Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1913, p. 5

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Btcgirmn HILL, ONT.. MAY 8, 1913 I -_Ahout 200 trees were planted in the Park and other places (m Monday. Mr. Phil Gmdjean of \Valkm-ville motored up to Richmond Hill on Sun-y day and visited the Misses Stung. Richnmn‘d Hill was well rem'esmted n‘t theLam-ier meeting in the Arena Munday Evening. M'rs; Geo. Granger (7f Boston Ave. ’hus returned after spending a week with 3115. Harry VVl-ight at Nubleton. Elie fiihemt‘ V‘Mr. and Rita-John Rronmfin nf Guelph have hévn'mnkihg a'yisit with Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Reanmn and other relatives. Rev. Mr. Fallis of Ynnge St; Meth- odist, Church. Tm'untn, will preach m1â€" niversm‘y smmuns here on' Sunday, May 18. ' ' ' " Miss \V‘innin Stung entertained the git-1301' the office. stafi of the 'Gen. R. Plenary" Cmy Tm'onto‘, at the Rustic Inn, last Saturday. ' 'MI‘. Hulfyard _wi11 prmwh in the Methodist uhurch mxt Sundav mm'n- in-g. and HPV. Min ()iemems uf Lemon- viHe in the Waning. / " Personsin the viilagzo m- sxm Minding neighborh‘r-nds may have l'hvir piulm tuned bvg competent hand by leaving their order mt. THE LIBERAL Office. Swiss fund. 3 pk. for 25m: Shredded wheat.-2 pk. for 250;: Large bur cuslile 25m; Crest Flmlting Sn.»qu 3 makes fair 10c.' Atkinsml & Switzer: ‘L()CAIJS Residents on Yongo Street, may well pray for min or for that tank of oil 'which is- Sn id in he on the way. Germin- Iy the dust has been almost unbeatable. Men’s heavy cuttnn sax, (Imk gray 2 pr. fur 25m, dmk blue, 150. pm; Men’s linen huts, wide brim 500.; Young men’s linkn hats.50c.; Pre’sidvnb suspenâ€" ~de13 500.: Police suspendersfific. ALkin- son & Switzor. ‘ As a. mild typé of scullvb fever- has Q‘IHPN‘d Lhu hmm-s uf t\\"n families in H)" \ wage: it Was HH‘lig‘hl adx isuhle to (Russ the Public Subuning a few days. Mr. L._ Stung. Dnmininn House Livrry, with B'Uf his teams and 2 men. zz§4isLegl_ My. ‘ {({seph Hmul fur two aufsighor had his that!) burned down last Thursday. Our cilicu‘ns: Imusmnd with regret on Tuesday that Mr. D. Hill suffered a Painful acr'idnnl, by having the first rwgwr of lhv right, hand mangled in the Divider in his bake shop. The finger had to be amputated at the second jmut. ’ » Mrs. D. Stung, Rustic Inn, wishes to thank her many. customers for thelr patronage in the past and‘hpgs to an- nounce that she will up'en‘up her Re- freshment Room and Ice Cream Parlur nn Saturday night. Band in" atftend‘ annex. - - Those who say they purprme voting for the by-lnw next; Saturday seem far more'willing to give their reasons for dning so ghan those who will opp'o‘Se the by-law. ThuSP against have a hard proposition when they attempt to give reusojns. Messrs; G, A, McDUnald 85 Sun' on Monday tnuk pnsse’sfinu uf the Grocery Stare, formerly owned by Mr. .103. Hall; Th9)? ‘will keep an “up-t0 d'ug- ‘grbgé-x‘yfine as well nsgflgut‘. wis‘h the flaw firm; veverey success ‘in their neW‘businessr - ‘ Mr. [Gem-g9. Bowie loaves fin-marrow {up a; two am‘int‘ns’lvaigeit to his old home "n Seolland.‘ This is Mr. Guwie’s fixst tx-ip‘acmss the ucenn since he” came to t1fis-c011ntrt26yea rs ages. VVeare sure his many fx-iéudswill wush hiiymgu pleasâ€" :ujb voyage and a safe return. Some people say “If I vote’ for the 1) -law to loan $5.000 without: interest, ‘t assist in' re-building the Lawrence greenhouses I shall be expected to vote foraljly other by-law asking for money” Notat alL: Let us vote for ufiything that; we think will benefit. this village as a whole. ' ' - ‘ "There was a good attendance in the Masonic Hall, Thursday evening when the’second performance of 'fAlice in. "Vonderlnn‘d” was’ gi‘ven by the High School Alumnae, and the acting is said to have‘béen even better than on the- revions evening. The proceeds for goth evenings amounted to $115. ,Gounty. ’Qonstables J. ,Slleardo'wn find G; Thompson arrested a. man who gave his name as Morgan on a Metro- politan 'ca'i' chargingfibim‘ with afgsaplt figd abusive language., Hewag taken fdre Magistrate Sa'hdets‘rm, b‘ut‘Was. allowed to goon suspended. sentence, each patty payipg his own costs“; Brass ginghams,’ ban; blue with {white border, green, black and white stripe, black am} gray'gtripe; biue and white, pink and ,,"white, black and .wfiitre‘checkvfizc” l4; yd._: heavy guit'ing ginghams; kings blue; déu-k‘hlnmand yuan 5 shade 140. yd: «white drill for suits 15c. yd. Atkinson & Switzer," The )Ix‘tl'¢ipc€lit;\n Waning Rnom is intended for thu accommudatiun of those waiting for cars. But. :15 a rule, it is uccupied in the eyenings h); lluirse whmu-ennt using the cam. F: pqnv-nfly wum u and girls wuiling f: r (.lu-n cur ‘stuml hllls'dv mter thfin gm int” [he Whiting Hun!“ Who! 1- pruhuhly‘n half dl.zuen or Inan men uni ma-nipyiug lhe inside bencht-s. Thom :i's by. {in [4:0 much lnufiug agn-uud that um-ncl'. At :\ "198}ng nf thw Quarterly Bum-d Of 4,139 MQ’LI}UdiHLCil‘lfuiL (ilfifilhlldgfi stewards; recording steward, society n-m‘resmlaiix‘vs, class lerldm‘s and rep- resentut‘ive to the District uvang Were appointed. arrange-Iman wm-e’ made tu add New Gnu mlvy tn the-tuir- cuit, Rev. Dr. Smith was im'iu d hack fur the fvurt-h yum; and M r. F. T. Graham) and Mr. Bunt are tn he nskvd Lu preach here on Sunday, the 23qu -0f ‘Thv annual ‘n eming of tha- ahnve S. S. was held TliPSdzly evrnihg wth nui‘fiuwd and lvuclwrs were I‘ll‘L'H‘d fur “the 'ensniug yem. Reports fmm the Suprrntendvnt; Secrvlmy. Tummurul- and Missifrnury >Depnrtuwnt, showed 1 that, the school had made substantial 1prugless during the vim. The fullnw- mg "1‘9 nffi :(‘I's elected2-4-Snprrim9ndâ€" ent. J‘. H. Sfindvrsun, Assistant Sn t... A. J. Hunw; Secretarv, G. F‘ A1911; { Assistant, Sway. G. Hill; 'l‘rvnsurer, A. = J. Hume; L‘ihmrinn. W. A. Snndr‘mon: 'Musical' Director, W. A.‘ W'uighlzz‘ "Pianist. Miss Barker. ' ' ' The Ladies Aid Sowing Ciu-Ie will meet in the Sunduv 7 Sum} lhmm gFridny :Iftvrnum} at 3 u’cluck. An in- ‘ditmiun is txlvndvdr tn any Indy to bring her work and enjoy an hour ‘ with the Society. ‘ ' The next TH} Cent Tea in behalf of .bhe Ladies Aid Fund will he hvld in the Schnul Rxmm Friday of this week fx'mn 5 to 7.30 p.111. Mls. HG. Sawugv, Mrs. Page and Mls. Armand Snvz‘uzu will give the Tea. They will lw pleased to have :I large number attend. Joseph Hnatl whurecently purchase-d the Alhvrt \Villiams far-111' eustuf Elgin Mills su'lfereda severe lnss hy fire last Thursday when his lm'gi-I hum was burned, together with right hnrsvs and twenty howl of cnnlv. Sume of the- hm-ses and cuws were very valuable, but fortnnutfilv his impurlvd stullinn. “Proud Baron” was in :umthvr stable and consequently escape-d injury. The loss is heavy, allhuugh partially covered hyinsumnce. Neighbors soon arrived on the scene and wm-ked like Tynjnns. but. the fire- could nnL be con- trolled, Those who \vvre at, the fire said it “man sud Sigth Lnsvt‘ thvnn‘imuls as they were tm-tlm-d in [hp flames. The origin uf the fire seems a Mystery. My. Both papers in Mzixkham villago' stated last \Vl-‘Pk Clur'an nf‘fivinl ul' the: Meta-npulitam Railway had said that the manage-nan h'nd definitu-ly docidcd tn prim,de at (m’co‘ With the building (If the branch from Ynngv St. am-n’sscnunthy eangtn Marth u: \ illuge. amdvthut the line to that [mint \‘anlld ‘be complptedund in runnng m-dm' hy the dntv ut' the Markham Fair. The pmpmed line will 'déviaté fuqu the main mud about 80 rods :‘uuth uf the Langstqu sidemad. Wm‘k isnlready under way‘ in im- proving the nppmnmee and accom- mndutiim of the Palmer Hausa The new prnprietnrs pul'pnsg‘ making necessary altei'atinns and will fit. the place up as n, first-Mass hush-Ivy. This hotvlr will he to rent. and without, doubt it isah éxcellpnb chance for a grindmau. It must. he mu (m strictly Lemrémnoe principles, by :1 man who lu-lie-ves in local option. Such'a mun wiii find that his enterprise will meet with sure success. p LEAGUE OFFICERS The-following nfiicvrs Wet-e elected Munday es‘ehing fm‘ m‘xt, ‘s‘easnu’s w01'k:~â€",-, ,, V , ' ' ' ' Presidentâ€"Miss Mary Trench. , lat; Vi‘ce;Pres.â€"Mr. Jan. Hicksnn. - u ‘2ud Vicé-Presr-MLSWV. A. “fright. 3rd Vice-Pl‘es.+¢M-iss Myrtle smith. 41h _ Vice-Preaâ€"Mt. Clan-ksun Mo Dmmld. ' v . rSe(-x-§-tm-yâ€"Mr, S. Stickbujd. ' _'I‘l-ensgre1â€"_â€"Mr. Frank Rumble. Piunistâ€"Miss‘Nm-a McMahon. r 'The Women’s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Harding, wed" May 14th at 3 o’clock; After hearing the various reports, and dealing with business of the Institute, the election of officers for the seasnn will take place, after which a. pi'ngramme will V be given. including musw both vocal and instrumental. Miss Moyle will give a talk on Perrennial Gardens. - All welcome. . . x ' - ‘ The officers of the, Fire Department sav that; fourvpairs of rubber boots are still missing from Lhe; Fire Hall, and thai if not returned at imce prosecution will follow;‘_ If any pers‘nn has borrow- ed the‘boots it is t6 be hoped he \viil rTeturn them so that there may be no further trouble. - ' p l _ R; C. BAZAAR, . The Baz‘zuu' h'e‘ldjiri bhe.s‘kat1'ng rink Tuesdnv and ngnegday of this wei’k, was well attended. ,‘The Richmond ' ill Band gave a. "giant! programme Tuesday evening. and» last -evening the De La Salle Band. Toronto,‘ also gavé soméT pnpular selectionsof musicl BARN AND STOCK BURNED METHODIST CHURU H BRANCH TO MARKHAM. Ripa‘ns Tabulés cure constipatgon. Kmart Tabules .rure nausea. TH E PALM ER HOUSE MONTHLY MEETING NOTICE. 'l‘rmxsurér, A. A. Sundr‘mon: A. ' W'uightx On VVPanSdily, between - Mr. \V. Szu'age’s stm-ennd Mr. John Pulmers home. :I. silvm- In-nuch. _ Buggy]: OFFICE. A Freéh Milk calf. ' 45-2 I C E T ‘ ;’ PUBLIC I wish t5 Lihv'ml to l and unstm large ($1er the‘ past 24 that I mu 5 I wish thi-nuszh .Ihe culunms of the Lilw'rnl to thank mv numeruus friends and unstomers Whu have given me a large slum-’an ,théirijI-(mnge during the‘ past 24 yvars, and in infmm them that I am still doing business sulheuld stand ini the Lmue Black“ Rbpairs will 1w pI-muptlv attended tn. and new [magmas andle hut-fie, ahd‘stalnlv accesfl m-ies will be handled as usual at close « Rji‘hmmna'flifl; 45m. ’ ' Two work. Cuvm-od buggy, uhuostas good as new. Skvlvton gear, rubber tires, automobile seat. leathvr trimming, very easy running. A136 one set light single harness, handmade, solid rubber rm-untings. only in use two months. The owner has no lumber use fur them. They are a bargain. Apply to REV. S. A. LAWRENCE. The Rectory, 45-2 Thornhill. Finaérr'fileaisu 7 leave â€" an LIBERAL Pure lured Sheppard Ancohas $1.00 each. Pure hrs-LL \Vhite \Vyandnttes (Gala Strain) $1.50 each. Householders in Richmond Hill {re quuested to have Itheir buck yards and premises cleaned and in a snnitzuy (tunditiun not. 'lztcei' than the 10th of May inst. » v After the above date theinspectm: will 11;;th a thorough inspection at an premises. W111 :{H‘hdus'ehnlders please govern themselves accordingly. « . W. H.-PUGSLEY, 44-2 Reev e, Natice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JANE ESPEY, LATE OF THE . TOWNSHIP OF VAU G H AN, MARRIED \VOM‘A‘N, DECEASED. Pursuant to .the Statute in that be- lmlf, Notice is herth given that all parties having claims’ against the estate of Jane Espey, lane of the Town ship of- Vaughan, ( die-d un or alqu the let, (lav 0t" February 1913, are required (in or before the 10th day Inf May 1913‘tq send'n‘ statement nf theircluims, with the nntl’u'e ut' the security. if -any, held by them, to- gather with their names and addresses to the undersigned Solicitors for the Administrator. Amlwtll‘lllclhe'rl take-notice that after the said last mentioned date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceasvd among the pavties entitled Lheretu. having regard only to the claims of which he. shall have received notice‘ 000K & GILUHRIST, v 323 Confemtion Life Bldg, ;_ ,l l > Toronto, Solicitor-s for Administrator. ~Dated April 12th, 1913. 424' ' unstomm-s - shun-H of 1 st 24 szu Forcnurses in all Easiness subjects leading to positions as Bogvkkeep- ers m“ Stenngraphers z'md fm'Civil Service and Commercial“(Special- is§s’ ‘examinatibns willbe cn'nduct- ed in Shams Schools.T0ronto. the ((‘énh'al BliSI-nyt'SS C(illege, with four .ciLv B1 anch Schools) frin July 3yd‘to Angusblflith this year. Students may enter any time. for gum-1111 coursas. , N0 vacations. writs: W. H. Shaw.- President. for Catalog; 391 ange Sh, qu-nnLo‘ maids SUMMER SCHOOLS For Sale i“ thi'nugh .the thunk mv n mam-s wk“ ,1] u-flnf ,théig-jp; 4 Venus, and For Sale NOTICE Want-ed. For Sale ,’ MRS. Gr PERCY L’s-st .ftn' "Lung" Cow cooking ,Iu F, H, TODD, QUANTZ1 Richman Hill. MQDQNALD‘ 3191; 5 W’ATSON. La’fi'gstaif. and house Th'nr‘fihill and her: CONCRETE ~ .HQOU SE; MM-Ma-Ma-g- i'tlul-i-i-i- ++M+M~2H+swmm M++M+rag+++++§~+~g '7! i P110161: 17' g 7 1 Sole Agency for House of Hobberlin. j; ' n3- MMoI-MM-wwwwww+++++ +++++++++++ M++M+M+++~M4~+i MMM’MM-w+M+M+4~Mani-Ms-MMMMM-ewweowwéw i VYVVYYYYYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVW VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVV AAAAAAA. AAAAAA‘AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Atkinson &»Switzer , RICHMOND HILL D ' ‘ , “AMAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAA MAIAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAW VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVV VVVYV“ VVYVVVYVVV YVVVVVY' wwwfiwfiuufluuuon»“newnnuwowow It doesn't matter how big ycu areâ€"or how small' you areâ€"â€"or how " stout you are, we guarantee to fit you perfectly with Hobberiin madeâ€"to-measure clothes. You don’t have to take the suit either if it isn’t alli that we claim for it. Choice of hundreds of patterns in the new weaves for Spring and Summer, cut by expert cutters and tailored to your exact measurement Men’s Tan Russian Calf, very best grade, buttoned or laced, derby or knob toe ' - , - ‘- $5.00 Men’s Gun‘Metal Cale-f, derbylor knob toe, Goodyear welted “soles, best grade, - "$4.00, $54 50 and $5.00 Ladies“ Tan Russian Calf, buttoned or laced, latest, me, extra Quality _ .-. A - h$37‘502’md $4250 ‘ ._.-IL_J xv», lehlu fiv....-1 Ladies" Gum-Metal, best gradebedeyear 'weitéd solesglat’estvtoe,’ '{-' ‘ .1 .-" Q - ' - _ $4.00 'Also PatentxandeongolaKid it‘different'priCés. . ” SUHTS‘ TO ORDER THE RIGHMBND HILI. SHOE STD’BE F'U RNITURE IN STOCK WALL PAPER For ydélir Housecleainiug. it is a wonder. Can be: used onVall kinds of furniture, and will polish as well as clean. ‘ Pa ' SAVAGE. N 0. RM A N * J. G LA 3. ' » PROPRIETOR 7 TRY. . , LIQUID VENEER RICHMOND HILL STOCK NOW COMPLETE PRICES ARE RIGHT.

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