an Old Settler , Finds 011in Relief ‘ans. MARSHALL CURE!) BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. lMl's. Marshall Tells How Her Hus- band Suï¬ered, and of His Speedy Recovery When He Used the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Parkinson, Algoma, Ont, May 5 (Special)â€"Living far from towns and with doctors not within easy reach, many of the settlers have found Dodd’s Kidney Pills an ines- timable blessing. One of those is 'Mr. Charles Marshall, Sin, whose recovery from a Severe case of kid- ney disease has recently been the cause of much satisfaction to his family and friends. “My husband was suffering very much with his back and legs,†Mrs. Marshall says, speaking of her husband’s cure. “He went to see the doctor, and he told him he had urinary trouble, but he did not seem to get any better. “I am indeed thankful for what Dodd’s Kidney Pills did for my husband, and I hope other sufferâ€" ers from Kidney disease will bene- ï¬t by his experience, and use Dodd’s Kidney Pills.†-v Dvw v... “Then I sent for some Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Since taking them, he has no more pain in his back and legs, and his other troubles are all gone. Urinary troubles are caused by diseased kidneys. So are back- ache, rheumatism, lumbago, and heart disease. The natural remedy is to cure the kidneys by using ‘Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I The Japanese are probably the cleanest nation in the world. Even the poorest citizcn takes a. bath twice a day. The eight hundred public baths in Toki-o aré said to be patronized by over three hundred thousand persons daily. Progressive. “Your father just told me not to hang around here after 10 o’clock,†said Reginald. Mlnard's Llnlment cures Golds. Em. ‘ “Didi it hurt your feelings?†asked Ethelinda. “No. I feel rather encouraged. It is the ï¬rst time he has given a. sign that he was aware of my ex- istence.†“Wifeâ€"Oh no; but I need two [more hats right away. “Man; ‘YourE Eyes§ Need§ Gareï¬ Mr. Jonesâ€"“How dreadful of "Dr. Smith to marry his cook.†Mr. Rightâ€"“I don’t know ; probably she .had threatened to leave.†Few of us have the courage to point out our own mlstakes. This ishows how brave our nelghbors are. 011' on His Guess. Wifeâ€"I wish, dear, that you’d settle my last year’s millinery bill. I really can’t sleep for thinking of it. “Life that is all pleasure is worthless. Life that is all drudg- ery is just as bad,†says Dr. Eliza- beth Chesser. “People who get out of the habit of enjoyment get de- pressed in vitality and age more rapidly. There is nothing like the habit of laughter for keeping peo- ple young and healthy.†Illinard’: Linlmant Cures Diphtheria. Illnard's Llnlmonl Gum Dlstampor. Hubâ€"Your conscience pricking Arc Clean in Japan. NoSmartlngâ€"Feels Fineâ€"Acts Quickly. Try it (or Red, Wonk, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illustrated Book in each Package. MURINE is com- pounded by our Oculistsâ€"notn “Patent Medicine“ but used In succesaful Ph 31- clnns’Pmctlce {or many years. ow dedicated to the Public and sold by Drug lsls at 230500 per bottle. Murine Eye lve In Aseptic Tubes, 250-600. Murlne Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago Try Murine Eye Remedy IS S UE 19-’13. From the last picture of the King of Belgium. King Alfonso is Fatalist. King Alfonso of Spain is said to be a, fatalist, and being of this tem~ per he is able to derive enjoyment from occurrences that would affri-ght more ordinary mortals. A knife that he knocked out of the hands of an assassin is hung up in his den. On his wedding-day an attempt was made on his life, and the next day he calmly visited the spot in an automobile and genially pointed out to his young wife the spot where the assassin stood. Al- fonso’s fatalism.‘ may have a founda- tion in the fact that he is the thir- teenth Alfonso. THE BEST MEDICINE I HAVE EVER USED “.The best medicine I have ever used†is what thousands of mothers say of Baby’s Own Tablets. Once a mother has used the Tablets for her little ones she will use no other medicine and never fails to recomâ€" mend them to her friends. Con- cerning them Mrs. John Thomp- son, Coutts, Alta., says: “I have given Baby’s Own Tablets to my baby for constipation and think them the best medicine I have ever used. Please send me two more boxes, as I would not care to be without them.†The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. . Jonesâ€"~“James, I heard you us- 1ng profanity to the horses this forenoon.†' Coachmanâ€"“N0, suh; no suh; I’se very careful ob de bosses, suh! I wuz talking to my wife, suh!†Minard‘s Liniment 00., Limited. 7 It 7 never W fails" to ~rélieve and cure promptly. Port, Mulgrave. Dear Skaâ€"Your MINARD'B LINI- MEN'I‘ is our remedy for sore throat, colds and a1! 9rdinary ailments. ï¬v‘ï¬aï¬Ã©afâ€"‘Tï¬ewï¬ï¬m do worse. He might tell the truth about you.†Cadgerâ€"“Binks has been telling lies about me again.†Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, Druggista refund money if it fails to cure, E. W. GROVE’S signature is on each box. Look before you leapâ€"you can’t jump from the ï¬re back into the frying-pan. To ï¬ll the pulpit is one thing; 60 ï¬ll the church is quite another. The raccoon washes its food be- fore eating it. ‘ When a man settles down he is expected to settle up. Minard': Llnlmont Cures Garge! In Cow; Sarah Bernhardt sleeps only ï¬ve hours. One Frenchman in every eight has a bank account. Actors will never suffer a kettle to boil in their presence. They can’t stand the hissing sound. _ WThVeV lamest Venetian gondolas have electric motors. The ideal match is not t‘he one where a. little friction causes a. flareup‘ TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY TXWZZEL! Fact and Fancy. That’s Diflerent. Dealing Gently. CHARLES WHOOTEN. Adjoins Belgium and Prussia and Comprises 1,400 Acres. When the Ambassadors of Europe recently met, and agreed that the peninsular of Athos, in Macedonia, should be regard-2d as an indepen- dent State. many people thought that they had at least discovered the'smallest State in the whole W0r1d. Athos, however, has an area of 180 square miles, roughly. It is a huge country compared with Morâ€" esnet, a tiny neutral State on the borders of Belgium and Prussia. Its area, is reckoned in acres, not square miles! It‘s size, in f‘a‘cï¬â€˜ is fourteen hundred acres, just a good-sized farm! - EBZEMA FRUM HEAD TU ANKLES Tortured With Terrible itching and Burning. Scratched Until Tore Flesh. Lay Awake for Nights at a Time. Used Cuticura Remedies and Found a Cure. Moresnet was made a separate State in 1815, after Napoleon had been ï¬nally crushed at Waterloo. The reason that the little country has remained independent is rather curious. As has been said, the tiny State is on the borders of Germany and Belgium. It possesses what was once the most important and valu- able zincâ€"mine in the whole world. Belgium wanted that zinc, and so did Germany. As they couldn’t agree on the amount of compensa- tion to the other, Morcsnevt remain- ed independent. St. Ola. Ontario.â€"" When I was ten years old I began to be tortured with a. terrible itching and burning of the skin. and was told it was eczema. I have had it right along for seven years steady, it. getting worse every year. I was affected from head to ankles. It seemed to appear like hives at ï¬rst, then I would begin to scratch until I tore my flesh. It would always be at its worst at nlght. I have wade myself up at nlghts scratching and my ï¬ngers would be just stiff and cramped from scratching, so that I would be hardly able to straighten them out. My, how I have suffered! My face and Whole body would be just; a. mass of blotchcs red as ï¬re and after having soap and water on my face then I would begin to burn. I have lain awake for 1113111}; all a time when my eczema was at its worst. f‘I would be tortured for months atatlme. I was getting not only disheartened, for nothing helped. but completely disï¬gured also, but dame fortune smiled upon me one day in the summer of 1910 and laid before my eyes an advertisement of Cutlcura Remedies. _I used them according to dlrecâ€" tions and after a few applications I began to feel and see relief ahead. It Is nearly six months since I ï¬rst began and I can truthfully say I've found‘a. cure." (Signed) Miss Loulse E. Wilson, Dec. 12, 1911. Cutlcura Soap and Oublcum Ointment are sold by drugglsts and dealers everywhqre. For a llberal free sample of each. with 32-1). book, send post card to Potter Drug 8; Chem. Corp.. Dept. 38D. Boston. U. S. A. The tiniest country in the world lies four miles away from Aix-laâ€" Chapelle. and possesses one vilâ€" lage. There’s not room for two! The total numb-er of inhabitants is under three thousand. Recently Germany began negotiations with Belgium to acquire her tiny neigh- bor, though the Mor‘esnetians say they prefer to be under Belgium rule, if they can’t be independent. To put through the license reduction will require some ta-ll hustling. Mean- time lots of coma will be tramped on. The cure is “Putnam’s,†the old reliable corn extractor that has been curing coma and warts for years. “Putnams never fails, 250. at 9.11 dealers. “My husband,†she said, “always wants me to look my best, no mat- ter what the cost.†“Well,†her friend replied, “one can hardly blame him for feeling as he does,†Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Inch- tug. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in t to 14 days. 500. “The rain falls alike 0n the just and the unjust,†a clergyman once quoted. “Not a bit of it,†a. par- ishioner retorted. “The unjust have all the umbrellas.†Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills EUROPE’ S TINIE ST STATE. exactly meet the need which so often arises In every famil for a medicine to open up and regu te the bowels. Not on! are they effective in all cases of onsti ation, but they help scaly in brea ing up a Cold or La rippe by cleaninï¬ out the system and purifying the b ood. In the same we they relieve or cure Biliousness. In igestion. Sick Headaches, Rheum. atism and other common ailments, In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Mom's Indian Root Pills are 41 A nousehold Remedy CITY COUNCIL DOINGS. FILES GURED IN 6 T0 14 DAYS. But Man Was Discharged for Touching Hig Sacred Person. Alfonso of Spain was born a king, but he nearly lost; his august life be- fore he had grown up to take the throne from his mother, the Queen Regent. The young king’s‘ foot slipped one day as he was descendâ€" ing a, staircase in the. royal palâ€" ace at Madrid, and dovvn tumbled Alfonso head ï¬rst. Momentarily there appeared every possibility of a, broken monâ€" archical neck; but, in the nick of time, a‘ Court forotman leaped forâ€" ward with marvellous agility, seized his sovereign, and was fortunately able to effectually break the force of the royal fall. The saving of the King was, of course, recognized as a good and happy thing, but the grand-ees of the Court had to put on the appear- ance of much wrath at the violation of a, ï¬ne 01d crusty piece of etiâ€" quette. For had not a- m-ere menial â€"â€"no matter how gorgeous and comâ€" me-ndfl-bly selfâ€"possessed ~ actually touched unbidden the sacred per- son of his King? ‘ to be. But ,the Queen Regent peâ€" cognized the absurd unfairness of bowing down before an ancient tra- dition, and the footman who saved King Alfonso wags hands-omer pro- vided for. He still lives happily outside the precincts of the palace, and keeps a grateful guardian eye on the King, Queen Em», and the Royal children. It was insisE/ed that the servant should be dis-missed, andéso he had The extraordinary efï¬cacy of Catarrh- ozone is without a parallel. A sneezing cold is cured in ten minutes, a han'h cough is cased in an hour, the most of- fensive catarrh is thor- oughly drawn from the system. In case of asthma and bronchitis the relief and certain cure that comes from the healing balsamic extracts in Catarrhozone is simply wonderful. Couldn’t Breathe Through His Nose- Stuffcd With Catarrh Gatarrhozone Inhaler the One Means o! Reliet, and it Cured Quickly. “For more than twen- ty years I suffered with a cough. bronchitis, asthma, and nasal ca- tarrh,“ writes ‘J. F. Fen- wiok, of Staunton P. 0. “Every attack I had seemed to grow worse, and I could hardly breathe on account of an accumulation of phlegm in the nose and throat. One day I tried Catarrhozone, and in ten minutes was wonderfully re- lieved. I could breathe freely and na- turally through the nose. and blood spit- ting was stopped~the phlegm was cleared away and my regular breathing restor- ed. No remedy can do more thail Ca tarrhozone.†‘ There is no remedy so certain and safe as Catarrhozone, but being a. good re~ mcdy it is imitated. Beware of the sub- stitutor. Large Catarrhozonelasts two months, price $1.00. Smaller sizes 250. and 500. At all swrekeepers and drug- gists, or The Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo. N. Y.. and Kingstor}, Canada. Strange Conditions to Be Foundl 0n Far-0H Planet. Mars is more distant than we are from the sunâ€"150;000,000 miles on‘ the average instead of 100,000,000. It is, therefore, a little colder; the more so as its central heat is less, because the diameter of the planet is only 4,500 miles instead of 8,500. Martian days have almost the same duration as ours; but the axis of the planet being more inclined on the plane of the orbit by about four degrees, the polar regions where the sun remains more than one day on or below the horizon are more extend-ed, as is also the torrid lzone. The inequality of «days and *nights at the same latitude is great- er on Mars than on the earth; at the latitude of forty-ï¬ve degrees our shortest day is eight hours fortyâ€"three minutes, and the longâ€" est ï¬fteen hours thirty-eight min- utes; these are on Mars respectiveâ€" ly seven hours ï¬fty-six minutes and seventeen hours ï¬fty-eight minutes ‘long. On the planet Mars, therefore, there are extreme variations of cliâ€" mate and temperature. Protected by the slowness of the variations of temperature of water, marine aniâ€" mals, ï¬sh, especiallv. differ, doubt- less, very little from ours; but it is quite otherwise with aerial ani‘ mals. Those with constant inter- nal temperature have been inï¬niteâ€" ly more favored 0n the earth. They must have appear-ed ,s‘ooner and ON THE PLANET MARS. SAVED THE KING. H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. EVERAL DESIRABLE ' FARMS IN k Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought Worth 1116 money for ifdaafls'rocx FARM OF 500 ACRES I with Three Houses: large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick Price is very, low, quick nah! unvu uvruu uqu “Linaâ€..- farms in different sections of Ontario on my “at. If you want a farm consult QEVENTEEN ACRES~3 MILES FROM k 1 London market; soil gravelly cay 10am. Will exchange for city, town or village property. or for larger farm. The Wesfern Real Estate Exchange, London. Ont. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. U'1‘ OF EMPLOYMENT? SERVES YOU right. Learn barber trade; ahvays sure employment for barber. 0111‘ mm proved methods, constant practice and instructions qualify you for position in short timre‘ _ Send__fm:_ catalogue. Moler Zï¬iéao‘.‘ 2.93 Quiéé’ifEi; Torqm RUSSELL MOTOR GAR COMPANY, LIMITED 100 Rlchmond St. West, TORONTO Phone. - MAIN 2072 ‘ LAAIII UvuuuVAu“-- _VV , V, , b ferem. Foreign Stamps. Cataioguo. Album, only Eleven Cents. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto C ANGER. TUMORS. LU M113, E I‘Uv. internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home neatment. Writ! us before too late‘ Dr. Bellman Medici} r‘n Limifod. Collimzwnnd Ont HAS been OVerhauled and is in splendid condition. Fully equipped. have more quickly crushed the great reptiles, which have long been extinct. On the conmrary, the plumage of birds and the skin of mammals, which protect these ani- mals against the extreme varia- tions of temperature, must have developed in a, luxurious manner, both attaining a splendid variety, changing and being modiï¬ed pro- foundly every year with the sea;- sons. 3 TAMP COLLEC'1‘OR§_-ILUND§¥JD DIF- ,AA1__.... EESSELL-WBHT WHENDREPAQQQB The busier a. man is the less time a has to complam of overwork. MODEL “33" Cost $5000 Price $2000 Phone. App? Zamâ€"Bck to all wow: 5 and sorts and you will be surprised how quickly it†stops the smarting and brings case. It covers the wound with a layer of pro- tective balm, kills all poison germs already in the wound, and prevent: other: en'cring. It: rich healing herbal essence! then hold up from the bottom, fresh (isms: and in a wonderfully short time tho wound is healed! Zam Buk’l popularity in based on Inch. limitations never wank mm. B9 lure end get the real thing. “Zam-Buk" u ninted on every paCkeb o! the genuine. Retuu mothers, 500 all druggisu and atoms or Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto. ‘ MALE HELP WANTED. 7571M†AND coms FARMS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS.