Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 May 1913, p. 5

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fi’iéfigumn HILL. Own, {1913 Fire- Pmctice and meeting next, Monâ€" d‘ny uiâ€"ght. Practice at 7.30. Mr. Gmrge Thompson of this village has beenappoiuted a County Constable. ‘ Mi. \Vtmdwnrd of Gm'mley preached in the Methodist church last Suuday mowing. ' Q1112" 'Wilarral; 5!: 'Mr. Gen. McDonald has sold his res~ idence on Centre street, and also the Scmlh half of the hut lwtween the Hall store and Dr. Pcntlund’s. DI". Hutchisnn (If; \Vinnipvg who .(jame, mag way to meet his wife and :“ttlt'NSnll win» are returning frum Florida \\ hem they spent thm- winter. {mime up and spent Friday aflormmn ‘with old friends in the village. Childron’s 11de to wear huts. 23, 30, 35. 60, and 850.; soft, fell hale, Imuvn, navy, cardinal and gray 50m; Ladies’ i‘isle glow-s Ian, white and black 25('. mi 409. Atkinson and Switzer. ‘ anfterly Ruliginns meeLing, will he ln-ld in the BINhudiH. vhurch next Sunday cnmnn-nciug at 10.30. Business meeting lhu following day at 2.30 p.11). in (he Selma! Romn. ' Hémzy suiting gingham. navy kings Muoand linen shade at 14c. yd., c1 imsun prints, 15c. yd.: English prints, 13v. yd. and 106.; gray bm'del ed muslin. 140. yd. “Black and white stl'ipe,zm:kfust, "(1: ill shining 16c. yd. ' Alkinsun & Swilzur. Seedlvss raisins, 110, pk.; Quick pud- dings. 16c. pk.: speciui 3 for 2.31:: Split "mm 7?. “L; Italian [imam-(mi. 110. pk.. Tnmames. 2 (THUS fnl' 25c; \Veatine 6 lb. sack fur 25c.; VVhe.~it, Gran. 6 lb. suck for3l)c. Kippei-‘ed llm‘rings 10c. can. AtkiaiSIm 8.: watzvr. April Rod and Gun in Canada puh- “shéd'hv \V. J.’l‘nyl(.l Limited. \Vt'ud- is‘hncli. Out. is of pm-lirnlm- Interest to the fisherman. "The Giant '1‘ruuL of Nipigou" is tlw npvning number and describes the excellent Lruut, fish- ing that is Lu he had on this famnus ervalu. whit-h is prnhnbly nut excelled by any ulher trout fishing stremh'in (h:- Dominion. Mr. J. H. Dnnlup. the WEN-known Tut-(mm flurisl. who is wmm‘ing his glevnhuuses from-the City. waited on 15“- (kmncii Friday .m'ening, x-vlutive tn erecting his greenhoung in this place. M r. Luwrenuv \\ hn intrudlu-ud the rep- ‘xiuse-ntuthvs said it wmnld he an m'» Valuing“ Lu lhc mhvr flarists here. :Is {he demand was “‘3' great. and [urge til-(19114: uH-‘u ('mm- i the'custnmer can hr supplied in mm luwn. Fuller par- lictdm-s of the meeting will he- found ii; llw Unnamil .miuuu-s elsewhere in [hi5 paper. Mr. A. ' E. Glass daring“ the . past week has suld Llrefiulluwin'g properties: Mr. Thomas Hoppé‘r’s hn'nse mud seven. acres of land on Centre St. “76%. to Mr. Euenn: Mr. anJ. Furvy’s house and six acres of land on Richmond St. to Mr. Phipps; Mr. John Hickmm’s huuse on Dunn-e St. East, to Mr. Thus. anper; and Mr. \Vm. Orrill’s house and Len acres nf [and on Mill SC. to M1" Mansbridgv. T'hu 1m. w. B. Findlay win preach nexl.b‘undny morning and Bar’v. T. A. VVatsun of Fa'irlmnk in‘.the evening. Mr. \Vatsnn is in old R, H. H. S. buy, and thnse wlm knew! him in those days will te glad Lu lieu-1‘ him. Mr. Currie gues m Fuirhzulk. ‘ .r- A. GRAND BAZAAR! ~ V A ‘B mail]: in aid Hf St. Mary’s (R: 0:3) Uhuréhiwillbé held in the Skating Rink, at, the pen-k nu: 'l‘uysday‘fljld \V_l‘(]il(’$- any. the Gui émd 7111‘M' Mzry‘.” Dams upon each day at 3 pun. 'l‘in-rerilI he mallv special Mum-(inns, _und :1 cnnij-t each, evening ,uL 7.30. Admission 1,5 cents. - “The regular meeting of tho Glfild will he held uu Friday n.1, 8 Inn. Subject “Jesus Teaching Concerning Sin”_ Leader: Mrs. Gun-i9, Essuyist Miss Mnyle._ U , _, , .‘1‘he choir will not meet for practice this Thursday evening as Mr. Newton [ms to he znlpspnptf1<uln Lmvn. iscuused from the blond heng thick- éned with the uric acid pnisnns uraniu- ting in the head. Anti-Uric Pills cure all forms of kidney trouble. They are so good and so sure W. A. Sander- son guarantees them. Be. sure you get Anti-Uric Pills. B. V. Marion on every box. Sold 0an at “Z A. Sand- ersnn's drug store. LOST! Ab the Palmer House m- around the remises on \Vednesday a pair of bpectaclesnnd Case. The finder will please leave at THE LIBERAL office. fields nra «urea. M! then wno mm Sn"an & Co..Pomsnd, Mnlneavill receiu free, full informnion sham work which , Ihey can do. and live at home.that will my :hem from $5 to $25 per dly. Some have earned over $3" In a day Either sex. young orolg‘l, 01pm! am required. Ynn are suned has. Thosa who mum one. u mum: ms of mu: my» forums. All I MI. IJ()CAIJS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HEADACHE A: W EEK‘S SAL ES. 'th: Sage-inc girl i: tn he Semi in W. A. Sande-rsnn’sdrug sluromid nli run-y lmllle of Sugeine hair tonic that is genuine- émd 'snld under ’:'I pusitive gnlzmntee In stop falling l’iuil'. (-‘mdi- (-:«l,e dandruff and to grim?th mpst lifPless, rum-59. (lly hair in thick suit and luxuriant. Sagiene is u ’clean scientific hair Innic cumphsvd uf the flush llllldl‘lll hninv .px-rducmg and lwuutifying' agents; it, is free from greasy‘suhstnncvs, is nut n dye and is dzlinlvily ’ pm‘funwd. saguiuu (he fnvm'itP «if pal-livular pu-plt- and is Sold in Richmond Hill mwa at \V. A. Smuds-xsun's (Irl‘lg 'stm'e. Sngu'me is only 506. sons to [ring it mmm’ reach of all. The Canadian Magazine fm May is an inspiring number. for in the. first a_rt,iL-le~~â€"“The \Vooden \Valls nf Dan- ada” by Charlesfi. Blue â€"‘iL is « shown that no matter what our naval policy may b9. Canada builtandnmnned and operated a navy of her own on the Great Lasz more than a hum‘lredyears ago. x The article'is unusually interest- ingfand it is illustrated with a front‘3 ispiece purh-aite of Sir Guy Carletun. \vhn is called “The Father nf the Canadian Navy." This Article is ful- anvd by an artful little sketch. "The Shadows.” hy Margaret Bull. and a pnmu by Isabel Ecclestune Mackay. There- is also a finely irnnical essay by Amuld Haultain entitled “Uxfurd and the Oxfm-d Man,” an artile uf nation- al important-o entitled "A National Pun-puse in Educatimn" by the [aspect- m--Genvral of Pmtestanl sohnuls in tha’ Pl (wince (If Qtnsiu-C: ‘fUppvr (lanada in Early Times.” by the Honorable \Vill- iam Renwick Riddvll: "Spring in [lu- Beech \Vnuds," by Duncan Armhulst; a finer 81*ll‘cti0n nfshm'tstm-it-s by Peter McArlhnr. Mny Austin Low, J.J. Bell, Louis ' J1 r'seph Vanna", nml uthers; :1 sketch (ifAI'ChhishUp McNeil «ranl'nntu hyM; L.,._H:u't, and poems by Dnnmn Oahu)le scan. Arthur L. Phelps, and Ewyn Ba uce Mum-Kinnqu ;. Albert McGill was up before I’nlive Magistrate, ’1‘. H. Bruntun. in the Council Chamber here Tuesday. charged with escaping frnm the Indusâ€" trial Farm “hile in lawful (-ustndv’ The prlsnuer pleaded guilty. hut said he would unt have dune Sn had he not been umler the influence of liquor supplied tn him' by some? travellers walking down the railway track which runs through the farm. The. nmgis- trate cnmmitted the prisonerth ye:_u-s years in the Central Prison.’ The nl‘fender expressed regret that, he had hruken awnytuud pleaded fur a shnrtei' term. The magistrate. hnwvver, bud hmde up his previous record. and as he had heeuimprisoned on several uther ucuasions. refused tn lighten the sen: tence. Mr. Bruutun explained that he ‘hadhn desn'e tw._puy1ish the‘umn hrfure him 'hutylfelt it Was his dutthu pievenb :l's farms pu‘ssilile the puhliu'frmn heng imposed upon,“ and tn improve the mural character of the community; The. magistrate, ulsb_aig,;ided that lie'~\\’ill mqu the-"penalty Very severe. "pain 'n‘ny prrs‘rhr prnveifln have givrn liquor tunnequ that clusst ’ 'Ev'ery mason who attended the masonic gathering at Thornhill \Ved- nesday evening of last week will be good enough tn lnnk at. the inaide hand uf his hat. and see if- snme om- can find the. initials “W. H... C.” stamped on th-‘é band. If he finds the initials, Dr. W. H. Carleton nf'l‘hm-nhill will he pléased to heeuj from, him and exchange hutsR Mr. Edwm ~\’V:’tllu,ce,~capiwlist. Tu» mnto, ’hl-lSyDll-l'chflsed fut- $116,000p a farm on Xxinge Street, emisisting ht. 332‘2w1'efi.‘ \Tl‘iis property/was fin-mem- ly the home of the late Unl.‘ MacLend, and was afterwards purchased by Mr, P. Phillips whnsdld it it few ycm-‘s ngn. This plaice whichgis opposite stop 510): the Meetmpnlitnn Railway has been purchased for â€"an automobile club which is to be fut-med; There will he gulf grounds, tennis courts, linthiné, boating. fishing and other sources ut' recreation. There is a beautiful lake on the ground. which is. stocked with fish, e11.iln.-aciiig about 30 acres 01" clear spring “Intern, There is now on the property a. hinge brick house, and it is the intention of the club to spend $50J)UU on a. club house and other im- movements, The gond roads system ends at the entrance nfthe gruunds. This fun-Lu extends westward to the second concession). of Vaughan, which is_ a continuation of Buthursl. St. JUST ARRIVED-.- IN RICHMOND HILL BOUGHT ma Q‘LUB HOUSE. TWO YEARS IN CENTRAL HAT E‘XG-H ANGE D. MAY CANADIthr , Jeijtfgarsqg P.*_S. Report for Marcha'and Aprilm , » Pure bred Sheppard Ancdnas e-zch.>. PurP lm-d \Vhite VVynm (Gala-Sham) $1.50 each. , « Hmlx‘vhwldm‘s requested to ' h:- and pron-11593 cle‘ canditiun not, I; May inst. SI. 1.7.44M.\Clu_hinv. K. Topper. Lend. Jr. IV;L.12ibh,'ML1M-urpby.=A. U Sr, m_ L_ 5mm E,-1-,ewb m e, I .3 «pm-I-a-q-MWM-I-¢M$w++++rw+++ww+m+w+++ McLeod. E. Brnckin. ., J I“. III. J. Tuppen l Sr. II. F. Clnhine. R. Dihh. J‘. II.--H. Sn art. P. Huzel’hurst. I.‘ Kaiser. , Sr.‘ I.â€"E. Dilnh. C. Knisexa R.’ Newhgry, N. [High] 0. Noslsun. 'P-H- H-N-I'M SUITSTo ORDER .1 l-Md-fl'l-M'P'I'i'éfl After the above dute‘lthe Inspector: will nmke a thm-uugh impaction of all pre’lnises. \Vill all huusehnlders please govern [lieulsel-ggg ngmrdingly. ' will nmke a thm-ungh pre’lnises, \ViH all hw 44-2 44-2 Murphy‘ Lax-ets 5 Netice is hereby given that L. INNES & SONS’ FAC.‘ TORY and OFFICE will be CLOSED SA T U R D‘A Y AFTERNOONSdurin g MAYL JUNE, IULY and AUGUST. 'Our customers will ‘please govern themselves aceording- Iv. ' 1 41-2 By twn adults im' summer Innmhe, hoard at, hit-gafanle house I l' hoarding h-uNeJu-m Bond Lnkv. “'ikmx' Lake or Richumnd Hill. ' ‘Vrite giving full partjrrulin's and SPHSOH x-aLe. » Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER. OF THE ESTATE ‘ ' 0F JANE ESPEY, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUG H AN , - .MARRIED \VOMAN,1DEUEASED. Purx‘uant -~tn LheSmtute in that; “In-J Inilf Nuticé is~héruhvéiven that" all parties halving -e}udil»ns against , the estate- uf Junt- E§]’){ey, law Of the van- ship 9f, Vaughn". dacmse-d. who died nu uxf'uhmil {he let’d‘yy uf Fibrnaryj 1933, um n-iw'nuyl'on unfilwfmjte’the [Hyb- day (11‘ Muy'}9l3 ’tn send u :stutfibxnéllp Hf t1wi!“’cl§u'1'n|s. fit!) the rm‘t’umuf flu- s’egimjty. if ’nn’yr held lvy’ihvmp [-0- gvthm- with Ll'wir; mime-sde anjlglrifsses to lhe‘undvrsimtgd ‘Snl-iciu'fi's foi- the Adminisnjnfin: ‘ T" ' v May I, 1913 000K782 GILCHRIST. , And -f\1!‘[l;¢)n- tar‘ké .nnticé that, fifth: the Suid Jusfiuwntiuned'date lbe A(l-’ minisgmtm- "\v‘kfi'épildcrod~-Ur distribute the a|§sets’of lh’v d’epvnse-d-Mixcmg the p:u'tivs"’entitlud lherétn. hagving'regaujd' only to .the claims, of whichflhe Shall huge reC‘eive‘d nutice. ‘ g, 3Z3 Confemtipn Life Bldg.. ' _ Tulim‘tn; Soliditm-s for Administrator. Dated April lZLh, 1913. Jr. _I.'A. Clubi'ue, L. Two tons straw. Apply at For cmu'sesin all Business sulnje-cts lending Lu positions as Bnnkkeep- ers ()I'Suenngvaphels and for Civil Service and: Uumnmrcial SpH-ial- istq’ examimnions will he conduct- ed in Shams Schmuls.'[‘0mnto. the ((‘t-nu'al Brmnvss Cnlltâ€"‘ge, with four citv Blanch Schools) from July 3rd to August; 16th this year. Students may time»:- any time fur- gvneral courses; N0 vacations. write \V. H..'Shnw. President. fur catalog. 391 Yonge St.” Tux-0mm R. T. \VEBS‘I‘ER. r , 10 Elmscourt Apartments, ’ Irwin Ava, Toronto. L. INNES & SONS. Richmond Hill. SUMMER SCHOOLS NOTICE NOTICE For Sale Far Sale Wanted ' THE LIBERAL' Office. a in Richmond Hill muvetheir buck v.- ezmed and in a sunil laterthzm the 10m: H. TODD. Richmond Hill PUG'S'LEY‘ Toppem Ll » I T‘r'r'r'r 'r'r'r'r‘r r ! i ‘.-. ndnttes 10th ii“ "'8 yards :mitsuy lOLh of Rééve‘ $1.00 f . Sole Agency for House of Hobberlin. ' II. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +M++++++++ wwwww-s-MMH ' ’ 3 " a" ". r 7 "-7â€" . . , ., i: V" VXVV vavvvyvv'yvvy’vYVVYJV V!Y_VYVYY:VVVYVVVV?V§¥V§Vfivv AAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAMIAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAL AAM AAAKAAA AAAAMAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Atkinson & SWitzer __ RICHMOND HILL ' ' PHONE 17 vvvvvvvvav’yyivvvvvvvvtyyv v'vavv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvfi‘ I QQQOQQQQQO{QQQ§9§§OO§+i)Q“#6§§§§§t§O+¢§§§+§§f§§§¢§ It doesn’t matter how big you areâ€"or how small you areâ€"or how stout ywlare, We guarantee cofit you perfectly with. Hobberlih' made-to-measure clothes. You don’t; have to take the - suit either if it isn’t all that we claim for it. Choice , of hundreds'ot‘ patterns in the new weaves for Spring and Summer, cut by expert cutters and tailored to your exact: measurement Men’s Tan Russiafi Calf, very best" grade, buttoned or laced, derby or knob toe - - ~ $5 00 Men’s Gun~Metal Calf, derby or knob toe, Goodyear we-lted soles, best grade - $4 00, $4 50 and $5 00 Ladies-“Tan Russian Calf, butioned or laced, latest toe, extra quality -_ - $3.50 and $4 50 Ladies’ Gun-Metal, best grade, Goodyear welted soles, latest toe - - - $4 00 Also. Patent and Dongola Kid at different prices. THE RIGHMBN‘UTH‘H SHU’E‘STOEE FURNITURE IN STOCK NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR For'your Housecleaniiug. it'is a w-ond be used oniall’ kinds of furniture, 7' will polish'as we]! as clean. WA LL PAP E R LIQUID“. VENEER STOCK NOW' COMPLETE PRICES ARE RIGHT. it'is a wonder._- .Can- of furniture,'and ’

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