Ilw fvllowlng §§nlliimslwill be in this (inï¬ll-:11 of cmmu‘y dining the sea 89!] Of munâ€"a . _ ' PROUD BAECNâ€" In puClydesdnle} the urppex-tv nf Josefih Hnnd. lot 27. cm). L, Mn. khnm, will stand at home. Rirhfhu‘nd Hill Saturday afternoons. 'J‘L‘erms $10. LORD MOIWENâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the property of T. H. Legge, Temper- :mCr-villp. \Vill travel through Ever-s. 19y. King City. Maple, Elgin Mills. Cm}. 3, Mnrklmm and Whitchurch, ' Am-m-n and Oak Ridges. Terms $15."- i ii -‘ . MUN}! & 00.. ofï¬ha scmmmm AanIchh‘oon. ï¬hue to am as Sohclmrs for Patehts: Caveats .radn Marks. Copyrluhts, for the nlgsd States. dnnadu Ergland. France. Uermure 'c, and Book abouc P‘amnta sent free. Tï¬it$Â¥48Van enrs’ experience Pammmbmlned thmui UNN & CO. are noticed in the Scmnunc AMERICA. . the largest.'d Nth widelréimulfqed sckehtiflo pa r. $3.203 yea: Wonkly. Splcnd d e‘nzmvmgs an lnterestlmz In. , fl 7. ., 4.. H,“ w. .... .u. w. “mm. Jun: Wnnkly. Splendï¬i e‘nzmvmgs an Interesting In. Mnnunion. Specimelfncopy of the Scientiï¬c Amer- )Auu sent. tron. Address MUNN &: #0.. SCIENTIPIQ alum-AN omega. 261 Broadway. New York. ~l‘ Pnhlioa tlinné I‘m not]. Dvpzlt-Llnenï¬ 61f Agricultuw, ttzywu; . FATE NWTS i‘h'g the trues m preuzit reinfestutioti by Wandering (-.-Ir,el~piilais. Formulae. {-1- H19 spray mixture nre givcn and iiid-evfygyg for thPir pwpurabiun. _ 'gnhlg‘shf this pllhhcnlinll. Eninmnl- f’QIIEnI Circular NH. 1. Experi'nwmal, lfm-m-z, may be "obtained,frmn the} rillm-s emergle to feed ume the near: )y foliage. his species is fuund must cimmmuly in nrchm-ds. although it alsu infests various shade trees. The Forest Tent. Caterpillar spins no tent, hut, feeds in groups of several scores upon the fnliuge. and rests at intervals massed npnn the trunk Air lower branches. This species fet s chiefly xipnu deciduous forest trees, such as poplar and Birch. Buth these species Were very abundant: lust: SPdSOI’I partig pulary in Quebec Province, and their ring-like masses of eggs are to be seen "in immense numbers upon the twigs of fruit, trees and deciduous shade trees gmd forest in many districts. The. circular referred to above gives a. very vumplete account (if the measures to he. adopted in the cnntrolliug these impm; 'i'nnt, insect enemies. They are briefly; the remuvul and destruction of egg and masses. sprnving infested trees with lead nrsennte nr l’aris green. and hand- 1, l. i . . n . . ' 'The Liberal Miss Meeting to- be lgeld in the Arena, Toronto, next Monday evening will be the great political event; of the season. The speakers will be Sir Wilfrid Laurier, George P. Graham, Hon. Chas. Hurphy an‘d Michaél Clark. The “(2901‘s will beepen at 7 o’clock, and the meening will begin promptly at In the intergal the 48th High- lgpdegef..l§§lnj§l will play a programme of standga‘ggé gm; popular music. §Izecwl rate}; ggg given on steam raii- ‘ Wayne‘ng. will be special latei 2%}T§,°EJP§¢ Illewaaolitan Railway. 1 A committee of the Methodist body, presided over by Rev. John Locke, ‘President of the Conference, has’made 3t- number of valuable recommend- ations. We believellthe following recommendation worthy oi" com- mendation:â€"“That the General Con- ferenoe he memorialized to abolish the time limit for the pastoral term. We are strongly of the opinion that ï¬lm time has come when a longer pastoral term than is now possible to any but men in mission churches is imperative if we would successfully minister toour generation.†We be- lieve the itinerant system was prob- gtbly the best for Methodism in years gone. by, But that day has gone .as far as Canada is concerned. ï¬xcnuoxn HILL. ONT" MAY I, 1913 ENNYROYAL WAFERS. (751m ï¬ihmi. Tflï¬â€˜lflï¬lï¬lï¬EAKE-“P'u‘ks Stallion' Bégistér DUI. P Auflrï¬â€˜i. ‘N .‘ ua. .wx A lpeciflc monthly medlcme for lad to restore and mgulata the meme? produvlmg tree, healthy ungl pduleu dist:th No when or puma on np' {munch Now Im‘sd by over 80,000 ladies )nce used Mu‘aunagain. lnvlgomm} than Mun-Jul?†of your drum-5. only those wlth Bur slgnnturdldcrosl (we or [aha]. A‘yomrlubgtlvutea, A Sg-led' 7 uhxbuleiï¬ï¬lfllaï¬ ~2E2‘sitamp. w1.00 ;. 5.95"“: “EUREKA,°3 .39. “4 4.11:4- Loy rear 2nd 0m), Markham, osm- tniï¬ing 100 acres. more (w less. Gmod hung ham, house and O Lbuï¬dipgs. Never failing spring oreekt, 15mg?! the farm. Also twn good. mes, Good qrcbgu-d and plont_y\ 05 5 mil fruit. A‘hout 70 acres cloél'ed,“bgyl (gum: bush and pasture land* The crediturs‘of Stow“; thh. latli n; the Tuwhship of Vaughan. ii} the County (If Ym-k. furmm-deceased, who died on or nhcut thv tenth day at" January. 1913, and all otlwl’s havng claims ngninst m- entitle-(l tn share in the estuterare hmehy notiï¬ed to sand by post, px-<-paid m‘ntherwise delivvr tn the undersigan adminlsu-wtm' on m- lu-fnre the (11le dny ~'of May. 1913. their- Ohristinn m1ng aim-names. address- es and descri lions, and full partic'qg lars of their c aims. accounts or inter: ests and the-nature of the securities. if any. held by them. Immediately after the said third day of May. 1913, the uses-ts of the $3ng intestate will he distributed amongst the parties en- ‘tilled thereto haï¬ng regard only to the claims {53' interests Of which the administmtnr shall then have uptice andz others will he excluded {rpm}; Lug gnir distribution. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY. Dated at, Toronto this third (lay. pf April, A.l)., 1918. 41-4 ' COOK & GILC HRIS'I‘. 402$? 50 Bags of late Potatoes. Nuxull. This will] be a gull)“ chance to get pure SPed. Alsu n q‘uuntityvof eating pota- tnes. C. H. JONES, u: 5-tf AQm-v with calf hv side. Lut 28. (fa)an Vaughan Elgin Mills. Phone 2950 _ Maple Exchange. ADMIN ISTRATOR’S Notice to creditors Ach) OTH-ERS Orders now being taken for pring delivery, 1913. Prospect; bright for the season’s trade. Experience unnecessary; We instruct mn- sulesmeq how to sell Fruit Stacks in the country and Ornamental trees m the tuwn. 1 START NQW and have younterritm-yreaerved. \Veekly Pay. Free Outï¬t. THE ESTATE OF S'BEWART , OBB, DECEASED. 326 8 Confederation Life Bldg." T939140: v. m u .. Its Solicitors herein. I All letters from Canada must be addressed w to our-Canadian Correspondence Depart: _ ment in Wigdaor, Out, If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institï¬te in Detroit as we see andtreat no p-lienu in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. 'Address all letters as follows: grits for our private address. Free. No mttcr"th‘has‘ treated cu, write for an honest o inibn Free ofC Boohl’réc'ï¬'jBoyhood, Manhood. Fa. erhood." (Illustrated) on iseases 0: Men. NO NA'ES USE-D WITHOUT WRYTI'EN CONSENT. PRIVATE. N a gear: Egaixggï¬zfs. Evgl_rï¬lé§%.Confidenml, Quuï¬Ã©ï¬'ï¬it and Cost 31"“. on maxi-:NNEDMKENNEW BLOOD ISONS are the most yalent“and most; gel-Ions diseases. They sap the xery lite‘b ' ‘ot'the v‘ tim and un ess entirely eradicabéa Trim: the system will cause serious complications. mine of Mercury. It mayï¬uppress the symptomsâ€"our NEW METHOD cuges all blood. diseases. YOUNG 0R MIDDLE AGED MEN.-â€"Imprudent acts or later excesses have ken gawlzil om: systé'nii ‘ You feel the symptoms stealing over vou. Mentally, hysical y and x z a. you are'not‘th‘e man you used to be or should be. Will youheecl the ggrslgngm Are ouavictlm? Have youlostho ? Are outntendm“ gto ma ? res youryblood been diseased? Haws" yrs; any gealmesst ur Nzwnilmgon Rurxm will cure What it has done for others it. will do for you. Con-ulution flog 2T9 matter" ' q‘;§s"txjgz~._.tegilou,_ wait}? {31". m; hpngst oElnion Fro_o_gf Chute. - LL“_, VAB'IGDSE, VEINS GUBED [8‘ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for “Weeks: LIMITED, 22 King Sh eet East, ’l‘oygmtgi. Ad lxxiu'kgtg':|tpx-. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? For Sale, Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold 5L. Detroit, Mich.‘ AGENTWANTED For Sale For Sale quM‘AN..w-IDEM _N, ' †‘ "‘Paislwï¬mi, HIâ€- FONTHILL‘ ,NURSERIES â€"FORâ€"-â€"â€". RICHMOND HILL ans. KENNEDY a; KENNEDY. W'mdui'. severe and l was often laid pp for a week at a. tï¬ne. My tamll hyslcian told me an operation was my only honeâ€"but I dreaded i tried several specialists, but soon found out al they wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogue?i Qne gay 'mr hoes asked me why I was 0!! work so much and I told lm cond tlon. Headviscd me to consult Dre. Kennedy & Kennedy, 85 0 had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tm: NEW Mnmon TREATMENT. My progress was somewhat slow and during the ï¬rst month‘s treatment I was somewhat discouraged. How? I continued treatment for three months longer and was ream ed with a, complete cure. I could only earn 812 g, week in a machine Shop before tmtment, flow I am earning $21 and never loose a day. I Wlsh all meters knew at your valuable treatment. “Heavy work, severe'stralnin and evflhabits in youth brought on Varicose Veins. When I wor ed hard the achin would become severe and I was often laid up for a week 933. t‘ :3 ._ My 5919!}? -L..-x,.:-_ LA.) ..__ __ -...\__L:___ _._- ‘n. A.,... , To sell for the “The Old Reiiable†\VRITE FOR TERMS. ane P.O. Twp, 1‘00: nele farms near Mount .Albm-tf 1‘)ng value in the County of York; ' . 11033593. iâ€"q the Village on Centre {Street must and, west. Six acres with hew buildings on Mi†Street. Vacant lots. on every street“ 42‘le For 'Sale'FOI RentlTh-e Weekly Sun. The ElgiqlMills Hotelis for sale or to 13min . . Money to loan 9,11 @ng mmtgago. 4l-t.f. ' ' 155 acres ï¬r-sbclass farm in every. particular 1; miles from Elgm Millst 41-4 Thhuking and hoping same, . ' ‘ A. N ICHOLLS I wish t9. inform my patrons and friends that, m_llil‘1uy_ne\v Shaving Pnrqu; iS'éreuted 1.1m“; doing business at my re-sidvncv. v ' On ht, Concession of Vaughan, ‘lut Thirty-four acres. guvd rough cast house. new stune foundation, haw, new hen house, pig pen, young org-ham just hvgiuning tubeur. plenty nf water. Suitable for pnultry fax-m .m‘ nun-[get gardening. Pictnrpsque surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk tn Men-“polime cur. H 51â€"3 m. Small Farm for Sale In Marble nr Granitcu GUUd wm-k. rmlsmmhle charges. Town 0: Uuunh'y. \Vxl‘itv, , ' \V. A. JONES, ' 22 Buchanan St, Tombstone HAS FOR SALE. Monumentï¬. I m-kers and Comer - We TO THE ’PUBLIB Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill Apply on prvmisvs 'or tn H. APPLETON, I am. yours trglvl you for past pntrdnuge. for a continuance of .he Apply. (BOW-Rem EEKâ€"""33? c. LOCUST. Lettering M. RANSO )1. Mills. x-rville. Timon tn ( -â€"AGEN‘C Yâ€"â€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON. v. s. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND. REAL» ESTATE GRAVEL, STONE AND SAND. Every family should have both their local paper and EL city paper. GLASS BROS. / Elgin Mills " TEAMSTERS RICHMOND HILL WILL SUPPLY " RATES war T borough lmwl Lot 28. C(11) 2, cash. The, Next Sitting of Diwsmn Court to No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court, Room. DIVISIRN - BGURT. RICHMOND HILL FINEvTM'E’LflHINB A. J. HUME AND Monday, June 23, 1912: NOTARY PUBLIC Cnmmugomc at 9.30 n, m. RICHMOND HILL Leases. Wills, Etc-.- Special attentiun given tn For Service Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing,» T. F. MCMAHON r‘ILEHK Holsle Bull. «11 Vaughan. TPHHS :51 JQHN SLINEY’.‘ Elgin Mills.