Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Apr 1913, p. 8

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3. The said W. J. Lawrence fur- ther agrees that he will give the Our. pnrntim) SPCI‘U'in for the repayment of the said sum of Five Thousand dol- izu-s as follows,â€"- i ' 2. The. said W. J. Lawrence agrees «that, he will repay the afiinunt, of the said Loan. wnLhuut- interest, in . six equal annmil payme-nts, the firstnf Such payments Lu be due and payable abthe expiration of fuux' years from €119 date «If the receipt. of the' said Lnnn by khv said W. J. anrpnce. and the \vhulv :ihinuntnf said loan to he pa yahlv by iiistnllmixnts as fullmvs.â€"- No. l in the year 1917. $833.33. Na. 2 in the year 1918. 833.33. N0. 3 in the your 1919, $33.33. No. 4 in the year 1920, 833.33. No. 5 in the year 1921. 833.33. No. 6 in the year 1922, 833.35. .Whfll't‘ilS, W. J. Lawrence has ap- Vpiied to Lhe Cm-p’m‘ntiun of the Village mt“ Richmond Hill fmawsiSLance to aid him in rebuilding his greenhnufi', which greenhouse IS situated in the mid Village and wuslm‘gely destmycd ‘in yen-cut.windstm'ms, , l. The-Corporaliun aglevs tn pay nvm' tn the said W. J. Lawrence us a 1mm without interest, the sum of Five Thousand dollars as sum) as Certain debentures of the Corporation issued for that purpose. can he realized, '01- the Cm'pm-nbiuu will hand. over the said debentule m tlwsnid W. J. Law- rence as be m' the Gnrpmutiun may elm-L, thrue H]fills:llld dollars in cash ordelwntmwisln he paid over on or about thv 16th day uf June next. and the lmlum-e of two thousand dollars in push in- dulwnmres u) be paid nvel‘ as the work plngresses. an. th-refm'e. this agreement, wit- nessebh that for ‘Lhe consideration hereinaftér’ set fmth, the said parties hereto d0=herehy mutually covenant, promise and agree each m and with the ulhb‘l'uf them as inflows,â€" an, lhdt-efnw, the Municipal Chun- r-il nf the Cm-pnration of the Village of Richmond Hill elmclsns fnlluws.~ _ lst, That the RNH‘H “f the said Cola oration ()fRit‘hlunnd llill be and he is wrehy authorile to borrow the said sum of Five thuusund dollars um the credit of th? Corporation fmgthe purâ€" pnses afuresuid. and to issue debenâ€" tures of the said Uni-pnratiim for the sum of Five thousand dull-dis with in- Lerest at 55 per cent, per ,aunum pay- ahlenb the office uf the Treasurer of ting silidmfv'illjtge. \Vhereas the genvral debenture debt, of the said Village amounts to $23,- 757.85, of which no part) of the prin- Cipi‘l‘l or inter‘est isjn m‘real, un‘d. _ \Vhereus, in order Ln provide for said debt, it, is expedient to issue de- bentures of the said Corporation to the anmunt.of Five (’hnusand dollars h wring intewst. at the. rate 0f 5% per vent per annum, :md‘thnt such prin- c pal sum shall‘be repayahle in yearly sums extending over a pen-ind of Ten years from the (late of issue of Such debentures of such amounts that the aggregate aumnutfzuynhle for princi- 'pul‘und interest. in,.my your in respect uf the principal shal'l be equal as near- ly as may he ‘to Whfli‘: is payable for princi :11 and interest during each of ihe m. er years of such perit‘ul, and ‘17:, , l \Vhervus the amount, of the whole rumble property of the Village of Rinhmnudflill, according to the 1:19;, revised Assassmenb Roll of the said Village is $287,149.00, qnfl _ \Vhereas, in will requlx-e the sum of $663.34 tn be raised annually as a‘lforv-- said by a spmziul'rate on the whole mtealxle pmpercy in the {mid Village fur the paying ()1 the said debt and intm'est: 2nd. Thu [left-v13 and Clerk are here- by unthurizvd It: attach the Corporate seal of the Uurpumtjun nf the Village uf'Riclnm-ml [Hill to the fullurwing ugrevnwnt. anal to Pntm- into, make. slgn. executv and deliver same. and s n”: 4‘: "I “n "It i: hr-r’ehy ivncurpmu mml with and shall fnnu part of this By-luw. Memurnngnm of ngrpel‘uent made in 'd'llpliI‘abt‘ this day of 1913, lueLweeu the Carpal-Minn of the Vill- age of Richmond Hill (hereil’) called the Corporation of the first part) and W. J.. Lawrence of Ehe Second part. Hill, and , VVhel-eas, the said W. J. Lawrence hus requesth _,the Cnrpnrutinn of Richmund Hill to ‘nid him in the le- huilding nf said greenhouse by a loan of7§§000.00, and" ‘ 4 VVhex-oas, the ratepayers of the said Village have petitioned the Council of the said Village to submit a by-lqu td thté Electors, authorizing such aid, an VVheI-ens the-sum of $5000.00 is the amount of the assistance 0 be grunt- 'vd tothe said \V. J. L. wrence. and ghe mnmmt of the debt intended to be treated by this 'b-y-luw, and A Whereas. the said Corporation deem it. in the interests of the Village to secure the continuance of such an industry in the Village_ of Richmond Hill, and. to ",1th stich aid on the tcnus and Con itions heréinafler Set fnl‘th. and W’hereas W. J. LnWroqce has sus- tained severe loss by reason of dam- age. caused by tempest, to his green- pggse in} the Village of Richmond Hill BÂ¥=LAW N0; A By-law to aid “7. Law- rence in the rebuilding Of his greenhousedérgely dam-- aged by recent wind storms, and 'to provide for the raising of $5000.00 by way 0: debentures necessary therefor. ' ' year $5000. 00 $833. 33. 833.33. 833. 833.33. 833.35. Nntice is hereby iven t5 LPase- hnlders‘ within the illage of Rich- mond Hill that, they are required to file in the ntfice of the Clerk of the Villuge. at least ten days before the day nf pulling, a statutory declaration as fullows.â€"That2 the lease extends for the perind 0f time within which the money is to be mised for the payment of the debt, created by this Bv-law. That, the property leased is of sufi'ic- ient value tn entitle the holder to vote at, the Municipal election, and that he has cuvenanbedin the lease to pay all Municipal taxes in respect of the prop- erty leased (other than taxes assessed for Iobal improvements). The names of leaseholders failing to make the re- quired declaration shall not be placed un the Voters‘ list, for voting on this By-law. - A. J. HUME. Takp notice that the nlmve is :l 1:! up (3an of "proposed Bv-law which has lwen taken into consideration by the Municipal Guuncil nf the Villélgv of Richmond Hill, and which Will he finally passed by the said (Jumn(:il,.in the event, of the assent of the Electors lwing obtained thereto, after one month from the first puklication therer in the Richmnnd Hill “LIBER-- AL" the date of‘wl‘lithrpuhlicabinn was Thursday, the Tim day of April, 1913. and at, the hour. day and-place .fixvd therein fur taking the vutes of the electors the polls willbo-held. of. Notice to Leaseholders 4. The said debentures shall bear date as of the lBLh day Of Jum’. 1913, and shall be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer and sealed with the seal of the said Uorpurat-iuu. ‘ vil‘li‘é‘BE'I-Vlkrrxirrrshall come into op- eration and be of full force and Pffecb on the date of the final pussmg there- 6. That the votes of the Electors of this Municipality, who are entitled ' to vote on this By-l-uv, shall be taken on the lOLh day of May 1913. comméncing at nine o’clock in the morning and closing at; five u’cluck in the afternoon in the Council'Uhn‘mher in the sand Village of Richmgnd Hill. n 7. That onFn-iduy the 9th day of May 1913. at the hmu‘ of ten o’clock in the fm-‘enonu, the Reeve «if Riel» mlan Hlll shall attend at the office of the Village Ole-1k fur the purpose of appointing in writing, signed by him- svlf, two pal-sun's to attend at the fi- nal summing up by the Village Clerk of the votes pulled on this By-luw, and also of appmnting one person to Mtond at the polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and de- Sll‘Jus of prmuotiug the passing of this By-law, and one person to attend at the polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposjpg the p:m_ssin_g of thig Byâ€"law. .- 1;. That, unanndav the 121!) day of May, 1913. the Clerk nf the said Village shall attend at. his office, at the hour of JP!) o’clock in the fw-enuon to sum up the number of ane-s gn‘eu fur and agfliusp this; By-lmy. URend a first, and second time and read in Unmmtcee this 15m day of April 1913. ‘ - ' 3. Within the said period of Ten years there shall be raised and levied annually by a special rate in addition to all other ratesp upon the whole ratedble property «If (he- said Village the yearly sum of $663 34 for the pay- ment, of the said debt and interggt.‘ In the event nf the said W. J. Law- rence making default under clause 4 of this agreement, the Corporation shall be entitled immediately upon such de- fault occulring to be reimbursed by thesaid W. J. Lawrence the’amount paid by it-in connection within-emir- ing. publishing and submitting this agreement and the By-luw in connec-' tion herewith, and issuing the deben- tures thereunder. and allotth expens- es thereto. And in the event of the said W. J. Lawrence defaulting in payment nfany of the puyments’as set forth in Clause. 2 of this agree- ment, then the Corporatiun shall en- ter upon and take Possession of the property covered ._ )y the mnrtgage afuresairi. This agreement shall ex- tend to and be binding upon the _ heirs and executors. administrators and as- signs of the said W. _J‘. Lawrence. ‘- m,,, . 5. And that he will deposib~in the Standard Bank in Richmond Hill “riot less than‘ Four Thousand dollars of the said Loan. as a special ncénunt to be used solely for the payment of Wage bills lucu'rred by .and arising nupof the said work of rezconslrm- Lion and including all cheques paid fgr wages from Saturday Aplil 19th, 1913. 4. And that be will 6411159 to be re- built and pucinto operation the said greenhouse'within two 6151's firms) the date hereof and- that 9 will keep the same insured to the said amount nf $12,000;Ut). and that the completed building shall he appvoved‘to the 3th- isfacbion pflhe Corpgraliun._ A_ .c’ (a) A first; mortgage 9n the whole plant, consisting of greenhouses, boll- er house, fiittings etc., {ugether with six and one half nc‘i-‘es of land occu- pied by and attached to the same. rhuâ€" â€"-., â€"â€"-.â€" w . (b) Assignment. to the Corporation of bunches nf_ insurance on the said plum, against, wind, hail mid fire to the amount of $12,000.00. CLERK’S NOTICE THE °"ENT REOOBD, ! ‘ r _ ' r .. \ - ‘ l Baltimore, Md v V'VVVVYVYVVVWVVVVVVWVVW MVVVVWVVWVVVWVYYWVW A. J. HUME. Ciexk. Clerk. Oassel’s Magazine; per annum . The Smyy Teller . . . The-Quiver I . . M usicaal Home ‘J oumal . 3‘ \.‘ The Girl-3’ Realm . . . Little Folks .- . _ -', - .‘ Chums . . .' . j Hrâ€"nr‘gâ€"r-u-a p-l msgmggh Subscriptions taken at‘THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to CASSELLS @‘GQMEANX It is not necessary a ) send to foreign couatrie. ! >1 maga- zines. ‘ Read'the following:â€" The monthly magazines oi the above company' cover every variety of interest,-and can now-be obtained in .Can- ada by yearly subshription at low rates. ' c As 3 ‘EL “Ls? Ganadianj Pu‘b - fishing Company AA‘AAAAAAAMAAAAMAAAAAAAA'MAAMAAAAAAAIMAKAMAAMA I A reliable French tugulator: never fails. These pills are exceedingly owerful in regulating, the generative portions“ 6 female system. 7 Refuse all cheap imitations. 11h do Van’s are sold at, 5 a box. or three for $10. Mailed to any addreks.‘ 0 8093011 Drug 00., 8t. Catharina. Ont; GEO. _MCDONALD_, Rinhmond. Hill RIDG EVILLE Dr. de Van’sFemaEe Pills THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON. C0. NURSERY STOCK We want two more agents in Plant Bowman-98 §§§§§§§§+§§§MOQON§§§§¢§§ §¢§§O§§§§§0§§9¢§¢§§§§96 . FROM THE HARDWARE STORE O+§¢§§++§+§09M§§§§+§00§0§ §§¢+§+§§f+§§§§§§§¢+§§§§ Carpet Whips.........L..v..........10 and 150 each Garden Rakes....... . . . . . . . . ....‘.....25 to 75c:ea,ch Garden Spades.....................65c to 100 each Canvas Gloves...'...... .. .....,....100 pr..‘ 3 tor 250 Ready Mixed Paints‘ Mmerva. High Grade Quality Pint Cans 350., Quart Cans 650. “LACQUEBET”, VARNISH STAIN, [and ELASTICA, FLOQR‘VARNISH. » ' ‘ ASK Us FOR Gonggiw ‘ PAINT and VARNISH BRUSHFMALSQMINE-BRUSHES SCRUB BRUSHES, SIâ€"‘OVE BRUSHES. ALABASTINE and MURESCQ WALL COATINGS. IRE-N U-ALL WOOD POLISHâ€"Ask us about this, it; is a gqod thing. . . WASHING MACHINES and WRINGERS, “NEW PERFEC- ' ‘ TION” Blue Flame OiLSTOVES andOVENS. ' I? See the 1913 Pattern 3 Burner Stove, only $ll.00 “$1 No TROUBLE To SHOW Goons WHETHER You BUY 0R N or, THE RICHMOND HILL-HARDWARE CO. PHONE 18 42 Adelalde St, Toronto IT WILL GRO\V. SPRING NEBESSITIES GUARANTEED this county. LIMITED [AREESS' FOR MAN ONTARIO and. in fact, everything in the line of Harness. Blankets, and many other articles necessary for your Harness I'o'nm. ' ' The gmds we nfi'vr are hunPstly made and WI“ stand the wear th‘ub- you expmm of thPlh. - ' ‘ 1‘ : Ruliable goods at reasonable prices. A new brick house on Elizabeth Street, in the Village .uf Richmond Hill. This huuse'hn‘s six moms and u large ball, has aneIt been} uccupied, aud'is a very desirable pryrperty. , ,Appiy to SAT" Mav l0â€" Executbr’s snle of Ch ‘1- Luls, hnnselmld andfreehuld property. at, Willmvdale, the property vi the V estate of Elizabeth Bell. ‘Terms fmn / Uhattels cash. Sale at I u’clouk. Sale of free-lurid prupevty. 2f Sum-esvut, 3 (l’cllvék. Terms made known _un day of sale. ' Sat. May Bâ€"Auctimi sale of farm stock, implemean, furniture etc.,‘nn 10b 15, rear 2nd com. Markham. the prbpex-ty belonging to the late Wm. Teasdan. r Sale’ntl l20’cluck. Terms 8 months. The farm of about 95 new a will also be offered for sale. 12-4 Lax-as 5 "E. May be largely increased_ by, knowing the exact condition of the farmer‘s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is_ precisely the sort of informationihe Farmers' Weekly Sun gives in every issue. I It has nu . equal as a Farmer’: BusinesePa'per.‘ Qood farmers rely on it.‘ For price see my dubbin'z ofiet. ‘ . J. H. PRENTICE’S'LIST OF Auction Sales ., , ak mar wals. aucn -an i , Egan?! iseca‘filed azjoingcggunh"‘ “EAD OFFl‘cé ; < L»; Xe shall bf pleasé to ms . . 136 TORONTO. ' RICHMOND HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, \Ve have solid comfort in the \vu'y (at Blankets, Robes, Mitts House For Sale NORMAN BAm. MANAGER. ._ 'FARM PROFITS « XND, ’ . a B _ . Manager. Brigache’i ill-ox“ Maple. Mnrkhgm, Sfouffville, Unionville and Locust Hi“. 0R BEAST 0 Sweet to Eat A may liqu mun WM. GOULD. T is an "advanlage sometimes ‘to keep” a bank account in the names of tWo persons, :6 that either one may make withdrawals, Suchl-an account is called a “joint account." We shall be pleased to furnish par- The uhdersigned offers for sale a. Mookxnf five $1000 dnlitlr Debenlfiws (of the. Villag‘enf Richmond Hill. The debentures run 30 yvars. and boat Yn- teresta at five. pm- «gout. Installmenfa of princi a} and intél-gstpaid annually. Thea? ebentm-es may‘ he btmghb singly m- EN BLOC; Full particulars may he had at. the Clerk’s Office. Rich- mond Hi“. ' ‘ 36-“? Phosphonel resIores every new}: in the body 4 to ts proper tenswn ; res;ores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make vou a new man. Price $3 a box Or two for $5. Mailed to zmv addtess. The Sunken Drug 00.. St. Quintin”. Ont. ' ALL BRANCHES "OF THE TRADE STRICTLY éA'l‘TENDEl) T0. F. J. weamaa Electric Re’sterer for Men PATRONAGE szr‘vng‘n. , AND SATISFAWIQN 01:1 SECOND. Sign your name and addrefis at the bottom‘of the card or sheet so 'tbat we will know who sent the Hat. ' -V,5 have Just received one (:4 our Canadian - , 7 FIRST. Right away nowâ€"take a *post‘ card or a sheet of_ paper and “true out the full names (Christian names and ’surnames‘) and full ad- dresses of TEN boy friends .0? 2mm whom you know would Hkq to earn some pocket mpney. (Boys batman Land 15' years of “39“, nd‘two in the same family.) SHQEING LAEE AND INTERFERHTG - HORSES A SPEORLTY ' F. i WUUDWARD. You can earn one too. easily. You only have to _do three filings. Man thq list complete with five cents 1n coin>or stumps to_ us right away. addressing your lute: to Sales Division, the ‘Witness.’ “Witness” Block, Montreal. Your 1151'. of names 5110121!) he mailed withingeven ('7) days am.- you read thls splendid offer. Should your chums have had ox- perleuce In magazine or newsnaper sellingâ€"so much the betterâ€"~sand THEIR names. We don't tell you why we want the namesâ€"because palliain you don’t care: if you do, 'or if you yourself want to earn good pay for work for [isâ€"«why tell us in a letter. and‘wev will exnlaln "our whole moneyâ€"making plan tog'ou â€"and besides you will 1mm 'Salesmanship.’ ' Just as Soon as we get your list of names. we will send (me of these beautiful Souvenir Pins m you and you will like It hmncnse- 1y. MAPLE LEM FEES Electric Light Debentures. A GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley ‘Wi’mees’ Block. Morflreal. ANY of our boys and gm; THE ‘W!TNE""%.' FIREE THIRD. A. J. HUME, Chi-k.

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