Th'eateticai, Technical ‘“ ahd 'A‘rtistic Eievx‘anents Developed Systematicully fA‘ocbrding to Modern Methods. Lfoénï¬md Auctioneers for the County of York. 64.1 yawn.le to on shortest notice and at ten.- I01" bge rues Patronage solicited §pecinl course in “Myer-’s†Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. ' The: Newton School of Music Richmond Hill, Ont. Glass recituIS'are giVPn throughout thq‘ year ‘ v 424v Prppares pupil's for- ,the' glizdéd 9x- .mninatinns held at, Tmontn ()nnsm-m- toyyzof Music and Univexsity of Jo- rough). V 7,.†a..-“ .v. u... “wmvmam wm. O‘féirioand Noth Tomato. Special attention giwén to'saiies bf evury'duébfipbiun. Farm and am: stock sales a specialty. Farms haught and sold on commission. an sales attended to un shortest notibe and cé'nduuted by the lutee maï¬a-date memojiag .. _. Alpiiiwsg: 2,355 83.119)! ’86 , _N_o._thjl‘9:3mgto. mm Nu. 22; JOH N R; CAMPBELL. 0333 phune‘ m9 whet-“£59. ï¬rbmbtl's? ‘ f i-espl‘nded‘ Lu. :' HOUSE PAINTER,- / Glazier. Grainer and Paper-1 Hanger. / LIE§RAL PRINTING .& PUBLISHING. HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, 0N1": RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL ’1“. 5.. F . Mc' MZA H O N. UV, â€" . ‘-_. -I~_uuv.L u Egsenwl Auctioneer for the (Bounties of York .Lgxripang Noth Tomato. Special attention W.;HEW!SON Miss MILan TRENCH BE'U'RSDAY MORNING DR. W. ,R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE First, huuse north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. 1 . 85.11ng " Erma Won. XXXV. verERrNA‘RY "SURGEON". I. ’i‘hovuhiil: » " 3'1 gamma; ' J K MoEqven r" Mypie ’ Weir-on Sinieon a: McEWen. $I 'pi’ér annum, 'in advance. BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano @112 3121121331 I$PUBLISHED EVERY J; H. P1161: bide Emma a Pnornxuon. Phune No. 2402. $eteriunrg genital. '22: m‘fEi A [urge gtbck .J EDWARDFRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC ‘ cbmifi'ssloxniï¬,“ édxvï¬i Xï¬ï¬ï¬‚i. ET; Richmbnai‘ “H7111 Undertaker; «V Em‘bnlmers, RICHMOND HILL & 'EHORNHIL]. ï¬nger! - v mnnnurrn (ml:s Monov so loan on [and mocnathel mortflwn ' owes: rates - Automomgqâ€"Bemovgd to me old porn oflloa ' on‘e ddoi- west at the entrance to $110 Oumrio Bunk ' gewmarkol omenâ€"whee doors south or the p )stomce T HmnasawLannox G s'rV Monam " ‘5‘ “‘1 Aurora. - Cor Yang: and Alexander Stl.‘ LENNOX & MORGAN C'cnmhis'sionéx.’ C(ihvéyancer, etc. _ Illsm-ange. and Real Estate ‘ Iss’uel‘ of Marriage Licenses. Tel. M. 363]. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Telnphane, Main Cable Address. “Dado.†Barristéns,Solicitors.fNotaries, m; ‘ Home~ Life; Building Cor. Adelaide ‘ 99c Viétnriafltsu 'l‘oro'nto. Ad mics students at any time, pre- pares them properly for choice positions and .‘ assists worthy students to secure em Inyment. College open all year. rite now for Handsome ’Oatalog‘ne, w, J. FLLIOTT. Pf‘luclnlw Organs Rgpnh'ed and Ekï¬ert Work Guarantedï¬ OWING tn the HIGH STANDARD maintained in this college. the demand fur the graduates is far in exm-ss of the supplv. THIS IS UNQUESTIONABLY ONE OF CAN- ADA’S BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS. Its went-d proves it. PIA N 07 TU NIN G REAL ESE-ATE; ETC. THORNHILL Danton, Graver & Field ., Gameron MacNaughten Sinister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST ' - Lawrgnce 18a 'Dunbér, Barristers and solicitors. Lea-“A. :‘NIC H’OLLS NOTARY PUBLIC TORONTO; ONT. 7 l'dsau ' ' . THORNHI‘L‘L . I WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM EOGéK Barristers, Snlictors, am. stbck. of Fl‘nefal Furnishing kep at; both places momma AND . . AC'EJON REGULATING {Id .. H1 19311 at F‘i‘je. L?er Cent {57.) RICHMOND HILL. ONT", THURsDAY.'APRI,L 24 S'f,-£gg..E'ssentinls, Unity ; in Non mm. Phone Main $84 Ohildren’g ready to wear huts. 25; 30, . 69. and 85¢; soft felt hats, broWn, navy} cardinal and gray 500.; Ladies’ lis‘le gloves tan, white and black? 256. and 40c. Atkinson and Switzer. -, " __ _. V -v. Inn-x†‘4‘ {Alculuu‘ tism. Gaga}. bn-ttle of Rheumo tbduy and rid_yoqrseli of_,rbeumatisrn. .Sold in Richmpm} rHil‘l only at W; A. w ...A.\. ...‘_ Sandelsbn’s drugstore. . n, .‘ uravwlu una- ease and should not be neglected. A proper treatment should begin «with the ï¬rst symptons. Rheumo‘is recom- mended hy the foremost people evexy- where because it drives all uric~acld Poisons from the blond and enriches u so that the system becomes healthy and free from_the ‘tortprfgs of rheumaâ€" ‘g~_, n . v n; “I noticed a. dull pain in the muscles which gradually increases. This pain often shifts frum one muscle to an- other, and the working of these mus~ cles makes the pain very severe. Muscula‘r -‘rhel_z§natism is a blood dis- A very successful opén'émeétixigfof the Ms'S. Was: held Mogday night. [A very social'eve‘ning wus'spent, and when the mite boxes were opened they were ftzuxpd to contain Twenty Dollars. » Mrs. Morgan was honored |\.y gfinbg made :1. Life Member of the V. . ‘. ' 'r 1 Muscular rheumatism exists in' two qu-xys: Acute and chi-(min In acute ulm- rheumatism there is’ï¬lst Mi‘ss Silcox of Toronto gave an add: 9.38 1 upon “The Odd things in Japan". The ifludience showed the keenth interest in what was being related. The at: tention ‘pztid hex- was quite. -cmnp1i- mental-y to the'spenker. ' The address of the Rev. Mr. Campliellof York Mills upon New Ontario who presented facts in such‘a plenain manner as to hold 1 .the attention of t e company to :clos'e ‘ 'Qf- his subject. _, Miss Mai-guei:ithoyle,«. the; young elocutinnist; of Langstafl’r‘ made Her ï¬rst public appearance by); rendering‘Thnt’s True" in such a man. ‘ .neras to elicit unbounded praise, shnw- ‘ ing credit tu'her teacher with such an ‘ aptptipil. The "mating,qu bimught‘ tofu close by singin ,‘V‘Home Sweet1 Home†and "Anid iang Syne†thus ‘ ending the season’s course which was highly appreciated by those who had the privilege of attending the meetings and consider-ed by nmny that this season’s entertainment and instruction was superior to any ofthe preceding. The committee tendered n '-\'mte inf thanks to Mr. and Mrs. James for ‘so chemzfully openin’g‘theii- 1101119 for the: meetingsofthi!Uircle‘. 7; »‘ ' ' I r ._ ... \g. ~\lll‘fc The ï¬nal meeting of the third season’s course of instruction and entertainment of Literar Circle was held m; the residence of 1‘. James on the evening of the 6thinst.p'and Was largely attended. u wards of siï¬ty being present. Re resbments' 4 :were ‘bountifully served early'in‘ theevén'ing after which the program wits given. The vocal. music by Mrs. Teasdale, Mrs; Phillips and Miss Hackett, was muchmppreciated. by the audience. The Mi'sSes Collins of Tux-onto. who for the third time have faWn-ed the Circle with their music. which reminds (me: of the- singing of- the hii'fls in the month of May. r their music" is mure. unpredated every. time they 99mm.- :.... Qn_,.__ rm Mrs.'Geo. Cooper who has just re- turned fmm a. visit to her old home in Scotland is being welcomed back by. her many friends. . , ~ ' Miss Ode of St. Thomas who has Been visiting at the Parsonage returned home lagt Ifriday. _ '7 Rev. J. D. Monk-(“9711‘ Tcronto.~ was the nest of Rev. \V. B. Findlay oven; Sly} ay; . ‘ " Cozhmissionetrs -â€" Mr. Robert Bar-- ker, Todmorden P. O. secretary of the board: Mr. Robert Gannon, Millikan†P. 0.; Mr; 'Wm. Latham, Danf‘orth P.‘ 0., chairman of the board; ' ' Village of Markhamâ€"«Robert A. An- drews. Franklin House; Fredrick F. Newton, Tx-cmont House. The above licenses will be issued under the new board being appointed, onnSatut-flay, April 29._ 7 Scarboro Township-William Kelley, MaXim House, Coleman; Charles A. Bier, Halfway House; James H. Ken- nedy, Wobumz‘Epward Apnleby,'We'3t Hill; Toronto Hunt Club, Club House. Scat-born Golf Club applied for a Club. license under». charter granted with the privilege of applying for a license, which was held over until Suturduv, April 26, tomee at the Clyde Hotel at 11 a.m. -- Yoi-k. Township'v-Duvid. B. i Birrell, York'MiHs;. Gear e, .7 Dobson, Tod- max-den;1 JohnF. nynes. 0’_S_ullivanr Rosedale Golf Club, Bedfomi- Park, Toronto.‘ ‘ - ’ " The License Commissioners of East York, 3130 License Inspector 'Wm.‘ Thompson. met at the Clyde Hotel and mated the following licenses for East, or = . ,1 . V“ MUSCULAR RHEUMATXSM EAST YORK LICENSES. Thornhin. Maple. -Essentials, ;’ in all things, charity." -, o W *-'“"-n rw' r""‘“‘~- Mr. D. Kerswi‘lly Mr. G. Kerswill and Mr. G. B. Newbery accompanied the deputatiun from Aux-um and other places last week in reference to the withholding of licenses in Aux-arm Mr. Newbex-y~ was also‘ one: of the the =speakers attheï¬Pm-liamenb Buiidr ings in .opposition tn Sunday care over†the Metropolitan Railmyy " ' . The New Elgin Hotelis for sale m- to rent. The m'opx'ietor, Mr. Urns row. has purchased a residence on 00d- lnw'n Ava, Toronto, and hopes to remove thal'éshortly. It, is understood the Ryan fax-m ‘re- cently sold will he put on thejmarket {or Sale immediately after being broke}. up into lots’. The land is well adapted for gaz-dgning: ‘_pux:posg§«. I“. n 17 . “I‘certuinly do'want Sunday cars. It; is perfectly disgraceful that the journey cannot, be-umde to Toronto bv our commercial class Sunday evening.†The motion carried. ~ '> _“My chief objection‘ is purely a per- sonal one. I mat-fruit! 'we should have a. lot of our relatives and friends or: mix- bands for the day, which. with all due respects to them. we cgn very Well do Winhnut.†“VVe have-"quite enough to put up with the automobiles now. It will help to deteriorate the ‘mot'al atmos- phe‘rg of.t_h§ p]qce.’_’ ‘ ' 1‘1 do‘ not; thunk theyuare‘ needed in Richmond Hm. I: will, make Sunday more of ~‘a. day an pleasure, and will li‘ssen the attendance ,3; the churches, Peflple Will take advantage of the-.mws for the~plufks aqd'oullds;â€u-5 u‘tr » f~-“;Oex-tnix)1y. I'nm decidedlyln f3.“ brlof l‘hemmnd hype thg-y will come as quickly u’s’possihlé.. I have a. very particular. reason. ",Frien'ds’ of mine When'they gee-tn Thron'to" cannot, gel: out hereafter midnight 6n Suturdnx, and the consequence ,is I have 10 go down with a rig to fetch them.†‘ ~ “I amountagainsb them, but I would not think our Sundyys ‘Wuuldwhe. Rs quiet as they are now, but I think the public have as much right to travel 'nu Sflnday as » those who own automo- b‘esi :~ l ‘ *' s l ‘ ‘A- representative uf the Evening Telégx'am Was in bhe’ village gaming the ()pi‘niqn’of a number ot‘bur‘c‘itizens in regrence Sq ndny“ 0111‘s.. ‘ ., V, Tum.“ “"1... .. 313113 _fQ)lnwmg mewsume of the a swan-s tu_his;qulestions:~‘-’ ' " ‘ - " “ALICE lN WONDERLAND." ' ‘Vho ‘has‘ not madLewisturroll’s V famous fairy story? .: ‘ ' As Alice sits on the hillsideghv her sister due summer 'aftéi'uoen; she jhejc‘omcs .dro‘vvs'y. A \Vhite Rabbit 3 mnning. by4 lends; ’he!‘ 1 into many strange adventures. ' She pursues him: 1 into is, hole. , Hereshe'meets with- 1 severe'l'qu'eer creaturesâ€"a. mouse that tells her his history,'ivarious- birds, at . 'lory, dads. and others with Whom she runs a._ caucus race. After frighten- , in-g‘ these 11va with stories of her favourite cat. in her yandérings she . haps uponva. queer little house. » She meets two footmen. a ï¬sh and a frog. 1 and» after'purleying with them gains admittance to the house in which she ï¬nds a. Duchess, the. mistress. ‘with her baby and Cheshire cut. also the cook who is making soup 'While quarreliing with her mistress. Strenge happenings are here for the baby is no baby and the cat a remarkable one. She is directed byit to the home of the March Hare where she meets be- sides in Mad Hatter and 'a. Dormouse. She invites herself to'thei‘r tea party and tore. tinie'is interested in their odd sayings and doings. But these offending her she leaves .g'md finds her way' into the Queen’s garden. as she is talking to the gardeners a precession approaches and ‘she hears the call, “ The Queen, The Queen.†It seems that the Queen is giving a croquet party and/the guests are arrivingâ€"in the rear the‘ King and Queen. The latter Lsoon. observes Alice whose timidity gives way to :temerity for she sees that these all are ï¬Nulhing but a pack of cards." ‘Hmvever she accepts ‘ the Queen’s invitation to join the 1game which» she does not enjoy for‘varions reasons but particularly the Queen orders off the head of every player that displeases her. She how- ever again converses with the Duchess, ' the White Rabbit and the Cat. The piu-t‘y diaperses when the Queen lends Alicehway to. introduce her to the Muck Turtle and the Gx-yphon. These two entertain her with reminiécencés- of their schoolday lessons, games and dancing. Their conversation abruptly termimtles. for a voice without shouts “The Trinl’s Beginning†and all hasten ' to it. ‘ . "uterin the Court Rmnn_.;g§.lice recognizes the ing and Queen seated uh therthrune, King Acting its judge. also (he'jur who are creatures en- countered liegore. .1'1"he K nave nffleurts is being tried for having stolen»:‘tarts made by the Queen. W i-t‘nesses appear +1?he'M_nd Hatter, the Cook, and Alice herself.“ The disuuler mused by her' own remarks awakensAlice and she ï¬nds herselffllying upon the bank by her sister. ' - ’ » s ' - ‘ARGUMENTS RE SUNDAYCARS.‘ Elï¬n Mills. g‘1913 35-“ Livery & Teaming LASKAY P. 0. We thank (.119 publicfop the anel'OY'h paFi-‘onuge in the past, and will earn. estly strive to serve you faithiulb- in the future.- . BELL PHONE “ST-ABLE ACCOMMODATION Believing 'it will "tie benefléial to not; buyer and seller,_ haveidecide‘d." . snvm &.\ RAMER Coal, Flour, . 'Co’rn, Bran, _' _. Wood, 860:. “THE c,N;0. STATIQR‘ _ [IAND’ELEVATORâ€" ‘1'. +$+++$¢$M$$*+++++%WM§M Wm HOUSE épt'niu'ms Péfnfter, Papef-hanggr ’ Gweral, De¢°?at91:.. 1 SATISFACTION ‘ GUARANTEED. LICENSED AUCTIONEER". Manicure Seté _' 7 Hair Brushes AFTER OCT; 9" To 'DO "BUSINESS ON. 7 “ . CASH BASIS. For thé WF‘OR EVERYBODY. .My Stock of ï¬pe lines of l ;,V :PERFU-MES’for _§ . .pnesmse STI'VER 82 RAMEH. . are up-to-date \and Reasonable m prices [Single copiési 30c“; DEALERS 1N mhb sets; Ham: Cards) '1 .Cquht'y of York. L. B. smua, My. ONTA R I 0 w,