The great; Liberal leader has never yet been charged with unfairness towards a political opponent, and the insult offered him was not necessary in the passing of the Navy Aid Bill. Speaking afterwards Sir Wilfred Lauriersaid:â€"-“There2was no obstruc- tion in 1911, when the Liberals in- troduced the Reciprocity Bill early in January. and could not: reach even a preliminary vote on July 26th. We were met; at every step with dilatory speeches or motions, but I did not complain. Two courses were open to me. I eould have done what: isrbeing done today by Mr. Borden and incroduoed the closure. There Wan Mame? course, an appeal to the people» and I advised my col- leagues to, give that. to the Opposition“ We appealed ‘to the people and were defeated and .I would rather to day stand here defeated and‘ in opposition by that appeal to the people than to stay there in office by the power of the gag.†Mr. Hanna’s amendments to the Liquor License Act have aroused keen interest. There are certain gocrd features in the changes, but on the whole it must be admitted they were disappointingly meagre. To keep the bars closed from 6 to 8 o‘clock in the morning is all right, but many expected that an hour or two would have been cut off at night which, would have been more of a real reform. There were also re- peated rumours that the Government intended to close the bars on Saturday afternoon, but this information also proved to be incorrect. Mr. Proudi‘oot‘s bill‘in the Legis Tature to exclude Club licenses in local option districts seemed fair and logiczil,'and should have been nllov el to pass. ‘ It is often a good thing for the laboring class to have liquor rt. moved from their midst, but it docs not seem fair to allow the wealthy class to have Clubs where they can get all the strong drink they have a. mind to pay for. At present there are onlv two of'such clubs in. ~ Local option districm Many men on both sides of politics are loud in their condemnation of the Dom. Government; for the insult of. fered Sir'Wilfred Laurier last week in Parliament. When the- Leader of the Opposition rose to speak on the opening of the debate en the closure, the speaker, Dr. Sproule, ruled that Sir Wilfred had the floor, [but notwith- standing that ruling, a. vote of the House was taken, and he was forced to give way to a member of the Government. In one of the mostihteresting de- bates of the whole session on the Hy- dro Electric System. Mr. Roweil, with a vigor and force which aroused great enthusiasm among his followers proved several points. First he show- mi conclusively that the Liberals far from opposing the Hydro project w re anxiuos to lead in the movement and see to, it that the farmers of the Province secured as speeiiily as pos- sible the beneï¬ts of the system as well as people in cities, towns and villages. Secondly, he secured from Hem Adam l‘eek a tacit admission that the Liberal party‘s opposition to the transference of the Hydro management from a Commission to a department of the Gavernment was the wisest Course. The increase from $1.000 to $1.600 as the license fee fur shops applies only to Town to. General satisfaction among advocates of tempex‘hnce is expressed: with the clause prohibiting bottle trade over the bars, At; best, however the Bill is very evidenLiy only a half way measure. LIQUOR LICENSE AMENDMENTS Ribï¬MOND HILL. ONT.. APR. 1", 1913 m fz‘ï¬hcmi. DEFEAT WITH HONOR. Dated. at Toronto this third day 41 4 of April,‘ A.D., 1913.. The creditors of Stewart Robb, late of the~T0wnship of Vttllghtlll. in the County of York, farmer deceased, who died on or about the tenth day of .Imtuury‘ 1913, and all others having claims against or ehtllit‘d to share in the estate are hnreby nntified to Send by post pï¬-pnid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned administratm- on or befm'e the thiid day of May. 1913'. their Christian and surnames, address. es and descriptions, and full partial;- lal-suf theiï¬â€˜claims. acaounts m- inteu ests and-the nature of the securities; if any, held by them. Immediately after the 'saitl third day of May, 1913, the assets of the smd intestate will be disti-ihutpdnmnngst the parties en- titled them-to having regard only tn the claims-0r interests_nf which the adlninlstrntm“ shall then have nntice and all others will he excluded from the suiddisllihutinn. ' p out NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, COOK & GILGHRI‘ST. 3268 Confederation Life Bldg.. . \ Tmzouto. 50 Bags of late Putatoes. Noxall. This will he a good chance to get, pure sped. Also a quantity of eating punk Loos. Phone 2950 Maple Exchange. A quantity of Turnips for sale on lot 13, con. 3, Markham. Apply ARTHUR ELSON. 40~3 A Cow with calf hv side. Lot 28, cm). 2. Vaughan), Elgin Mills. 40~tf IN THE ESTATE OF STEWART ROBB, DECEASED. Orders now being taken for p-ring delivery, I913. Prospects bright; for, - the season’s trade. , Experience unnecessary. We instruct nur salesmen how to 8911 Fruit Stocks ' in the country and Ornamental-trees 1n the town. START NOW and have your territory reserved. Weekly Pay. Free Outï¬t. WRITE FOR TERMS. , ,‘ ADMIN ISTRATOR’S Notice 10 Bredimrs AND OTHERS DEéIREflNmm m: Cor. Micâ€"higalnrArvé; and Griswold St. Detroit, Mich. V n I E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- » - ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: MEN -.YOU NEED NERVE Its Solicitors herein. STONE 85 WELLINGTON. Wonderful Nenous System . LIMITED. 22 King Sheet East, Toronto. Adminjsxmtun AGENTWANTED For Sale For Sale For Sale Fi‘JNTHiLL NURSERHES C. H. JONES, RICHMOND HILL ' To sell for the “The Old Reliable†Dollar P.O. Hope P.O. The nerves control all actions of the body so that any- thing that dobilitntes them will weaken all organs of the system. Early Mutation. and Exooml have ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weal:- lings, mentally. physically and sexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back. kidneys irritable, palpitation at the heart. bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine. pimples on the taco, eyes sunken. hollow cheeks. csreworn ex- pression. poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights. change- able moods, premature decay, bone pains. hair loose. etc. EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE'UNDER- MIN ED YOUR SYSTEM We have treated Diseases of ’Men for almost a life- time and do not have to experiment. Consult us ’ We guarantee curable cues of NERVOUS DEBle, VARICOSE VHNS. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. GLEET. BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Disease: of Men. If unable to all write for and we will tell 3701i whether you are curable or not. Thisisthe conditionour New Method Treatment is QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TRHTMEN'I‘ The f‘ul‘lnwing al‘tiaul‘l-‘S fur sale may be seen at, Joseph Hall‘s stare 1% 1 \Vnshstand open 1 \Vashstand dysed l Bedstead 2 Math 9559& 1 Bed sprng 1 Lounge ] Sum“ table 1 Centre table 1 VVhat-nut 2 Rucking chairs- 6 Pictures 2 Curtain poles. walnut Kitchen chairs ‘ 1 Con] oil heater 1 Ice cream freezer _ 1 Grindstnne and frame 1 P019 and dollhletrees, new 1 Pole for sleigh 43“. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. .One copv of VVehstc-r’s New Inter-- natimml DicLionary. This is not a revised edition of Webster, but a new creation from cover to cover. There are 2700 pagvs, 6000 i llnstmtinns, and My; volume. cuntai’ns more infurmntinn of interest; to More people than any other dictionary. The cnpy for sale is- indexed, and the leather binding should last. a lifetime. The publisher’s price is $13.00, lLfss a. discount of 25. percent. 513 m. 32 trf In Marble 01' Granite. Good Wnrk. reasunable charges. Town [01 Country. Write, W. A. JONES, 22 Buchanan Sh, On 15L Concession of Vaughan, Int 38. Thirty-fnur acres. good rough cast, home. new stune foundation, barn, new hen hnuse, pig pen, young (In-chard just beginning to hem'. plenty Hf water. Suitable for poultry farm or market gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk to Metropolitan car. Smafl Farm for Sale Tombstone GUARANTEED T0 CURE Monuments. Markers 51nd Corner Posts. FREE OF CHARGE Egguire at Applyen P'If‘l‘li? 9.9.".t0 For Sale For Sale H. APPLETON, Lettering Gui-wine. Turontc) REAL ESTATE â€"-â€"â€"AGENCY~â€"â€" J'. H. SANDERSON.'V. S. 37-tf MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS 0N HAND. Pure bred Sheppard Anconns $1 for 13 " “ Corning .Whlte Le-ghorns â€" - $1.50 for 13 “ “ \Vhite V’Vyandnttes (Gala Strain) - $1.00 for 13 Hatching Eggs for Sale Every family should have both ' their local paper and’a , city paper. a RICHMOND HILL -â€"- ORDER NOW â€" .Apply F. H. TODD. Richmond Hill. FINE TAILflRlNl} The Next Sitting of Divxsxon Court to N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL DIV‘iSIflN -\ GGUBT. Thoroughbred Iltilsiein Bull, on' Lot. 28, Gun. 2, Vaughan. 'l‘enus $1 cush‘ 33,-“ . J. HUME AND RATES Mondayprril 21, 1913 For Service NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Etc. RICHMOND HILL Cummencins: at 9.30 n. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Special-attention given t0 Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing, JOHN SLINEY‘ Elgin Mills