RICHMOND HILL. 0NT.. APR. 17, 1913 ~ (Mm :éjwnzml. Seed peas. early J une, good sample. for sale at. the Elevator. . Mr. John Shear-down has a car load of cement at the U.N.O. statinn. Division ._ Com-1; will be held next Monday, let inst. Miss L. Wright, of Elgin Mills is homeafber spending the winter month in Victoria, B. C. Be sure and read our advertisean in another part, of this paper. The Richmund Hill Hardware Co.’ Mrs F. N. Hopper and little daughter Bertha have returned after sanding ten days with relatives at. Bolton. The Canadian steam cooker makes cooking easy and will save- ynu money call and see it. The Richmond Hill Hardware 00. Have you seen B K6 S “In†Board; tnsz the place nflnth and plastpr.easil_v uppiied. nndirbl The Richmond Hill Hard ware Cu. Bust granulated sugar- 19 lbs 1.00. Gulden yellow sugar 20 lbs. fm‘ 1.00. Fruit sugar H lhs I'm-1.00. PHI'iS lump sugar 86. lb. AtkinSHn & Switzer. The Daily Mail and Empire will he sent. by mail from this (late to the end of the year for $2.00. The plirze ml“ the Weekly for the same time will be Gents. Orders may he left at; this ofï¬ce. ' The \Vevkly Globe and Canada Flu-meta including the “lush-:1th soc- tion will lw sent to any address in Canada from this date until January 1. 1914. {Mr 35 cents. Order at THE LIBERAL Olfiuo. Pure Japan tea, good quality fine fluvm 30c. Jh. Extra. quality sifcud Hysc-n 60c. pew lh. Black (:vylun gtmd fluvm- 30c. HI. 0937101) and Indian blended Leil at 55zmd70u. Frvsh roast- e-d coffve. Newly ground 35 ule 400. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Jnhn She-:u-dnfvn :1 day 01' two ago brought an (age: to this nï¬icv, laid by one nf his ()rpingtuu bone, which nwnsnros 85 by 7%, nun-hm, and weighs a “LUE mm'e than ;t1l1ird.u!’ a pound. TY. is .1 rare thing to sue a hen’s egg so large. Mr. J. H. Dunlnp was z-l visitnr in tuwn on \Vednesdn ' ‘.\il.|1 Mr. \V. J. Lawrence) Innkng for" site fut-n large greenhuust- plant. Mr. Lawrence savs Mr. Dunluvp is one of 6 Florists he has ll‘il’d to induv‘e tn Inmate- hvl'e, in the hnpe of making Richmund Hill a flower growing ueulrv. - Mums bl:le ()vm'ulls and smacks. l‘n‘ms blue and White stripe overalls and smucks from 1.00 up to 1.4-5. YuuLh’s overall} blue and white stripe 75c. Mens‘wmfkmg shirts wvll maae 50. ’75 and 95c. Mans beck ties 25c. 50ft, m1ng («ï¬lms 14-;- und 15 uL 250. Atkinson & Switzer. Tuesday evoningvTelegram says that the towns llth5W1nill‘kt't and Aurora. have both dvcidec’ Ln get their electric light, and pnwm- frum the Metropolitan Railway. ()t‘ cnurse the Telegram thinks thUSC towns are making a great. mistnko, as it, thought Richmond Hill made a mixtuke :L few months earlier. This promises to he a busy summer at; the industrial Farm. The switch has been lengthpnod, and quantities of material fur building purpnses are arriving. Fivv Car lands nf brick hnvg nlreudy cmxw, and 05 more car loads have been ordered. nlsu 1000ar lmzdsof gravel. The excavating: for the dormi- tories is nuwuudvr way. and 1130 bands, including :L lnlge number of skilled bricklayers. will he e-mpluyocl fur the summer. The farm is ulsu likely to be enlarged, to include the whole ,block of 1,000 acres. ' BOTH MEN FINED. Ber-t Lawrence, the Radial Railway cunductor, who left, his car to get a drink at the anbbnn Hotel was ï¬ned $5 and costs for the offence by magis- [rule VVm-u on Thursday. Fwd Vun- dyke. proprietor of the hotel was also hwughmu (:uurl; clml'gml with selling liquor to a rnllway empluyee while in uniform. Vemdyke was found guilty, and was fined $25 and Costs. Commencing April 7th :1 train set v- ice that involves some changes for ur- rivnls and departures at stations be- tween 'l‘m-nntu and lel has been pub into effect. by the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway. Richmond Hill southbound trains leave 9.15 mm. and 8.06 p.m. Nm-Llibuund 9.15 mm. and 6.17 p.11). Daily excvpt, Sunday. 2 PRESBYIERIAN CHURCH. The regular me’eting of the Guild will be held on Friday evening at 8 n’cluck. The. Topic fol the evening is “VVQrdsw'orlh’s ;Ode to Immortality" which will be efficiently lmudled by Mr. Bell of the H. S. stuff. In the absence (If Mrs. Currie, Miss Margaret Moodie will leadlhe meeting. AT THE INDUSTRIAL FARM. C.N.O. TRAIN SERVICE. here A PROTEST AGAINST SUNDAY CARS. Clergymm representing 15 congre- gations waits-d (m Hun. J. S. Hendrie, Dr. Godfery and and Mr. '[‘.H. Lennux on Tuesday, entering their protest. against. Sunday cars being run on the Metropolitan Railway. Cnl. Hendrie promised full chusiderzition of the objections when the bill came before the Railway Committee. It, was stronglv urged by some of the speak- ers than to allow cars to run on Sunday in country places, where they are not a. necessity, was simply a matter of placing commercial affairs before the mnral welfare of the people. The pro- test will be again taken up today. Mr. Lennard Hutchinson. 36 years of age. only son of Mr. J. W. Hutch- inson, one mile south of Aurora, met sudden death Friday last. about 2.30 p. m. The pullev ofa chopping mach- ine broke. and a frugmentnfthe wheel struck him on the forehead. Twndoc- tors were speedily summoned. but the victim of the terrible accident never regained consciousness, and died twn hours. later. Deceased is survived by a. widow and two sons. The funenal from the family residence,Hillcrest Farm. on Monday, was one nf the largest ever seen in this section of country. and the sad ocmu-mnce cast a gloom uver the community. Another farm on Yang-u street has changed hands. Mr. James Ryan, a. mile north of Elgin Mills has. sold his 200:1c1-efxrm to the sistel s of St. Jns'eph College, The price paid was $22, 000. Mr. Ryan has possession until April. 1914. This farm was formerly the property of the late William VVl-igbt. BOWENâ€"At Richmond Hill on Sutur- day. April 12, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen. a, son. HUTCHINSONâ€"Suddenly, at; Hillcrest Farm, Aurora, on Friday, 11th;inst.. in his 36th year. Lennard Hutchinson. Funeral frum Hillerest on Monday, Interment at. Aux-um Cemetery. H. A. NICHOLLS 155 acres ï¬rst~class farm in pvery particular 11 miles from Elgm Mills. Two 100 acre farms near Mount 3mm best value in the County of Turk. 'Hnusvs in the Village on Centre Street eastnnd west. Six acres with new buildings un Mill Street“ Vacant lots an every street. 41-t.f. Notice to Greditms IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JANE ESPEY, LATE OF THE TO\VNSHIP OF VAUG H AN, MARRIED \VOMAN, DECEASED. Pursuant to the Statute in that he- lmlf_ Notjce _is herplgv given _Lh:ll’ all parties havng ,clzxims against the estate of June Espcy, late of Lhe Town- ship of Vaughan, deceased. whu died UII or about the leb (lle of February 1913, are rpquil'od (m or Lefm'u the lOLh day uf May 1913 to send :1 statement ut‘ their claims. with the nature of the security. if any, held by them, to- gether with their names and addresses In the undersigned Solicitors for the Adminisu-utm-. And furnhér takp notice that after the said last mentinned date the Ad- ministrator will prom-ed lo disLI-ibuta the :nSsets 0f the deceased among the parties entitled therem, having regard unly to‘ the claims nf which he shall, have receivvd nutice. ' COOK & GILUHRIST, 323 Cunferation Life Bldg.. Torurito, Solicitors for Administrator. Dated April 12m, 1913. ' 42-4 Eggs for Hatching From pure bred White and Part- ridge VVynndnttes, $1.00 per 15 eggs. Also some duck eggs,$l.00 per 11 eggs. Satisfaction guaranteed. 42-2 A cvllie dug. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply _ Money to lmui on ï¬rst mm Lgagp. - Richmond Hill HAS FOR SALE SUNNYSIDE FARM SOLD. Ripans Rina us Ripans Rinans Rina us Rxpans Real Estate Agent FATAL AGOIDEN T. KEV. S. A. LAWRENCE, Rectory. Thomhill. Tabulen: for sour stomach. Tabul es assist digestion. Tabules cure flatulence. Tabulcs: at dragging. Ta bules: pleasant. laxative. Tabules cure liver troubles. \V. G. REDDITT, DEATHS Found BIRTHS. Richmnnd Hill. For Sale or to Rent The Elgin Mills Hotel is for sale or to rent. A reliable housekeeper. good salary and comfortable home to right- party. Apply by letter or in evening person- ally tu ‘ . J. A. GREENE, 42-tf Immediate possession. nice farm, 3:} miies from Aurora, 55 acres sandv loam. with 6 rumde frame house, large Bank burn, agricultural imple- nwnts. windmill, pumping water from creek int,“ burn and house, nice orchard 1§ miles from railwav statinn. For terms .and price apply. S. J. MARCHALLEOK & 00., 19 Richmond Street, East, 41-t.f, Toronto. Tel. Hillcrest 1720 41-t.f. Good géueral maid wanted at once. Ap 1y to Pp MRS.’ O’CONNOR, I wish to inform my patrons and friends that until my new Shaving Parlor is erected I am doing business at my residence. . Thanking you for past patronage. and hoping for a continuance of the same, 41-4 Lnt rear 2nd Cnn. Markham, con- taining 100 acres, more 01- less. Guod hank barn, house and outbulldings. Never failing spring creek through the farm. Also‘ two good wells. Goad orchard and plenty nf small fruit. About 70 acres cleared, balance bush 1 and pasture land. : , 41â€"4 NOTICE is hereby given that all ‘ persons having claims or demands a ainst the estate of James Albert, ll m'tsnn, late of the Township of ‘ Whitchnrcn, who died on or about the ï¬fteenth day of February. 1913. are r9quired tn SHld the same by post pre-. paid or deliver to H. A. Nicholls of lhe Village of Richmond Hill, an executor, (m or before the First day of May, 1913. and that after the said First day of May. 1913, the assets of the said de- ceased will be distribute-d among the. parties entitled thereto having x-vgnrd only to the claims of which notice shall lnivo he?" received. ‘ EXECUTORS’ NOTICE TO CREDIT- URS RE JAMES ALBERT MORT- SON ESTATE. . Notice to. creditors \VINIFRED MORTSON, H. A. NICHOLLS. Executnrs. Date-d at Richmond Hill this 3nd da‘ nf Apt-i1. 1913. 404 BETWEEN RICHMOND HILL m TORONTO DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY - Southbound Richmond Hill Lv.9.15 a..m.......8.05 pm. Torcnto Ar......10.30 a.m........9.15 pm- Northbound. Toronto Lv...‘....8ooo 3.111. Iii-chmcnd Hi1] Ar.9.15 a..m. “17119, Lake Shore lJille †TO THE PUBLIC Maid Wanted. Forcmn'sesin all Business suthcts lending to pusitinns a's Bookkeep- ers1.I'St,m)I-g1'apiwls and fm' Uivii Service and Commercial Special- isls’ examinations will he conduct ed in Shams Schools. Toronto, the (Gemini Busmess Guile-g9, with four city Blanch Schnuls) from July 3rd to August 16th this year. 'Stildents may enter any time fur ge-neral Courses. Nn vacations. write- \V. H. Shah. President. fm' catalug. 391 Yonge St,, Toronto. SUMMER SOHO-0L8 For Rent Wanted 292§§1G9Wge Stu Toronto. For Sale I am, yours trI_II_V,_ DILMAN" WIDEMAN. Auply OOSGROVE. Rustic inn. . Richmond Hill. Time Table “'JThe Richmond Hill. M. RANSOM. Elgili Mills. ay fé'E-Q‘i'é'f'ï¬'ï¬ï¬'i' +d'+.+++++++dâ€l'++ b+++~x~m4§+m ï¬+$++%%'i'§"§"§‘-P3‘+M WQ'H'I'M'F Spring Hate, ready trimmed, straw shapes and trim- mings, a choice variety. ‘Boy’s'Navy Summer Jersey,long sleeves, high neck..3oc ,50-In. All Wool Cream Serge, per ....... .....550 Brown, angi Alice Chic, San Toy dress goods, 38 in. §Atkinson & Switzeri E __ RICHMOND HILL 01".? H“? §¢~i~~®§~§$+++++é+*+®§~M++~§°+++ +4~Â¥$~§§+++é+++4~$Â¥$§4~¢°§~4¢+®$H i §§H§¢§§¢§§§ï¬Â¢Â§Â§Â§Â§Â¢+0§¢0000§§§§§§§§+§§§+§§§§§+§+§ VVVV VVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1' :AAAAMAAAMAMAAAAAMMAA MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: M%M+*i"Â¥+¢ +M++++$+¢°++$+ F++++¢$é%¢$+$‘$ï¬Â°+&+ééï¬*é‘+ tAAAAAA. MAMAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA Dry Goods 8: Millinery PHONE 17 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVYVVVV" VVVVVVVVVY V'VVVVV‘ Manzanilla Olives, bottle ................................... i. ........ Ioc McLaren’s Cream Cheese, per pkg ........................... 15c Reddot Olives. per bottle ........................................... 150 McConochie’s Chow-Chow, bottle ............................. u17c Canadian Cheese, per lb ............ ' .................................. 180 Large bottle Tomato Catsup ...................................... 180 Pure English Raspberry Jam, jar .............. z ......... . ..... 20c McC onochie’s pure Orange Marmalade“; ................ zoc Pan Yan Sauce, per bottle ......................................... 20c McConochie’s small Pickled Onion, bottle ....... » ......... zoc 1\_/Iaple Syggp, _qt. jar ....... f ................. . ............................ 30c uAuylu Ujlull, Ll!†JvfllI...O0-0-0000run-call-oIo-llolIII-out-nuautlunoon-on-oj Crescent Mapleine, per CONCRETE HOUSE - 1 grey 'Ifw_eed, iojn. _vy.ide, pgr yd..'...' ........................... Elackgï¬d \_’\ hite_Shepberd cheqk, 42 in. wide, yd..5oc Ladies’ Dark Print House-Drésses, short sleeves, without collar ............................................. {.00 and L50 Light print dresses, high neck-long sleeves ............ I.50 34-‘1p. .WhjteMa‘dras Cqstain Muslin, fancy pattern, trimmed with lace and insertion, per yd ....... - .......... 2 Sc Art Sateen, Paisley pattern, on Green ground, 30 in. wide, per Art Muslin, Light and Dark ground, neat pattern, yd ........................................................................... 15c English Prints, pretty patterns and colors, yd ......... I30 Crums heavy wide prints, yd .................................... 15c A GOOD CHOICE IN THE LATEST LASTS Women’ buttoned, Goodyear welted, Russian tan ‘ calf, best quality - - - $4.50 Women’s buttoned, Goodyear welted, Patent colt, extra good quality I - - ‘ - $4 50 Women’s buttoned, Goodyear 'welted _ gunmetal, very neat, good quality ' - - _'-$4.oo And a great number of other different lines in Tans, Gunmetals and Dongolas, at from $1.75to 3.50 COME AND SEE THEM AND GET READY FOR THE FINE SPRING WEATHER. " THE RIGHMGNB HILL SHOE STORE >wide, ydTi ........ 7' ........... 50c GR’CERY LIST FURNITURE IN STOCK For your Housecleaning, it is a wohd be; used on all kinds of furniture, will polish as well as clean. WALL PAPER NORMANJ. GLASS PROPRIETOR’ . » P. G. SAVAGE IJIQUID VENEER RICHMOND STOCK NOW COMPLETE it is a wohder; Can of furniture, and 50