Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Apr 1913, p. 4

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win spite of the fact that the Govern- ment was given every opportunity to bring in a real measure of tax reform this year they have failed to do so, and the agitation for relief will have to continue as before. The only changes agreed to by the Govern- ment are those decided upon in the Special Committee, providing a high- er exemption for incomes. The chief issue however of giving Municipal- ities local option to tax improvements less than land has not been touched and the Opposition is still on the warpath for the reforms which have been so-widely demanded both in the cities and country districts of the - province. The security to be given the cor- poration is gilt edged; being a first mortgage on the whole plant, con- sisting of greenhouses, boiler house, fittings, &c., together with 6% acres of land occupied by and attached to :6 same. The question should be “is the grienhouse worth $1633.40 to this yillage? " It would be hardly honest tbsayl “yes we want the new industry, but we need mt pay anything for it as the proprietor will rebuild any- way,” So far we have been practi- eally free from bonuses. That would not be a good reason for saying we than not depart from that rule. Our two neighboring towns to the north râ€"Aurop 35d Newmarketâ€"have given a number of bonuses to indus- tries in rceent years. No person thinks thgge towns would have made the saline ptgg; 2-3 had the bonuses been wittletia‘. _-It behoves our citizens to read care- fully the by-law on another page proposing to loan Mr.’ W. J. Law- rence $5,000 for a term of ten years, to aid him in the rebuilding of his greenhouse which was greatly dam- aged by recent. windshorms. It; will be seen that the sum required to be raised each year for ten years is $663.34, amounting to $6633 40. As $5,000 is to be paid back' in six annual'installments the sum actually paid will be $1633.40. {g jg we“ to ha cautious, but; it goggfiiig pays to be generous to those W133 am in a position to ban) our $0.55.“? {1.191132 Ricauom) HILL. Omn. APR. 24, 1913 Hon Adam Beck’s Bill to encour~ age Municipalities to build electric radials is an important piece of leg- islation. Mr. N. W. Rowell speaking for the Opposition which has urged suich a scheme all session congratu- hted the minister of power on his Bill. No Government funds yvill be spent d'rectly on the project. The cost is to be met by the Municipalities from debentures. ‘The railways will be allowed to use the Hydro right of way and by buying the Hydro cur- rent would be freed from any danger of exorbitant rates. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims or demands against. the estate of James Albert Mortsnn, late of the Township 0f Whitchurcn, who died on or about the fifteenth day of February. 1913. are require‘d‘to send the same by post, pres paid or deliver to H. A. Nicholls of the Village of Richmond Hill, an executor, on or befm‘e the First day of May, 1913, and that after the said Fix-st day of May. 1913, the assets of the said de- ceased Will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received. 7 NICHOLLS, Executors. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE TO CREDIT- ORS RE JAMES ALBERT MORT- SON ESTATE. 6.3? In: “£1th Notice to Creditors "3556a ait Richmond Hill this 3rd day of 4April, 1913, 4(3â€" VVINIFRED MORTSON, H. A. THAT $5,000 LOAN . 35-tf 40-tf Dn'ted at Toronto this third day of April, A.D., 1913. 41-4 Lot 33. rear 2nd (Jan. Markham, con, taining 100 acres, more or less. Good bank ham, house and outbulldings. Never failing spring creek through the farm. Also two good Wells. Good orchard and plenty of small fruit. About 70 acres cleared, balance bush and pasture land, 50 Bags of late Potatoes, Noxall. This will he a good chance to gel: pure seed, Alsn a quantity of eutin'g pota- toes. C. H. JONES, V Phone 295,0 Maple Exchange. 41-4 ACow will) czflf bv side. Lot 28, (.zgnLZ. Vaughan, Elgin Mills. The creditors of Stewart Robb, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, farmer deceased, who died on or abnut the tenth day of January. 1913, and all others having claims against or entitled to share in the estate are hereby notified to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned administrator on or before the third day of May. 1913. their Christian and surnames, address- es and descriptions, and full particu- lars of their claims. accounts or inter- ests and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. Immediately after the said third day of May, 1913, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims or interests of which the. administrator shall then have notice and all others will be excluded from the said distribution. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, COOK & GILOHRIST. Orders now being taken for pring delivery, I913. Prospects bright forz the season’s trade. Experience unnecessary. We instruct our salesmen how to 8611 Fruit Stocks in the country and Ornamental trees In the town. START NOW and have your territory reserved. Weekly Pay. Free Outfit. IN THE ESTATE OF STEWART ROBB, DECEASED. ADMIN ISTRATOR’S Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS L Enarcbhtfiiue' to 'do so; CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY . We treat am! cure VARICOSE VHNS. NERVOUS DEBXLITY, BLOOD AND URIIEAR‘Y fiGMPLMNIS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and dlDinenm - Inc at 0 an. ‘ _ QONSQLTAIION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to can unit. for n Question 326~8 Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto. Dns.KEN'N EDY& KENNEDY H All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- â€"â€" ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, Windaor, Ont. Write for our private address. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure ‘ u and make a mm of on. Under ltsinfluence the bmm becomes acuve. the b ood purified so that all gimpiesmlotches and ulcers heal up: the nerves become strong as awe} so that nervousnes bashfulness and despondenc disappear; the eyes become hr} ht. the face full an cleanene' retumstothe y, and the moral, ph [cal an mental gamma are invlforate ; all drains cease-4:10 more vital w rom the system. on feel yourse] aman and know mama cannot be a. mum. Don't let quack: and “km rob you 0: your hard earned. do rs. “I was troubled with NerVous Debility fox-many yearst Ila it to indiseretion and excesses in yout . I became ve desflndent and didn‘t care whether wor d or not. I imagined everybod who looked at me guessed my secre . Imaginative dreams at night weakened ., meâ€"-ml' beck ached. had pains in the ' backo minheed. hands and feet were cold, tired the morning, $00:- appetite. fingers were shaky, eyes luned, hair loose. memory poor. etc. Numbness in the fingers set inand the doctor told me he” feared paralysis. I took all kinds of medicines and tried many first-class physicians. were an electric belt fox-three , months, but received little benefit. I was induoedto censult Drs. Kenned & ‘ anon: mums"! Kennedy, though I had lost a“ fem? in AFTER TREATMENT doctors. Like a drowuing man I commenced the NEW Memo» Tunas-r and it saved my life. The improvement was. like ma icâ€"I could feel the vigor going through the nerves. I.wa_s cured mentally and physica y. Ihave sent them many patients '§\§ix\ It- A, STONE & WELLINGTON. 81.5130? H381}; i‘ERhiénTt: Its Solicitors herein. NERVOUS DEBILITY LIMITED, 22 King Sheet East, Toronto. Administrator. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold 51., Detroit. Mich. AGENTWANTED For Sale For Sale For Sale DILMAN WIDEMAN. FONTHILL NURSERIES a"- no NAMES use» wxmour war-mm comm THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS RICHMOND HILL To sell for the “The Old Reliable” I’eter E. Summezjs relptgg his expgflpggg: Richmond H111. WRITE FOR TERMS. Hope P.O. Money to loan on first mmtgage. 41-t.f. Houses in the Village on Centre Street east And west. Six acres with new buildings nn Mill Street. Vacant lots on every street. For Sale For Rent The Elgin Mills Hotel is for sale or to rent. 7 42â€"tf 155 acres first-class farm in every particular 1:} miles from Elgm Mills. Two 100 acre farms near Mount élbert best value in the County of .ork. 41-4 Monuments, Markers and Corner Posts. 513 m. The-mkng you for past patronage. and hoping for acontinuance of the same, In Marble urGrafiitP. Good work. reasonable charges, Town 01 Country. \Vrite, - W. A. JONES. On lst, Concession of Vaughan, lot 38. Thirty-four acres. good rough cast house. new stone foundation, barn, new hen house. pig pen. young orchard just he inning to bear. plenty of water. Suitab e for poultry fur-m or market gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutES walk to Metropolitan car. 32 t-f I Wish to inform my pair-(ma and friends that until my new Shaving Parlor is erected I am doing business at my t‘egidence. Small Farm for Sale H. A. N ICHOLLS Tombstone HAS FOR SALE TE] THE “BUG Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill Apply_gn premises or to I am. yours trglvz 22 Buchanan em, H. APPLETON, i OOSGROVE. Lettering M; RANSOM. Elgin' Mills. Uai‘rville. Town to REAL ESTATE â€"â€"AGENCYâ€"- . J'.’ H. SANDERSON. V. S. 37-tf MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS ON HAND. Pure bred Sheppard Ancnnas $1 for 13 “ " Corning VVlnte Leg-horns â€" - $1.50 for 13 “ “ \Vhite \Vyandntbes (Gala. Stram) - $1.00 for 13 â€" ORDER NOW -â€"v- Apply Hatching Eggs for Sale Every family should. have both their local paper and city paper. RICHMOND ‘HILIL F. H. TODD. Richmond Hill; FINE TAIHIRINB The Next Sitting of Div1sion Court to No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL DWiSififl - EEURT. Thoroughbred Holstein Bull. on Loth28. Gun. 2, Vaughan. 'l'elxus $1 cas . 33- tf AND .- J. HUME Monday, June 23, 1912 NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Etc. RICHMOND HILL Oummencms: at 9.30 :L. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Special attention given to For Service Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing. JOHN SLINEY, Elgin Mills.

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