Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1913, p. 1

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'1" augeon, , J K McEwen ‘ M1920 \ . Weston Smigeon a: JIcEwen. mémzel i-zctioqaerstorthe Countyuf York. 6 Man 0.576" 191 m on ahartest notice and at: ten.- sm‘pble rates Patronage solicited LASKAY P. 0. Special course in “Myer’s” Kinder- F‘u'gen Mezhnd', purLicuL-u-ly helpful t6 )ezmnms. Glass recitals are given throughnnt the_ year 424v Prvp'lwé pupils for {he g‘i-udwd" 9x: animation: held at Tmunt-n ()nnsm-vn- “my 01' Music ‘und Univmsity nf Jug l'nntn. » ‘ Lhenssvi .‘hmtmnear for bhe Counties of York. OJz-Lriu and Numb l‘monm. Special ammuch given In sales of evurv description. Farm and farm stink 58.165 8, apedddhy Farms bought. and smd an commission. All Sides amen led to on shun-Lent 11 mice mm conducted by the latest up; (Mime manna . Address: 2.49 53.1.1411 Sb. Toronto. Phune Nu. 25. Calls 43310 USE PAINTER, (13.3137, Grainer and Paper-I ' Hanger. LlBERAL P'mNTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE - RICHMONDHILLONT. RESET. ENCE. RICHMOND HIL ‘1 1”. F ._ 310 Is PUBLISHED EVERY EHURSDAY MORNING D. 11,.P1NKE'RTOV, v.8, DR: W. R. PENTLAND RHZHMUND HILL First lmuw nnrth ul’ Atkiusun & Swimw’s stunt SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 60 Riaple, ()nt. VOL. XXXV. $I per annum, in advance. LICENSED AUCTION EER Fur the County of York. bUSINESS CARDS. E w AND RESIDEN( '1 «Fl-CE Q .HEWISON ‘emmav SURGEON, 'i‘hanmu. @312 iiiiiwml phone ur ntherwisu prumplly x'Hspv‘lxdud Lu. J. H. Prentice Eamon & Ph (I! 18 N« l . 9 .L!) 3 $61.??? 2mm: RESIDENCE Warm. AT THE MAHON. noun-1'03. ONTARIO 424V COMMISSIONER. CONVEY Richfinong Hill A large stock of F kep at [)0 BARRISTER, Somcmon, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Offim. Runm 328 Confequ tiuu Life I31dg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hill Office (“Lihemlr ()fi'ice), every Thursday fn'renoun. Muplv, Thursday Afternoon. M \Vnndm-idge, Saturday fm'enoon. Mmer to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) LENNOX & MORGAN Te}. M. 363] % ELLIOTT . mnpmvrrn nun! ‘ NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Telvphnne, Main Gable Address. "Dado." / W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor Yonge and Alexandez Sts. D0 yuu kiimv JUSD h()\v’lit.tle it costs in secure a thorough business edu- cation that, will not, 01le increase your earning cupncity hutwfll en- able ynu to get a position. where you will come in contact with in- fluential people who bun assist you to further advancement? 0111- cut,- nlngue will give you full particuliirs. A postal cardâ€"Hum effortâ€"we do the rest. 1 THE COST OF A BUSINESS 0R SHORTHAND EDUCATIONJN THE- Barristers,Sollcitors. Nataries, 84c. Home Life‘ Building Cor. Adelaide . & Vict5na Sta" I‘m-onto. A. GF. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar L’qdm-Iakors. dy [3 Organs Repaired PIANO TUNING H. A“ NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC REAL Esg-ATE, ETC. THORNHILL Danton, Grover & Field i. Cameron MacNaughton ")ummissinnm, Conveymn Insurance. and Real E: Issum “I Min-Helge Lit-u Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3'1. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. l8 KING ‘ STREET WEST Lawrence & Dunbar, TORONTO. ONT. Eofin f7. ‘Qavz'dson THORNHILL s Repaired mid Expnrt' Work Guaranteed WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM COOK Barristers, Snlicmrs EDWARD FRANCIS, voucmc AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING NOTARY PUBLIC . and Real Estate Marriage Licenses. (1X G Aurora, RICHMOND HILL. ONT" THURSDAY; MAY 8 W331. , C()n\'eyzlrléer. 9L0 171119141] Furnishirg both places “In Essentialc, Unity; in STV IdOBGAN Inbnlmol-s, he Pnon‘e Main 2984 Thanking you. Sirfi for 'spaceirand apologizing for the length of this letter, I :un,‘ Vng truly yggrs; ' .A. J. HUME? Villége Clank. Richmond Hill, May 7, 1913. voted on next Saturday, whiéh ' is submitted to the Elecuns [JV the Cuuncil (in a request by the Ratepay- H-’s Association, prm ides for this, and also for the securin for repayment to he given by Mr. La wrenoe, us well as fOE‘the method nf paying off the 1mm. It had been hoped that a large num- ber of ratepayers Would have attended the meeting of the Association on Friday evening last. when the matter was very thoroughly discussed, _ but as the attendance on that occasion was small, there are still, no doubt. some of our citizens to Whom the by- law. and the reason for its submission to the/Electors, is not quite clear. and it is for the purpose of \giving some general information that this letter is' Written: in the first place it will he conceded by all, that Mr. Lawrence in locating here and commencing opera.- tions as n Florist. and also in opening up his property for building purposes, has given a. decided impetus to the progress'of the municipality, and in- dee ; the recent advance in property values in the Villdge is easily traced to his enterprise. and I am convinced, Mr. Editor. that the citizens of Rich- mond Hilluare not of that class of people who would accept a. benefit without making a return, should the. opportunity for doing_so he presented ‘ 1 Dear Sir, May I trespass rm your valuable columns for space for a few reasons why the Electors of Richmond Hill should vote “for” the by-law on Sa'turdax next. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL: THE BY-LAW ssentials, Libefiy ; ‘in all things, Charity Choir Practice will he held this (Thursday) evening'avc the home of the leader. Mr. J. E. Newton. \ ’ Rev. E. (l. Clm‘ie‘s subject: next Sunng will he I, "An unprecedented Appeal”; 2, “A man past Fm-ty”. Many 'people have It. but neglect it until they are crippled and without. hope nf ever being cured, but. there is hope“ for all -in Rheumn and no one need have rheumatism now. Rheumo isjast what we say it is. \Ve have re- ceived hundreds of testinumials tell- ing us that Rheulno has cured old standing case: (-f rheumatism and when all other: treatments had failed. Rheumn enriches the. blood and drives uric acid from the system. Don’t fail to get a huttlg today at \V. A. Sande:- son and you will soon haveynnr health and strength as in the olden davs. Mr. \V. A. Sanderson sells.a large bottle for one. dollar. or we will mail you a. bottle prepaid on receipt of price. B. V. Marion 00., Bridguburg. Ontario. -~ . ' In_Sf.. And rew’s Church last, Sunday, Rev. Dr. Carmichael preached the sermon, 1f bving the 54th anniversary of his first pregmhing in Vaughan. Itiskexpwcte‘d lhatagnud pgngriam‘me will be given at the concert; in the Masonic Hall on Friday evpning. The funeral of the late Mr. Jnlm ‘Gillivs. \vliu pusspd away at his hnme at Emmy mLVVeansdny ofrlast‘, wePk took place lll‘l'e on Friday wtftm'nrmn. Mr. Gillies Was Well known and highly respected in this vicinity having lived here. fora number-of years.‘ He was always much interested in Sabbath School walk, and when here he was superintendent and teacher in St. Andrew’s S. S. , ‘ Quartm-lv meeting service was held here on Sunday morning. At, the close (if the scnice eighteen young people united with the» church. For exceeding 'speed limit with his :lutnmnbile I. Proctor was fink-d $10 and costs. ‘ T. H. Br‘untrm. Police Magistrate; and J. H. Sanderson, ’J, P. hPld Police Court here nerz-idfiy. or _ v..._. “..-u.. gust. cuuxlllcl Illl'lIl/IIE: The sudden zisgin property in Rich- mond Hill was referred to, and it W'r’S fleely admitted that to Mr. Lawrence is due much of the credit in starting the boom. ' v , V. ‘_....._7 V “W”... Mr. Bagel-man asked snme very prnper questions as to the security- Mr. Lawrence would give,,tbe number of hands he would employ in his greenhouses 35c. Mr. Turp. Mr. Lawrence’s foreman, said that the present, greenhouse, 700 feet long, was being converted into two narrower ones. the same length but lower. and that Mr. Lawrence hOped to bring his two other green- hnuses from North Toronto. When completed 40 01-45 men would be re- quired all the year around, and a larger staff duringthe summer months. wu‘v V\I|JI lawn- The question of voting on the by-law to loan Mr. W. J. Lawrence a sum of money Without interest. for 10 years was then taken up. Mr. Innes, Mr. Pugsley, Mr‘ Sims. Mr. Pratt. Mr. Hume and others spoke strongly in favor of the proposition. the only dis- senting. voice bmng Mr. Adam Richard- son who said he Would vote against the By-law, as he would rather vote the money for a drainggg system. II’_ I ,, The Association appointed ,Mondav, May 5 as Arbor Day, Mr. Pratt taking charge of supplying the trees. and Mr. J. H. Sanderson of planting them. ' The question of a. frontage tax for certain improvements was‘ discussed, mag left in t_he hgndsrbf the Council. President, W. Pratt; Vice-Pt'es” W. Innes; L. E. Hand, Secretary; '1‘. F. McMahon, Treasurer. ‘ Also a. com- mittee of seven. - -.__ it: The Richmond Hill Ratepayers. As- sociation. met Friday evening", and ehggteq 930613738 follows:â€" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. RATEPAYERS MEETING RH POLICE COURT NI. 3.3318. .1913 {fif'flfifififlf’rff*WfiWH4; GOOD STOCK OF School Books, . tandard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards,. Post Card Albums, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc}, Etc. Bil-l Heads, Letter Heads, 7 “ ,VVcdding lnyita‘tjong, “ Envelopes, ' Programmes, ¢&c., &c. Printing . Stationery Schoal Baoks We thank the public for the genernm patronage in the past, and will earn- estl-v strive to serve you faithfully in the future. V\_, _. ++++++++++$+£$JQ¥¥QQ++++++ Believing it willbe beneficial to not bhyer and seller, have decided, STIVER &* BAMER a. $4"!-§~+++®$+°¥4°++++IÂ¥~ibi~++++i°®lfl Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, 860. AT THE C.N.'0. STATION - . AND‘ELEVATOR ' i W. A;"=Sanderson i +éé§++++ Go to the Liberal Office-for We solicit a. call - no trouble to show our lines Manicure Sets 4 Hair Brushes AFTER OCT. 9 ' TO DO BUSINESS ON CASH BASIS. are up-to-date and Reasonable m prices My Stock of fine Iinés of PERFU MES for I PE-RFUMES DRUGGIST RICHMOND HILL STIVER & RAMER. [Single copies, 3 cts. DEALERS INE Comb Sets PicturalCards PRESENTS No. 45

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