Mr. cm†Suigeo‘n has received 1135‘ Diplnnm having passed with hugyrs {he exéuuinntinns inBr)()k keeping and Commercial Law at; the Uentml lgiusiuess Uullege, Toronto. ‘ ï¬e afraid of a. few mam taxes, We need here but they may be grew in «coming .if- we mm a deaf ear {,9 feasonable propesitiqns. Many preperties in the village have more than doubled in value within the gastfew years, Surely the owners will not feel inclined to. rest content without making an effort for the general prosperity of the place. How- ever every voter was entitled to his or her opinion. And ifa mistake has been inade, all will suffer alike. 0n vFiiday of last week, Rebecca Young, beloved wife of M13 Charles Stephenson passed away at. her home. The funeral took place un Monday to the Maple cemetery. The bereaved husband and the aged mother and Lhe sjsters uf the deceased have the sym- paltkhy of all in their los_s. ,n x - .u. («.1 Miss Mathews of Toronto was \(isib mg with Mi_ss N(_x_hl_e‘over Suqduy, ‘ At; aâ€" concert, last, Friday evening a; good prugrmume was listened to by QIHLL‘ a large audience. The sum of $2.3 was realized. This will} he ll§§d: 1m- lighf-irng nun-noses1 Mr. Harold A. ‘Waite of Toronto spvnt the We'ek end at, the home of Mr. J. :I‘. Siggqrun. * Un'Sunday evening the pulpit of the Methodist; church was occupied by Mr. M;Inni_pg_n_f Vigtoxja Upiversitv_. A r ' The old barn on the Noble property has been huught, and taken away by Mr: M. PoWex-s. This removes an old‘land- mark. ’ While Mus. P. Brophy was driving to King she had the misfortune to be thrown from the buggy having her arm broken and being otherwise injured: _ ‘EHE: ngmy regrets exceedineg ï¬hat the, exilaw to‘loan Mr. Lawrence alsum to, assist in rebuild- ;J’ng higwnonses was defeated on 39m sum asked would gm 135mg 9% 33¢ heayy burden on our gropegggqggers, and we fear the de- wghggg {3mm 3, good advertise- mexgg Lgegflflgmiiiage, if we expect :31} 3,9, grew and progress 'I‘.e Scimiwl is in crl‘nrt What 53‘; Wisfrili said was nut that Quebec is disloyal, but the Nationalists of that Province. And the Liberal leader also pointed out in the same gddress that as scon as Hon. R. L. Borden formed his ministry three of the most outspoken oi the Nationalists were at once taken into the cabinet, Last week’s Orange Sentinel states editorially that at the meeting in the Arena Sii‘ Wilfrid Laurier “admitted†that Quebec was disloyal, and says:â€" - At the Toronto meeting this week Sir'Wilh-id made a. striking charge against the loyalty of his own race. lie frankly suggested that the ‘people if (3110an are devoid of love or grati~ time in ill-Main or any appreciation of 1‘41 linipii'e " . 'l‘. e Seimnvl is in cri‘nrt What 53‘; Wilfrid said was nut that Quebec It ‘is not pleasant for a local paper to point out the apathy of a goodly number of our citizens. Yet, a gentle reminder of this apathy, should not be out of place. Monday of last week was appointed Arbor Day. In the fwenoon seven or eight “men with two teams went torthe woods, and dug up and brought heme about 200 nice young maples. About 100 of these were planted, but as volunteers could not be found to plant the balance they were allowed to go to waste, al~ though the Council will have to pay for the trees. There is something wrong somewhere, and it is to be re- gretted that so many men show a lack of enterprize. There are men who have lived in our village for years, and they can “boast†that they have never gone to the woods 9‘1 Arbor Day, nor planted‘a tree ex- eept in front of their own premises. These same men never attend the Ratepayershgleetings, and they seldom have agood: word for the place. RICHMOND HILL. 0NT.. MAY 15, 1913 Me ï¬iheragi. Rinans Tabqu: at druggists. flipans Tabums cure headache. Mame. Orders now being taken for pring delivery, 1913.. Prospects bright for the season’s trade. Experience upnecessary. We instruct our salesmen hnw to 8911 Fruit, Stocks in the country and Ornamental trees m-the town. START NOW and have your territory reserved. Weekly Pay. Free Outï¬t. é$++~b+'§+‘M4'M*i°¥d'+i-W$+*M ï¬$¢$++++$+$fl+$+~Â¥$++++$+++ I On 1% Concessinn of Vaughan, lot 38. Thirty-four acres. gnod rough cast house. new stone foundation, barn, new hen house, pig pen, yuung orchard just beginning to hear. plenty of water. Suitable for poultry farm cr market gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen minutes walk to Metropolitan cur. Since May 'lst. a black covered bank containing two notes. Finder wxll please return same and receive rewmd. ‘ H. H, HOPPER, Small Farm for Sale 3: %M*‘9+m+++%++++ i-++++ +++ P+++++**W9+++++%WW++ \Vhen uric acid is dissolved in the lilunrl IL thickmis the blond almost to a jelly; this is what causes the heart to fluttex-aud seem to stop because It is wuakened hy the strain uric acid puts on it, Anti-Uric ,Kidnev Pills drive out all uric acid pnisnns from the sys, tem. They are quick and safe and guaranteed by W. A. Sandersm, See that the name B. V. Marion is on the package. 7 HORSES Semi for Booklet on Dileuel of Men “THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If nan“. to call. write ‘for a Question Us! for Home Treatment unskENNEnm KENNEmr. fl c All letters from Canada must be adérgssed ‘ I ta aux; Canadian Correspgndence Depart- \' . ment in Windsor, Ont, ' If; you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofl‘ices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all lettqu as follows: nus. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. wanam. an}. ï¬rite forour private address. ‘ ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, , I’IMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT vnun man Is Abstainers preferred. Steady work the year round. A. P P L Y Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroitc Mich. AGENTWANTED WANTED HEART TROUBLE Applyim ] FOUR FARM LABURERS FflNTHILL NURSER! ES ONE AS PLOWMAN RSES - 100 PIGS ~ NO: CATTLE WAGES $30.00 PER MONTH .. 1308b RICHMOND HILL To sell for the “The Old Reliable" > on premises or t H. APPLETON. J. CLARY Richmond Hill (Formerly of Thor-nhill) WRITE FOR TERMS. SUDBURY Carrvflle. We desire to call .the attentien of all the“, afflicted With any Blood or Skin Dieeuo to our New Method Treatment en a guaranteed cure for these complaints. There is no ex: cuss for any person having a d‘ V red face from eruptions and blotches, o mat 1- whether hereditary or acquired, our eei e remedies and treatment neutralize al poi. sons m the blood and expel them from the system. Our vast experience in the treat- ment of thousands of the most. serious and complicated cases enables us to perfect a cure without experimenting. Wedo business on the planâ€"Pay Only for the Benefit You Derive. It you have an blood disease, con- su“ 11.3 Free'of Charge nd let us rove to 'you how quickly our remedies wil remove‘ all evidences of disease. Underthe inflyenee of the New. Method Treatment the skin be- comes clear. ulcers. pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out. hair grows in again. the eyes become bright, ambition and we return. and the iictim realizes a new life as opened up to 1m. you CAR ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED ' @317 35.13 or Rent 46-2 Fresh large bunches of Rhubarb fox- sa e. v H. MOYLE. Notice is hereby given that L. INNES & SONS’ FAC- TORY and OFFICE will be CLOSED ‘SA T U R D A Y AFTERNO O N S d u ri\n g MAY. jUNE, JULY and AUGUST. .' 42-tf _Our customers will please govern themselves according- ly. - L. INNES & SONS, Richmond Hill. The Elgin Mills. Hotel is for Sale or to rent. , _ ‘ ‘ May 1,1913 LZI‘N’GTOLT. CONSULTATION FREE NOTICE Rhubarb 'f GOSGROVE. Richmond Hill- Eigin’ Mills. J'. H. S.£3;1\1'DERSOI\TI V. S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW’AYS 0N HAND. REAL ESTATE CLUBBING GRAVEL, STONE 'AND SAND. GLASS BROS. Elgin Mills TEAMSTERS ’ Every family Should have both their local paper and a city paper. RICHMOND HILL *AGENCYâ€"q WILL SUPPLY 33-tf Thoroughbred Holstein Bull. (~11 Lori) 28, CM). 2. Vaughan. Trams $1 cus . TheNexb Sitting of Divxsmn Court to No. 3, County of York, will be hem in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL DIVISION + GEUBT. A. J. HUME FINE TAILDBINB RATES Pressing Cleaning m Repairing Monday, June 23, 1912 NOTARY PUBLIC Commencmg at 9. RICHMOND HILL ‘ _0N,,. Leases. Wills, Etc. Special attention given to For Service Conveyancing, T. F. McMAHON CLERK JOHN SLINEY. u U I l. m . Elgin Mills.