WOmen’s buttoned, Goodyear welted gunmetalh I very neat, good quality - _> - $4.00 And 'a-great number of other different lines in Tans,‘ Gurimetals and .Dongolas, at frOm $1 75 to 3: 50 COME AND SEE THEM AND GET READY FOR THE? v ’ . FINE SPRING WEATHER. Wéï¬mwflbé‘rM-ï¬Ã©fM-béiP++M$M++M+W%H*++%H 3 , ,7 --~‘-_, _..u.. ylyyvku, without collar...........................;...; ..... ‘ ..... ’.. l-t.0’oiand 1.50 Light print dresses, high neck, long sleeves......) ..... {.50 34-11:. White Madras Curtaih'Mus'lin,1fav_ncy pattern, - r trimmed with lace and insertion, per.yd ................. 250 Art Sateen, Paisley pattern; on‘ Green ground, 30 in. wide, per- yd........ ' Art Muslin; Light and"B'A';i;";Â¥3{;;{é,'3;? pattern, ' "A ' ' 1 JV I l . d n n n u a I I I I I I c I c l a D I I I y I o o I D I Q l I o n l O u c i t l I ï¬ O I I I I I U I A I I 0 v I W." O 5 o I u O o n o o I I a English Prints, prgtty patterns and colors, ‘yd ........ '. Crums heavy wide prints, yd ...... . .......... ,...;.I ............... > ' ‘ Â¥ , r r v , _ . V . - . . . . . - - - - u u u u o n u . a u g g u e a u t n a a n I I b o o o a a 3U\l Black and V\ hite Shepherd check, 42 in. wide, yd..5oc Grey Tweed, 40 in. wide, per yg..- .............................. 500 Ladies’ Dark Print'HouSe Dresses, short sleeves,†. ’ .-.:LL-_.; _ , II Spring Hats, ready/trimmedystraw shapés and trim-' ' . mings. a choice variety. ‘, ‘_ ' ' Boy’s Navy Summer Ierseyklong sleeves, high neck..3oc 50-In. All Wpol Cream Serge, ~per‘yd‘ ........................ 55c Browm and Alice Chic, San Toy dress goods, 38 in. ‘ .-..' A A __ J vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv VVVVVVYVWYVVVVVVVV" THE RIGHMOND HILL SHOE STORE i .vvv , uvbhlv-u.nuu CanadianggChee‘se, "per 1b.;i:.z.‘. .................. 3.‘ Large. bof'tle Tomato ,Catsup ................... Pure English Raspberry Jam, jar"... ....... MdC onochie’s pureOrange. Marmalade. Pan Y'an Sauce, per bottle .......................... McConochi'e'ssmal’l Pickled Onion, bottle Maple Syrup, qt. jar......i, .................... ' Crescent Mapleine, per bottle ..................... Manzanilla, Olives, b6ttle..§........;... McLaren’s Cream .CheeSe, per pk] Reddot Olives. per bottle ................ MchrgochiE's Show-Chow, bottle 2 "T 'y‘l" 'I'T'I'T TTW‘TT T'J'TT ’+*+W°!-I~ 4 N-~_o RM A N J. G LASS ' 'PROPRLIETOR ‘ Armand saVage ‘wigie', ........ A GOOD CHOICE IN THE LATEST LASTS FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE AGENT. APPLY {ï¬Ã©powmh - (v m u.- gnu-u nun n-u u-uo auuu I". It... "no..." no" on onun. on n. o.- 0109' lance...- .....5oc 15c 13c 150 .100 .15c .150 .170 .18c .18c .2oc 20c 20c .20c 30c 1.50 18c