Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 May 1913, p. 3

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Ends Life at Kingston While in Fit ' of *Despondetflfi. 7. A despabch» from.Kin.gston . says: "The wife of Captaigfilgapest Crpgby I ‘died her‘e from fdri‘h‘klfig @ar’bbli'c j“ mth 'whi‘le de-spbndent. hug; ' ' .bm'lfl' Was present wheq‘:$hۤt$gfi the fatal (1986.“ -He:4v‘ms hei- .sieg'o’nd t/h‘us‘band; ‘She was _form'er-lth1-s:* ‘IBlockm-ap, ‘a. cook' din ~séhoon'ers. 'L 13110 'sgpent considerable time in, fmnto prior to' gaming jhére. nger’ g-flglisbadld is now inpolice-cusatodff’on filgharge oi drunkenness. ’ ' Montreal. April 29.‘â€"Corn, American No. 2 yellow. 651-2 to 661-20. Oats. Canadia Western. ‘No. 2, 430; Canadian Weetet , e No. 5. 401-20; extra No. 1 feed. 411-20. Bar: lay.”Man. feed. 51 to 520: malting, '10 to 74¢. Buckwhaat. No. 2, .56 to 680. Flo . Man. Exiting wheat patents, firsts. 85. : wildograeoonds, $4.50; (10., strong baker-5’, g4.- 4;Deposits Said to Assay More Than ' 50 Per Cent. Pure Metal; "A despatch from Ild-er-ton says: Thomas Martin, J.P., possesses a. 'farm/ on the 12th concession, Lobo ’qunship, where a patently there is a. large deposit 0 V imn ore. The ore has been assayed and is said yield over 50 per cent, of page, zmefial‘. ' " " >- IRON ORE‘IN LOBO TOWNSHIP Record Numbex; of Emigrants Sail - From Glasgow. 'A deslp‘atoh from Glasgow, Soot- lamd, says: More than 2,400 emi- grants, a, record of departures in one day from the Clyde, sailed on Saturday for theUnited States and Canada. The Grampiam carried 1,700, the Saturnia 1,250; and the California 1,280. -A vdespartch ~ from,.'Mo-ntreal says : When the White Star liner Teu- tonic, from Liverpool, came to her Montreal berth on Sunday mornâ€" ing, Captain J ames stated that one of his cabin passengers, Miss Sarah Baker, who embarked ext Liverpool, with the intention, on arrive} here, of going on to Winnipeg, where she was to have married a. Mr- Stone of that city, succumbed to heart failure owing' to sea. sickness on April 21, and was buried at sea. the sameyday. The" Teutonic is the first liner carrying passengers to make the port this season. Butterâ€"Dairy prints, choice. 26 to 280; <do.."tubs, 25 10 26c; inferior; 21 to 22c; criazimery. 52 to 550 for rolls. and 300 for EIO ' L. . Eggs-roast: lots sell at 200 here, and at ’16 to 17¢ outside. Toronto. “April 29.70ntariq ‘floura, with 90 per cut. patents, ‘ $5.90- to‘$3.95, \Mont- real or Toronto freights. Manitobaâ€"First patents. in jute bags, $5.50; aeooml‘pat- «ants. in jute‘bags, $4.80; strong bakersf. inndutqe pagi_$4.60.u Cheeseâ€"141%: for large, and 14 3-40 for :hiring. Baconâ€"Long clear, 15 1-4 to 151-20 per 1b.! in case lots. Porkâ€"Short out, $26 to $275. 110., mesa, $21.50 to $22. Hamsâ€"Medium)» lieht. 181-2 to 19c;' heavy, '161-2 to 17¢; rolla,‘ 16c,‘breakfast bacon, 191-2 to 200; backs. 25 to 240. - . Balod Hay and Straw. :‘Baled Hayâ€"No. 1 at 312 w $12.50, on track, Toronto ; No. 2, $10.50 to $11. Mixed hagjq quoted 41:59.50 19 $10. ‘ fivB'alreii ‘Sii-hWâ€"fiéjfifib {9, 3-1-1 track. To- Nut/0. Passenger» on Teutonic,_ Coming gm ' tq Wed, Died in Mid-Atlantic. ManitobaWhéaEâ€"NQ 1:er; Bay ports; No. at_931-Zp; Big porpr Beaneâ€"Hand-picked. $2.40 to $2 50 per bushel;~ primes, $2 to $2.25. in a jabbing way. - I Honeyâ€"Extracted, in tins; 12 3-4 to 13c per lb; for No.21. wholesale; combs. 82.50 11:10 832 per dozen for .No. 1 and $2.40 for o. . fiatme’gwmua WOnt’Ei-‘ié. 1:7.43'c1'i,~ per bag. on track. and ‘Delawares at 200 per bar. on track. " 'flfidiiaéaifn 1-4c; tubs, 14mg; pails, 14m. ' ‘ Ontario' W'heiirifio. 2 white and red ghasigo 95 to 97c, outside, and sprouted, 75 “ Oatsâ€"Ontario oats, 53 no 340, outside, and at 370, on track, Toronto. Western Canada. cuts. 420 for No. 2, and 400 for No. 3. Bay ports. No. 3 C. W. 37 to 371-20 at opening of navigation. Peasâ€"95¢ to $1, outside. ' Barleyâ€"Forty~eight-lb. barley of good quality 51 to 55c. outside. Feed, 40‘ to 500. Cornâ€"No. 3 American corn, 621-2 to 636, all-rail, and at 58c c.i.f. Midland. Ryeâ€"Prices are nominal. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2 at 52 to 550, outside. Branâ€"*Manitoba. bran, $19. in bags. To- ronto freight. Shorts, $21. Toronto. Poultryâ€"Chickens, 18 to 2011 per 1b; fowl. 15 to 160: turkeys, 20 to 210. Live poul- trg. labout 2c lpweg phap “the. pboyp. W0 MAN DRINKS CARBOLIC. SEASICKNESS WAS FATAL. 4,200 FRO M SCOTLAND . Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are , Here Recorded Montreal Markets. Goquy Produce. Breadstufiu. P I'OV mom: 1 Northern. 990, on 2 at 961-4c; No. 3 John; Mitchell, who was conductor on the train which experienced the Komoke disaster on the GreatWest~ ei‘n Railway, at Sarnia. on Fri- day; aged 81»; v iWill of Privy Councillor ‘ Entered for Probate at‘ A despwtch from Pent-h, Ont, says: In the Lanark County Sur- rogate Court probate has just been ,grarnted of the last will and testa- ment, of the late Hon. John G. Hag- gart, Privy Councilor, who died at Ottawa, o'n Machh 13. The will is dated September 4, 1894. The es~ hate is sworn at $65,476.60. The sole beneficiary is Mrs. Isabella Maxwell Miller, of Perth, ,sister of deceased. Mrs. Miller has also been made sole executrix of the es- ‘Fiv'e‘ Killed», and Nige Hurt in Mon- fagv: Copper. aging ,Accidcnt.‘ A desmtch fré'm Butts}, Montana, sayfi :‘ Eivs » mmrp ' were [killed and aim: m“ an gepidefitfi at: the 50kt; aggdffipf? ’L‘eonard 'Mihp- pf ‘thé73r3naéiynaaj’0bpper Compatifi7 _o’ni Wednesday; ' ’TWilliam > Petersglost contfb’l \df‘the hoisting engine as 'he ,was Iofivering tWO cages‘of men indies. the‘mi’ne. - Both’cagels dropped, onaf‘fa'llitig 2,200 feet, and the qther 800. , Thé‘ engine went to pieces, wrécking the- engine house and throwing pieces of iron and steel hundreds of feet. Jumped “Off Wagon and Run in Front qt- Mgétoerar. \- A despatch-“from Berlin, Ont, says; Tommy, the seven-year-old son of Dr. and‘Mr-s. A. E. Rudell, of this city, ’was accidentally killed on Fridayrby A. J. Kimmell’e auto- mobile, driven by his son, the car passing over the land’s neck. The little lad was hanging on, the .'re\a,r of a, gerbage wagon and jumped off and ran toward his home just as the auto was passing. The driver was unable to see the boy until he ‘was knocked downf-by the front jwheel. Crown Attorney: Bowlby deâ€" ‘cided an inquest was unnecessary. ‘,Thi.s is the first, fatal automobile accident. in the city. United 'Statn‘ Markets. ' Minneapolis, Aprll' 29.â€"Wheat-â€"Muy. 887-8c; July, 911â€"4 to 91 34c; Sept/ember, 913-4 to 917-80. Cashâ€"No.1 hard, 917-80; No. 1.Nor,thern, 903.8 to 91380: No. 2 Northern. 883â€"8 to 89 3-Bc. -Gornâ€".No. 5 yel- low, 551-2 to 560. Oatsâ€"No. 3 white. 52 to 521-20. Ryeâ€"No, 2, 56 to 680. Flour un~ ch_a.u_ge¢_i. ' Brag. {L6 to“ ‘811. * fifiéééd,‘ “$113211 'tb' $1131 i327 May. $113214 bid; July, $11,454 bid; September, 31561-2 bid: October. $1.35 374 asked. ' " Montreal, April 29.-Prime beevee. 63-4 to 71-4; large fat cows. 6 to 61-2; medium, 5 to 61-2; common.g33~4 to 454; cows. $65 to $75 each. others, 835 to $60 each: calves. 21-2 to 61-2: sheep, 5 to 61-2; spring lambs, $5 to $6.50 each; hogs. 10 3-4 to 11. Toronto, April 29.â€"Choice butcher cat- tle, $6.40 to $6.75; mediums. from_ $5.75 to $6.25. and common butcher cattle from $4.00 to $5.00 per cwt. Choice butcher cows. $5.25 to $5.75, and commoner stock, $3.50: butcher bulls from $3.50 for poorer rougher stock up to $5.75 for the beat. qualities. Gunners brought $2.00 to $2.- 50 ; cutters, from $2.50 to $3.50; milkera and apringeta, from $40.00 to $70.00; feeders, $5.00 to $5.75; hemvy feeding bulls. from $2.75 to $4.25; smokers. from $4.00 to $5.25; and yearlinge, from $300 to $3.50. The beat calves. $8.00 50 $9.00; good veal calves at $5.00 to $7.00 and common down to $3.00. Light. ewes. $6.00 to $7.25; heavy ewes. $5.00 to $6.00; Spring lambs, $7.00 to $8.50; and .lambs from $8.50 to $9.75 for the better grades. 01: the. Hog Marketâ€"- $9.60 fedf’und watered. $9254.01). and $9.- 80 to £9585 weighed 01! oars. . 70; Winter atenta, choice, $5.26; straight rollers, $4. to $4.90;- straight rollers. bugs..$2 20 to $2.35; Rolled oats. barrels. $4.55; bags. 90 lbs.. $2.05. Bran, $19 to $20. Shorts. $21 to $22. Mlddlings. $24 to .325. ,Mouill‘ie, $28120 334. Ray, No. 2, per ton car lots $13 to'$13.50. Cheese. finest westerns. 121-2 to 13c; finest easterns. 12 m 121-40. Butter“. choicest ’creamery. 29 to 500: seconds, 28 to 281-20. Eggs, fresh. 21 Ego 220. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, '50 to Montreal, April 29.â€"Cashâ€"â€"Wheat, No. 1 Northern, 921-4c; No. 2 Northern. 89 34c; No. 3 Northern, 870; No. 4. 83 5-4c; N6. 5. 780; No. 6, 730; feed. 63c; No. 1 rejected seeds. B71-2cglNo. 2 (10., 841-2c; No. 3 (10., 811-20; No. 1 tough, 880: No. 2 (10., 35c; No. 4. 771-20: No. 5, 670; feed. tough, 57c; No. 1 red Winter, 94 3-40; No. 2 red Win- ter. 920; 1%.} red Winter, 891-40; No. 4 red Winter, 860. Oats. No; 2 C. W.. 550; No. 3 C. W., 331-40; extra No. 1 feed, 341-40; No. 1 feed, 331-4c: No. 2 feed, 510. Barley. No. 3, 493-40; No. 4, 490; rejected, 450; feed, 44c. Flaxâ€"No. 1 N. W. (2.. $1.16“; No. 2 O. W., 81.1414: No. 3 G. W., 81.96. Duluth. April 29.â€"Wheat-â€"No. 1 hard. 91.34 to 921-40; No; 1"Northern, 903-4 to 911-40; No. 2 Northern; 88 to 891-4c; No. 1 Northern to arrive, 911-4c; May. 901-40 asked : July. A 92.5-80: $5913.“??sz 92 H9 -Pid; HON. J. HAGGART’S I ESTATE. CAGE FALLS 2,200 FEET. iEfiEKiLLE‘n BY .Ag’l’o, LIV. Stock Markets. Wlnnlpes Wheat. Pupiiâ€"“The thing what you im- get with]” ~ ‘ * - Teacherâ€"“Now, tell/me whatjzis memory ’3’} Eight Firemen Scalded on the New Imperator. , ’ A despaichfrom Hamburg, Ger- many, says: It is reported that there was a: serious explosiqn in the Eoilgr-rqom-of the gew. fifty-thou- {and‘-ton'stéainer Imperatér of the Hamburg 5:: Am‘erican' “"Stea‘mship‘ Company on (herv‘oya‘ge‘ from this plaoe to Cux’lmven. Eight~firgmeti are"1s_aid to” have ‘been 'Pgeverely scaldé'd. , Three of thesehit is fear: ,ed, are fatally‘injured. The damâ€" age tq the \ship \is stated" to be slight. ‘ No details are available. Entire Northern Part of Mining Town Submerged bi Flood. A despatch from South Porcupine says: The entire northern end of the town facing on Porcupine Lake is under water as a, result of the high water in the lake, and if it does not recede short-1y. much dam- age may result." All train service alt Timmin‘s has been at a. standstill since Monday owing to a wash-out on the shores of the creek, which cannot be repaired at high water mark. The new Government. wharf is badly damaged by the high water. The Socialists and others are very much interested in exploiting the deals. of the Krupps and the Waffsn Company in stirring >up trouble in order to sell armor and armaments to other countries to the utmost. 'The Socialists have also called for a gigantic May Day demonstration against the Army Bill_ and in favor of electoral re- form in Prussia; 'It is even report- ed- that the Socialists, who believe that they have} the Government there or less on the run. are considâ€" ering the advisability of emulating the'political strike in Belgium in order to enforce the reforms which they‘deem advisable. The Army Bill still hangs fire in the Budget Committee. ‘ ‘ Murderous Fire by» Swedes From a Shack. A despatch from“Edmonton, A1- berta, says: A murder occurred on Wednesday . afternoon at Grassy Lake, about fifteen miles north of Tofield. Detective Bailey of the local forced the Royal Northwest Mounted Police ‘is dead as a. result, and Constable Whitley, alspsofif monton, is severely injured, while two Swedes named Fo‘nber'g,'\hold- possession _of 11-3th [filled with firearms,‘ which is surrounded by’ police. Geramn Socialists Are Considering ‘_ Advisability of This Step. A despatch 'from Berlin, Ger- many, says :' The. Kai-serhas aban- doned his intention to take a cruise on the new ’Hamburg-American liner Imperator on her trial trip to Gibraltar. It is probable, that the Crown Prince Frederick William will go in his stead. The cause of the change in the Kaiser’s proâ€" gramme is ascribed to the internal political situation. The general mistrust of the army administration is becoming deeper every day. The Reichstag has become extremely critical of this administration and the demand for the resignation of Secretary von Hoeringen is becomâ€" ing stronger among the Socialists and Centristsf who, if they vote to- gether, will control the Parliament. Both of these parties are inimical to von Hoeringen, the Socialists on general principles and the Gen- trists because of the expulsion from the army of a, Catholic officer who refused to fight a duel on reli- gious grounds. HIGH WATER AT PORGUPINE. E‘MULATE BELGIAN STRIKE. BOILER EXPLODED. DETECTIVE KILLED. QUITE CORRECT. ‘ The Russell car of this year is a model oh which, there will be‘no. imâ€" portant change forx‘two seasons it. least. Early in 19H a corps of engineers ,was set to ‘Work togdevelop a/car firstl'would. ‘be Worthy of “Russell” reputation;_, In September of that year they were ready tors. prelimij 1" nary _r‘ep<§r‘t,~ and.~ J‘taking' advantage, ‘of‘ the unusual *opportu-‘nity, engiw neerifig’ coâ€"Opere'tion and advice,’ a; conference “of engineers‘l’assed‘ upon" the preliminary 'plglmsi. .Thesetrweris theuworkefl out in’ further (1 tail. In: January, "1912; "this Leonie en-ce met a. second'time, there being. pre2 sent representatives of threebf the foremost} manufacturing firms in 'the United, States and two engiâ€" neers from Europe, from factories operating under the Knight license. After the designs had passed this stage, experimental cars were built and submitted to exacting tests, upon the bench in the factdry and upon the road. Following this, a small number of demonstrating cars were put through, to discover any further points of difficulty. Then came the careful prepara- tion'of exact tools for manufacture, so that each piece would be an exâ€" act duplicate of a similar piece ‘in and other car. These provisions, one after the other, have_.been~carâ€" tied through. Toâ€"day the Russell Company is d’eliverin-g cars design- ed under the most advantageous conditions of engineering mamm- ufactured with a view to' the re- quirements not ‘only of 1913vbut 1914 as Well. ’ ' ‘ The Russell Motor Car Company has had long experience. in the sell- ?ing - and manufacture of cars. Starting as agents for other makes of- cars, this company proceeded to build up a plant in Canada, manu- facturing cars in this country. Some of the parts were purchased abroad; others were designed and manufactured at home. The amount of home manufacturing steadily in- creased. In 1910 the adoption of the Knight Motor gave a further stimulus to the business and the company found it necessary to pro- vide in a strong manner for future developments of the industry. De velopmen'ts in mind were the furâ€" ther adoption of the'sliding sleeve in opposition to the poppet valve motor; the adoption of left-hand steering and centre gear and con- trol; the adoption of electric’ light- ing and [self-starting. Mrs. Cooper Was a Playmate of Charles Dickellg. A despatch from London says: Mrsg‘Mery Ann Cooper of‘ South- gate, thé original of CharleerDick- ens' “Litt1e~DoTrit,” died on Wed- nesday in her one hqndredth year. She and Dickens Were boy and girl together when they lived on the :same streefi izi Summer‘sbown. ' Monopolies to be Granted in Oil, Paper and Matches. . A despatch from London says: After the delimitation of the fronâ€" tiers and the apportionment of her debts, Turkey will ask for a loan of $150,000,000. .The Government is considering the pro’po’sal of three new monopolies, in/oil', paper and matches, which it' has asked the powers tq authorize. ’ Calgary’s Solution of Excessive ‘ Cost of Iron Construction. \A despatch from Calgary "says; Calgary is lqnnniqg to establish a. municipal oundry on account of the excessive price the city .is obliged to pay for .iron work. INTERESTING STORY OF CANA‘ ‘ ._ DIAN COMPANY’S DEVEL- OPMENT. ‘ Confessect to Starting Blaze That caused Heavy'Loss. A despetch frpnf'Ottawa, says: Edward Nichol, an Ottawa. boy, ai- regted at noon on Thursday by De- tective O’Meara of the local police department, pleaded guilty to hav~ ing set fire on the night of April 2 to the building' on Queen Street occupied by the Canadian Feather & Mattress Company, Limited, when -severa.l'Va1uable horses were burned to death and considerable loss to building and eontents was occaaioned. *' * \ “LITTLE DBRRIT” DEAD CITY To» RUNNA FOUNDRY. T0 BORROW $150,000,000. BOY FIRED BUILDING. Can be handled very easily. The sick are cured, and all 01.11th in same stable, up matter how “exposed,” kept from havin the disease. by u-amg SPOHN'S- LIQUID DISTEMPER OUR V, Give on the tongue or in feed. Acts on the blood and expel. germs of all forms of distemper. Best remedy ever known for mares in foal. Druggists and harness dealers. Our free Booklet gives everything. Largest. selling home remedy In existenceâ€"15 years. Distrib torsâ€"ALL WHOLESALE DRUG- GISTS.‘ SPOHN MEDICAL 0.. Chemists and Bacteriologiats. A 5, . I goshen. Ind.. u. . A. gour- DISTEMPER Citizeds Vote Large Expenditures , ‘on Pubiic Works. ' *5! ' ‘ er." Wm”... ‘ A despatch from Calgary says: Ratepayers ratified byâ€"laws on .Wednesday providing funds f0! various pubLicr improvemg ts, as, fonows: ~ Rehabilitétiofi o Wigs? plants, $643,200,; publicity, $18,; 000,; smallpox hospital, *$12K50001'_ embankment on Bow” River; 3265; 000; children’s 911316;”, $50,000.7“ ~' x General. Austria. is determified to coercé 4 ontenegro to evacuate the town of Scutari. ‘ V V A > 4 w *4 Syndicate Formed to Establish Ina (lustry Near Quebec City. ’ A .d‘espatch from Levis, Que., says: A syndicate of Montreal, Quebec and Levis men, with head- quarters here, has‘acquir'ed proper- ty- in the'vicinity with the intentioh' of establishing a fox farm. The promoters are at present in com- municarbion with parties in Prince Edward Island, with the object of purchasing stock. » féU‘ryaiig‘lmyfs ; imlp5m~ from file, United- States r-{qrf 'the first _-u v mimths "of 1 12 the." i‘eGOtd, sum 86,7. Q,ooo;:w1~file the. previ: ous yeatufithey ,r'eéfched;_b'ut $5,958,; 313, also wj'record year.<" a CALGARY BY-LAWS CARRIED. 'The Krupp ,Works at. Kiel have‘ captured 'the contract for four Alf- gefltine degproyerg. ~ V’ljhve ,ne’vi'rm Italian ‘dreadnpught Diiilio“ was “ lauhched opn Thursday! in the 'prewnce of the; King and Q3991}? ‘wh'o christpned 't_h‘e yesggl: J. Stuber, of Reading, Pm, has ‘retired after 46 years as a'bag gage mast-er, in which time be ham dled 0wer~100,000,000 piecesof bag-r gage withoutlosing one. " Philadelphia. Has Vaiscovered ‘11.; male Fagin who teaches younggu‘ls thq art_of shgplifting, «. American jfiristq vin- convention urged the submisslon of the Pans: ma: tqlls question to arbitration. Thirty-five are known to have lost; their Iiiles in the Pennsylvania. mine. disaster. Lockport, N.Y., is rigidly enforcâ€" ing Sunday closing laws. The. May-{ or_i_s_.a. formqr clergyn'mn. ‘ It is reported at Washington thfit the downfafll of Me‘xico’s President is imminent. Liverpool, Enga, is building anew doc‘k,‘fll,p20_ feet ang._ ' * The Duke of .Connaught ’gdvoe cakes the developing of grewt h1g1).â€" qus by the Canadian Government, Sacraméhto has a, School teaching _life-sa.vix_13. ' Bo‘stoh’s 1913 fig! government is. togost $21,962,898. . There aré 722,335 coal miners i the United States. ‘ v --4° ‘11 IIIAWU U“ .L'lluay- vTh'e Government is said to “be Aconsidesring~ the establishment“ of drydocks at Halifax, ;Esquima;ulb and Levis, ultimately to‘be naval bases? v ' ' ' . A Gainsborough Bicbui-e‘ reaLiizéd. Over $100,000 zit/the Phillips Salé‘ in London. ' Alfred Laycock of Woodstock wits instantly killed by the early morn- ing newspaper train at ‘ a. level crossing in that'city, onr‘Eriday. _' Mr. Redmond Barry has resigned the office of Lord Chancellor for Ireland, .owing to ill health, and Mr. ' Ignatius O’Brien, 7 Attorney- General,» has been offered the".poei- tion. ' ~‘ ' r' ' Newport, R.I_., cafirpenter‘srecgive $4510 a. day.‘ ‘ Alexander. ‘Sanggt‘ei, a, well,‘ known Government; contractor, of St. Catharines, died after a, yearfg illgggs' o_f_para1y3Ls. ‘ Canada. ([16 Empire and the Worm ,lnprane'z‘nl Began You ' Evu. ’ Canada. Steam freight trucks are forbid~ do}? (‘mntlp sprgets oi Moytreal. _ A deficit of-$2,§0(ifih‘a;vgééi1if_<‘)und m ‘t‘he tazg depagtment of Cochrane. me 'NEWS.\IN~-A PARAGRAPH? :; Fox :FARMWG M" WV“; HAPPENINGS mom ALI: OV‘EI ' ‘ um GLOBE: IN A ‘ A N ursni‘LL; United States. Great Britain.

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