Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Apr 1913, p. 3

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BOILERSE New and Second- hand. for heatin il and power purp05es. TANKS AN SMOKE STACKS. Agents for sum; vnnt Vononming and Hosting Sysmma. ‘Illnard’s Llnlmom Gurus colds, E10. Some time ago a woman entered a well-known London (England) hospital, and the nurses discovsred that the upper part of the right arm was entirely occupied with a pictorial representation of “The Rock of Ages,” while on the lower part of the arm was the scene of the Crucifixion. Mr. Sapleighâ€"~I find it deuced hard to collect my thoughts, you know. Miss Keenâ€"Father says it’s always difficult to collect small amounts. . Sample I‘ree I! you wrlto National Drug a Chemlcal 00. ‘0! Canada. leitod. oronto. ’l‘hat is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE‘ Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip ‘3. Two Days. 250. “Was your daughter’s musical education a profitable venture 7” “You bet! I bought the houses on either side of us at half their value.” Many of the misfortunes from which we suffer most are those we never experience. They are the misfortunes of the imagination. Knicker~Does that mean it was made in six days, or that it will take me several hundred million years to pay for it? Mlnard's Llnlment euros Dlpmlurla. Time. Mrs. Knickerâ€"â€"This frock ,is creation. If the disease is of the kidneys or from the kidneys, Dodd’s Kidâ€" ney Pills will cure it. “My symptoms led me to believe I had kidney disease, and I started to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I {lave taken eight boxes in all, and I am very grateful for the bénefit I have received from them.” Try Murine Eye Remeay. No Smartingâ€"Feels Fineâ€"Acts Quickly. Tr it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and erum ated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Ocullstsâ€"not n “Patent Med- icine"â€"but used in successful Physicians’ Prac- tice for many ears. Now dedicated to the Pub- 310 and sold b m glsts at 250 and 600 perBoLcle. Murine Eye Ive n Aseptic Tubes, 290 and 600. Murine Eye Remedy 60., Ohlcaso “I was always thirsty; my lingbs were heavy; and I had a draggmg sensation across the loins. When Your E as Heed Gare [I‘zjy Murine Eye Reine: y. No Smartingâ€"Feels “My muscles would cramp. Ifelt heavy and sleepy afterwards, and I was depressed and low-spirited, while shortness of breath and dizzy spells served to make life yet more miserable for me. “I was always tired and nerv- ous,” Mr. Froncaire says, in speak- ing of his illness. “I suffered from backache and neuralgia, and my sleep was broken and unl'efreshing. My eyes were puffed and there were dark red circles around them. He’s Back at Work Again, After ' Suffering from the Pains, Nerv- ousncss and Depression that Only Kidney Disease Can Bring. Point Alexander, Ont., April 14 (Special).â€"Mr. D. A. Froncare, a well-known and popular young far- mer, living near here, who has been a. sufferer from kidney disease for some time past, is back at work again, and he says, without hesita- tion, that his cure is due to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. POLSON “2.1.323” TORONTO TELLS WHAT DODD’S KIDNEY l PILLS DID FOR HIM. Popular Young . Farmer Talks The Soul of a. Plano la the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL” Whole Hymn on Her Arm. Only Ono "BROMO QUININE” Englnu and Shlobulldon Plano Action To Improve Hanging. Suggesting that our method of hanging is not the most painless and humane, the London Lancet urgest the adoption of the submen- ta.1 (under the chin) knot in place of the subauraul (below the ear) knot. “It is admitted that there its a. ten- dency for a, knot to slip from the point of the chin, and to obviate this fieutenant-Colonel Mar-shall has nvenuted a. '13th trough} which holds the rope in posit-ion. The question which should now pre- sent itself to the authorities is, granting thalt the submen-ta-l knot is the most humane, what is the best method of ensuring the rope being retained at the point of the chin Z” The followers of the Dalai Lama, in Thibet, have alegend that in the first great Garden a sweet-tasting plant grew out of the ground. One man tasted of this plant, and the other did likewise, when all vir- tue and good fortune ceased. Ages passed, and this plant; grew no more. Mankind fed upon a kind of red butter, then upon grass, and at last they had' to cultivate the soil. Virtue had departed from the earth, violence, murder and faith- lessness increased. Peaceful. quiet separation, no damage done. everybody happy againâ€"that’s the situation when you divorce your come with Putnam's Corn Extractor. Acts like magicâ€"don't use any but “Putnam’s”â€" it’s the best. 250. at all dealers. Imagine the nerve of the woman, alt-though she fainted when the snake la-y dead on the floor. How many could have remained motion- less under such circumstances? No Alimonyâ€"JustaSeparation MInard't Lll‘llmfl" all"! 337803 In COIL Although she spoke as calmly as if giving an ordinary order, I knew ‘at once that there was a. snake some-where in the room, for these creatures prefer milk to anything else. As a. hasty movement might have meant certain death, we all sat like statues; but for 8/11 that, our eyes were inspecting every nook and corner o£ the room. However, it was not until the milk was placed on the deer-skin that the snake mp- peau‘ed. And then, to our amaze- ment, a large cobra, uncoiled itself from my hostess’s ankle, and glided toward the bowl, where, of course, it was immediately killed. The dinner was excellent, but when it was about half-over I was startled by hearing my hostess tell the na-t-ive servant to place a, bowl of milk on a, deens‘kin near her chad-r. ' 110w She Kept Her Head Under Trying Circumstances. An Englishman travelling through Ceylon describes in the London Tel- egraph anustart-ling experience that befall his holsteer at a, dinner in Trincomalee. :rhe ramin rén’ieE if Coughs and Colds. ‘Shiioh costs so little and does so much!" In order to protect tomato plants from diseases, of which there are several. they should be repeatedly sprayed, even when quite young, with Bordeaux mixture. These and many other points, which cover practically the whole field of toma- to culture in the green house as well as in the garden and field, are fully treated in pamphlet No. 10 of the Central Experimental Farm pre- pared by the Dominion Horticultur- ist, Mr. W. T. Macoun. This work is for free distribution to all who apnly for it to the Publications Branch of the Department of Agri- culture at Ottawa. It is the early fruit that makes the profit. ' In growing plants’what should be aimed at is the produc- tion of a. stock, sturdy plant which will have some fruit set upon it when set in the field. After plant- ing the chief work is cultivation, which should be done both ways in the plantation. Almost anyone with a garden or lfarm in a temperate climate can ‘grow tomatoes with greater or less ‘successs, but there is a great differ- ence between the extent and qua- lity of the crops grown by different persons in the same locality. These differences are due to several causes among which the varieties grown and methods of cultivation practisâ€" ed are perhaps the chief. According to experiments carried on for years at the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, Earliana, of which there are several strains, is the best early sort, but Bonny Best, Chalks’ Early Jewel are also good early kinds. Of later varieties Matchless Trophy, Livingston’s Globe and Plentiful rank high. A W0 MAN’S SELF-CONTROL. Thibet's Legend of Eden. T0 MATO CULTURE. The' Bachelor-Ah; and at what age, now, wlll he begin to get pret- ty and cunning?, The Bachelorâ€"Oh; is this the ba_by’l _C:a_n if, talk yeti? Pi‘oud Motherâ€"N6,.indeed. He isn’t old enough yet. Is ’ou, mam- mals precipug darling? Hobbsâ€"~80 you’ve struck and are now able to keep servant-s? Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing. Blind. Bleeding or Protrudiug Piles In 6 to 14 days. 600. ED. 7: Dobbsâ€"Alas, noâ€"only to hire them. ‘ How the Farmers Renew.Thcir Ex-‘ hausted Land. The little Province of Prince Ed- ward Island which lies in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and close to the shores of both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, has many features wholly, or almost, wholly, peculiar to herself. The smallest Province in the Dominion, yet she is unique in that she possesses the densest population, is the only Canadian island having a provincial status, and the only one with a, uniform and unaltered geological formation. The soil of Prince Edward Island, however, while natural-1y fertile, is somewhat deficient inlime; and the crops soon exhaust the stant sup- ply of nature. But a remedy is pro- vided by the deposits of dead oys- ters from one end of the island to the other. This deposit is the most superior limo‘ fertiliZer extant, and a valuable dressing for some soils, especially for hay and grain crops. Moreover, it requires no treatment of any kind before being applied to the land. These shell min-es are considered to be public property, and any man is free to select the best location he can. He receives no official recognition of his claim, and only holds it while his machine is over the spot. The depth of some of these old shell beds is extra- ordinary. Thirty feet of solid oys- ter shells is said to have existed in certain places. The size of the shells in some cases is fully 15 inch- es long, 4 inches wide, and an inch thick at tahe butt end._ It will thus be seen that shells of this descrip- tion must contain a large amount of pure lime. quichy Rimsâ€"Earths. cures colds, and 7h: throat and lungs. :: :: 25 Family size bqttle. 50c.; trial size, 250.; at all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone 00.. Buffalo. N. Y., U. S. A. Back Sufferers, Read Below. "I am just so delighted-with the com- fort Nerviline brought me that, I want to talk about it all the.timé,” writes J. C. Caughlan, of Saskatoon. "For ages I have been subject to an aching, dragging feel- ing at the base- of the spine. When at- tncks came on it made my whole body ache. It appeared as if I had taken cold and a soreness developed all through my muscular system. When in Winnipeg one day a. friend spoke to me of Nerviline, and Ivbought a 500. bottle. That was the best half-dollar I ever spent. it. did so much for me. It is hard to convince some people of what a really good medicine can do, but there will be no sceptics after they try out Nerviline. I use it for every- thing now. It’s fine for Rheumatism and Neuralgia and all sorts of muscular pain it. cures quickly. But. internally, if pos- sible. Nerviline is even better. It cures a cramp in ten seconds. and, as for gas and upset or sour stomach. nothing could excel Nerviline. I think it should be kept‘ in every home a a protectiou against sudden ills, and also to cure' ills that re“ siet other treatments.” It Will Stop Your Aching Back, Stop Your Suffering, Keep You Well. Sore Back, No Fun, Cure It To-Day, Rub on “Nervilinc!” A Terrible Silence Followed. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Quite Another Thing. ISSUE 16-’13 and heals :25 Cents. it rich several Czar Buys Clothes in Russia. The Czar keeps about 40 suits in wear, and wears each perhaps a, dozen times before it is put out of the wardrobes. The Czar buys all his clothes in Rue'si-a, and each suit costs him from $40 to $60, while for frock coats and waistcoats he pays $75. On some of the Czar’s uniform-s the gold ornamentation and braid- ing are worth alone $1,000. This ornamentation is never used twice, but when a, new uniform is ordered the ornamentation is good for about onenthird of its original cost. He told the shy maid of his love, The color Left her cheeks. But on the shoulder of his 003.12 It showed for several weeks. An ounce of done is worth more than a ton of goingAbo do. Mlnard's Llnlmom Guru I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. . . I got, my foot badly jammed. lately. I bathed it. well with MINARD'B LINIMENT, and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, '3. G. McMULLEN. Many a genfils réfuses to work at his trade. - Get this best of all medicines to-day and refuse a substituto for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold by all druggist-s and storekeepéra, 25c. per box or five for $1.00. Sent post- naid by The Catarrhozone 00.. Buffalo, N. Y.. and Kingston! Canada. Poverty has saved the life of many a young fellow who would have bought himself a. shotgun or a sail- boat if he only had had the money. “For a period last summer the thought of food excited feelings of nausea," writes Mrs. C. A. Dodge, of Bloomsbury. “The heat had made me listless and the dis- taste for food reduced me to a. condition iof semi-starvation and brought me to the verge of nervous collapse. Tonics were useless to restore an active desire for food. The doctors told me my liver and kidneys were both at fault, but the medi- cines they gave me were too severe and reduced my strength so that I had to abandon them. At the suggestion of a friend who had been cured -of blood and skin trouble, I began the use of Dr. Ham- ilton’s Pills. The difference I first noticed was, that while they cleansed the system, instead of feeling weaker I felt better after taking them. Indeed their activity was so mild it was easy to forget I had taken them at all; they seemed to go right to the liver, and in a very brief time 'not only did all source of neusen disappear. but I began to crave food and I digested it reasonably well. Then I be- Ean to put on weight until within three months I was brought to a condition of Rood health. I urge Dr. Hamilton's Pills for all who are in poor health." An Expert Says It Is the Most Common Disease of Cattle. In a paper read‘ before the Bri- tish National Association for the Prevention of Consumption, Dr. Sheridan Delepine emphasized the need of a systematic inspection of dairy cattle. He said he believed that infection from cattle caused fully a, quarter of the cases of tu- berculosis among children under five years of age. The Lancet, which prints extracts from Doctor Delepine’s paper, also quotes a re- cent report of the veterinary sur- geon of the city of Glasgow, who said that tuberculosis was the most ‘ common disease that affected cattle. ‘Out of 71,745 British cattle slaugh- tered, less than, 8,932, or more than twelve per cent, proved to be tuberculous. The prevalence of tuâ€" berculosis in mulchâ€"cattle llS further shown by the fact that the veteriâ€" nary surgeon rejected no less than 3 forty out of ninety-eight cows that he tested with tuberculin lye-fore admitting them to the herds that supply milk to the fever hospitals. “An alarming proportion,” says the report, “when we consider that these were all goodalooking beasts that had received the critical atten- tion of the dairy-owner beforehand, in the full knowledge that they were to be tested.” Here Is More Proof of Quick Cure for All Folks That are Weak, Ailing, Nervous. Gained in Weight, Digestion. Restored, Health Renewed More Praise for Dr. Hamilton's Pills. TUBERCULOSIS CATTLE. Saved By Poverty. Transferred. DISIOMDCP- Malicious. Gladysâ€"I refused Fred two weeks ago, and he has been drinking heav- ily ever since. _ “Ethelâ€"Isn’t it about time he stopped celebrating? And Hundreds of other Pop. Songs and Instrumen- tals. 15c each, 7 {or 81.00; postpaid. I can fill orders for Standard Songs Operatic Vm OM and Piano Music, Albums, ’i‘ubors, 530. Quick DispMch. Bottom Prices. Cash with Order‘ Chas. J. Churcher, 1612 Dundas St. Toronto. I, faces removed sure; eminent doctor’s remedy. not advertised before; simple. efâ€" fective. Large supply $1.00. F. Osborn, 22 Arlington Ave.. Westmount, Montreal. 0n the Mississippi. That Old Girl of Mine, When I Lost You At the Devil’s Bail, U’I‘ OF EMPLOYMENT? SERVES YOU right. Learn barber trade; always sure emuloyment for barber. Our im- proved methods, constant practicfe aqd instructions qualify you for positmn 1n short time. Send for catalogue. Molar College, 221 Queen 13.. Toronto. ALL STONES. KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones. Kiduex trouble. Gravel. Lumhngo and kindred ailments pnqmveh cured with the new German Remedy. “Sauol.” price $1.50. Another new remedy for DIabetgs-Memtus, and sure cure. In “Banol’s Anti-Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druzgistn or direct. The Banal Mann“ turing Company of Canada. Limi Winnipeg. Man. () NE HUNDRED ACRES FIVE MILES from London market; soil clay and Braveny loam; 2 acres orchard; outbuild- ings fair; half mile to electric railway. Would exchange for ten or twenty-five acres near city with good buildin%. The 8795mm Real Estate Exchange, 0nd n ll . ' internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. ertl‘ us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medlod (‘13,, Limited. Collinzwnnd. Ont. IMPLES, BLOTCIIES, 0N PRETTY faces removed sure; qminentg, dqcbor’ns ARM IN SASKATCHEWANâ€"EQUIP- ned; in crop; must sell; terms easy. Percy Love, Hawarden. Sask. V TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED D1!- b ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album. only Seven Cents. Math Stnmn Company. Toronto. HAVE OVER. ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different. sections of Ontarlo on my list. If you want. a. farm consult D WMEEiiâ€"o‘ba, Alberta V613 Saikatchewtm that can be bought. Worth the money for Quick flak. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Oolbomo Street. Toronto. GOQD STOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES With Three Houses: large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. TRY IT WHEN YOU’RE TIRED You will find it wonderfully refreshing LIPTON ’S TEA MUSIC I7 Muslim! n qunc m CLEANS AND DYES Gives rich glowing colors, fadelus in sun 01 suds. Dyes cotton, silk. wool ox mixmres. Use it ouuelf at home. bfituoublk' no muss. 24 colorsâ€"- will give any dude. Colon]0c,black 15c. at your dealer's ox postpaid wi‘h booklet "How to Dye" from STRAYED ANGER. _'1‘UM_OR-S. L_UMPS. _ EVERAL fiEH’I'fiA'BLI-x FARM}; IN It. sustains and cheers from the X Ranch Corral awall eyed Pinto Broncho with a. Roman nose and lightning heels. We have issued a humorous descriptive circular of this remarkable bronco‘ with illus- trations of his antics. Sent free on application to any reader of this paper. This is the most famous circular ever printed in the English language. More than half a million copies have already been distributed to advertise our famous Pinto Shell gloves made from tough Bronco hides. For a free- copy 'send postal to ' HUDSON BAY KNITTING co.‘ Canada’s Expert Glove and mm "mm F. L. BENEDICT & 00. Montreal MALE HELP WANTED. STAMPS AND GOINS‘ Maypole Soap MISCELLANEOUS. FARMS FOR SALE. MONTREAL. We’ve Had 3. Lo vely Time. when the Midnight, Choo, Then I’ll Stop L wing You, That's How I Need You. I06

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