UiERAL HUNTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,0NT. RESIBENCE. RICHMOND HIL T. “ We " gamma ’1’ ’ Is'Qavgmeakpmvmyn EHURSD AY MORNING 1‘. F. McMAHON'. lazier. Grainer and Paper» ‘ Hanger. W. HEW l-SON- JOHN R CAMPBELL. - 1‘ Samson. J K MnEwen Maple . Weston algeOn & McEweu. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. 89.193 attended to on shortest notice and an ren- Ionsblo rate Patronage solicited Calls phqrxe or otherwise promptly‘ m...‘ respnnded to. Phone No. 28. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Nothh Toronto. Special Mtentdm: [van to sales of evury dqscriptiuu. Farm and arm ,stock sales 3/ specialty. Farms hou ht and sold on commission. all sales a.th to zanahornest notice and conducted by nhe latest up4p:dn.te methpqg. Prepares pupils for the grnded ï¬x- aminutinns held at, Tmonto ()nnservn- tm-y of Music and University 01' 1‘0- ronto’. ' Special cnurse in “Myer’s†Kinder- m'ton Method, particularly helpful to eginm‘rs. ‘lass recitals are given throughout the Year ' 42-1y DR; W.'R. PENTLAND . RICHMOND HiLL RESIDENCE Theme-heal. Technical and Artistic Elefnents Dwvelqped Systematically According to Mod‘eén Methods; VOL. XXXV. The Newt $1 per arin‘um; in advance, D. HJPINKERIDN, V.S. mamas; 239 Bambi St. New): Toronto. HOUSE PAINTE R, First house north nf Atkinson & Switzer’s store. MISS MI'LLIE TRENCH VETERINARY SURGEON, BU SINES S CARDS . lVIaple, ()nt. Richmond Hill, Ont. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Eamon a Pnornmroa. Th ornh ill . RICHMOND H111. Teacher of Piano J. H. Prentice Phone No. 2L0: marinara gnaw. AT THE on School of Music PIANO TUNING Organs Repaired and Expert. Work Guaranteed A. GE. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar “NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20' KING ST E..’ TORONTO, Canada , Barristaraj'Solicitors. Notaries, 860. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide & Victarla Sts.. Toronto. Telephone, Main Cable Address. "Dede." A. Cameron MacNaughton LED Monuv to loan onlum‘. anuchahbel mortgages“ owest rues Auroranfljceâ€"Removeu to the old post oflzo. one dï¬br west at the entrance to the Ontario Bunk . wamarkel milesâ€"Three doors south 0! the pass ofï¬ce V r ' T Emnnmm Manual: G STV MORGAN Aurora. Tel. M. 3631. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tot-onto Ofï¬ce. Rme 328 Confedera- tion Life. Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hill Oï¬ice (“Libel-:11†Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon, .VVaud'm-idsze, Saturday fol-(moon. Mouev to loan at. Five Per Cent. (5% Riohmonq Hill I J EDWARD‘FRANCIS, r NOTARY PUBLlC COMMISSIONER. CONVEY AN"ER. 'ETC‘ A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at; both places ‘ (undertaker; a; Embalmer. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIL]. Danton, Grover & Field Lawrence . & Dunbar, Barrister, Sglicltor, thary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAI‘LYETAR BLDG.. 18 KING H. A. NICHOLLS % 21.1.1011 mn'p (nu-run “INF Commissinner, Conveyancer. etc‘ Insurance, andRe-al Estate Issue: of Marriage Licenses. Cor Yonge and Alexander Sts. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL Bartl’Swrs 'a nd Solicitors . OWING' to the HIGH STANDARD maintained in this zollepre, the demand for the graduates is far in excms of the supplv. THIS Is UNQUESTIONABLY ONE OF CAN- ADAis B-EH‘T COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS. Its record proves it. Admits students at any time, pre- pares them properly for choice positions and assists worthy students to secure em loyment. College open all year. rite now for Hgndsome Catalogue. - W. J. ELLIOTT. Prlnclpah VQICING AND .. . . . ACTION REGULATING goï¬n 5. 9auz’dson THORNHILL NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers, Suiit‘mrs, 8m. WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. ONT. WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND HILL; ONT.’,‘"THURSDAY,’.APRIL 17. 1913 STREET WEST loan at. Five Per Cent (5%) “(n Essen'tiqls. Unity ;7.in an-Essgntials‘, Libeï¬ygainialithings,’ Charity.†mm. Pnone Main 2984 Mrs‘ \Villiam Sp’ei hh whose maid;- en name WaS‘Atm‘ ‘uiley. was bot-in in Bingly, Yorkshire, on July 4th. 1837. and died at Maple, Onh, March 18. 1913. She came early in life under the influence’of a. christian home, her ~ arents ,boing , members of the VVes- eyan Methodist. Church. She united with the Independent Church and was amember uMil‘sbépgme to this countryiin 1869, to join her'busb’mid, who had come out a short time before. Mr. and Mrs. .Speight settled in York Township _. nenn Elia. She united with * the Methodist Church and became a leader-in all the Church entertainments of that place. Being- possessed of a. strong "evangeli‘ cal spirit. she influenced “many souls to seek the Savior. j Those who knew )of herat Elia, will always think of he)- as a strong christian character." TWen- ty-three years ago the family moved to Maple. Here with increasing zeal and ï¬delity she took up wm-k in the interests of the Master’s kingdom, and tried in every way possible to en rich and enlarge that kingdom. Reg. nlar in attendance at Church, and who ever was absent from the prayer meeting you couldnlways count on sister Speight being there. If-she knew of ,anyone in the villagewh’o 'did not go to church. she would try to persuadethem to attend. It was no uncommon thing to see some one whom she had influenced sitting with her in her pew. At the time of her death she was President of the La- dies Aid Society and had been a mem- ber of the Ladies†Aid and VW.'M. S. for twenty one years; and had she lived a month longer she would have been madealife member of the W. M. S. It w‘illnot be easy to ï¬ll her placein this comnmnity.‘ "n u I In her home her chriétian life shone 1 éven more brightly than in the church. Here her unselfish life was‘ spent in the interests of eve-xv mem- ber of her family. Herjud ment les' always sought, on matters 0 dom‘estie‘ concern. Her absence leaves a great vacancy in the hnme. She leaves be- hind her to mourn her loss, her hus- band Wm. Spoight. two daughters, Mrs. Pickens of Cnnievnle, Sask.. and Miss Annie at hnnw. 'and one spn, Thomas S eight, Civil engineer of Toronto. w o areal) looking forward to a happy reunion thn the night is over and the day trends on the eter- uul morn. - Five well ï¬lled street curs Tuesday morning took largo deputationsâ€" from Aurora, Newman-ken King. Whit- church and Ridhmondf'flill to inner- view Hon. W. J. Hanna at. the Parlia- ment Buildings. The various speakers asked that. no alicenses . he issued in Aurora du’ring the present year. Mr. '1‘. H. Lennox, the local member. Who introduced the deputation said- that while he had not taken an active part either for or against. local option he Would imp! ess the Provincial Secretary with the fact. that, something should he done for the moral welfare of Aurora. ".8 conditions during the past two years he V_'e been almost. i “bolt-m blo. Rev. Mr. Despard, Mr. F. E. York and Mr. Urquhart, made a. strong case in opposition to the granting of li- censes. The vote pulled for local option. as. given 'by the town clerk/.1 was‘“3‘2‘l, and 214 against, a‘majority a little over three-fifths. - Dr. \Vosféy spoke 'for‘NeWmm-ket. Mr. A. J. Hume for Richmond Hill. Mr. Perry for King and Mr. Gain fur Whitchurch. It was clemriv shown that the municipalities havmg local option on all ‘sides of Aurora. were not ren ping full benefit, with licensedhotels in the centre. Hon. Mr. Hanna- assured the deput- ations that he would give the matter his serious consideration. A sncial under the auspices of the \Vnmen’s Auxiliary will be held in the school mum of the Methodist Church next Monday evening. A progrmnme will be given by local talent and a silver cullectinn will be taken up. The mn'nthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held at, the home of Mrs. H. C. Bailey on Wednesday afternoon nf last week, papers read by Mrs. J. B. McLean and Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Rev. S. R. Ruhinsnn and several of the Boy Scouts attended the demonstatinn in the Massey Halllast Friday evening. A new sidewalk is being built from the south end‘of the village to the public school. ’ Mr. S. Jayvisis building a. new chopping mill to replace the one de- stroved by ï¬re in winter. Dr. D. and Mrs Hart. of southern Manitoba. were visiting at. the home of Mr. Donald Watson. The W.M.S. will holda uhlic meeting cn‘the evening oprri 21st. at 8 o’clock.~ The mite boxes will all be returned and opened and amount contents announced. A choice pro- gramme is leing provided. A Collec- tion will be taken and refreshments served acclose of meeting. Everyhnd y Welcome. ' v A PROTEST T0 HON. MR. HANNA OBITUARY. Maple. THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY ' HAS NO CONNECTION WITH lN- ' DUSTRIAL SHIPPERS GUIDE. . It; has been brought to the'attention of the Canadian Northern. 'Rail‘wéy that, the publishers of a book entitled "Industrial Shippers Guide†are using the name of this railway in sbliciting advertising. and that‘they also claim that, when ï¬nished, the book will be distributgd by the Canadian Northern Railway: - ,The Canadian Northern Railway de' sires»- to make it perfectly clear to afl cbncerned 'that ;f the name of the railway is being lised, it. is done with- out authority. and contrary to their wishes. ‘ TheCom‘panyhas nointention of distg-ihubinp' the Industrial Shippers Guide,.andf has no connection there- with, and desire to have this‘ matter understood. The Council met in the Council Chamber on Tuesday‘ April 15th. All thgmenjbmjs presgnt._ _ I 'v The Clerk read the following re- solution which had been sent on to Council by the Ratepayer’s Associa- tionzâ€"aned by Wm. Pratt seconded. by Wm. Innes, “That whereas Mr. Lawrence has approached the Village Council asking for ï¬nancinl aid to en- able him to reconstrucbhis Greenhouse buildings and to otherwise assist; him i: x carry on hlS undertakings here, and whereas it; seems advisable for the the Village of Richmond Hill to grant such aid. Therefore be it resolved that, we the ratepayers here assembled request the Village Council to submit, a by-law to provide for raising the sum of Five Thousand Dollars to be loaned to the said Mr. Lawrence, the loan to run for ten years and to be repaid at the rate of One Thousand Dollars per annum during the last ï¬ve. years ofthe said term, without interestâ€, We hope welshalrl not be forgotten i by you, and as an expression of our }»esteem and {egaxzd furyouga-nd your ‘family. ,We ask you, to adcept. .Lhis purse nf‘mnnev' with which you will «purchase sprnething by which you will remember this pleasant occasion, and that our énjny‘fiï¬int together in the ust will not, be fm-gntten. Signed on behalf of the, Lgnglze. _ _ _ ' The resolution was received and ad- opted and a By-law to meet the wish of the ratepayers as therehy expi-esséd was introduced by )nuncillur Sims. The Bv-law was read a first and sec-0nd time. The Council went intu-Cum- mills-e of the whole thvrpnn. >Com- DIiLH‘PTOSE and reported the By-‘lqw with blanks ï¬lled. As this By-law re- quires the assent; of the Electors. the third reading was deferred until "ft-er the voting thereon. which will be on Saturday, {he 10th r'ny 9f May next. A barge number of friends from Tostm Methcdi‘st Church assembled at. theAParsonage Tuesday e'vxning. spentn happy.,time together, and pre- sented their pastor. Rei‘. . F. C. ‘Keam. with at purse of money, nocmup nied wilh the fullgwing address:â€" ' Rev. Mr. Keam,â€"Dear pastm- and brother: The members ï¬nd frienflï¬' of the Teston Epwm-th League rvgvet to learn of ynm' pmSpecti've remnw lfrom our Circuit. . \Ve sincerely hope that your life may be spared ,yet many years. and that you may have a bright, and happy evening to follow the long day of faithful toil, and when your labors are ended you may be reward- ed- with the crown of life. v ‘ The third monthly Ten Gent Tea. 1111. der the auspicas of the Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church will be given on Eridajuy by 151115. 0. P. Wiley, Mrs. G. F. Allen and Mrs. T. F. McMahon. in the schnoh‘onm of theéhumh.‘ Tea. Will he served from the £6 sewmmxd all interested are cm‘dially invited to take advantagele this nppnrtunity ,to assist the Ludies‘ Aid in their eï¬â€˜mts to reduce the church debt.“ ’ The ' Sowing .Uixcle in connection with the Ladies’ Aid will meet in’the schoolroom on Friday aftérnuonyfl 3 o’clock. All the ladies of the congrega- tion are imited turcome. bring- their sewing'nmd _sp_end a‘social hour“. ‘ A pTensanb-rhour‘ was spent atthe E worth League Monday evening w 9n the entertainment, Was in charge of the Social Department. ‘The fallow; ing numbers were given after me open- ing exercises:â€"Instx‘umental trips-{by the Misses C(mhell of Buttonvilrle: solo, Miss Trendhzreading, Mr. F; HiCksnn; instrumental duet; Miss Millie Trench and" Miss‘ Marjorie -W"right,; duet. the Misses Switzer. The chair wa‘gï¬aken by Mia T.“F. McMahnnr; Befreghm‘ent-s wereserved at the close; NAME WRONGFULLY USED Lax-€335- METHODIST CHURCH. VILLAGE COUNCIL. J. PIERCEY, President. '. MISS R. CLARKSUNLSec’y.‘ King City $+++++$++++*$$%§i+$é+$+}+i E'i‘H‘Iului-‘l ~_o_; Manicure Sets ‘ “Hair ‘Brl‘lshes iw.in;isamr;e}léan§ +++++++++++++++++¢¢&%+*¢+: STIVEH ‘& L RAMER Coal, -F101,113,:=s<s ' Corn, Bran, ' ’ "WQQdYsm- AND ELEVATOR - _ We thankltlm public fin- fihe gnnmlmu patronage in the past; and will par-n- e‘st‘lv strive to serve you faithfuliy in the future. _ ‘ Believing it Will be‘ beneï¬cial 'tfn not buyer and seller, have decided. LASKAY P; O. Livery & Teaming: JOHN EL L-IS BELL PH‘ONE \Ve solicit a call no trouble to show our lines BGMIMN HEUSEL-‘J Paintgr',’ a Papa-hang? " Gefléral‘ ï¬Ã©cératï¬â€˜ STABLE"ACCOMMODATION. AFTER OCT. 9 To“ Do ‘BusméS-s, on I A CASH BASI‘S'.‘.“ ~ , SATISFACTION ' GUARANTEE-n RICHMOND, HmL LICENSED AUCTIONE'ER PERFJUTMSE;S My‘St'ock of ï¬nelings 9f, PERFUMES for ’ " I V ‘a‘re‘vup-toidate-x and Beasoqahle 1p ppiges For the County of York. [Single copies, ‘3 eta, - C- 'EG'AN RICHMOND HILL FOR EVERYBODY. STIVER &TRA,MEB. .',,- : e,.; 4. Comb Sets 3 Pictural Cards 3: DEALERS. 1N: PRESENTS 'DRUGGiST Lthgéisrbï¬ï¬} éï¬bi (i ONTARIO ' No. 42