ED, 5. “So you’ve been to France, again, Mrs. Comeup?†“Yes; seems like we can’t keep away from dear Paris. Indeed, my daughter says Awe’re regular Parasites.†A Jew took his son Ikey to the theatre. He bought one ticket. ‘When he started in the doorkeeper said: “You will have to have a ticket for the boy.†The Jew rew plied: “I give you my word as a gentleman he won’t look.†The best deï¬nition of a demaâ€" gogue will always remain with the little girl of seven who said: “A demagogue is a vessel containing beer and otherliquids.†“No,†replied Mr. Growcher. “Just as soon as you get the‘ world peaceful and harmonious, a. lot of people will arise and kick because competition has been eliminated.†Illnard‘o Llnlmcnt Curos Distemper. :4 Gloomy Forecaster. “Don’t you want to see the world a place 9f complete peace and bar- mony '7’) Illnard‘s Llnlmam Cures Dlphlharla. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXA'I‘IVE BROMO QUININB, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cureq Guy in Ewo Days. 250. “And Sam, do you do anything toward helping to get the where- withal to, §uppqrt the family?†“ ’Deed I BE) boss; Why, ovnly las’ week I went down 11’ ordered a washin’ machine for m’ wife.†I “I used liniments and plasters, 1but they did not do me any good, and as them we're other symptoms that my kidneys were affected, I decidedbo try Dodd’s Kidney Pills. After using two boxes, my back was completely cured, and my kid-- neys have not troubled me since.†Character is made up of small duties faithfully performed, of deâ€" nial, of self-sacriï¬ce, of kindly acts, of love and duty. The backbone of character is laid at home, and whe- ther the constitutional tendencies be good or bad, home influences will, as a, rule, fan them into ac- tivity. Kindness begets kindness, and truth and trust will bear a rich harvest of truth and trust. There are many trival acts of kindness which teach us more about a man’s character than many vagUe phrases. Marchbank, King’s County, N.B.., ‘April 28 (Special).â€"After suffering for ï¬ve years from kidney disease, brought on by a strain, Hudson *Marchbank, Esq., the wellâ€"known farmer of this place, is again a.- strong, healthy man, and another grand cure for Dodd’s Kidney Pills has been put on record. In an in- terview; Mr. Marchbank says: Wheh Mr. Marchbank decided that his kidneys were the cause of his troubles the rest was easy. A]â€" most any of his neighbors could tell him that Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure diseased kidneys. “Abqut ï¬ve years ago I hurt my back from lifting, and it developed into kidney disease. My back pained me all the time, and I was very much troubled with headaches. My appetite was ï¬tful': I had a, bit;- ter taste in my mouth in the mornâ€" ings; I perspir‘ed freely, and my perspiration had a disagreeable .odor. ' How Hudson Marchbauk, After Suffering for Five Years, Found Quick Relief and Permanent Cure in the Greatest of Canadian Remedies. DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS QUICK- LY CURED IIIS KIDNEY DISEASE. Found the Cause The; Best Was Easy Helping Some. Character. ISSUE IFSâ€"~13 The death has occurred at Surbi- ton, England, of Thomas Sutton, aged 84, who had made thousands of children happy by converting disâ€" carded math boxes, cigar and cigarette boxes, chocolate boxes and tobacco tins into attractive re- ceptacles for, sweets 2and giving them away every Christmas to chil~ dren of public institutions. Last Christmas Mr. Sutton broke his previous best record for a year with more than 8,000 boxes. Since tak- ing up his hobby he had covered and lined nearly 40,000 boxes, all of which he had given away. Anyway, a man need not fear competition when he is in love with himself. Your drugzlst will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protrudinz Piles in 6 to 14 days. 500. mnard's Llnlmem our" colds. Ell. “What is strict economy, Pa ?†“Strict economy, my boy, is the kind your mother makes me pracâ€" tice.†A man should know the company he avoids. Minard's Liniment 00., Limited. I was very sick with Quinsy and thought I would strangle. I used MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT and it cured me at once. I am never without it now. Yours gratefully. MRS. C. D. PRINCE. Nauwigewauk. Oct. 215:. “Oi halve; sorr, the plain truth, an’ ye Wlll be able to put in all the rest yerself.†When one medicine is used in a home for a number of years it is the strongest testimony as to the value of that particular remedy. Thou- sands of mothers have been using no other medicine but Baby’s Own Tablets for yearsâ€"in fact many of them say they would have no other medicine in the house. Concerning them Mrs. Jas. H.. Konkle, Beams- ville, Ont., says: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for ten years and would not be Without them as long as there are children in the house.†The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. “Now, have you given me all the factsrexactly as they occurred?†When one neighbor tells another neighbor that a. new family is about to move in next, door these four questions are asked Within the next minute or two: “What’s their names?†“Got any children?†“Do they own a phonograph '1†“What’s his business?†A dew bicture of Crown Prince Michi of Japan in a. uniform of sub- lieutenant of the Imperial navy. BABY’S OWVN TABLETS USED FOR TEN YEARS Saved 01d Boxes for Hobby. PILES OURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. The Lawyer’s Turn. Deï¬ned. Usually. “To touch these wires means in- stant death. Anyone failing to re- spect this warning will be prose- cuted and ï¬ned.†\ No one has, up to the present, had to be prosecuted. The trouble about taking a chance isthat you can’t always put it back where you found it. FLOOKï¬ Germany is being blamed for the story of a factory notice now going the rounds. Prominently display- ed near all the live wires, it reads: Two toé'a_loved by four coma for ï¬ve years and éentenced to die by ï¬ve appli- cations of Putnam‘s Corn Extractor. (If you want to cure corns, “Putlnam’s†is the only thingâ€"try this painless remedy, 250. anal) dealers. ‘Threlkeld’s powers of memory, however, were not solely concern: ed with theology. He was also a linguist, and knew nine or ten languages, while dates were a pas- sion with him, no matter hOW'un- important. His knowledge of his- toric dates, of chronology, heraldry and genealogy was encyclopaedic, and one of his favorite amusements was to go through the succession in the Episcopal Sees and trace the pedigrees of families. J ‘ “In later years,’_ says Mr. Frank Hird, in “Lancashire Stories,†“Threlkeld was looked upon as a living concordance to the Bible in Rochdale and the neighborhood, and he was constantly asked the most puzzling questions by his bro- ther ministers, sometimes actual- ly for information, but generally for mere amusement. He was nev- er known to be wrong.†Both at Daventry and Wafring- ton, where he >went to ï¬nish his education, his fellow-students de- lighted in putting his memory to the test, and never once was it known to be at fault. Of the many examples of prodig- ious memories which have been re- corded from.time to time none, perhaps, have been so remarkable as the case of Rev. Thomas Threl- keld, who was Presbyterian minis- ter at Rochdale, England, for 28 years and died there in April, 1806, at the age of 67. Threlkeld’s mem- ory ï¬rst attracted attention when he attended the Grammar School at Daventry, where he .began to make a close study of the Bible. When a passage was recited to him he could immediately give it, chap- ter and verse, and, on the other hand, if a chapter and verse were given he could at once repeat; the passage. ‘ You ï¬nd a thousand uses, for a good family remedy like Nerviline. Get the’ 500. family the bottle; lt's' more economi- cal than the 250. trial size. Sold by’all storekcepers and‘ druggists. or The Ca- tarrhozone 00,, Buffalo, N. Y. "It's in an unsettled part of the coun- try like our far West that. proves how valuable Nerviline is in the home.†writes Mr. Patrick IVL Dehaney, from Font Sas- katchewan. “Chills are frequentâ€"a hot drink of Nerviline Bends life circulating through the body in three minutes. Cramps or sudden illness at night is one of our terrors. No druggist or doctor is near, but if Nerviline is handy you can get relief. The woi'et cramps Nerviline has cured in my children in half a min- ute. I don‘t think any farmer‘s wife has any right to be without the protection of Nerviline. In our family we use it for a hundred ills, and it cures them all. One night one of my kiddies had ear-ache and another toothache. Without Nerviline no one cpuld have sleptâ€"I applied it we di- rected, and the childrens’ pains disap- p‘eared. My husband uses Nerviline for lame back, rheumatism, aching joints and all sorts of muscular pains. It is as good inside as outside, and is as much 3' part of my home as my kitchen stove." Wonderful Memory of Presbyter: ian Minister. A Splendid IO cent Household Spe- cialty is being Introduced all over Can- ada. It is Appreciated by the Thnifty Housewife who wants things “JUST A LITTLE BETTER." Send Post Card to- da . Sim lvsa :â€" y "Sent? liouszhold S eclaJty ad- vertised in my ewspapar." That’s all ! You will be Delighted ! Pay if Satisï¬ed, \Ve take the risk. Send to-day ! Address RC. 1240, Montreal. DON'T RUSS THIS OFFER. For Stomach Pains and Cramps, No Remedy so Prompt as Nervlllne. Ever Have Cramps. Nausea, Vomiting? ISN’T THIS ROMANTIC? KNEW BIBLE BY HEART. A Westernar's Experience Rented. THEN U SE NERVILINE. D ue Warning. If you have reason for an act you won’t need an excuse. ‘ Asbestos plaster, used in the same manner as concrete at the pre- sent time, will, so a western conâ€" struction concern believes, solve several problems. It is claimed not only that buildings constructed of such material would be absoluteâ€" ly ï¬reproof, no matter how hot 3 ï¬re might be raging on either side, but that the use of such plaster, which is a poor conductor of heat, would save fuel in winter and keep interiors cool in summer. Asbestos is also soundâ€"proof, which is an adâ€" ditional feature of importance, par- ticularly in the construction of ho- tels, factories and the like. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c. per box or ï¬ve boxes for $1.00, by mail from The Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. Judge (to notorious bank robber) â€"-â€"They say you were in politics on the other side. "In using Dr. Hamilton’s Pills I ï¬nd my system is wonderfully built up. It is certainly the most effective remedy I ever used. I have now a good appetite, sleep more soundly, and awaken in the morn- ing feeling quite refreshed. "Formerly I felt tired and depressed. I looked as if a severe illness were hanging over my head. “Nothing could give ,quicker results than Dr. Hamilton's Pills and I strongly advise every young woman to use them.†- Accused (with offended dignity)â€" Never, your honor! Politics wpuld have ruined my ’character. Try Murine Eye Remeï¬y. No Smartingâ€"Feels FlneLActs Quickly. Try it. for Red, Weak. Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Oculistsâ€"not a“PMenb Med- icine"â€"but used In successful Physicians' Prac- uce for many $335. Now dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold I) Huggins at 250 and 600 or Bottle. Murine Eye Ive n Aseptic Tubes.. and 500. Dr. Hamilton has‘ invaluable experience in these cases and found nothing so prompt in building up young women as his vegetable pills of Mandrake and But- ternut. Full of spirit, ruddy and strong is the girl that assists her system by the use of D1~.~Hamilton’s Pills. The following recent, letter from Miss Etta McEwen, of Haliburton, speaks for itself: ‘ When Your Eyygs Need Gard Try Murine Eye Reme No Smartingâ€"F'eels Mai-me Eye'Saiié'iE’lée'ï¬u}: Tubâ€"e .7 'hï¬i'ï¬i Murlne Eye Remedy 00., Chicago Dr. Hamilton’s Pills begin by cleansing the system and purifying the blood; they also improve digestion and render food ready for absorption. Additional nour- ishment is quickly supplied and the pati- ent. is fast strengthened and invigorated. Vital force must be increased, new blood must be supplied and a general re- building take place before she will feel like she ought. ulnard's Llnlmenl Burn Garza: In cows In the list drawn up America is credited with two makes of biplanes (Wright and Curtiss) and three of hydro-aeroplanes (Burgers-Wright, Wright and Benoist); Great Britain with nine makes of biplanes, eleven of monoplanes and one hydro-aero- plane; Germany with six makes of biplanes, seventeen of monoplanes and two hydro-aeroplanes; France with twenty makes of biplanes, twenty~four of monOplanes end ltwen’cy-four of hy‘droâ€"éero‘planas. The remaining countries do not ireaeh double ï¬gures. Italy has nine, Austria, three, Japan, Russia and Switzerlanii one each. At night she is restless, she dozes, but doesn‘t sleep soundly. By Following the Advice of Miss McEwan 1 You Gan Quickly Become strong Again. The panid girl always lacks appetite. What little she eats is badly digested. Bright, Ruddy Checks For Pale Girls No Longer Any Need to be Pale Weak 0r Anaemia. ‘ The non-stop record has been beaten twenty-three times, three times by foreign machines, twenty times by French. The speed record, has been held twice by foreign ma.- chines and eighteen times by French. The height récord has been beaten twentyâ€"ï¬ve times, four times by foreign machines, the rest by French. Has 48 Different Makes to 47 of Other“ Nations Combined. An analysis of the existing makes of aeroplanes and hydro-aeroplanes made by a, French newspaper shows that France alone possesses forty- eight compared with fortyâ€"seven credited to all other nations com- bined. Numbers alone, it is pointâ€" ed out, do not prove much, but the chief records give France also the ï¬rst place. FRANCE LEADS IN AIRSHIPS Buildings of Asbestos. Denied. Torento. Too Busy to Brag. “Is he making good 2†“He must be. He never seems to have time to stop and tell anybody about it.†sample tree If you wrm National Diu- & Chemical Co. of canada. lelhd, â€"____.- 6(0 ACRES IN MIDDLESEX COUNTYâ€"â€" ) Soil clay loam; 2 acres fruit; new brick house; number of outbuildings: 5 miles to market and Railway Station. This is a cheap farm. The Western Real state Exchange, London, Ont. '1‘ ONCE~MEN TO LEARN BARBER V trade; expert instruction; constant practice; tools free; always sure employ- ment for barber. Write. for catalogue. Moler College, 221 Queen 15.. Toronto. CANCER. TUMORS. UUMPH, ETC, internal and external. cured with. out pain by our home treatment Wflu us befprq 190 13.13: Dr. Bellman Medics! Baum"; hand ‘ TAMP COLLECI‘ORSâ€"HUNDMED Du?- k ferent Foreign Stamps. Canalogua. Albumgouly Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto. ‘1 ‘ I HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in diï¬ereut sections of Ontarlo on my list. If you want a farm consult FRf‘Ilfrh’itéa.’ CBiii‘ne’w’rinri "nit H. w. DAWSONâ€, Toronto. EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS in Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan thqï¬canAbe bought. Worth the‘money 10' quick unï¬t H. w. DAWSON. Nlnaty Colborna Street. Toronto. ‘ OOD RTOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES I with Three Houses: large Bunk Barn. Must be soid quick. Price is very low. Cutlcum Bonpinnd Ointment, are sold throughout thé world. A liberal samplo‘ol eachh with 32-11:}: booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and scalp. sent. post-tree. Addfeaa Potter Drug 4k Chap. Com. Dept. 28D. Boston, I); s. A.‘ f vant, Venï¬latiug and Eating System}. and power purpo<es. TANKS ANï¬ SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Shut.- CUTICURA Soap and Ointment Do so much forpimples, blackheads, red‘,"‘ rough hands, and dry, 'thin and falling hair, and cost» so/ little that »it is almos; criminal not to use them. POLSON WHY ENDURE , PIMPLES silk or mixtures. 24 colon-will give any shade. Colon 10c. Black I5c--at your dellcr's or postpnid with booklet "How to Dye" from DYES SO EASIEY With Mnypolg Soap thee is no nouble and no mun in home dyeing. Dyes cotton. wool. when buying your Piano 'insist on havmg an Ono NIGEL" Uye"hom 0 108 F. L. BENEDICT & 00. Montreal Engines and Shlpbulldera Piano Action MALE HELP WANTED? Maypole Soap SIAMPS AND cbms rnnns~son “sum. M|SCELLANEOU3 IRON WORKS LIMITED .24 New and Second- hanle {or beagipg TORONTO