Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Apr 1913, p. 2

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W is but one Germlcide in m and form known and M hr ln‘ ‘ ternal use. 8 ahn': quuld hump" Gun is safe, simple and sure. It acts on the whole gland at system. regulate: the vital forces. gives the 'blood rich and red. It. will enable any stallion to go through a. long at oeuon, keeping him vigorous and not the least danger from any form of dlsbomper. Give ra; dose; Est ‘Spohn's" every other day on his tonzug or with his bran or 03M. ‘ ruggla . I! make: the smoothest, richest, most delicious butter you ever tasted. The roller béarlngsâ€"nnd hand and foot lavasâ€"make chumlng an easy task. even for a child. ' All slzcs from )5 lo 30 gallons. Wm: for catalogue lf your dealer does no! handle thls chum and Iaxwoll'l "Champ" " Washer. m David Hume}! & Sons, 8|. Mary's. 0M. mxwucs SPOHN MEDICAL 60., Chemlsts and Baotorlologlsta, Goshon, Ind., U. s. A. CONFEDERATION LIFE BLDG" “An Attractive Profit Sharing Bond Yielding 7%”" We have Compiled a Special Folder dealing fully with Dommon SEéURmEs mum irlcandolllo chuergingwflh CORPOMTION-LIMITED ' TORONTO . ‘ MONTREAL . LONDON.EI‘IG. Select a Responsible Investment House and you will have no difficulty in Selectng Desirable Securities Favorite Churn. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, Limited Bonds wisely purchased comprise the essentials of sound investment. Thi-s House invests in entire issues of Municipal, Railroad, Public Ser- vice and Industrial Bonds, purchas- ing only after thorough investigation and aiming to satisfy its clients as to Safety, Marketability and Income. A selected list of bonds will be sent on application. ' I {335. WILLIAMS Information on this sub mm: Instructions for ama- teur bands and a prime tom of Constitution and lay-Laws for bands; togemcr with our big analogue wm be mailed FREE on request. ' “dress Dept. "D." ' BOOST your: TOWN BY onaAmzma A In the stud the! often become so devltallud that they must be given a. long rest from such service. This in due to absorption luto their cyatems o! poisonous Bacteria or Gown. both cont. mugs and sexual. ln serving mares of all decree. of Health an Dmeue. There are many of these corms v‘fl injurious to the stallion. 'I‘o counteract. the growth of a: gaging in his qyggen}. and keen_hi_m in yomal oaqdlfilog Op. STALLIONS DISEASE Copy mulled op Request BRASS BAND l The Jamaica. Government select- ed him to represent their tourist in- terests at the Toronto Exhibition last year, for be it known that visi- tors are to the West Indies what new citizens are to Canada, and. the Governments of the West Indies are all vitally interested in supply- ing information to intending visi~ tors, and he is at present occupied in working out a. comprehensive plan ’for the free distribution in Mr. Lewis W. Clemens, president of the Canadian Travel Club, has had the honor to be appointed a member of the West India Commit- tee, London, England. Mr. Clemens has for six years been identified with the development of closer re- lations between the British West Indies and Canada. During that time he has made a. careful study of their history, economic problems, and their attractions and climate. In Jamaica, three years ago, he was one of the explorers of the great stalactite caves at Oxford, near Ba- laclava, where the Spanish ai’e sup- posed to have buried their treasure so long agoras 1655. MR. CLEMEN’S APPOINTMENT. 5' SONS (10.. ' TORONTO LIMITED ONTARIO TORONTO, ONT. Australia does not, of “course, touch the Canadian figure, but the boom in emigration to Australia reached a great height during the latter part of last year. It was for a long time impossible to obtain a. second or third class berth to the Commonwealth. Canada of authentic information for the island of Jamaica, where he has spent much time. Thousands Are Leaving the 01d Land for the New. Four years ago 52,000 English peo~ ple went to Canada. Last year the total was 138,121. This year it will probably be 160,000. For every one man who went out four years ago three are leaving now, says the London Daily_ Mail. The main centre from which the emigrants are drawn is Scotland. Here the exodus is beginning to cause some uneasiness. Mr. Clemens was born in Port Perry, Ontario, and studied art in Toronto, New York, London and Paris, but has sincenturned his at- tention chiefly to travel and Writâ€" ing. In addition to being president A $6,000,000 railroad bridge will be built across the lower Gange's River, India, with 15 :spaun‘s, each of which is 350 feet long. The spans weigh about 1,300 tori-s each, and will .s‘u'pport «two broadâ€"gauge tracks and a, foot-walk. The foundations for the main spams are sunk 150 feet beneath the bed of the river. of the Canadian Travel Club, he was elected some time ago Fellow ofjhe Royal? Colonial Institute. “Another-r lady, who had been troubled with chronic dyspepsia for years, found "immediate relief on ceasing coffee and using Postum. Still another friend told merthat Postum was a Godsend, her heart trouble having been relieved after leaving off coffee and taking on Post-um. For several years Mr. Clemens has been making a thorough study of conditions, etc., in Jamaica, and is there at the present time. “After drinking coffee for break- fast I always felt languid and dull, having no ambition to get to my morning duties. Then in about an hour or so a weak, nervous derange- ment of the heart and stomach would come over me with such force I would frequently have to lie down.” “At other times I had severe headaches; stomach finally become affected and digestion so impaired that I had serious chronic dyspepâ€" sia and constipation. ‘A lady, for many years State President of the W. C. T. U., told me she had been greatly benefited by quitting coffee and using Postum; she was trou- bled for years with asthma. She said it was no cross to quit coffee When she found sne could have as delicious an article as Postum. “So many such cases came to my not-ice that I concluded coffee was the cause of my trouble and I quit and took up’Postum. I am more than pleased to say that my. days ofvtrouble have disappeared. I am well and happyf’ Look in pl‘Kég‘for the famous little book. “The Road to Wellville.” Tea is just as harmful, because it contains caffeine, the same’drug fdund in coffee. -' ' Evor read the abovo letter? A nova on. appears from tlmo to tlmo. They an eanulna, true. and lull a! human Intel-nu. New Bridge for Lower Ganges. RUSH T0 D OMINION S. Mr. Lewis W. Clemens. St. Paul Park Incident. FRIEND S HELP. v. vuv ‘1 “no... Just before the close of the session there were rumors of sensations circulating on both sides. Liberals heard a, report that the Government had something to conceal in the Public Accounts» Committee or elsewhere. and that they were therefore about to attempt to close up the session in a hurry. Government supporters. on the other hand. heard that the Liberals were concoctng some deep plot for the purpose of prolonging the session beyond what seemed to be reasonable. Once again Allan Studholme. the labor member. or third party, as he likes to call himself. has taken more than his share of the time of the House. He presents a, unique figure. Talking with him comes easy. He has had a long training in the labor movement and hate apparently ac- quired the habit of thinking aloud, which enables him to deliver a speech of several hours with a minimum of preparation. When Studholme Speaks. To drop into the House on an afternoon when Mr. Btudholme is on the floor reVeals an unusual and interesting eight. Per- hans one-third of the members will be in their seats. Those who ere will be read- ing newspapers and writing letters for the most part. Here and there a. member will The Sufiragones are Disappolntedâ€"A Real mutantâ€"Quiet in the Legislatureâ€" The Wall Street of Canada. Local sufi‘ragettes are frankly disap- Domted at the results of their eiforte to obtain concessions from the Provincial Legislature at this session. They had honed at least that the franchise now granted in municipal affairs would be ex- tended to a wider sphere of politics, and on more than one occasion, when there was a possibility of a discussion on the subject in the Legislature, they have at- tended the House in full force, filling the public galleries and overflowing into the more private parts or the hegislative Chamber. Most of the leaders of the Canadian suifrage movement profess to be in ab- solute symnathy with the tactics of the militant leaders in England, even when they so to the length of bomb throwmg and other serious destruction of pi'opertY- Almost unanimously. however, Canadian suffrageth declare that militant methods are not required in Canada. Pressed as to where the distinction comes in between Canada and Britain, they are not always clear in their answers. The supreme con- tention of Mrs. Pankhurst and the other suifrage leaders is that the vote is a right of citizenship for a woman as much as it is for a man. On this statement the suf- frazettes are content to base their plea for what they describe as justice. And the fact is that Canadian 'women are just as much without the franchise as are women in Britain. Canadian Women Have Advantages. There are, however, reasons why mili- tant methods have not been introduced into Canada. Canadian laws are in sev- eral instances much more favorable to wo- men than are the laws of Great Britain. For exnmplerin the matter of divorce. Canadian women are on equal footin with men. that is. a reason which Wil entitle a man to a divorce is sufficient‘for a woman. This is not the case in Ian!- lanrd. Furthermore, certain laws With re< zard to property are in Canada more fav~ orable to women than? in England. WHAT IS INTERESTING THE PEOPLE OF ,THE CITY AT THE PRESENT TIME. Bnt ye the feet is that the suffrage is denied to Canadian women as resolutely as. it is to English women. And the situv atxon seems to be that the Canadian suf- frage leaders have an antipathy to pub- licity and going to jail, which their Eng- lish sisters have overcome. Canada’s Mllltant Sufiragette. Toronto has one real militant sufl’ra- Rette in the person of Miss Olivia. Smith. She is an English woman, who, until quite recently. was foremost in all the agita- thn there. She has spent three terms in Jail. once for smashing windows, once for taking hold of the reins of a. policemen's horse to prevent him riding down women. and thus interfering with an oflicer of the law on duty, and the third time for cham- mg herself to the railing in front of Pre- mier Asquith's oflioe. Miss Smith is a mild-mannered lady of about 45 or 50 years of age. She is grey- haired and not at all Amazonian in type. By_nrofession she is a trained nurse. .Since livxnz in Toronto she has been assisting In one of the local tea rooms. Canadian Men Loss Brutal. She has been active in the local suffrage organizations. As one reason why mili‘ tant methods have not been introduced in- to Canada she gives a very curious illus- tration. She says that Canadian men are much less brutal to their wives and sis- ters and daughters than are English men. This is. a somewhat radical statement. which is sure to create controversy, _at least wherever it is put up to an English man. The Legislature is pursuing the even tenor of its way to the end of a. session which has not been particularly event- ful. While there have been plenty of de- bayes on various subjects closely aflecting the lives of the people. there have ‘been few occasions when the parties have real- ly come to grips in any spectacular man- ner which would command the attention of the rcquntrsf. _. __ v I. [llJR lEHER FRUM TDRUEHU A Splendid 10 cont Household Specialty in being Introduced all over Canada. It is up preciatad by the Thrifty Housewife who wants things “ Just a. little Better." Send You Card to-day. Simply say;â€" That's allâ€"You will be deiightedl Pay it Satisfiodâ€"We take the R'uk. Addrou Ra Box 1240, Montreal, Can. This Oder expire: June In, 19.8. Send twin]! I as T H as DON’T Rumors In Legislature. “Send Package of Household Specialty Adverfised in my Newspaper. " Catarrhozone doesn’t stop at the relief stageâ€"it go‘es furtherâ€"keeps on going till a cure is effected. Bad cases are cured; as you can judze from the following let- terzâ€"“Every morning for six months last [winter I awoke with a bad taste, and awful breath and stufled up feeling in my nostrils," writes Rob E. Rutland, of Re- gina. "It wa/s simply an awful case of chronic Catarrh. Relief first came from Catarrhozgne. I used that inhaler twenty times a day and took it to bed with me at night. I am cured, and by the use of Cutarrhozone stay Well. Now I am free from irritable throat. trouble, coughs, No medicine on earth is so certain to colds. headaohe, or catai‘rh.” cure every form of Cntarrh or throat trouble as "Catarrhomne." Get the large $1.00 size. lasts two months and is guar- antead; medium size 500.: sample size 25c.; all storekeepers and druggists. or The Catarrhozone CO4, Buffalo, N. Y.. and Kingston. Canada. At science has discovered a real remedy. it new scientific marvel which acts like no other Catarrh remedy on earth. "Catarrhomne" operates on a new plan; it is a direct remedy, goes instantly to the source of the trouble. Its rich, fra- grant essences and healing balsame are breathed in vapor form through a. special inhaler and give instant relief. be doing nothing but listening to the speaker, but. not doing that “very atten- tively. This apparent inattennon does not bother Mr. Btudholme in the least. He moves the chairs in the immediate vicin- itv of his desk out of the way and then proceeds to walk up and down the space provided, talking as he moves. Some of the member's! o the Cabine, an but“) getg‘alonk wggh gauges; up _ to 3 9w 3m: Perhaps you haven't thought of calling those unpleasant symptoms that, affected your nose and throat by any particular Immeâ€"but it's Catarrh just. the same. ' When the attack is severe. your eyes are watery and look weak. Your breath is offensive, due to inflammation in the nose and throat. hatieflce at Mr. Stu-dholme’s loquacity..but now they know what to expect, and as in any case it is useless to try to head him off they have to let him have his any with as__;.\:o«:>d~ gqgcq :Ls possib1_e._ A Mr. Studhodme‘s specialties are. of oounse labor subjects. and :on many of these he has news to which. in theory. little exception can be taken. 36,000 To Buy Flvo Feat Square. Another high figure has been recorded for downâ€"town real estate. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has purchased the pro- erty on which the McConkey restaurant, on: a land mark on King St» is situ- ated. The price paid was $11,060 a. foot frontage. While this is the second 111531- est price ever paid for property in o- mnto. as far as frontage is concerned, there has really been several transfers where the price per square foot was high- er. The McConkey proyerty runs clear through from King to Me inda, 8t. and has. thgyefore. a_ depth photo the evegage. ' The price of $205 per square foot ls~about $1.50 per square inch. And it can be eas- ily seen that the job“ of surveyors who have to verify lot measurements is to be done with the nicety of a draftsman. The Wall street 0' canada. Other high prices which have been re- corded include the north-west. corner of King and Yonge. which was recently sold to the Dominion Bond 00. at. a rate of $148.15 per square foot. The northeast corner of King and Yonge, which was re- cently sold to interests supposed to be aflilimed with the Royal Bank. brought a figure of $126.70 per square foot. On a. square foot basis the recent purchase by the Bank of Commerce figures out at The record for high figures in Toronto is'he‘ld’ by the Michie property at! 5 King street west, which was sold to the Do- minion Bank at. the tremendous prxoe of $295 per square fogt.‘ The removal of such landmarks as Mc- Conkey's restaurant and Michie’s grocery store from King street marks the death knell of this section of that thoroughfare as a retail district,.in which capacity it, formerly excelled. Here are now congre< Eating banks and other financial institu- tions. and Toronto likes to have it describ- ed as the Wall Street of Canada. In many parts of Ontario a hundred acre farm may be bought for $5,000. In the vicinity of the corner of King and Yonge streets it would buy a. plot, of land five £933; square. _ ‘_A_ Destroy This Polsonous Disease Beloro Your Health Is Seriously Injured. Your Bad Taste In Inc Morning 15 Due To Catath $51on

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