Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Apr 1913, p. 8

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{w The undersigned offers for sale’ a. block of five $1000 dollar Debentmes of the Village of Richmond Hilh -The [debentures run ESQ-years. and bear in. tare-st «at five~per cent. Installments vat principal and interastpfiidtannunlly. These debentures may be bought. singly or EN BLOC. Full particulars may be had at the Clerk's Qflice, Rich- mond Hill. ’ ‘ . " To FATE HT sand Idea: 11-11:; be secured by our aid. Addreu, THE " “‘ENT RECORD. Baltimore. Id SB-tf fleas. A safe and pleasing-éhkpâ€"EOcâ€"jjmgcists. BRBUP Every farmer should know that tho rice offered. by the deulen fox- cattle, oga, etc” is 1. hi:- one. How can he know this if he does not take a. farm busmeaa paper! What doctor at hw- yer or business man would be without his business paper? There is but on. {annex-5’ business and market ptper. that in The Weekly Sun. Stat 1910 right 51 nub: aribinz. a GET THE BEST FRIDAY. A'pr'. llâ€"Auction sale of Horse. complete stable outfit, regis- teredJetsey cattle. fowl. gurdé‘n tunls etc. at York Mills, the property of J. H. F. Ussher. Sale at l. 30. Terms cash. _ , _. ' Electric. ,Liglit Debentures. ‘ ‘ FARM PROFITS , " Hay be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of theiarmer’s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice; This precisely the tort of informintionltlgefgl'j‘a‘rmers’ Weekly Sun gives in every iseni." 31th“ m equal a a cht'l Business Pepet.'«Good farmers rely on it; ’Tot’pxicfe [as but climbinz ofiex. ' ’ ' I extra char 0' 72 iece‘ in ore ear in 5”. YOU: on em Li; 0 reuse B Ems FOR Air: MOST NOTHING. l The run yearly membership fee is One Dollar for I which you get all above, entry-m: mny with. draw any time within three menu:- it you want to (1030 nudge: your dollar back. I: you- don't care mapen 81.00. send 25 cents for three. montheimembershlp. Nobody can afford to use Shis offer by. You will as our money bac in! value men times over. 111 particulars will be sent tree 0 charge. but If you are wise you will send in your request for membership {with the groper fee at. once. The 25m. three monms mem- ershlp otter will soon change. Write at once ad- dressing your inter and enclosing $1.00 for full year's membership or twenty-live cents for three: months to II T AI. LITERARY 3117810 CLUB . TU U No.150Nu-nn EELN YJ'ltty. i Guinea to J oln a Club 'l‘lmt wm Make and Save Money r0110“. Evergbm should Join the Mutual iterary Mu-' 1100111 of max-lea. There is nothing else like m anywhere. noom nImostnothmgto Mn and the. benefits it given are wonderful. “enables you t9; ‘ Purchase books and periodicals, music and musics“ ‘ nstruments at specml cut prices. It secures re-;-- duced rate: at many hotezs. In answers questions; tree or charge. It offers scholarships and value»- ble cash prize! to members. It maintains clubz urooms in many sweater its members. In addition. every membu' receives the official magazine enti- ‘fled " EVE: Month" 3 ublicatlon m a. class by itselfdnclud us 8 plan” 0 high-class vocal and In- strumouml muatcuull size; each mo‘nth without rz’inswmr 9". 723mm. 1 .l. H. A'PRENTICE’SA LIST OF TVAucfiofi'BaAes 25,000 NeWEVWords New Gazetteer of'the World with more than 85.000 fines. based on the lag-gt cm returns- New Biographical Dictionary containing the names of. our 10.000 noted . persons. date or birthfiggggx. etc. ’ 2380 QuafloJ’figes ., ~ ' {cw Pluck” ‘ 6000 Illutnllolguk «Rich W Puhllahota. Spripgflbld. Mien; _ Edited by W. '1‘.HABRIS.Ph.D..LL.DI. United States Commissioner“ Education. Vcciiéfljgfiiiifi wA130 Wehtu's Ogllogh'lecuon-q 1110 £3315; : W {fig-trauma .n Ragular fit ogfl!g1});_i may}. smam._ Do Lnxa Edition 53:15:35; In.” mew-m? page places, on bible pupm-‘tbuuutwl bur} REE. "mammmgfinmf 3;“ if â€"â€" a. a c. M1511an COLL - THERE IS BUT ONE Recently Enlarged WITH L ‘ ' Ji'H. PRENTICE. ' Z39 Bullinl Stu . North anutu. A. J. HUME, Clerk. stopped in 2“ minute: sure w1th Dr. Shoop‘s Group Remedy. Ono test willlsutely prove. Na “nagging, no _di51 ‘1, Church of England--Benices a; 3 pm. In; "Ind and 4th Sunday: Third Sunday an 11 a...m' “ - -.Ptesb flan Churchâ€"Semices aw 41 a. m.,am1_ V . m. un’dgy School “2.30. Prayer meeting! ‘ hursdav evening. ' ~ ‘ _ - k 1; Roman catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter ngu‘sHSungqyg at!) ‘64 :5. a. ' 10.80 a. m. A \A ,A.. n..- M. __.u Saigeon & McEW-en’s List of “Auctionlsales __ .THvR'aq Aprr 10â€"53!le 'hmpgs "and cattle at the Maple Leiif? Hutel. 'Maple; the pl‘ J. »H.,B1-,il- linger. "Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms‘fi months. »â€"’ ~ , ” 7 Methodist Ouwehmfiervicee at 11.00 amend ‘ p. m. ; aunda Sebaol at 1.30. General prayer meeting Thurs ay evening. . . " ‘2 Richmond Lodge, A. F‘ and A M ~Eeets Mona day on or before full moon ' d Courtmchmond. A 0 F - Meets fourth Fri- BY Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"M’eets third Wednesday of each month ' » Camp Elam, B 0 s â€"-Meete second and fourth Wednesday» Hill “rest Lodge, I.0.0.F., meets first Wednese, dav and third Friday of each month. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday 01 every month v Public Library and Bea-ling. Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworth League- -Meets every Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets every Friday ats p.m. in the Church. ' , I 0 Fâ€"Meets third Thursdavm every month. B. H. Ratepayers Association meets last Tuesday 0! every month. Lax-ets 5 Printing » .91.; Stationery ' W School Books +$+4°M$°¥W*MW*$+§+++$+§ 'I‘é't-éui-é'é“? ‘ Go to the Liberal omce'ro'r' Bill Heads,‘ Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, EnVelopes, I ' ' VPrpgramn‘ieS; 7" -'-' ‘ ' &c.,&c. '3 +++é++*%~l°w+++'b*i°M-b%+f¥§ GOOD “STOCK OF - School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir PoSt Cards, ' Post Card Albums, Papetries, . A V Rubber‘Balls, ', EtcL, Etc. v â€"â€"~7--â€"â€"â€"- - _â€"â€"_-_ v V V. -- handsomely illustrated weekly. Larsen ctr- értion or any aolcntlflo journal. Term 1 I or a... 83.75 a w (1. Bold b an newmealemy “mm mp“: ' mmwmmflsmmrk Anyone lending a notch and <10ch 101: mu we!” ascertain our opmlon o w ether an Invent on In probably P ta. mmunlea- tlona strictlyconndent Ll. Al on Patents cont free. Oldest ,' rgcygor s u. g 1: Patents taken Mum: a: a: min Maw 20M- ?fltlrsu‘ £89. mm. Terms: $4 a_ year, $2 for SD: months. We send l' 1 free on re- quest our cataiogue of r t h e b e s t _ ‘ books on outdoor hfe and recreation. new depart- ment has to do with the -C o u n t r y Home andits surroundings. FORE'I' AND STREAM PUB. CO. with : Rod Gun for fa an large ‘ â€" efiences of an ler: 51's and campeg, 0 Adventure {Sport 'Séiéfififié Ififiiéflcafio. 346 Broadway, New York. Village Directory STRMM,” or send us twenty-five cents forvfouf weeks trial trip. A large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, 0 fishing, natural his- tory and yachting. A If ybu ’ like to read of the ex- perience: of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- terested in countr Ufa, ask your newsdea er for “FOREST AND ing; or If ypu fire m- ,RIDQEN‘LLLE , - A reliable French ragulator: never fails. These pills are exceedingly glowed!“ in regulating the generativerportion oft e ie'male system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Vsn’s aro sold at '5 a box, or thi'ee for 810. Mailed to any addrqss. rho Boobs]! Dru; 00.. St. Catlin-mos. Ont. DE de Van’s Femalg Pills The wind has possibly blown. some off. Letmusvsupp‘ly your requlrements - STEEL SHINGLES. CORRUGATED STEEL â€" BRANTFORD ASPHALT ROOFING WHALE-HIDE " SUE ETY " “ AMATITE, Mineral Surfaced Roofing If not in stock we can procure any of above for you on short notice at manufacturer’s prices. LAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ’VVVVVVV'VVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVV '% The monthly magazines oi the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada. by yearly subscription at low rates. Cassel’s Magazine, per annum . $ The Story Teller The Quiver: - . ‘ Musical Edme Journal TheGirls’ Realm . Little Folks Chums - ¢ 1 I t n n .A r-‘z-‘r'r‘r-‘r-‘r‘ 988§83Q i-What AboutThat R00f?§ THOS. WI. BOWMAN & SON, C0. CASSELLS Ganadian Pub - li'éhinglflompany It is not necessary 1 '2- send to foreign céuatrie: l n maga- zines.” Read the following:_e,- Riemann HILL HARDWARE-i no; j “wuwwomuwwnnw «wwwuwwwwow» Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, 9r may be sentAtQ-‘a; ‘ ~_--(_&UABANTEED ' L . NURSERY STOCK CA‘SéELLS &,:COMPAN‘- ‘ 2 Adeli’lde/ St. W . " GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill Wewanf tvm more agents in this county"; AAAMAAAAAMALAAMMMAMA “AMAAAAAMKAAAAMAMAIAA ‘vvvvvmvvvvvvvvvvvvmvw Plant Bowman's ¢§§§++§M§§§§+§+M§OOMQ §+§§§§§§§MN§§¢NQOO THE RICHMOND HILL HABDWRE GU. 4.3 xaeh;a’:si. " - Tomfito v PHONE 18 IT WILL GROW. LIMITED“ “3-9955 (FOR MAN ONTARIO muss depositedia this, bank ‘ draw'the [152th curtain ra'te »_\Ve hiwe éélid.éblnfor£ "way of Blankets, Bo‘bes,'-M_itbs and. in fact; everything in-the 11116 of Harness. Blankets. and many’nther articles ueCessal-y for your Harness room. ' ‘ ‘ = ' . The. gmds we nfier are hunestly made and W1“ 'stand the wear that you expect uf them. ‘A I Reliable goods at reasonable prices. L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL ' BRANCH c. & cmmm co.. “mam-aw. u... Manually-pl,an t. m olpgem m Ripans TabulSiéure :5. Ripans Tamika: at dmgfisfi.’ “ Rxpans Tabuleés ogre liver traumas. NORMAN BATTY. MANAGER. it Is a. NEW CREA- me” TION, covering every field of the world’s thought. action and. culture. The qnly new unbridled diam: in many years. , > '. ‘ it define. over 400 000 Because Words,- more than Ever before appeared between two covers. 2700 Pages. 600011- limitations. Beam it i. the only an. NI..- --_ AxHAAA "‘“m with the flaw dividea page. A. "Stroke at Gaming? “is an in a single volume} ~’ - Because it is accepted by the Courts,- Bcho‘ols and Press as the one supreme au- thority. r he who knows Wins Because- Success. Let us toll you shout this new work.“ ’ THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? ©1F' ' @WA Mfumfimflflmm Essrak’sf 6 NEW ' INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY lama... .1” .r M-pk, madam... shaming.- minivan. and Loch Hill. on BEAST DEE. AWNGS deposited this, bank L draw'the highest cimeixt rate (if interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount made whet; ever desired without delay. ” MUNN a; 00.. of the SCIENTIFIC AmmmAwhoonv ,tinue to not as Solicitors for Patents. Caves. -rMh Marks. Co yflnhtl tor the United States. mad:- gnglapd, rgnpe. dermgly. etc. Hand. B0 ,,A m... PhOSPhonol reagores every new; in the body to as proper tenston: restore: vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphoric] will make You a new man. Price £8 a box. or two (m: 55. h alled to any address. TMwaenDru‘ 00.. St. Catharines. Ont. Patents ea. Th‘rtfi-seven ears' oxperlenoo‘ Patents obtained throne: MUN as CO. are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest st.‘:nd most, widely circulated scientific pa er. $3. aye”, Wang. Séflendid engravings an interesting.hg mum: on. peclmen copy of he Scientific Amara Ion'n sent free. Address MUNN & 30. Scummo mow osice. 261 Broadway. NowIY'ork. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. Electric Restorer _ for Men F. J. WUUDWARB free. full information Abom wmk‘whlch Ihav can do. and live a! homo;th will pay men: from $5 to $25 per day. Some have an. x i (l"(‘l MI in n dly Either sex, young or old. Capiml am rmmiredl You are started (roe Those who start A! on“ m Ill-alums wro of In“: Hula fortune. All A m fla‘dl Ira tune. but than who m Sunson Jr Go, . Portlznd, Mnlnemlll mam PATRO'NAG'E’ZSOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTE Should your chums have had exâ€" perience In magazine or newspaper sellingâ€"so much the betterâ€"«end THEIR names. ' Mail the list complete with five cents in coin or, stamp: to uh right away, addmlng your letter to Sales Division. the ‘Wltnesl.’ Witnasa' Block, Montreal. Your list of names should be mailed within seven (7) days after you read thigaplencud otter. You can earn one too. casfly., You only have to do. three things. Fl RST. Right away nowâ€"talus a post card or a 'iheet of paper and write out the full names (Christian names and summes) and full ad- dresses 0! TEN boy friends or chums whom you know would like to earn some pocket money. (Boys between 8 and 15 years of a39â€" no two in the same family.) SECOND. Sign your n‘amo and address at tho bottom of the card or sheet so that we will know who lent the list. THIRD. We don’t tell you why we wam the namesâ€"because perhaps you don’t. care: Lt you do, or If you yourself want to earn good pay for work for Ilaâ€"Why tell us in a letter and ye Will explain our whole money-making plan to you â€"and besides you will learn ‘Salesmanshlp.’ our Canadian Just as soon as we get your list of names, we will send one of these beautiful Souvenir- Pins to you and you will er it immense- IV. gnome LAME AND m'mrnnme " HORSES A SPECIALTY , F. J. WUDDWARD. MAPLE LEfiaF PifiS‘ GENERAL” BLACKSM‘ITH, New Gormley D THE 'WITNESS,’ ‘Witnon’ Block. Montreal. ANY of our boys audit”: have just received one a! FI£E E

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