RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. APR. 24, 1913 @112 “flibcmu _A car load of Portland Cement at the Elevator. Interest, in theI Ladies Aid ten cent, tens continues in the Methodist, church. Last Friday evening $12.30 was realized. ' The High School Alumnae will tell and act the adventures nf Alice in \Vunderland in the Masonic Hull next VVednesc’aV and ’l‘huxsduy eVeuing. Dont miss it. Mrs. E. C. Currie was rendpr at the concert; given undr‘r the auspices of the Chem! Society in Streecsville last Friday evvning. Mrs. Switzer and Mrs. Allen uttpnded a convention vi the Central District \V. M. S. held in Eglingwn Methodisb Church Tuesday aftel-nuun. Mr. Wm. Robinson has Snld his farm two lots 110111] of tilt‘ corporation limits. and Mr. Thomas Hodgsnn has given a 15 days option 0n his 30 acre farm cast of the bakery. ‘ Om‘ citizens \vill'he plens‘od tn 10:11-11 that Mr. Ger HJWIS \vlm snffmled from ln(:k~jaw fullmx‘ing th crlnlxing of his hand. has wtm-nvd hnnw after lwinp; in the (mum: Hnspiial fur thev weeks. H A- is imprm iug nit-cw. Mission Band wiil meet, in the school room of the Methodist church. Monday at ‘4 o’clock. Membets are requested to be present. Mr. John Hivksun has sold his hnuse 0n Centres! l'ccbto Mr. Thomas Hopper. Mr. Hicksnn will build another resi- dence on the same lot. Entrance Examintions will be held this year on the- 18m, 19m and 20ch of June. The (lair-r; given in .1 previous issue were incorrect. Among the needs of this village is a. man with a good outï¬t, tn look after Um spraying nf fruit trees. That necessary \an'k has been much neglect, ml inf Into yems. The-ma is u splende 0pm)ng hero for u gund mun. Mrs. (Rev.) J. L. Simpson left on Monday last for Lang, Sask.. where hurhnshand is minister of the Pres- byterian Church. until nextSuLurduy. and in the mean lime the Unmmissium-rs wiil (man with Hon. \V. J. Hanna in regard to issuing them. ' The application for licenses for the three hotels m Axum-a was laid m'er “wavy au‘ting gingham. navy kings l-hw and linen ~Hmiwnt He. yd.,cl irnsnn prints. 151:. _\'d.: English prints, 13c. Vd. “I‘d 10m; {11'in lmrded muslin. 1-10. yd. Blackmch xx him eripe,uu-.kfast drill shining 160. yd. Atkinson & Switzer. Seedloss raisins, 110. pk; Quick pud- dings. 10c. pk.: special 3 for 251:: Split peas 70. lb.; llulinu macaroni. 11c. pk.. Tomatoes. 2 vans for 250.; \Veatine 6 1h. sack fur 250.; \VlwuL Gran. 6 lb. Suck fur3Uc. Kipper-ed Herrings 100. can. Atkinsnn & watzer. ‘ Don’t fail tosee “Alice in VVonder- bmd" given in the szsmzio Hall under the nuspicvs of the H. S. Alumnae on evenings uf \VE’dIHâ€"‘dey, April?†and Thm-sdav, May 1. Gnod orchestra music bt-Lweeu act‘s. ,Tickvts 2:3 and 35 cents. Reserved séab plan at. Mr. Hume’s oï¬iue. The Stocktnn Record, California, of a recent date. gives a descriptiun of a grand opening of n $(S,UUU,UUO system in the Sun Joaquinirrigation district. More thun 5,010 peivplu assembled to witness the opening. Among those resent were Mr. Baldwin Teefy and is sister Alice whn is visiting her bruther at Stockton. Frvuncis \is. Fisherâ€"Uiyaim for com- mission on sale of p1‘0perty3550. Judg- ment fm'$45. Francis vs. Dunnâ€"Claim for rent of ha‘ll J udgllguqm for pliupgxï¬} Claffey vs. Graham and Clafl‘ey vs. Hicksnnâ€" Claim in each casefm- balance due on slunewnrk. Gases adjourned to next court, plaintiff having sent word that he was ill and could nut, appear. The Victthquure branch of the VVomen’s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. P. F. Kiinck on Wed, Apr. 30th. “L 2. 30 p. m. Progmunme; paper by Mis; B. Read; Instrumental, Miss G. Boynton; Selections by the ladies Qmutette; "Question Drawerâ€. All welcome. DIVISlON COURT. Only fodr casescamo before His Hon. Juflge l\{!()1'§9;zul_9f1Al\{[()nd;‘x_yt EMPRINGHAMâ€"«AL the residence of his brother Thomas, at Milliken, on Wednesday. April 23, 1913, John Empringhnm, in his 68th year. Sex-vice at his brother's residence. Friday. ab 1.30. Funeral to Richmond Hill Cemetez y, au-iving here about 3.45. p. m. V ictorla Square. DEATHS Mrs. F. R. Oliver entertained the Women’s Institute. Friday. April lth at, 3 o‘clock. Miss D. I. Hughes of T0- mntn, spoke briefly upon institute work. Afger- reviewing the Well- known objects of the organiaalmn, she dwell; for a. few moments upun The Ideals of {iome Economics, numely:â€"- 1. The Ideal Home Life of 'l‘o-day unlmmpered by Traditions of the Past. 2. The utilization of the Resuurces (lift-Modem Science to improve flame 1 e. 3. The Freedom of the Home. 4. The simplicity in material sur- roundings which will most free the spit-it fur the more important; and per- manent, interest, of the home and sugi‘ety. _ About ï¬fty members of the Rich- mnnd Hill Fire department, and their friends attended the Smoker and ngressive Euchre in the Lorne Hall V'Vednesdav evening of last Week: Thurnhill and other neighlmnng places were Well represented. There. were 12 tables and the competition for the prizes was keen. The ï¬rst prize, an el- egant pipe, was won by Mr. J. Hunt, after a play off with Mr. F. Hopper. The presentation was made by Mr. T. H. Treneh, Chief of the Brigade. Tempting refreshments were served during the evening. These ideals if followed cannot fail to have a broadening and elevating inl fluonce upon home labors both of ne- cessity and of love, home life, home ideals, and consequently upon com- munity life and material life. Surely we. would thus be kept Close to our nmttoâ€"â€"“For Home. and Country.†The speaker explained the demonstrw tion lecture courses now sheing held. There are several of these courses. Home nursing. sewing, cooking and combination, that. is 7 lessons in home nursing, 7 in sewing, and '7 in cooking. each lesson conmsting of n lettuie and a practiral demonstration upon the subjects in hand. It is expected that 01w. of the cmnhination courses will [)9 held herein the fall when it is hoped all the ladies of the community as well as the members of the Institute will take advantage of the Work. The tickets for the course of 14 lessons will be $1.00 or Me. each for separate lessons. A reading was given hy Mrs. Currie and much appreciated. The Institute will “wet \Vednesdny, May 12th, at the home of Mrs. George Harding. A party standing in front of one of; the princile stores a few (evenings’ ago were talking about the Coming event. of the season. passer-by WON- DERED why they Were ALL talking about ICE at this seasun of the year. l Of course the explanation is they were discussing Al-ice in VVundel-lgmd to be I presented in the Masonic Hall on the evenings of April 30th and May lst. VVlwn vou ask fur Sageine see that this girl’s picture is on the label. This is a gun-u ntee (If quality andexcellence. Sage-hie is the worlds fUl emost hair tonic. Sagvine is so good we guarantee every hnttle and if vou a're muti satisï¬ed that, Sngvine is the best scalp cleaner, dandruff erudiczltlm, and hail heautiï¬er yuu have ever used. we will refund Vom‘ mnnev as cheer-fully as we take it. W. A. Sanderson is sole agentlin Rich- mmld Hill for Sageine so he sure to go to \V. A. Sandersnn’s drug store. other stores don’t have itâ€"-nnly 500.:1b0tble. Don’t forget the name. One of the most important and indispensable of Christian institutions at work in these days of pecular privilege is the Sunday School. By virtue of its mission and its efï¬ciency it is bound to maintain the marvellous growth which statistics of recent years have shown. And it will be of peculiar interesb to our people to know that. a great Sunday School day is planned for May 25th with the names of such Sunday School experts as Rev. J. U. Robertson, B. D. and Mr. Preston G. Orwig on the program. The completed program will be publlshed in due time. Depututions for and against. Sunday cal-s over the Metropolitan Railway, were heard before the Railway Com- mittee of the Legislature Thursday last. The committee after hearing both sides d'ecided in favour of Sunday running rights. A smong plva was entered to place the mural welfare of the people before commercial and pleaslu'uintelests, but to no avail. The Choir will hold its \veeklv re- hemsul at the hmne'nf Mr. J. E. New- Lng] this eyen_ing(Thur-sday) at. 8 o’clock: LOOK FOR THIS GIRL PRE SB YTERIAN CHURCH. SUNDAY CARS COMING. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE. FIREMEN’S SMOKER. “ALLâ€"ICE" The BullPLin-Journal of Indepen- dence, Iowa, of the 20th of Mul'Ch, gives an account of the death of Mr. Robert. Raymond in that city on the 17th of March. The paper states that. deceased had been in failing health fur about ten years. The funeral service was conducted in the home by the ’Rev. Theodora Mowing. pastor of the First. Presbyterian church, and interment took place in Oakwuod cemetery. Mr. Raymond was a native of Richmond Hill where he was born August 26, number of years. wa. the Palmer House. H pendence in 1872. In .184 was united in marri; Mary J. Smith, and born ï¬ve daughters a Mrs. Annie Trench of Elizabeth Smith of Bu Elizabeth Smith of Buifuln, N. J.; J. 0. Raymond of Independence; Mrs. Kate Smith who died three years ago; Mrs. Emily Hodges of Independence and Mrs. Frank Gmnt who died ten years ago. His first wife died in 1888, and be was ugain'umn-ied the follow- ing year to Miss Mary A. Smith by whom he is survived. A reliable ham and comfortable Apply by lettert ally to Fer RATHBURN & STATIONS SOUTH Going April 30, May I. 2, 3. Return May 5. 1913. For all information apply to Can- adian Northern Ontario Agents. From pure bred White and Part- ridge VVyzmdntLes, $1.00 per 15 eggs. Also some. duck eggs, $1.00 per 11 eggs. Satisfalclign guaranteed. 42-2 A dnnr key was this uflice. \Vill 42-2 Netice m Bredimrs A collie dog. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying expensvs. Apply REV. S. A. LAWRENCE, pm-ties- having claims against the estate nf Jane Espey, late of the 'Euwu- ship of Vaughan. deceased. who died on 01' about the leb day of F¢bruary 1913, are required on m- lmfore‘the 10th day of May 1913 to send a. statement. uf their claims, with the nature of the security, if any, held by thvm. to gether with their names and addresses to the undersigned Solicitors for the Adminism-atm'. Pursuant to the Statute in that, be- half†Not‘ice _is herpbv given Vtyhut all IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JANE ESPEY, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP O F VAU G H AN , MARRIED WOMAN, DECEASED. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date Lhe Ad- ministrator will prucm‘d to distribute the .nssets _uf the deceased among thg parties entitlodllhereto, having zggard only to the claims of which he shall have received notice. COOK & GILUHRIST, 328 Confcration Life Bldg., Toronto, Solicitors for Administrator. Dated April 12th, 1913. 42-4 FOR THE ROUND TRIP WIT}; ‘ 50 CENTS ADDED FOR ADMISSION (MINIMUM RAILWAY FARE 25 CENTS) t0 ROBERT RAYMOND’S DEATH For courses in all Business subjects loading to positions as Bookkeep- ersorSLenogmphers and for Civil Service and Comnmrciul Special- ists’ examinations will he conduct- ed in Shuws Schools.Toronto, the (Ct-aural Busmvss College, with four citv Branch Schools) from JulV 3rd to August 16th this year. Students may enter any time for general courses. No vacations. write W. H. Shaw, President, for catalog. 391 Yonge St" Toronto. SINGLE FARE TORONTO SUMMER SCHOOLS is for Hatching W. G. ‘REDDITT. Want-ed houseku Found ms picked up and 19% ill the owner call for Hursa Show 5 hnmé or m e GREENE Rustic I Riel: a. He ï¬en}, to Inde- [n .1848 Mr. Raymond marriage wigl Miss and to Lhem' were ers and two sonsâ€" :h of Brandon; Mrs. TORONTQ :ueper. good salary 'mle Ln right party. in evemng person- 226, 1826, and for was proprietor 1 He went to Ind Richmond Hill. Inn, hmond Hill‘ Rectal-y, Thornhil]. of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAM +++++++++++ ++++++++++éw++¢++++++m+¢ HM~++++M++§M in i CONCR' ETEWE’ESUEE i PHONE 17 VYVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVYYVVVVVVVVVVVV I Sole Agency for House of Hobberiin. g ‘ Jo «MMMMMMMMMMe-MM MMé-MMMMMMMMMMM; VAAAAAAA‘ AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVYV VWVVVVVVV VVVVVVV~ Q§§++§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§+9906+.0+0§§¢+§§§6+69§9¢§§§¢§ Atkinson & Switzer “_ ______ RICHMOND HILL +M+MéM++$+++++++§§+$§§+ F+§M+$+$+¢+%%¢++$++++N "f- A 6060 CHOICE IN THE LATEST LASTS Women’ buttoned, Goodyear welted, Russian tan calf, best quality - - - $4.50 VVomen’s buttoned, Goodyear welted, Patent colt, extra good quality - - - $4 50 Women's buttoned, Goodyear welted gunmetal, . very neat, good quality 1 - -- $400 And a great number of other different lines in Tans, Gunmetals and Dongolas, at from $1.75 to 3 50 COME AND SEE THEM AND GET READY FOR THE FINE SPRING WEATHER. It doesn’t matter how big you areâ€"or how small you areâ€"or how stout you are, we guarantee to ï¬t you perfectly with Hobberlin made-toâ€"measure clothes. You don’t have to take the suit either if it isn’t all that we claim for it. Choice of hundreds of patterns in the new weaves for Spring and Summer, cut by expert cutters and tailored to your exact measurement THE RHGHMNB HELL SHOE SWRE FURNlTURE IN STOCK NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR For your Housecleaniug, it is a wond be used on all kinds of furniture, will polish as well as clean. SUITS TO ORDER WALL PAPER P†G. SAVAGE IJIQUID VENEER RICHMOND HII STOCK NOW COMPLETE PRICES ARE RIGHT. it is a wonder. Can of furniture, and