Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Apr 1913, p. 5

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"The grading of the teaching of the Staifin the Richmond Hill High School as given by Inspecter Houston in his ofiicial report, to the Board recently is as followszâ€"Lutin I, English I. History . Mathematics I, French I, Readin [- 11.1 Drill and Ualistheuics I-II. ghe latter would have been graded I had a suitable roam been available for the work. Grading ranks from I highest to IV the luwest. Science and Com~ “mercial work were‘not graded in the report. As is usual Inspectors du not. grade the teacher who is doing his first year’s High School work. Both these defiartmeuts were inspected and the wor hging done very favourably commented“ upon. The School re- mains in the “approved” list. A GREAT SALE. Probably the best salenf work horses ever held in Richmond Hill took place Tuesday at the Bulmvr House._ the x-nperty of the Lauder, Spears & owland Lumber Co. The sale was Conducted by‘Mr.,J. H. ‘BrenLice, and ~s‘cqrcgggly an animal ,n‘fit nf nearly 30 gala wai‘knocked down” at less than 3200. Some teams went $600. and many of the hm-ses for $250 ahd $275. - A recent number of the Springfield Homestead contains a- gund picture and a sketch of (Ike life (If Rev. Claude Wesley Freeman. A.B., M.D., recently a pointed' Missionmv in China, by ,rinity Church. Dr. Freeumuxs mar- ried to Miss Florence Morison, daugh- ter 0f the late Thomas Mortsnn of this Mace. They ‘will be stationed ‘ ab Ghengtlf, China. - 75c. Mens workingrshii-fé‘éé-II 50. 75 and 950. Mens teck ties 25c. Soft outing mum-s 145 and 15 at. 256. Atkinson & Switzex“. Changes are taking place in the Lorne Block. Mx-.VRansnm has re- moved ‘tu his residence opposme the Rustic Inn ~pi'0perty, and 'the two south rooms in the Lorne Block are being fitted up for Mr. Norman Glass gents’ furnishings. ' Mens black overalls and smacks. mans blue and White stripe overalls and smacks from 1.00 up to 1.45. Youth’s overall? blue and white stripe ‘7‘” \l»..» ___,, I4: 1 - . .. . Pure Japan tea, good quality fine flavor 300. H). Extra ’ unlit “sifted Hyun 601:; per ll). Bhwfi (29y on good flavor 30c. 1h. Ceyl'on and Indian hl‘ehded tea at 55 and 700. Fresh roast- ed, coffee. newly ground 35 and 40c. Atkinson & Switzer. ~4th ‘fifiszieamm’é‘: next Monday ‘ewning, win he in' chargd nf the Suciakfiépurimeat. A var-1% prngl-mnme Wilt-he give-n, und'refreafir mean will he served ab the close. Everybody invited. ' The “'eekvl ‘Globe and Canada Farmer. incln 'ing the illustrated spe- tion will be. sum; to any uddrvss .in Canada fmm this date until January 1, 1914, for 35 cents. Order at THE LIBERAL Ufl‘icé. . _ The Daily Mailzmd Empire will be sent, by mail fmm this date to the end Of the year for $2.00. The price of the \Veekly for the same time will be 35 cents. Orders may be left- at this office. Miss Margaret Maitlund of Sarnia find Miss Annie Mainland her sister. who has just graduated from the Deaconess’ Home in Toronto, were guests at; the Manse on Monday. ' Mr Hewis who had his fingers crush- ed a. couple of weeks ago was last week taken to the Hospital suffering fran Lock-jaw. _ When word ,waslaereceiv- ed Mr. Hewis was improving. Miss Gladys Cowie who spent the winter in Turontn has taken the posi- tion of teacher of the Public SI-huul at Inmdule. Hulibm tun (‘nuan. at a good salary. She conmlencud duties ‘a few days ago. ' memND HILL. ONT”. APR. 10,1913 terLMI-s. N. 0.. McLeaniofn'li‘éVi-HRB. visited at, Mr. D. Hill’s. Miss Alleyne of White Rose' has been spending a week with Mrs. J. Mormon. ” ; Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCal-ter have réturnedvfrnm S-lskntcllewni), and w'iil make their home in Richmond Hill. Best granulated sugar 19 lbs 1.00. Golden yellow sugar 20 lbs. fm- 1.00. Fruit sugar 14 lbs fox-1.00. Paris lump sugar 81:. lb. Atkifisnn & Switzer. Miss B. “’ulstenholme of Toronto visited for a few days with her sister, Mrs. D. Hill. . Reserve the evenings of April 30 and May 1 for “Alice in Wonderland” to begiven in Lbe'Masonic Hall by the Richmond Hill High School Alumnae: \ A Car load of Mame Glut-en at the Elevator. A - Dr. And Mrs". Slam» of California; are mnkin a visit with their daughter, Mrs. ill Duncan. “@1119 fii‘ihcrfil. Mr.;Iame§ Hill of Elmvalo 1mg! daugh- mgr H. S. GRADING. Meney to loxm oh first mo: tgngP. 4l-t'.f. ' " HOUSPS in the Village on Centre Street eastuud west, SiX'awres with new buildings on Mill Street. Vacant lots on evgry street.~ ~ ' 155 acres first-class farm in every particular It miles from Elgln Mills. Two 100 acre farms near Mount Albert best value in the Countv of York. .-- -_-.. v \u sun. on u. LICWL|'I.I- The "(751' F. M. :5. held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Burnett. Rich- mond Street. ‘ - ~The monthly meeting of the W0- mon’s Institute will be held at the hnme 'uf Mrs. F. R.‘ Oliver. Friday, April 11th at 3 o’clock. Miss Hughes of Toronto will give an address during. the afternoon, areadinglhv Mrs. Cur~ rie, Roll Call. quatatinns from Authors by m'en‘nbers. All members together «with those who wish to become mem- _hers areinvited to attend this meeting. H. AhNICHOLLS The Rev. H. H. Allen B.A. who next week is to be inducted into the past,- m-al charge of the Presbyterian Church in Aurora will preaql). next, Sunday: I‘L - . Choir pmctic; foinV ng atfltpe 1101116ij Mr. J. E. Newton. A freight car stundifig on the siding at 'the Metropolitan Waiting Room ran down the grade Friday afternva and thrp‘ h the lumber shed, the property fi-Mm'Trench. A cart, was completely smashed, n, :cprered buggy badly damaged; albng’ffiwith other articles. Workmen were on the jnh must. of the afternoon and night. jack- ing up thg'e can and getting- it up on the track aga’m. ' Commencing April 7th ,a‘tmin sex v- ice that involves some changes for ur- rivals and departures at stations bev- tweenng-nnm and Runl has been put into effect, by the Canudjiin Northern Ontario Railway. . Richmund Hill southbouud‘tmins leave 9.15 a.m. and 8.06 p.m." Northbnpnd 9.15 mm. and 6.17 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 2 mm; v m uvcum ignomeztnnpgncs fi " ngg'org"§;})y;M WillkDuuyan. ‘ A pe -on Mm rian‘s Fmieml'fi: wu‘s yen-by Mn. ’1‘: F; McMnhpn,‘ an 3‘ discussion followed. At the .cléfiemésocial time was spent. . 1 INDUCTION AT AURORA. The Rev. H. H. Allen, B.A.. who has been under appointment; as stated supply in the Presbyterian Church. Amara. for the push Six months. will be inducted into the puma-ate there next Tupsday evening. Presbytery meets at. 7 o’clock. The following ar- rangements a re made for the induction. The Moderator (if Presbytery to pre- side. Rev. S. R. Robinson of Maple to preach: Rev. Hugh Mathisnn of Be- thesda to address the minister and Rev. Dr. Carmichael of King to ad- dress, the people. 'HAS FOR SALE mm, vvéturu fare; 35_y_¢ents. Schmnberg Jlih‘ctiou and .Richmpnd Hill, at, »9 3.1m" find- 943 respectively. return fun-e25mnts‘. Ahmited num- ber of tickets have, been left at; THE LIBERAL Office ‘ i; , .No less than six of the larger boys from Richmondjiill High Schnnl have entered branches “0f chartered hanks since last June. The are the follow: ing: Robert Redditt, ninn Bank, Tn- routo; Fred Thompson, Uniun, near Ottawa; Duncan Reid, Union, Tornntn: Hamid Hagerman,- Standard. Rich- mond Hill; Murray Kirkland. Stiriing; Toxonto; and Howard Jackson, Imperi- al Bank, Aurora. In most cases they s‘tartat an initial salary of $23 to $25 er‘ month, > with yearly ‘ increases. hey have‘tbe advantage of entering it profession with their Xvav paid from the start. It is a. door of opportunity to many boys. ’ ‘ Arrangements“:liuveubegn made, for atempm-ance deptgtn‘fiofi ‘ iu’LerVic-w ch. W. J. Hannaerhmzi‘alr-Secre- tary, next Tuesday a’bl’lla.m.' legm'd- ing the anal‘fflpfimr‘smmtion in Aurora. The bewperiwce’ party Lwa that anal’Opfib wins cm-x-ied‘by a\_ three~fifths nmfifi last Janmilfy. but a few votes prop panned as illegal "by Judge Morgan M14 .1 pdgeLeum-x. and taken utf thfifimfilg Option ,anu, re- duced the ma’jm‘ity a. ‘trifle'uhdi‘xxn the necessary number. It is hoped that under! the circumstances the Provincial Secretary wiil withhold’ulicenses in Ant-0m. untilf another vote is taken Besides Aurora, deputations will bepresent from Newmarket. King. Whit. church and Richmond Hill wnei-e the measure is in force. and these places are eifected by the licensed houses in’JfiirdmwSpecial cars will Leftfe Newmgrkeb at 8.45. Aurora. :‘TEMPERANQE DEPUTATID'N 'n'wrtii PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION. Real Estate Agent VVOMEN’S INSTITUTE G.N.O. TRAIN SERVICE. POSITIONS IN BANKS; Ribhmon‘d Hill ABAD SMASH BETWEEN . O - RICHMOND HILL AND TORONTO DAILY 3mm strum? ‘ Northbound ‘ Toronto Lv” ..... 8.00 a.m.- ...‘5.15 p.111. pRichmond Hi1] Ar.9.15 a..m.. . l . . .6.17 pm. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims or demands. against; the estate of Jamefi Alfiert Mormon, late of' the Township of Whitchurcn, who died on or about; the fifteenth day of Februarg. 1913. are rpquired to send the same y ost pre- paid or deliver to H. A. Nicholls of the Village of Richmond Hill, an executor. on‘ or hefpre the First. day of May. 1913, and that after the said First‘fluy ; of May. 1913, the assets of the said de-_ ‘ ceased will be distributed among ‘Lhe' parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice "shall haw2 been received. ' " Sonthbound . Richmond Hill am. . . . . . ’.8,06 pm. i'l‘oronta An. . . ..10.30 mm ....... 9.15 pm- 40-4 Mine in" ‘crediiflfsgl Dated at Richmohdfiixl this 3111 any 9: April, 1913. ' WINIFRED .’ M6RTSON, NIpHQLLS. Executnrs. ' Lot 33. rear 2nd0tm. Markham, fenn- mining 100 acres, more or less. Good hank har‘n, hullse and outbmldings; Never failing spring creek through the farm. Also two good Wells. ,Good orchard and plenty of small fruit. About 70 acres cleared, balance bush and pasture land. ' 414 41-4 EXEC UTORS’ NfifGE‘fOfifiEDIt 088 RE JA MES ALBERT M031;â€" SON ESTATE. v :- 292 St. Tel. Hillcresb 1720 41-t.f. I wish to inform my patrons and friends that until my new; Shaving Parlor is erected I am doing business atlpy Ijegzidence. Thinking for past patronage. and hoping for acontinuance of the same, I ' ‘ Good” general maid waiuted at once. Appply to .' ’Rinans Tabul‘es: pleasant'laxatlvo. Ripans Tabules assist-digestiom‘. 41mm; Tabulea: tor sour stomach. Immediate pnssessirm, nice farm, 32 miles from Aurora, _ 55, acres" sandy loam, with mode frame b’nuae, large hank barn, agricultural impled meats. windmill, pumping Mtgâ€"from preek into ham and‘h'ous-a, nicerorchnrd 15 'miles frpm l-uilWav station. For terms and price apply. S..J. MARCHALLEGK _& 09.,“ 19 Richmond Street, East. 41-t.f. v Toronto. u, Mr. Justice Leuniii’is‘shed judgnwnb .Mfmdav dismissmg the application of the temperance forces of Aumm for au‘urglex‘ prphihidng his, HmmrJudge Mmgem from certifvipg “that the Iqbal option byâ€"luw to a vote, of the people of, that, ~1mmieipulicy in Jnnum~y.lmtwa5 not carried. The ef- feet of this decision. together with Judge Myrgnn’s finding that the re- quisite three-fifths vote Was not, 5'3; cured, is that, another vote cannot. 'be’ taken for three years. ’ ' 3 AURORA LOSES' tGCAL "OP'TIéN: Fm- courses in all Business subjects lending to positions as Bookkeep- ers urStenngmphvrs and for Civil Servicé and Cmm’nerciul Special- isls’ examinations will he candncb ed in Shams Schools. Toronto. the (Central BUSHIPSS' Cnlle 9, with fnur city/Blanch Schnn 5) Hum July 3rd to August. 16th this yam-.1 Student's-may Enter any time fur gvneral courses. Nn Vacations. write \V. _H. Shaw, President. for catalog. 391 Ynnge St,, Twnmn. TO THE PUBLIB SUMMER SCHOOLS Maid ' Wanted M RS. O’CONNOR; For Rent For Sale I am. yours trglv, DILMAN WIDEMAN. ' Richmond Hl‘lh '2 St. George St” Toronto. Time Table - «The Lake Shore» line” M. RANSOM. AAAMA‘A‘AWAMAAAAA§A AAAMA'MAAQAAMAAAAAAAAAM V .~:, .v r I r In“. t. ' v): r ‘ . . . * ?‘§fifi%¢+wivm+++&++++++d-M $+++++++MM+W+++MM++H VVV'WYWVWVVVYWVMVVYV VYVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVV“ 7 ACres of ohbice lah’d '4 mile off; ' ' Yonge St. House and barn,E v good terms. - ' ’6 Acres first-class land and new House and. Barn, 3/4 miles ofi‘E .- _ Yonge St»? ;; First-class Building, lottsl‘lin Bose- E ' View Gardens, Richmond Hilly; AAA AMMAAAAAAAAAMA [AMMA inry Goad-S Mi‘l‘liflfl‘vy ' Sunny Hats. renav/trimminfl' M G IS A w P egiflww-z-M-«zlwg "VVVVWVVWVVVWVWVVVVV VMVVV'VWVVVVYVVVVV VVVVV “Ann nun VVVVV nun AMMAAAAAMAAAAAAMAAAMA Atkinson “8:;- 145m; ’ “RICHMOND. HILL 2 r ufiwfiuwwnwnu“wowuowfiwowwwno .Wom'en’ buttoned, Goodyear welted', Russian tan » : I calf, best quality ‘ - .- V t _- ' ‘ $4.5m Women’sbuttoned, Goodyear welted, Patent colt, - - extra good quality >-’ - V -v $4 50 WOmen’s buttoned, Goodyear welted gunmetalh I very neat, good quality - _> - $4.00 And 'a-great number of other different lines in Tans,‘ Gurimetals and .Dongolas, at frOm $1 75 to 3: 50 COME AND SEE THEM AND GET READY FOR THE? v ’ . FINE SPRING WEATHER. Wéfimwflbé‘rM-fiéfM-béiP++M$M++M+W%H*++%H 3 , ,7 --~‘-_, _..u.. ylyyvku, without collar...........................;...; ..... ‘ ..... ’.. l-t.0’oiand 1.50 Light print dresses, high neck, long sleeves......) ..... {.50 34-11:. White Madras Curtaih'Mus'lin,1fav_ncy pattern, - r trimmed with lace and insertion, per.yd ................. 250 Art Sateen, Paisley pattern; on‘ Green ground, 30 in. wide, per- yd........ ' Art Muslin; Light and"B'A';i;";Â¥3{;;{é,'3;? pattern, ' "A ' ' 1 JV I l . d n n n u a I I I I I I c I c l a D I I I y I o o I D I Q l I o n l O u c i t l I fi O I I I I I U I A I I 0 v I W." O 5 o I u O o n o o I I a English Prints, prgtty patterns and colors, ‘yd ........ '. Crums heavy wide prints, yd ...... . .......... ,...;.I ............... > ' ‘ Â¥ , r r v , _ . V . - . . . . . - - - - u u u u o n u . a u g g u e a u t n a a n I I b o o o a a 3U\l Black and V\ hite Shepherd check, 42 in. wide, yd..5oc Grey Tweed, 40 in. wide, per yg..- .............................. 500 Ladies’ Dark Print'HouSe Dresses, short sleeves,” . ’ .-.:LL-_.; _ , II Spring Hats, ready/trimmedystraw shapés and trim-' ' . mings. a choice variety. ‘, ‘_ ' ' Boy’s Navy Summer Ierseyklong sleeves, high neck..3oc 50-In. All Wpol Cream Serge, ~per‘yd‘ ........................ 55c Browm and Alice Chic, San Toy dress goods, 38 in. ‘ .-..' A A __ J vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv VVVVVVYVWYVVVVVVVV" THE RIGHMOND HILL SHOE STORE i .vvv , uvbhlv-u.nuu CanadianggChee‘se, "per 1b.;i:.z.‘. .................. 3.‘ Large. bof'tle Tomato ,Catsup ................... Pure English Raspberry Jam, jar"... ....... MdC onochie’s pureOrange. Marmalade. Pan Y'an Sauce, per bottle .......................... McConochi'e'ssmal’l Pickled Onion, bottle Maple Syrup, qt. jar......i, .................... ' Crescent Mapleine, per bottle ..................... Manzanilla, Olives, b6ttle..§........;... McLaren’s Cream .CheeSe, per pk] Reddot Olives. per bottle ................ MchrgochiE's Show-Chow, bottle 2 "T 'y‘l" 'I'T'I'T TTW‘TT T'J'TT ’+*+W°!-I~ 4 N-~_o RM A N J. G LASS ' 'PROPRLIETOR ‘ Armand saVage ‘wigie', ........ A GOOD CHOICE IN THE LATEST LASTS FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE AGENT. APPLY {fiépowmh - (v m u.- gnu-u nun n-u u-uo auuu I". It... "no..." no" on onun. on n. o.- 0109' lance...- .....5oc 15c 13c 150 .100 .15c .150 .170 .18c .18c .2oc 20c 20c .20c 30c 1.50 18c

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