Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Apr 1913, p. 7

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A woman visiting a. butcher shop Icalled for a piece of beef. The butcher, in weighing it, hand his hand on the scales. The lady, pick- ing up a sharp knife and handing it to the butcher, remarked: “I haven’t any use for it, but you may cut it off, and I’ll take it along, gmyhow.” “Cut it off? Cut what .off?” asked, the butcher. “Your “All right; mother, But it will spoil the whole day for me.” hand; you weighed it.” {fake LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Drugg‘ists refund money if it fails to euro. :15. W. GROVE’S signature is on each box. c. ED. 7. “Remember, Arthur you are the son of a gentleman. 'i‘ry to behafve like one for just one day.” South Ham, Wolfe 00., Que., 'April 7 (Special).â€"â€"There 13 fresh proof, every day that as n'family medicine Dodd’s Kidney Pills are growing in favor with the people of Quebec. Just to quote an example, ‘Amable Pinar-d of this place says, in an interview: Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Diphmerln. “Yes, if ever met.” Heâ€"“But you say she has gon away £971: a month.” ‘ . SEeâ€"~Yes, but she left her consent in the phonograph.” “Do you think a woman believes you when ._you tell her she is the first girl_you ever loved?” ' “They have not yet cured me completely, but they did completely cure my nephew, who suffered from kidney disease.” _Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure kidney disease. . They will com- plete Amable, Pinard’s cure, because all the diseases mentioned are the results of» kidney disease. They cured the young man’s kidney disâ€" ease quickly, because it was taken inwit‘s early stages. Amable Pin- ard’s troubles are of twenty years' standing, and take a longer treat- ment. Heâ€"-“Will you marry me 'l” Sheâ€"“You must speak to mamma. first.” “Dodd’s Kidney Pills helped my rheumatism, backache, gravel, and 'heart disease, from which I suffered for twenty years. The moral is, that if you cure our kidney disease early with odd’s Kidney Pills, you will never be troubled wit-h rheumatism, grav- el, and other diseases that are caused by sick kidneys failing to do their' work. ‘Dumpleton â€"- “You’re sending your daughter to a. fashionable school, aren’t you '1” Von Blumerâ€"“Yes.” “How does She like it?” “Fairly well, but she complains that she has no time to study.” MiNAfib's LmIKENT. Bay of Islands. J "177W!!! cured of F81 MiNARb’§"HfNifiEN‘TT"W Snringhill. N. 8. WM. DANIELS. I was cured of Chronic ,Bfiieumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. mnard'a Llnlmam cures colds. Eta. Quebec Man Tells How They Helped Him and Cured His Nephew of Kidney Disease. ‘ DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS PROV- ING THEIR VALUE AS A7 FAMILY MEDICINE; ARE GRflWINB IN AA.le 00.. N. B. GEO. TINGLEY. Win; "gamed o_f___A3ute Bronchitis by T0 CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY Over Conscientious. She Was Prepared. .â€" An Awful Strain. you’re the first liar she Sometimes. FAVOR EVERY DAY J. M. CAMPBELL. glacial Neuralgig. by ISSUE 15â€"-’13. Man Who Had 100 Pipes. A wife who obtained a, judicial separation from her husband told a curious story at the South- western (London, England,) police court. She 'was Annie Traves, of 15 Farlow Road, Putney, and she smted that her husband, a master carpenter, would only allow her twope‘noe a. day to get dinner, though he had about £180 at the bank. “What does he do with his money 7” inquired the Magistrate. “He spends it in clothesfi pipes and other things,” was the reply, “He has 100 pipes, between fifty and sixty walking sticks and innumer- able pairs of boots.” Your druggist will refund money if PAZ‘O OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding‘ Pilee in 6 to 14 days. 500. , Bookerâ€"And a bird in the'bush is worth two in the cat. ‘7There‘38 a reason.” Read the little book, “The Road to Well- Ville,” in pkgs. , Ever read tha‘above‘letter? A new om appears irom‘time to llme. They are genuinutrue, and ful! of human Interest. “Now I am always well and ready for any amount of work, have an abundance of actin ener- gy. cheerfulness and mental poise. I have proved to my entire satis- faction thab this change has been brought about by_ Grape~1§luts food. “The fact that it is predigested is a very desirable feature. I have had many remarkable results in feeding Grape-Nuts to my patients, and I cannot speak too highly of the food. My friends constantly com- ment on the change in my appearâ€" ance. I have gained 9 pounds since beginning the use of this food.” Kuickerâ€"A bird in the hand worth two in the bush. “The food was deliciously crisp, and most inviting to the appetite. After making use of it twice a day for three or four weeks, I discover- ed that it was a. most wonderful in- vigorator. I used to suffer greetly from exhaustion, headaches and de- pression of spirits. My work had been very trying at times and indi-' gestion had set in. A , The;mau who stands on his dig- nity never gets so fired as he makes other pepple. ‘ January brides are likely to be- come widows early. February brides will never have very happy married lives. March brides will probably make their homes abroad. April brides will have lives of change, and experience many ups and downs. May bride-s will enter- tain ma-ny strangers. Juné brides will find life a long honeymoon. July bridgs have. bitter-sweet mem- o-ries.‘ August; brides are lucky in finding-a, real friend in their hus- bands. Sept/ember brings arsmooth' and serene future to its brides. Oc- tober only gives a future of foil and hardship. November brides will be happy, and those who, according to the rhyme, mm-ry “in Deoember’s cheer,” will find that “Love’s star burns brighterfrom year to year.” “A physician’s W'ife' gave me a package of Grape-Nuts one day, with the remark that she was sure I wouldfind the food very beneâ€" ficial, both for my own use and for my patients. I was particularly attracted to the food, as ' at that timé"the weathe WM“‘V€fy*'hnt' and I appreciated the fact; that Grape- Nutsr requires no cooking. Wife of the Canadian who is Minister of the Interior in the Pre< sident Wilson Cabinet. Mrs. Lane was born in Elmira, N.Y., her dis- tinguished husband in Prince Ed- ward Island. ' ' Remarks About Nourishing Food. FILES OURED N! 6 T0 14 DAYS. ComparatiVfi Values. TRAINED N UR-SE When to Wed. MRS. LANE. “What you need most,” said the physician after he had examined the patignt, “is p1eI_1_ty_of vpptilation.” Some people want to (3.07 all their kicking with other people’s feet. “Gee, doctor,” the sigk man re- pFed, “you must be mistaken. I’ve been operated on three times in the pastayear and a, halfi” ' There is an increasing tegdency, the report says, on the part of Briâ€" tvi‘sxh emigrants to proceed to other ports of the Empire rather than ’00 foreign countries. The number of immigrants enterâ€" ing Canada. increased {gem 350,374 in 1911 to 395,804 in 1912. Of the latter 145,859 were of British origin, 140,143 were American-s, and 109,- 802 were of other nationalidaies. Thirtyâ€"four per cent. of the Ameriâ€". can settlersmwere of the farming class, and the actual wealth brought into Canada. by American Emigrants exceeded £4,800,000 during 1912. “I could not, have held on much‘longer. I was wasting sway simply because no remedy I used nave tone and strength to my stomach. The vital forces of my sys- tem were dead. I‘ was advised to try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. What hidden weakness they searched out I don't know, but in a miraculous way they have made a new man of me. My stomth troubles are cured, rich blood now runs through my veinsâ€"clear skin and unmistakable evl: dences of health and vigor I feel every day. Dr. Hamilton's Pills have certainly mastered the secret of curing the sickly‘ enervateq man, and I strongly urga every- one in falling or lost health to use thisj grand remedy." i Increasing Tendency 'to Move to British Countries. The‘annuarl report on the grants’ Information Office states: that 28,156 letters were received‘in' 1912, a: decrease of 6.9 per cent. Enquiries leading to the United Sbatea decreased by 14:8'per'oe'nt. and were only 1.4 per cent. of the total number of enquiries received. There was a. net movement fr-om'ithe Unirbed Kingdom for places out‘ of Europe of 268,486 passengers of Bri-' tiIS'h origin in 1912, as compared with 261,809 in 1911. The net movements to the various countries were as folâ€" lows:â€" Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut are purely vegetableâ€"25c. her box, five for $1.00, all druggists and store- keenera. ’ox‘ postpaid from the Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo. N. Y., and, Kingston, Ont. SHIZOMEEEE There is a strong mom! in the statement of James Schrum. of ‘ Pleasant street, Dartmeuth, N. 3. Like thousands of peo- ple, he was failing in health because his stomach sud digestive organs were out of repair. His vitality was slipping away; he was losing ground every Bay. 77 ,“I have been for the last two years a. cripple with Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism. I tried almost everything known to medical science and sought change of climate without relief. Your manager in this city recommended Gin Pills and I have since taken eight boxes and am now cured. I consider Gin Pills the conqueror of Rheumatism 'and Kidney Disease”. 50c.'a. box. 6 for $2.50. Sam 1e free if you write N ntional Drug and C emical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 132 Conquered by G’IN‘PILLS‘ _ M33557. G. _Reid,_Hat;1ilt_on , Ont. , vn ites: Dyspepsia Tomienoles are Sarlouc Ind. Should be Treat“! Anoordlnfily. EMIGRA'ITON FROM BRITAIN. INFLAMMATUHY BHEUMHISM WHEN APPEIHE fMle ‘ Mél] INDIBESHBN IS BAD There Is Danger Ahead For the Man That Negiects x‘uturo’s Warning, <* Australia. . . . . . New Zealand . . United States . South Africa, ..’ Thoroughly Ventilated. 1912. . . ; . . . 133,531 68,688 11,054 45,847 4,233 134,765 56,337 9,432 49,732 7,527 1911. Hipsonâ€"I’ve nearly fourteen thousand dollars saved. N ipperâ€"â€" What are you saving for? Hipso‘n 'â€"â€"I’m icing to build a ten-thousand- dollar ‘house. Eyes Need gar-e in each Package. MURINE is com pounded bi; our Ocullatsâ€"nov a. “Patent Medicine" ut used In auccesttul P3351- clans‘Pracflce for many years. ow dedicated to the Public and soldMy Drugglsts at aha-50c per bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250-506. Murine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicano Honesty is a sort of boomerang} with a. delightful habit of coming home to roost. A worm has been found in East; Africa}. which produces in the wild state quantities ’of silk, and fac- tories are being put up to utilize this silk. The worm in question is the larva, of the anaphe moth. From a, dozen to a. hundred of them make a, nest in common and thus the‘cc- goons are produced 01123; Wholesale, scale, says the “Pathfinder.” When the butterflygis hatched it secretes a liquid which uuseals the cocoon and it then escapes without injuring the silk; Thus the amount of human labor involved is much iesu than with the Asiatic silkworm. All druggists and stores sell Zamâ€"Buk at fifty cents box; and Soap at 25c.'tabiet. Post free from Zamâ€"Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful imitations.~ ' When Your Eyes Need Probably the easiest task is for a. poor man to tell What a. rich man should do with his money. Mlnard's L|n|ment Cures Gargot In Cows. The young daughter of Mrs. T. S. Dougall, 523» Flor/Ia. Avenue, Winni- peg, was arranging some of her dpll’e washing on a, clothes rack, beside the stove, When she fell. and her hand came in contact with the hot stove. She sustained a. serious burn, a‘nther screams brought her mother quickly to the spot. "‘I- sent: to the druggist for the best remedy he had for burns,” she says, “and he sent back a box of Zam-Buk. He said that there was nothing to equal it. I applied this, and it soothed the pain so quickly that the child laughed through her tears. I bound up the hand in Zamâ€"Buk, and each day applied Zam~Buk frequently and liberally, until the burn was quite cured. “The little one was soon able to goon with her play, and we' had no trouble with her during the time the burp was} being healed.” Mlnard's Llnlmem Cures Distemper. So, too, prefessors Me such by right; they are quasi-o-flicials of the state or the city. The title cannot be assumed offhand by_ bootblacks or Chiropodists. * Much can be said in favor of the rigid German system of titles. For instance, in Germany, when a, man takes the prefix “doctor” hé has a. right to do so. The title cannot be bought, begged o-r assumed. You may be sure that a. “doctor” has won his title in a. university of standing and renown. ' Titles of another class have to do with the wearer’s occupation. Thus a Munich newspaper recordg the ’death 6f”qu So-and-so, Wife of the “Royal Court Theatre Color-grind- ‘ers’ Ammnt.“ Bavarian news~ papers used mo print notices; insert- ed by the persons themselves, of the betroth of So-andvso,. “Royal Su- pernumemary Hay-Binder’s dau h- ter,” or of SO-and-so, “Head/v ill- Poster’s daughteri” » HE SENT HIS The title oouncilor has four de- grees, thus: Positive, oouncilorr; comparative, higher councilor; su- perlative, privy oouncilor, and exâ€" tra superlative, real privy council- or. Then to complicate matters, there are a. hundred or more“ coun- cilors, such as councilons of lega- tion, councilons of stat-e, sanitary councilors, forest councilors, and town police oouncilorus. “Highly reverenced Mr. Real Privy Councilor, highly to be rever- enced Mr. President.” [They Are ,Quite a Common Occur- ‘ rence in‘ the Fatherland. They take titles seriously in, Gar- mahy'. ‘Almost any one, may have ‘o-ne, bu‘t’it must be the one thyt'ei- wtly 'dbmribesahim, no mattefi how long gfid Cumbrous. Indeed, the longer? the better, the Germans seemg'to think “The New York Sun‘ quotes an addreas that it declares is prbbably written thousands of tinries a. week insGermany, foryit is 'a. courtesy due to a. sort o‘f‘ofiicial Whose rank is far below that of a. minister of state: Find New Silk Worm. He’ll Need That Much, TITLES IN GERMANY. The Easiest’l‘ask. No Smartlngâ€"Feels Fiheâ€"Acts Qumkl}. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery E es and melulatq'} Eyolxds._ t4: Book Try Murine Eye Remedy ‘(BESTH REMEDY “Did you ever tell that young man that late hours were bad for one '1” asked the father at the breakfast table. “Well, father,” replied the wise daughter, “late hours may be bad for one, but they’re all right for two.” '1‘ ONCEâ€"MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; expert, instruction; constam. practice; tools free; always sure employ- ment for barber. Write for catalogue. Moler College, 221 Queen E.. Toronto. ~ It makes a. man feei he is pretty certain he miss a train and dobsn ONE HUNDRED ACRES IN LAMBTON Cqunty; soil clay and clay loam; 2 gates tlm’ber: 5 acres orchard; buildings 1n fair condition. Close to market. and Railway Station. Anxious to sell. ' The Western Real Estate Exchange. London, Oxit} 7 ARM 1N7 WSA‘SKATCHEWANâ€"EQUIP. pad; in crop; must sell; terms easy. Percy Love. Hawarqgn. Sash. ALI. STONES, KIDNEY." AND BLA’D- der Stones. Kidney irouble.‘ Gran}. Lumbago and kindred ailment; pnaltively cured‘ with the new German Remedy. "Banal." price' $1.50. Another new remedv (or Diabetes-Menitus. and wra cure. is "Ganol’a Anti-Diabetes." Price $200 from druggistg or direct, ‘Thg R2961 Mfinulag- EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN L Manitoba. Alberta. and Saskatchewan thaf can be bought. vW'orth the'moue! for quick sale. ‘ "mm" “' az‘fiaagag: 'ifiiifiiéd. turing Compan Winnipeg. Man Dr. Morse’a - . Indian Root Pills H. w. DAWSON. Nlnety Oolhorne Strut. - Toronto. ' . ' ‘ TAMP COLLEUI‘ORSâ€"BUINDRED Duh b lerem Foreign Stamp; Camhgu’m, Album, only Seven Cents. Max-h Stamp Company. Toronto. ANGER. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC... internal and external. cured with. out pain by our hon'm treatment Wylu, n5 hnfore (no lato. Dr. Bellman liedlcll (‘0‘. Limifed. CoHImrwnnd Opt. U with Thhe ngiéégzvllfée Bank Burn. Must be sold quick Price ‘1: very low. H w DAWSON. Toronto. Keep the children Well Cutlcura Bonn and Olntmont are sold throughout the world. A liberal nample of each. with 32-mgo booklet on the care and treatment 0! the skin and Icalp, sens post-tree. Address Power Drug & Chan). 00:11.. Dept. 19D.Bosbon.U.B.A. T _ ‘ ' Alifetime of disfigurement and use}: ing often results from'the neglebt, in infancyorchildhood, of simple skin af- fections. In the prevention and treat-, ment of minor eruptions and in the: Eromotion of permanent skin andhgh' calth, Cuticura. Soap and Cuticura Ointment are absolutely unrivaled. ] ‘ 00D STOCK FARM OF 500 AQRES are 'uat the right medicine for the chil ren. \Nhen'bhey-are constipated -â€"â€"when their kidneys are out of order Twhgn . ov_er-§ndu1g_ence_ in sqme favorite food gives»_thexn indigestion â€"â€"Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will uickly and surely put them right. gurely vegetable, they neither sicken. weaken or gripe, like harsh purgatives. Guard your children's health by always keeping a box of Dr. Marse's Indian Root Ptllsin the house, They a KEEP BABYIS SKIN CLEAR HAVE ovmivbkis'hunnnmn GOOD farms In different section; of Oncagl‘q FOR HOME DYEI‘NG Washes and dyes at one operation, giv- ing r‘ema Ilsany clean. blight, fast colors. Dyes couon, wool, silk or mix- tures. 24 colon, will give any shade. Colors 10c, black l5c at yam dealer's ox postp'd with b'k~ let “How to Dye. from uuvuauu Dvquv-Iw v. ,H, .lli’ottu If you want, 3 [arm Bonahii MALE HELP WANTED. ml to Uyc’ E} lo; F. L. BENEDICT & 00. Montreal STAMPS AND COINS. Maypole Soap FARMS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. Revision V good when is going to

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