2- 1‘1137'._MUMAH'ON. ,_ 5,9‘7E1129- *ï¬iheml 31$ .' I . ,_' AT THE :xs’las-ajpmmfma a; Puwsume "bus: RICHMOND ammo“; ' “f rs wantsnmasvmny , "L'ï¬iJ'BéS'DZA'XgMORNING “fa-[053E PAINTER. ï¬x (313.3132; Grainef and P‘apérL Hanger. "H EWISON '9 MSW ENOE. RICHMOND IIIL V. JOHN R, CAMPBELL. Gulls L oansod Auctiéneera forthe County of Yurk. s [as “bellied to on shbrteshnntiun and 'M; tea.- Iovtble tacos Pmttonme soiioited Phone No. 28. [.imnse-l Auenuueer {or the Gounties of York. (inmrin and Hank T nmmy. Speuiul ï¬nancial: given tr sales of every dascvipthm. Flu-In um! fzu'xu stock mles a specialty. Fn-rmn bought. and sold on co‘mmiqsiuu. â€"\l| sale-5 attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest: .uiate munhn VbL. XXXV. 3‘: per annum, in advameJ 133.. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL Prepare-s pupilï¬ for the graded ax- .uninations held at Tmontu (}-|nsm'v:I.-. tm-y of Music and Univexsitv (if im- mum. prS‘ï¬Ecial course in “Myer’s†Kinder- garten Method, particulapr halpful to beginners. _ "(31721575 récitals are given throughout the year 7 42-1v 1‘ Ramon. J was ‘ Maple ' AWus Salkeou & .VIcEwen. .LASKAX I: o; n; H. PINKERIDN, v.3. {Ali-inï¬rm: 2.19 Bulï¬ul Sb . No. uh Toronto. Fit-st. htan nut-[h nf Atkinsuu & Switzmk stul'v. MISS MIL LEE TRENCH BUSINESS CARDS . \ ' o VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hoi‘uliill. " I‘Iaple, “()nt‘. F- C. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LICENSED AUCTION EER OFFICE AND REstSENCE Barton «J Pnornxmon. For the County} of York. phung ul‘ nthvrw‘mo prompth '.’ l‘esp-‘lldcd tu./> V - . . RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J. H. Prentic’e Phune N1 t. 2103. ééfct-ermary Eat-2:11.31. RESIDENCE J KWcEu en Wuswn ONTARIO PIANO TUNING Organs Repaired and Expert Waryenanuwed A. GE. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar ’“ -' NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E... TORONTO, Canada Bsgrisiors,.Son¢iton.Vï¬otuies, 856.. 7 Home I Life, Building 00:. Adelaide 85 Vicuihé. SL'SL; I‘oiouto. Teli-phnnéfMain 5 Cable Address. "De-do.†A. Cameron MacNaughton‘ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. >OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO . DAILY STAR. BLDG.. 18 KING ‘ STREET WEST Barristers a lid Sollullors. Mouuv to loan can lam} “immune! mortgages“ owns! I‘m-es; ' _ Aurornufl‘iceâ€"Remm en Icahn old post 011104 one door west. 02 Ehe enhzanq; to the Outmnu Bank wamlrket ofliceâ€"l‘hree doors sontli of the pJï¬tulï¬ue . T Kahuna-LENon G _Srv.ldonam Aurora. Tel. M. 3631. LENNOX & MORGAN BAw‘msTER, SOLIC'ITOR, NOTARY. E'rc. Tux-unto Oflic ?. Run 328 Confedera- tiuu Life BIdg.-. ‘1“. 12' i‘chmond St. E.’ Richmond Hill Olï¬ce (“Libel-211’ ()flice). every Thursday fox-ennui}. M :I plv, Thursday nftérnoqn. Wum! h1-idq9, Saturday forvnnon. Muuev to ‘.mm at. Five- Pet Cent. (5%) Riohmona Hill A J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC CCMLIXSSIONER.‘ CONVEY AIN"ER. ETC. Demon, Grover? 8; Field A large stock of Fun‘eral Furnishing kep at both places RICHMOND HXLL & THORNHILI. Lawrence 8; Dunbar, H. A. N‘I'CHOLLS Undertaken-s a: Embalmers. Cmmnissinnel, Cnnveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issue-1 u! Marriage Licenses. REAL ESfyATE. ETC. THORNHILL C or Yong: and Alcxnnder Stu. VOICING A'ND . .- . w _ ACTION REGULATING Edit: '3. jgauidsou THORNHILL OWING to the HIGH STANDARD maintained in this zollege. the demand for the‘grnduates is far in excess nf thé supplv. THIS IS UNQUESTIONABLY ONE OF CAN- ADA’S BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS. Its record proves it. > Admits students at any time. pre- pares them properly for chnice positi'ons‘ and" H§SISC§ r wot-thy students to secure em luyment. College open all year. \Rh‘ite now for Handsome Catalogue. ' w. .I. ELLIOTT. Princlpal. NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers. Sjilicmre; 8m. WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. ONT. WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY;~ MAY 1. 191.3 ELLIOTT "In Essentidh, Unity; I'm Nan-Eskwtials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity." mm. Pnone Main am A special meeting of the Uou/ncil was held in the Council Chamber on Friday. 'April 25th. Present. the Reeve and Councillors Sanderson, Tyndall mm Sinné. “W†“ ' ' Mr. J. H. Dunlap, 01" Toronto was pr’esent and addressed the Cunucil with a. View ‘iif hscerhiining What. induce- ments the 'Village wuuld offer in the" event of his locating his greenhouses here. Mr. Goulding and Mr. Gan-shy also spoke on the matter. which-the Cuuncil promised to take into their Serious consideration. .The Council met in the “plex-k’s ofï¬ce on Monday, April 25. All the‘ mqmlgeprs plgsent. 2 - ieV-ï¬elr'fmuinnMr. Mills was \i‘oad appjyiug'fog- pu\\'P£_fdl‘ 3L2 ni‘u‘tigf.‘ SixilsjPalnrnen-â€"Th‘e~ Clerk-Wins iii-j std-noted to write Mr. Mills to the 91?:be that he won-Id be supplied at, an early}; date. and ulgm [oi-write to ‘Enginéex; Boyd fm- smue ink-I-muti‘m regal-fling pugver. trai nsforméi‘s. I A- .u r‘ Sandersonâ€"Signsâ€"O'n motion is. was decided that, sex-Vice wires; [should be carried 25 feet from the street line on either side free ufchm-ge to light users. but that the ‘cost of carrying the ser- vice beyond that distance 'must. be met by the consumer, it was also decide-d that the cost of current, In powar users should hens fulluws. $1.00 per month Fer hmse 'pmve-r, and 3 cent-s per km or cum-pub with 10 pencent. discount on the price of cur-rent used if ‘Iid before the 15m of‘the mumh in w ich bill is rendered. Sandersonâ€"Tyndallâ€"»~“That where- as Mr. J. H. Dunlap-has under con- sxdex-Htion the purchHSe 0f the property at present. owned by and assessed to Mr. Thomas Hodgsnn Whllh property consists (:1 abnut 30 acres in the Village of Richmond Hill and is known as Lots 17‘, 18 and 27 according to a pla [19} the said Village‘nmgle by Pgtzer S. Gilismi. P. L. S. avnd \vhm-Jas Mr. l Dunlap has signified hisintention. m the event ut ubtuininga the said pru- pertv. of erecting gi-genhmises them, and employing a numher (:15 hands in (order to prnsecute his business as a. Florist, and whereas such industry " Would he of dirvct hem-tit to the Villae‘e and; it is dgemed advisable tn ‘ make;- cei‘taili' chnc'essih’y‘é‘ili that he- ‘ half. Therofnre. be it res‘nlvvd. that this Cuuncil. in so fin-ans it has power. to do so, doth grant (into Mr. Dunlnn a ï¬xed assessment of $3000 on the' eastern portion of 1119' said pruperty. eullsisling of about 20 acres. for the term of ten year 's. the rvinaining pur- tion of the prnperty. including dWPll- ing house and burns in be assessvd according to the general Village assess- men't for each current your also that for the and term of ten years the glass houses and other outbildings erected for theeari-ving on (if the said business. shall-h", exempt from tax'atinn, and if deoan necessary. a vute tn ulntaill the assent uf the Electnrs to the said con- ‘ct‘ssinns shall be taken as soon as ‘ practicable. Provided that if any part or parts of said land on which assess- ment is ï¬xed should he sold or used fur any purpose, other than'green- l‘muse purposes, such pmtiun m- pnr- tinns so suld m- used shall be liable to the then current Village assessment, and that the Reeve and Clerk sign this 'resul'u‘tinu“ and that. the Unrpm-ate Sval of the Village’ be attached thereto and that. a. cupy Lheiecf be sentto Mr. DlinloE". - .. An.l a . n . on ‘nun â€" biliiiiéd this 28th day’ of April; 1913. A. J. HUME. WM. H. PUGéLEY. Clerk. . "Reeve. The funeral of the late Wm. Kit-by mm place here an Mnnduv ufteruonn and. was largely amended. The de-' cvaspd was in his 83rd you- a‘hd was .“ Well known and highly res Pcted. He ! “ was vi faithful member (If npe Meth- . e ndist church but of late years has been 2 J unable to' attend the srx-vices. His ‘ f‘ fnmll have the gymputhy of all in " thvir wroavement. V _ ' E w'I‘Vlie sduud of beating of carpets can he hem-d on every hand. denoting that. hprqge-(glqanilgg time is belle. ' “T\u\"'_(‘)rv|{l'{:ia-3V‘iiséï¬wi-ééï¬lined on the guod rmI'ds at the 9911!,th Ehe Yillugef'. ~Mi; mid"-Mrs. T. Cousins Kttmndéd the twvntieth anniversary uf the wed- ding of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cousins. \Veskt.(m, on Saturday evening of last wee ‘. " -- ‘ A conï¬ï¬‚i under lhe direction at the Village Lighting Committee ‘will be held in the Masonic Hall. on: Friday efeuing, May 9. An enjoyable evening of Song and story is promised. The following artists will take part:-§â€"Misses Myrtle and Dell Suigeon. Florence Nixpn, EllaSwalluw. Queenie’Fry, and. Messrs; John Blnugh. Willie ;Hnyles, Dr, Rnutley. Forest and William Oliver. and W. T. Cook. ' Admissiun 25 cents. V Rinans Tabules cure constipation.‘ Rinart‘ Tabules mre nausea. - ’ - Ripans Tabulel. . ._ . _:...n.._â€"-.. VILLAGE COUNCIL- Maple. Sega-ml oféjh’é‘ «pig we"! humorous in th’ rem-emek and étcind .much 1:1qu r,'hrfob:itij’y?ai.hé most sid’e~’§plit- siqg‘i‘beingthe Magi-frolic!) byg-the @va11ng 1315} L-hé‘hlï¬pï¬l‘lIE-th. . ‘ The. (ï¬st pgformance nfwthe «hm-p. Play was given. in the Masonizr Hull nst. evening to “crowded house. by the High Schqnl Amumae. The entertain- int-Ill: was varied ahd uniqu .:"ï¬m .the audience was [{Ppt in wars '1! laughter: The seenic effects, added mm:th the attmctiops of she‘stuge. but. the ladies 'would haveishown tn better advantage hufl}.hg platform been layggr.‘ " t..- "mu. W-.. Wm... The. iii-gt Scene opens with Alice who falls asleepon the hillside where she en- counters the White Rabbit, the Mouse. the Owl ‘an‘d'other birds. The convex- ,mtinn with thOSe strange Creatures be- ‘wilders her. and aftse'r passing; through strange. .experien,ci._=s she awaken}; to ï¬nd it all-.n dream. and. thapish'e had been in .Wolidgérlmid;; - V ' . ' - -.r r?“'“ -‘ - - - Lil‘he Mud Tea pru‘li in which int-e ‘iq- ti‘b'd'uced the' Mad ‘Hgttleiu' the: Man-ch Htll'e,1:‘>thé _‘ Dovunousje. and I Alice, was also very ‘giihrxh, {prmrukin‘g ‘mld the‘ pugs wet-ewe“ fltlid. ‘- ' " . in n ' .Th . » em: in the anhess“Peppery" Kitchen was also exciting. nnd.Lhe “Crnquet Party†was another promin- entfeafure; . " . ,u _ gum I‘ll-115‘,- . Act. .III Exhibited scenes m {Le Queen’s-Garden, and the' lay «108%! with Act. IVshnwivig theK ng.-Q‘ueen, Jixry, \‘Vhi‘re Rabbis. Prisoners, \Vit- "assess, Alice, Gryphon 331d othersï¬n “(count of law. - The costumes were uni up. original and representative. and re- acted great credit upon the actors who looked after their own appnyel.†- The four 'piece orchestraâ€"Messrs. Hume, Sanderson and Tyndall with Miss Orell at thc-piqho added much to the interest by the-f: catchy music be- tween the acts. focal hits seémed to be thoroughâ€" ly_f_nj;3ygd by the aydieqcp. . The following took part in the play:â€" Miss Nm-a McMuhun (Alice). Misses Mary-Trench, I. Carpenter. Marjory Boyle. Amm Buvle. F. M. Brown, Ethel Swilzer. Janet, Olm-k. Ham-l Switzma, Marguvrite Buyle. Ilene Marsh, Annie Trench, L. Nuughtnn. M. Mt'Ummghy, I. Maudie. Olive Switzer, Jvun McDonald. Jmn To per, Ruxie-Tupper. Mabel Marsh. Kat. lt-eu' Murphy. Mum! and Gladys Helmkuy, FIHIICPH Curlelun. F. Allison, Emily B(lV|P.MI'S. E. NewtunJhs. VV.Duucau. Mrs N. Ghss, Mrs. l‘ndd, Mrs. A. C. qupge, Mugs. Lungst .13.â€) .. .1 "HE?’leTr};.$i;hR;§ ivill he repented this (Thursday) evening. ':Do not, fail to hear it once. “ ‘ A Special MH‘Ling (If the Ratepayers of Richmond Hill wiil he holdin the Cnuncil Chamber to-murrow (Friday) evening at 8 u’cluck. Mutt-ens uf gloat, importance tut-he Village will be up for discussion and evvry one whu pays taxes and is inter- ested in the Welfare of the Village should attend. Those whi‘mre in favor of supporting certain n-opositions intended to beneï¬t our villnge should ive their reusona for doing so. An those opposed should also be present, :ma give Lhtir objections, The Ratepayers Assoeia- tion should always endeavor to make suggestions to the Council along the line of nrogreqs'amd efï¬ciency. Let every ratepayer come out to-nmrrow evening and lend a: helping hand. Remember it is generally those who do not attend such meetings who do the most. grumbling about high taxes. Lang] not, getting value for their money. A most enjoyable evening was spent with the members of Patten-mu Mnslvm icHLwdge and their friends \Vvdnesddy e\'e_13in_g‘gt lust, Veg-k. ‘R. “'01-. Brm, nn'n n .1. B. ï¬â€˜cLeun, uf Maple, D. D. G. M., for District Nu. llwas presenton his ofï¬cial visit, and‘brethren were present, fx-vm Tun-(mm, Maple. Ym-k..Richmnnd Hill. Amara. _U‘u§onvxl}e u_nd uLhev I? ces. After, passing a brother to the Second Degx'ee the D.D.G.M. addressed the Lod e, giving wmds of eucuurnge- mentan commendation to the I'uaster, VVur. qu E. A. James and his “fli- cex-a in thvir \vmk. - I After theregulmi basiness a sum?- tuous supper was given to allmboub 5 sitting down together, and Wur. Bzo., J amps actingag-tunfl maï¬tcr.‘ “Viéiting Brothem†brought remarks 'fro't'h Wifr'i' Bi‘n'. Taylor;- Murphy, Legge, Lamun. McMghqn, Saigecn. "' ~ After toasting-i“ lThe King and the Omit†the “Grand Master and’G’rand' Lodge," was proposed, and this was re- s onded to in able addreSSes by R. or. Bl-os.,' McLean. Davison and Scu‘liy. ,1L:_ _ n..-n. M...†L.,........L4 Q..........l, aid others. ’EEEiSrQSKIbagé wa'é responded to by \_V. Bl'o.-'Francis, Rev. J. Oke; Rimms Taibulés. cure torpid- liver. Ripqns Tabulgs cure‘ billousness. RTpaus Tabul‘es cure heagaclw. ALICE 1N WONDERLAND ' RATEPAYERS ASSGCIATION Thornlï¬l‘l. orchestraâ€"Messrs. qnd Tyngall gviph f++++++++%&+%*+++*+++++++i i PERFUMES + 1- _ ; +++Mm+w+w+mmé+ STWER“ & RAMER Coal,_Flour, . Corn, Bran; Wood, 860. 'AT THE C;N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR Believing it will be beneï¬cial to not, buyer and seller, have décided, We thank the public for the 89719th patronage in the past, and will earn- estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. ‘ ‘ ‘ ++*+*++++§‘¢M'P++++*Mm 94- Printing ‘ _ I Stationery]; ’ ‘ SchOol'Books dill Heads, ' Letter Heads, ._ In Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, . -&c'., &c. , GOOD STOCK OF School Books. Standard Novels, ‘Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums,†Papetries, ‘ 7 Rubber Balls. ‘ Etc}; Etc. _..__.._._ _ 4 Means-medur-bw-g-wywwa ManicilrejSets - ,, - . .flair Brushes \Ve sqlicit a. call' x H l ' no trouble to show nun-lines W; A. Sanderson ‘60 to the Liberal Ofï¬ce for AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. My_Stock 9f the linesl‘rof ‘ : , PERFUMES f0!" ~ are up~to~dgbe and Reasonable 1n prices [Sirigl'e copies, 3 cu. DRUGGIST RICHMOND HILL STIVER 8; RAMEH; Comb Sets Pictnral Cards' ' Midï¬d DEALERS 1N PRESENTS +~3+$~9+~9$ No. 44