‘ , ,. $5000;00 r 3. The said VV. J. Lmvrence'l’ur- therugrees that. he will give the Our. pm-utimi security f0? the ropit'ymnnp nf thesnid sum uf Five Thnusaud duh laws as fullu\\'s,* ‘* ‘ 2. Thesaifl \V. J. Lawrence ngxees that, he'will repay the amnunt of the s'aid Loan. wnhnut- interestp in six equal annual payments, .the ï¬lst of Such payments Lube due and { payable at the oxpimtinn uf four years from the date of the. receipt, of the said Loan by the said.W. Jz' anrrnce. and the wlmleauununtof said Inn!) to be payable by installments as follows.â€" No} l in the year 1917. $833.33. No) 21'n the year 1918, "No; 3 in the year 1919, 833.33. N (r. 4 in the year 1920, 833. Nq. 5 in the year 1921. 833.33; ‘ Nl‘j; 6h: the‘yea‘r 1922, 833.35. v ' hllk‘ [fglg‘f 1“]. L‘iglu llllklt'lVV‘; '_ ' ‘ I. lle‘UOt‘inrlï¬._ 5n agrees #12‘ ‘rpuy over tn thé said “NJ. _VL:I\\'I"(-'UIOC as a: 1mm without interest}, the sum hf Five Thousand flollm-s as soon as certain 'deixlnt‘m‘es of the Cuppiï¬'uthn‘l issued for that purpnsé, can he: twinned, m' the (Ednpn'mtion ‘wili 'hn‘ml “vex-r the sniddebentuI-vs to the said \V. J. Law- rence as be m- the_ Gm-pmatinn may elem, three tvhnnsnnd dulhu's in cash hrdvbggiuyes to he paid oven} on 'Ol'v about the 6th day of Juï¬â€˜eâ€?th. zmd the lmlsmr-P of [WU thnusand dullm's‘in’ cash or debentures“) be puid4wer as the W554; prqg'r‘es'seg. ‘ ' ‘ "Now. thergfm-é, this agreement wit- nessg-fli" that )fn’p, the. mmsiqwntiun lwrefgï¬tfter set, ff'illh, the: said pun-ties ' ' " nutuully, cm‘enngnt, «Wench toflmdï¬with ' fnlin 'vv' By-huv. )Iemm-andum of agreement made in duplicate this day of r .1913, ln-Lwavn the Om‘pnrnLion of the Vill- nge nf Richmond Hill (hvrein called the Cox-purutimLuf the ï¬rst, part)» and \V. J. Lawrence of the semnidfpart. VVhUl’t‘flS, W. J. Lawrence lms ap~ plied to the Cm-pnmtion of the Village nf Hic’hmnm] Hill fm' :nsishmce tn aid him in rebuilding. his gro-enhnuss, 'whiCh greenhriuse is situatv‘d in the mild Village “(mil waslzzl‘gely dgstroycd bxg‘eceut. windghun‘isy -. '- \VheI-eus the sum of $5000.00 is the amount: of, thu‘éssistance to be grant.- ed tu.the said, W. J. Lawrence, [and the amount of the debt intended to be erg-fled by this by-law, and ‘_ _ _ ~ Now. therefore, the-Municipal Coun- cil uï¬the Cnrppration of the Villagepf Richmond Hill enu'cts as follows,â€" ‘ lst, That the-Reeve of the‘said Cm?- pm-abion of Richmond Hill be and he is herebylauthorlzed (go borrow the said sum of File thousand dollars on the credit of the Corporation fur the pur- poses aforesaid. and .to issue deben- tures; of the said Corporation for the sumbf Five thousand dolleus with in- terest at 5% per cent per annum pay- able at; the ofï¬ce of the Treasurer .of the said Vlllugzé.‘ __ 2nd; The Reeve mid Clerk are Here- by authorized to attach the Car m-ate mm) of the Uorpumtinn of (he Illage of Richmond Hill to the following agreement. and t0 entPr into, make, sxgn; execute and delivnr Same, and sue-hi, ngremnent is hereby incorpor- ated with and shall fun-m part of this By-luw. ' ' r \Vhereas the a'nmunt of thé whole Humble propérty of‘ the Villag‘e- of' Richiï¬oï¬d Hill, according to the 'last revised Assessment,- Rull of the said ,Vi_l_lflge is $2$7,149.00, a_n_d _ W hex-egrs the general debenture debt of the said Village amounts to $23,- 7557.85.01? which no part; of the prin- i:ipa1 or interpst isjn arrear, (mg 1 Whereas, in order to provide ' for said debt it is expedient to issue de- bentures of the said Corporation to the amountpf Five thousand "dollars bearing interest at the rate of 5% per cent per annum, and that snub px-in- cipnl sumshnll be repayuble in yearly su‘m‘s extending over a period of Ten years from the date of issue of such debentures of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable fur princi- pal. and interest in any year in respect (If the principal shall be equal as neur- ly as may he to what is payable fér principal and interest during each of the other years of such period, and “(hers-as, it will’I-equire the sum of $663.34 to be raised annuulLv as afore- said by «special rate on the whole x-atealzle pruperty in the. said Village fur the paying 01 the said debt and inï¬erest; ‘ Whereas. the said Corporation deem it in the interests of the Village to secure-the cuntinuance. of such an industry in'the Village of Richmond Hill, and to grant such aid on the tenusand conditions hereinafter set forth-and ‘ ~ ; j Wheres; the mtégufers of the said Village have petitioned the Council of the said Village (:0 submit: a by-law to tht:l Electors, an-thorizing such aid; tlrl , Whéz‘eas, the said W. J. Lawrence has ' ‘I-equest'Pd the Corporation of Richmond [1m to aidrhim in: the re- building nf said greeghuuse by a. loan (va¢$5000.00, and v " ‘Vhergasw. J. Lawrence has sus- tained severe has by, reason uf/dam- age. caused by tempest,'to‘ his V green~ house ~in- the Village of Richmond HillLamd ‘_ ‘ 1 ' BY=LAW§NWS A B‘yAIaw to aid W. JgLaw- ren'ce inathe. rebuilding of, hisgreenh‘é‘uSeJargely'dam- I aged by recént wirvdjtaét'arms, ‘and ~to_ provide for, the raisingof $5ooo.oo;by way . of debentures" necessary ’ therefor. " ‘ " I To PATENT Good ideas may be secured by our aid. “Addresg, >' THE °"ENT RECORD; Baltimore, Md Notice 13 hereby given to Lease- hnlders‘ within the Village of Rich- "mud Hill that theyare required to file in the niï¬ce of the Clerk of the Village? at least ten days before the day of pulling, a statutory declaration as filllmxjé.â€"‘-â€"Th‘:1t‘the lens»: extends for the pm‘ind (if time “'iLlliii_3vhicl) the money is to he raised for" Lh'e‘pavnmnb Hf the. delir, createdth [his Bv-lnw. That; the pmpert leased‘is of sufï¬c- ient value to eutit e thehnldet' to vote at the Municipal election, and thatth has envennnted in the lease to my all Municipal taxes in rospvchtï¬'the prop- erty-leased («their than taxes assessed for local improvements). The niuues nf lmlsehpldm‘s failing to make the re- qnired declaration shall not he ‘placed nn the Voters‘ ilStlfOl’ votlrfg on this By-lauv. . ‘ A. J . HUM E, TakP‘ notice that the-above is‘a tum copycf a proposed BEV-lzuv which has been taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Village of Richmond" Hill. and which Wlll he ï¬nally passml by the said Council, in the event of the assent of the Electors being obtained thereto, 7 after one month from the ï¬rst~ publication then-HIE in the Richmond Hill “LIBER- AL?’ the date of which puhlication was Thursday, the 17th day of April, 1913. and ntx the hour. daywimd-place ï¬xed therein‘for taking the vntps of'th‘e. electmis the polls will l')({'held. " NOtiCe to [IeasehOlders 8. T8724, (m-Mnndzw the IZih day of May, 1913,.«the Clerk of the Said Village shall attend at his‘ofï¬ce, at the ham- nf Len o’clock in the furvmuun to sum up the number of votes gue‘u for and agflinsp this Bv-l/nv‘v. -J - ~ against this Bv-lnw. _ Read :1. ï¬rst. ï¬nd spcnnd time and read in Gmnmï¬txe this 15Lh day of April 1913. 5. This Ely-law shall come into hp- erutiun and be of full force and effect 0!) the date of the ï¬nal passmg therer 7. That on Friday the 9th day of May 1913, at the hnur 0f ten o’clock in the fun-enrmn, the Reeve of Rich- mond Hlll shall attend at the ofï¬ce of the Village Clerk for the. le'pUSE‘Of appointing in writing; signed by him- self, quporsons to attéhd at; the fi- ‘nalrsumming up by Lhe‘Villuge Clvrk of the votes pulled on this By-law, and also of appombing‘ one person lg) attendat‘the’polling'place on belts:le of the persons interested ip _und de-' siraus of. prmnoting the passingr of this By-law, and one person to attend at the polling place on- behalf of the persons interested in; and desirous of 0on5ng the pissng bf thi_s\B:y~law. '5.‘ And that he ï¬ifl‘ rtie-p03“: “in the Standard Bank in Richmond Hill not less thaï¬ Four Thousand dollars of Jhe said Loan. as a. special account to be used 8019157 for the payment of ‘Wuge'bills Incurred by and arising .out of the said work/of: re-consti-ug- than andi including 1111 cheques paici‘ 3wages from Saturday Apin 19th, _ In the event‘of the said ‘W. J. Law, rence making default under clause 4 of this a reement, the Corporation shall be entitled immediately upon such de- fault occurring to be reimbursed» by the said W. J. Lawrence the amount paid by it in connection with repair- ing. publishing and submitting this agreement an 9 the By-luw in connec- tion herewith; and issuing the. deben- tures thereunder. and all other expens- es thereto. And in the event of the said »W. J. Lawrence defaulting in payment of any of , the payments as set forth in Clause 2, of this agree- ment, then the Corporation shall en- ter upon and take possession of the property covered by the mortgage aforesaid. ‘ This a reement shall ex- tend to and be bin ing upon the heirs and executors,administrators and as- signs of the said W. . Lawrence; ' 3. Within the said period of Ten years there shall be taised'aind ‘ levied annually by a special rate in.'addition to all†other ,rrates. upon the whole rateable propel-ty of the said- Village the yearly sum of $66334 for the pay- ment of themaid debt. and interest. 4. The said' duébentm‘es shall bear date as of the 1'6ch day of June. 1913, and shall be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer and sealed with the seal_ of {by said ‘UQquratiop. __ this Municipality th are entitled to vote on:this By-law, shall be taken on the 10th day of May 1913. commencing at nine o’clock in the morning and closing at. ï¬ve u’blnck in the afternoon in the Council Chamber in the said Village of Richmond Hill. _ (a) A ï¬rst mortgage (m_ the whole 1.114 at, consisting of gmenhugsgs, bml- et: house, ï¬itti'ngsretcu‘ together with 1m} and one hait‘ acres of [and occu- pigd by_ an_d atplched t9 thg’ same. _ 4.4 Andthatï¬he will cause to be re- ï¬uiltand puti‘nto operation the said greenhouse within tWO years from the date hereof ahd .that he will keep the ’same grilisu'red ,tokthe‘said amount, nf$1jldXXL00§Hnd that the complete-d [Wilding shall be approved to the ant- kgactjfm,pf‘the‘comgrgfiqn. “,9 .v. (h) Assignment. to the Corporatinn of policies uf insurance on thesnid plant; agamst wind, builv‘uud ï¬re to the amount. of $12,090.0(L 3. That tï¬e votes of the Electors of Ripans Tabules assist digestion; CLERK’S NOTICE A; J. HUME. Clelk. Glm'k . WVWWVVvvvwivwvvivvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvmvvvvvvvi Lot 33; rear-2911001). Markham, enn- taining 100 acres, moreor less; Good hank harp, house_ahd_. outbuildings; Never failing spring creek through the farm. Also two good wells. Good orchard and plenty nf small fruit. About 70 acres cleared,“ baiance bush and pasture land. ' - 41-8 A‘Cuw with calf hv side. Lot 28, 0(0)“. 2. Vaughan Elgin Mills. ‘ 4 ~tf « Monéy to 102m on ï¬rst moxtgage. 41-t.f. ‘ ' ' By two adults ior summer months. board at large farm house or hum-ding house near Bond Luke, ‘ilcnx Lake nr Richmnnd Hill. \Vritvgiving full partipnlilrs and spasm) rake. ‘ AAAAAAAAAALAALAAAAAAAKAAAL AAALMAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ? Houses in the Villnge on Centre Street east; and (vest. Six acres with new buildings on Mill Street. Vacant lots on every street. ' ' 1155 'acres ï¬rsttclass farm‘ in Jovery particular 11 mflés from Elgm Mills. de 100 acre} fanmsi near Mfmnt lélbci‘rt; best\valué in ‘the County of or . ‘- 44-2 H. A. NIGHOLLS 35- tf 50 Ba sjof late Potatoes, Nugmllg This wil be a. goodvehhnoï¬ to get pure geed.. Alana qun‘pti'tgy' steal,ng pota- Phoue29507 ' 1,-7.5; Maple Exchange. toes. Twp tons'vstimw. ‘ ‘ Apply nt_ O 9§§¢§§§6§9 664§§§§§¢§¢§6 §§§§§§§§§§§§¢N§¢¢é§¢¢¢§§( i HAS ’FOR SALE ,_ "'FROM: THE HARDWARE STQRE 1W.“ _ '9o9943+twwwno9&9Mnnyowfwwï¬wï¬ï¬o§nN carpet Whipé . . . . . . . '. . . . .â€. . . . . . . .10 and 115063011 Garden. Rakes. ; . . . .. . . .. . . . . , . .'.25 to 750‘ each‘ Garderï¬ Spades? S. . . . . . . . . . . .- . .“. . {65¢ 1:01.00 each ' Canvas Gloves. . . .» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 pr.. 3 Ior 25c _ Ready, Mixed faints“Minerva High Grade Quality j _ Pint Cans 350., Quart-{Gags 650. ' ._ '> _ ‘ “LACQUERETâ€, VARN‘I‘S‘EI STAIN, am} ELASTICA, FLOOR VARNLSH. " ; G; A. -MCDONALD & SON THE:‘B’1€HMUND'HILL HARDWARE-CU. R. T. \VEBSI‘ER. . , ; 10 Elmswurt, Apmmments, ‘ Â¥ ' ‘ .IrWiy'l' Ave!H ' 'Tnmnt-u.’ - ASK Us-F R'COLOR CARDS ‘ . ~ PAINT and VARNISH BRUSHES, K'ALSOMINE BRUSHES SORUB BRUSHES, STOVE BRUSHES. . IALABAéSTIN‘E and MURESCO WALL, COATINGS. REâ€"NU-ALL WOOD POLISHâ€"Ask us about this: it I is a good thing. . . ’ " WASHING MACHINES and, WRINGERS, “NEW PERFEC- ! TION†Blue Flame OIL STOVES and OVENS I - :3? See thé I913 Patterns Burngx} Stoye, only sit-.00 ‘ A No TROUéLE T9 SHOW GOODS WHETHER'YOU BU}; OR Nor, 1 Four things you are sure to; receive by dealing with PHONE 18 PHONE l6â€"R Real Estate Agent ‘ Richmond Hm W POPU L A R: "PRICE 9". W GOOD GOODS. W COURTEOUS TRF‘. ATMWN‘T’. E: QUIUK SERVTCE. SPRING NEBESSI’MBS For Sale For Sale, Wanted For "Sale Ear Sale; DILMAN WIDEMAN, AN ANNOUNCEMENT. c. 3.302133, THE LIBERAL omcé. Richmond H111. 0009+§§§9§§§§90 Â¥ Hope P. 0. Sat. May 8+A’uctifm sale of fern) stock, implem‘vuts, furniture vtc.,‘m) lot 15. rear-2nd mm. Markhumrt’he property lie-longing tn the! late \Vm. ., Teflsdttlv. Salem} lilu’uhrckv. Terms 8m(,uths. The farm of about95ncres i will alsu be. uffcred for sale.‘ J. ._ Prentice. nuct. v . SAT.. Marv 10â€"â€" ExocuLm-’s szflé'pf Chut- » Leis, housphuld and ft eehold prupert y, I at \Villmvdnle,».the,property of lhe . estate nf Ei-i-zabethBell. Terms for Chat't‘éls cash. Sink-frat.“ I 'n’cluck. Sah- nf h eehnldaruperly. 2;} acres at 3’, flflmkl Terms ’made kunwn on . day nfsmle. J. 5-. Prentice, uué’t. A 'new brick hnuse on Elizabeth Street, in thï¬ Village n’f Richmond Hill. This house hvlé six mums and n large hall, has nvvexyheeu. ucnupied, ï¬nd is a very desirable property. 42-4 ~ Painter; Paper-hanger Generaerecorator ' ICEMOND HILL, "Invaluable assistagce in collect- aem. [‘OFFIcgg ~ TORONTO." A. . g , Rm HMOND Hm; ' 13mm}; LE. D, ->nflflf ~ " , .'Mam¢er.' . VBi-nnches also at Maple. Uhionvmaagim?“ gm: < .7 J JOHN" ELLIS BELL PHONE V mam Tabu’ms cue, bad breath. may†Tampa cum; dizziness. < House For Sale ’1 NORMAN BATTY, MANAGER. Austion 821.165 Apply to WM. GOULD. Businéss/matf who Ea: " mstometssin various. parts L fljbf‘CAnï¬dia 'br elsewï¬Ã©re will " :‘ï¬ina the ,setvictsi 9f. ï¬aisibankfof. I jgingaluable assistapce in called- 7 drgfts. etc. “ ' ‘ '5 (Jam 3,.)‘1ni‘khnm :nri' \Vi-UECHFII‘MM Anym'u am? Oak “Mg-n. 'Fk-npm $‘l‘3a. DUKE om'Y-ORK - mydpsduzu sum... , the prnpm-tv nf '\‘\'. .l‘ lilulgin. .lvffm- sun'will km ke-n! i'm- snrvim‘ M his own. stahhz. Int 61 Yougeï¬t. Baud Luke. 4 Terms 95 H. a ' V . SHIPMA'PE - Standard h- 9'! sfnlï¬un. _ (108-!) lhe prupnrby (If Wu]. H I Min, Jefferson. will he kvpx, fm- sex-vibe at. ‘ own stable. Int 61 Yonge St», Build Lukv. TPI'HH $ 11. - N ESE-ITT. M A CQU'EE NZ-Clydi»9a;.ln. ’ Stallinn} “6&3. tlw rwple-ty ‘Uf 5W. ’ .L_Hudgin. Oak Ridge»; wilL go" in Victmin Squj'u'v. Elgin Millie, (Jamar )‘illna, Muplu. Laskny. Pmyplevviliï¬. ‘Am'dm: anm:‘t’1-unl Siltmda'y till * M Ulldfly. Terms $12. ' ‘ ' TOWARD CHIEE‘lâ€"Im-prur‘ted Clydes- dale.‘thse pmpeL-ty nf D. 0. _Steele, 'will stand at, his mvn stable," Richâ€" ’ mnnd' Hill. during the“ S‘BIlsnlf. Tux-ms $15. AALLANDS ‘PR'IDEâ€"ifmpnrt’gd UWdesi ‘ daie, the prwperhy of- \V. H. Glass, King C'ity. \Vill trawl lthrnugh King Creek. Teston, Maple, Elgin Mills, Markhdm. Oak Ridgpc" Home ‘ Saifux'diiy tifl Monday. " Twain‘s $1}; 36-tf F.- J; WBQWARD The undersigned offers for‘ snle- a, block of flveflilUOO dollar Dehenlnï¬ es of the Village of Richmond HiII.‘ The debentures run 30 yvars. .zmd‘ bvar in- terest atï¬ve pm' «amt, Installments of principal nndjnï¬-z PM paid amiuan‘y. These de‘lw-Ixtgu‘res may“ hé bought \siri'g1y 01' EN BLOC. Full :pmi'rnnhrraf rmavf lw had at the Clerk’s Oï¬be, Rich- mond HTll. ' ‘ 1», ' "“°"""""‘ to its proper tensiong‘restores vim and vitality. Premature derav’and all sexual weakness averted at once. Photwhonolj will make on a new man. Price 83 a box; or two for: 5. ailed to any add ress. The Seoboll but: 6.. St. Catmï¬nos. Ont. " le follh“ iug smmuns wth:-- in lliiii svcli- n nf CUHHLiy (lux‘ing shew (1503103 .1913zâ€" ' ‘ PROUR BAmxâ€" Imp. Clydésduln. t! e [Imperav ufJusth Hand." Int, 27. mm. 2, Markham, will shun] at hva Q Richamnd Hil’l Saturday aï¬mmmm. -W'J_‘(-~rln:.~' $10. _‘ > . r , / LORD MJRVENIâ€"Ililpy '(ï¬vdu'whlu. the property hf 'l‘. H. [mg-gm 'l‘umng-e nnm-yillp. \ViH‘urnvulllirdngl1-li3yéi-s-A lay. Km; City}. Maul», Eight Milk. Phasphbmfl reï¬forés every new: mthe body tn if: nrnnnr fnnï¬nn 'vnufnrnu ALL BHANéHEs ORTHE TRADE STRICTLY A'L"1‘END:ED"§‘(>. Eiectri'c A'Restoreri for Men PATROEAGESOWITEE ’. - . I ' AND 8.513833 0N_G‘CARAN~'H£T x GENERAL 'BLACKSMITH, SHOEING LAKE A‘TD 11TH $321.9 -HORSES A $PECIAL'IY ~ F. J. WOOD-MR1} i Debentures... New Gormley Stallion Register Esunususn 1815 A, J.VHUME‘, Glen-L