Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1913, p. 3

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’or postpaid 1mm tho Oatmhomnov'Co; Buffalo. N. Y.. and Kingston, Canuu. by work. and this dread made my sleep- less nights perfect misery. After repeated ltriale of medicines and mixtures, Dr. (Hamilton's Pills gave me the first gleam pllhope. From the very first I could see [they were difi’erent in action from other pills. They didn't gripe and acted as nar kurally as i! nature and not the pills 'were cleansing my» clogged-up cystem. My lpirite rose. I felt much better. The ‘Iluggish action of the system gave way to normal activity. Dizziness and head- imhes ceased. appetite, good color and fimbition to work returned, and have re- mained. I am like a. new man, and I Punk Dr; Hamilton's Pills for it all." , This was the experience of J. E. pm:- uret. a well known grocery dealer in Intercom Follow hi: advice. use Hamilton'l Pill: for your domed). kid5 my: and liver. end- you'll Enjoy lonz‘ 1120 1nd" rebut good health. All dusk: ante and ntorekeoperl sell Dr. Emil- ton'. run. we per box. a boxe- tox- mini “I am only thirty years old. yet for galmoet, two years I have felt more like “seventy-five. I have found it. difficult to 581.331) at night, and in the morning felt ' depressed and heavy that eflort was diflicult. My hands were always clammy and perspiration on alight. effort would break out all over me. It was not un- matural that I should begin to brood over lune chance that I should be unfit to do EProoI That Hoaqth and Renewed Vitality ‘ ‘ Qulnkly Return When Right Remedy ls “sad. I\All Who Lack Vigor, Those Who ( are ‘Bispirited and Worn Out, Should Read This Carefully. “‘1 Sleep Soundly, Feel Like New” ‘ She is one of the keenest of soci- bty gardeners. She has a. wonder- (fiul rosery, a dial-garden with a. quaint Tudor sundial, 3 Cottage ‘garden full of oldâ€"fashioned flowâ€" era, a. kitchen garden closed in by yew hedges, and her “Garden of Scents” is planted with every sort: of sweet-smelling leaf and flower. Lady Helen Vincent is one of the most beautiful women in English Society. The daughter of the Earl ‘of Feversham, and a. sister of the i(late Duchess of Leinster, she is a general favorite. Lady Helen has fideas of her own on‘the subject of dress, and sometimes, even on the ‘mar‘test occasions, she wears no Eewels. ‘BANISH PIMPLES The Latest Fad Among English So- ‘ ciety Women. An idea that promises to be ex- ceedingly popular at country hous~ es this summerQand the rage of many beautiful women, is the ,“Garden of Scents.” It has been 'popularized this season by Lady ;.He1en Vincent, who has recom~ mended it to all her smart women 'iriends, with the result thatythe no- bion is now to be adopted by Queen Mary of Sandringham. the Spring Most People Need a Tonic Medicine You Can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. One of the surest signs that the Wood is out of order is the pimples, nsightly eruptions and eczema 1 hat come frequently with the " hange from Winter to spring. These . rove that the long indoor life of winter has had its affect upon the 100d, and that a. tonic medicine is lneeded to put it right. Indeed, there are few people who do not ineed‘a tonic at this season. Bad iblood does not merely show itself in disfiguring eruptions. - To this Xsame condition is due sttaE‘Râ€"s of rheumatism and lumbago; the sharp stabbing pains of sciatica and neu- ralgia; poor appetite and a. desire to avoid exertion. You cannot cure these troubles by the use of purga- tive medicinesâ€"you need a tonic, and a; tonic only, and.- among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Willisms’ Pink Pills for their tonic, lifeâ€"giving, nerveâ€"restoring powers.- Every dose of this medi- cine makes new, rich blood, which drives out impurities, stimulates every organ and brings a. feeling of new health and energy to weak,} tired, ailing men, women and chil-1 dren. If you are out of sorts give: this medicine a trial and see'lhowl quickly it will restore the appetite, ‘ revive drooping spirits, ‘and fill Clmrdveins with new, healthâ€"giving oo . GARDEN 0F SCENTS. AND' ERUPTIONS For many years Bin-lsmes Whitney's chief recreation has been riding a bicycle. Every day when the weather was line he has been accustomed to take his iron steed and go for a half-an-hour or an hour's ride through the well paved re- sidential district of Toronto. It. always impressed visitors with the democracy of Ontario's first Minister when they were fortunate enough to get a glimpse of him riding sedately and slowly along. No more. however, will this sensation be vouehsafed, for. as an exceedingly grace- ful contribution on the part of his fol- lowers in the Legislature. a splendid new automobile was the other day presented to the Pmmier. Sir James and also his family. will no doubt find the automobile a great convenience and comfort. but some folks have their suspicion that when he has time and opportunity Sir James will continue occasionally to take a. spin on his old bicycle When Toronto Was Captured. Toronto has so little history of a to- mhntio sort that considerable attention is being paid to the events of 100 years ago a: month when, for a short time. the town w n the ssion of the Americans. chief noidenhs or thin memorable action we» the landing ol‘ the ’ omen lones'seln' in us: west 0! t a present Exhibition mun s; about o!"l the variant Exhibmon 'Gmunas; shout w ere-tho new nnyetde Station stand the blowing up 0 a powder magnum a the old 235$. with the. consequem do- mmtion , a. lam number of Ameri- can: and ,thg Emmy}: ol_gnany public LA,” 33,, 7 can: and the burning of many ublta buildings. including the parliament oulo 7“ ,7- _V____ ‘.........w. The latest controversy arose from a newspaper report of one of his addresses. This, Dr. Jackson maintains. was abso- lutely unfair, misleading and inaccurate. His general attitude is that it is only in book form that such discussions as he has to offer should be given broadcast to the public. This given sample opportu- nity to make his meaning clear and en- sures perusal under circumstances where readers will not get false impressions through hasty understanding. His publi- cations now run up towards a dozen volumes. At the conclusion of his pastorate at Sherbourne Street. a. place was made for him at Victoria College. his appointment being to the chair of the English Bible. Now. after four years' service there; he is returning to England. A LoiTabIe Man. By those who know him best. Profesâ€" sor Jackson is described as a. most lov- able man. The teaching which is most stroneg assailed is that concerning the historical and scientific value of the tie scription of the oreationot the world in the first chapters of Genesis and of some of the other incidents of the 01d Testa- ment. There has also been some question as to his teaching concerning the mill. bility at Christ. Naturally. his discus- sion of these points gave offense to those who accept the literal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. His critics have not he- sitated to describe him as a "destroyer of faith and hope." His friends bitter; iy resent any such comment. He has shown the capacity of arousing the‘ warm- est loyglty. both by reason of his intel- lecnt‘ueipowers and his personal qualities. Professor Jaokson came to Toronto from the British Wesleyan Conference as a loan for a. three-yenr-term as pastor of Sher- bourne St. Methodist Church, probably the most artistocratic congregation in the Methodist denomination in Toronto. Im- mediately his sermons, and particularly his addresses to ‘his Sunday afternoon Bible Class began to attract attention. Rumors reached the ears of the strict disciplinarians, who decided that action should be taken. Though Professor Jack- son has maintained that his addressei were semi-private and not intended for publication, excepting in book form. steps were taken to secure shorthand reports. The publication of one of these in the local press aroused a. storm of contro- versy. The matter finally went before the Toronto Conference, where, after a discussion lasting several days, in which the moat heate arguments and state- ments were used, Dr. Jackson's friend- came out on top, thus averting any di- rect discussion in the larger arena of the general Methodist Conference of Can- WHAT IS ENGAGING THE ATTENTION OF THE CITIEZNS ‘JUST NOW. Professor George Jackson. whose opin- ions have been again creating contro- versy. has been the stormy petrol of the- ology in Canada. ever since his arrival some six or seven years ago. Meeting Professor Jackson, one would never for a. moment suspect that there was any- thing stormy about him. He is a mild- mannered gentleman of the scholarly type, almost different in manner and ap- parently shrinking from the publicity which his opinions inevitably bring him. There is no doubt, however, that he is a men of great mental force and Canada W111 lose intellectual color by reason of his departure, which is to take place almost. immediately. In Sherbourne Street Church. The Teachlngs of Professor Jackspnâ€" Gives Offense to Someâ€"Slr James Whitney's Present. Foreign Minister of Germany, from his latest picture. flllR lHTER FROM IURUMU Sir James Gets a Motor car. Gettlieb Von J agow. A spoonful of Instant Postum with hot water, and ‘ sugar and cream to taste, produce instantly a. delicipus _beve;ag¢_. ' Wealth‘is' but his who gets it; but his whb enjoys it. Write for the [little boolq “The Road ti) Wellville.” * Postum now comes in new, conâ€" centrated form called Instant Pos- tum. It is regular Postum so pro~ oessed at the factory that only the soluble portions are retained. Name given by Canadian Pos- tuyl 00., Windsor, Ont. “I am steadily gaining in physi- cal strength and brain power. I formerly did mental work and had to give it up on account of coffee, but since using Postum I am doing hard mental" labor with less fa- tigue than ever before.” “Then I became despondent‘ and the desire to be active again show- ed proof of renewed physical and mental strength. “The first noticeable benefit de- rived from the change from coffee to Postum was the natural action of the ,kidneys and bOWels. In two weeks my heart action was greatly improved and my memes steadyp “I had drank éoffee for about twenty years, and finally had What the doctor called “coffee heart.” I was nervous and extremely de- spondent; had llttle mental or physichl strength left, had kidney trouble and constipation.” (Tea. is just as harmful because it con- tains caffeine, the some drng found in coffee.) Increased Capacity for Mental Labor. Many former tea and coffee drink- ers who have mental work-to per- form, day after day, have found a better capacity and greater en'dur- ance by using Postum instead of tea and ooffee. A W'estern woman writes: ' Everfi' one éntering or leaving the Palace is called upon to @1311 one or other of these. books. One of the books is kept at the ambassadors’ entranoe .to the Pal- ace for the use of the diplomatic corps and oflicial Visitors, and is used by the general circle. ' The books are bound in crimson leather, with an Imperial lcxown stamped on the back, and'arfe‘ Be- cured with a silVer clasp. A3 a rule, each book lasts for about two years, but upon the occasion of the death of King Edward over a. hundred pages were taken up with signan tures of callers. of that day, which stood on the By front near the foot of the present Parlia- ment street. The Canadians were over- powered by numbers, there being‘ some- thing like 500 British regulars and Ca- nadian militia, while the American forc- es numbered about 2,400 strong. The smallness of these figures shows us how our ideas of warfare have changed in the past century; Hietorir'ally. there has always been controversy as to whether the magazines were blown up by accident or by design of the Canadians. In the sec- ond explosion. Geberal Pike, who was in command of the invading (owes. was among the number blown up. The value of these books to auto- graph hunters is almost impossible to estimate, and some sensation was caused about the Court a. few years ago when it was announced that one was missing. Fortunately a careful search revealed its where- abouts. Signature Books Prove Treasure Trove for Autdgraph Hunters. Two new visitors’ boo-ks have reâ€" cently been provided at Bucking- ham Palace, and thank! ones have gone to join the many others that are in the safe keeping of the Lord Chamberlain’s Department. “There’s a Reason" for Postum. 50c.\a box at you: druggist’s com- pounded by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Montreal. urn One of the many good features of Na-Dm-Co D spepsia Tablets is that they are so ensant and easy to take. The relief t ey give from heartburn, flatulence. biliousness and dyspepsia is prompt and permanent. Try one after each mealâ€"they’ll make you feel like a new person. “I was reatly troubled with my stomach”I 5 1e 'writes. “I had taken so much medicine that I might say to take any more would. only be making it worse. My stomach just felt raw. I read of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, and a lady friend told me they were very easy to take, so I thou ht I would give them a trial and really 1: my worked wonders. Anyone having :an thing wrong with his stomach shoul give Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets 3 trial, they will do the rest. My stomach is fine now and I can eat any food." Mrs. J. Merkhuger, Waterloo Ont., enthusiasticall recommends Na-bm-Co Dyspepsia Tab ets. Her experience with them. as she outlines it, explains why. Since Taking Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets" “MY STDMAGH IS FINE FOR THE "KIN G’ S CALLERS. MORE THAN EVER. ’On-e reason for this is that wo- man paesesvses a. finer perception (of her power Of'end‘urgneer' than ,5, man} and when her perception warns her of fatigue, she stops. A man does not stop until his power is exhausted. His nervous system is not as finely organized as a wo- man’s, and an Moseo, the Italian physiologist has pointed out, men and women are entirely dependent To account for this difference the statistician points out that woman has greater resilience in shaking off diseases than man". It is true that the physical strength of man is greater than woman’s, but 3. WOâ€" mnaln’s power of endurance is more robust. He'finds that from the third to the fifteenth year the mortality fer both sexes is the same; from the fifâ€" teenth to the nineteenth year, the critical age for girls, the girl’s chances are slightly better than the boy’s; from the thirtieth year to the thirtyâ€"fifth the mortality among women is smaller than-among men, and it continues smaller until the seventieth year. Then, for a de- cade ,nd filalf, the sexes once more eves: -e same chanee'ef sur- vival, but above eighty-five years of age, woman again stands a. much better chancethan man. A Woman’s Power of Endurance Is More Robust. The fact that in almost all civi- lized countries women outnumber men has been ascribed to the; higher birthmte of girl babies; yet statis- tics show that 105' boys are born to every 100 girls. According to fig- ures compiled by a. European star tistician,‘ the glrl has a, better chance than the boy bf attaining inn-tufity. " ' Mr. Sid. Castleman of Latder Lake, Ont. needed Gin Pills badly. He Says: “I had been suffering some time with my Kidneys and Urine. The pain was somethiu awful, and no rest at night. I heard 0 your Gin Pills and sent my chum 60 miles to get them, and in less than six hours I felt relief. In two days the pain had left me entirelyâ€" and to-day I feel as well as ever”. ' 50c. a bbx, six for $2.50. Safilpie free if you write National Drug and Chemical 00., of Canada Limited. Toronto. 134 WHY MORE WOMEN THAN MEN SENT SEX” MILES VJ,.I/l ,1 t I AVerage annual net earnings For past three years, over. . . .’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350,000 Or about four times the amount required for interest on bonds outstanding. The William Davies Company, Limited, established in l853, is at present the largeSt packing house in the British Dominions. lt owns large and modernly equipped packing houses in Toronto and Montreal, and 75 retail stores strategically located in the cities of Toronto and Montreal and the following points throughout Ontario: Oshawa, London East, Kingston, St. Catharines, Brantford, Collingwood, Belleville,» Cult, Brockville, Woodstock, London,- St. Thomas, through which distribution of its products is made. The Company is actively represented in every Province in Canada, and its products are found‘in wholesale and retail house! from the Atlantic to the Pacific it also maintains agencies in Great Britain. Special circular on request. ton (includin Sites and Equipment) . . . . . . Real Estate and uildings owned by Company Retail Store Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Appraisal made 191 I) Packing Ijoqseg at Toronto, Montreal and Harris; $25,000. 6% First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. Due 15: July, 1926. Interest payable ls! January and July. Principal and Interest payable at The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto, Montreal and London, England. Redeemable as a. whole at l05 and accrued interest on any 'interes! date after July lst, 19H, on sixty days' prior notice, or annually for Sinking Fund drawings. beginning July lst. l9l2. ‘ ‘ Denominations: 510053500 and $1,000, with sterling equivalents. The/Bonds are issued in coupon Form with privilege of registration of principal and in Fully registered form. DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED ANDCORPORATIONBONDS THE WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, LIMITED Trustee :' National Trust Company, Limlted, Toronto; Legal opinion of Messi-s. Blake, Anglin é- Cassels, Toromo. ~ I ASSETS 3\ Shipping Fever HEAD OFFICE: 26 KING STA MONTREAL ,» _ LC Price; 102 and Interest, to yield 5.78% FUR BIN PILLS Influenza, pink eye.epizootic. distemper and all 1108. had throat. diseases cured. and all others, no matter how "ex- posed," kept from having any of these diseases with SPOHN'S LIQUID DISTEMJ’ER CURE. Three to six doses often cure a» case. One bottle guaranteed to do 90. Best. thing for broad mares. Act’s on the blood. Drugsists and harness ahopa. Distributors â€" ALL WHOLESALE DBUGGISTS. SPOHN MEDICAL 00.. Ghomlsts, Goshon. Indlnna, "gig. ESTABLISHED loo: Oil exists in great; quantities in Siam, but the method of securing it is exceedingly crude. The wells are not more than 60 feet deep and are dug by hand. The oil Secured is that which is baled from the bottom of the well by clippers on long sticks of bamboo. The oil is sold to the natives who live within calling dis- tance of the wells. upon their nerves for caution not to over-exert. While it is true that Women more easily contract many diseases, particularly nervous and mental diseases, than men, they overcome them more easily. 51'. EAST. TORONTO LONDON. E.C.. ENG. MADE IN CANADA THAN THE ' ORDINARY KINDS Is USED. CONTAms'NOALUM. COSTS NO MORE BAKING POWDER MAGIC NEVER ANY FAILURE OR DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN Dig Oil in Siam. $1,077,919 535,375 64,000 360,154 1,320,47l $3,357,919 350,000

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