Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 May 1913, p. 5

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11' mil. RICHMOND HILL. ONT" MAY 15, Suwfluy at’ his parents, at Riclminnd Hill. Sunday cars over the Me‘h'opo'fitan‘ Railway will start next Sunday. The management are prepming’ a. ne'w time table. .Satk'lrday m’ln-ning. Ma y 10, ice stood Vin vesskls in Richmond Hill half an inch thick. This is very unusual at Lhis, time of yew. fiamlfiv’ille Tribuneâ€"fill“ and Mrs. L. E. Handhnf Richmond Hill, spent over Elsimdday at his parents. M1. and Mrs. J. am . Perionsin the‘village or surrounding? neiglnm’rhnndq may hfue their pizum tuned bv a. competent, handâ€"by leaving thud!- ol-der at, THE LIBERAL Office. Rev. Mr, Fallis of Tomntn' Nmth Methodist, church will preach :mui- varsnry sex-mums in 'the Mmhludist church hé-re next Sunday. m'rruing andaevening. ~ . Rev. P. Sm-klvyv of But'hoadu lvft yesterday for fl‘hpnms. Okiahumu, to “attend {heGeneml ()unfm-Hnn of The Brethren in )hrist ('l‘nnker) which cnnvenes on the 23rd of May. The Secretary nl’ the Ri‘chnmnd Hill Agricultural Sm-i-"l y ‘v'nufd he yéeased {n have thuse intruding tn enumetze in {’thrizeFivld Cmupenitiunxtn call at his ()flice and fill out the necessary #utrv. ’ » Men’s heavy cuttnn sox,‘ (I'm-k gray 2 pr. for 25c., dm-kvblue. 150. pm; Men’s linen hats, wide.- hrim 500.; Ynuug nu'n’s linen huts 50cm; Pre’s‘idvnc suspen- dul's 50m: Puliue suspenders 25c. Alkin- snn&Switzer. ’ ‘ Naughtnn Brns.. Elgin Mills, have Suldg Tudhope M ndel K. five assenger Touring can" to Mr. W. C. l'li'uwns of Aurora. Mrs. A. E. Williams of Isabella St. Turnnto and little danghu-r A‘mlie Lillian and Muster (1‘91)!ng B. 8. sant a few hulll's r-n’Sumrdny Visiting 1119 «M hnme and «Kan culled mm a feW friends. ' Mrs. D. Stung, Rustic Inn, “ishes to thank hm' many customers for their pununa'ge in the pdslpemd begs to ‘zm- plumce that she will open up her- Re» freshumnb Rnum and Ive Cl-r'am Parlor gm Saturday night. Band in attend- aHCP. ‘ - The Direc!.ors of. the Agricultural Society are pleased to acknowledge the receipt. of the following donatinns recein to late fur entry in prize list: arFI‘Fd Jackmn. Duwusview, $21K); Dr. Hassm-d, Markham, $2.00; George :Harding, Richmond Hill, $2.00. The Ten Cent Tea. by Mrs. P. G. Samagel Mrs. Page and Mrs1 Armand Savage, Friday evening, in the School Room of the Methodist church. forthe Ladies Aid Fund, was well attended, the amount; netting $17.72‘ The above is the fourth ten. held this season and the sum netted has been largerat each successive tea. Mrs. H. Wright and two children of Nobletnn. and Mrs. T. U. Hnl‘vburd of .thesame place spent a few duvs with Mr. and Mrs Geo. Grungm- at Boston Ave. From Toronto Lht‘v gn tn Brough- am and Markham where they will meet Mr. Wright. and will shortly leave for their new ham-e. There was a large attendance at the clnsing meetingofthe Epwm-th League Monday evening. Mr. J. I-Iicksnn, the retiring president was in the chair. Mr. Bell, (If the High School staff gave a paper on “Ideals,” quoting urger from Longfellnw’s “‘Excelsiur.” and Mrs. A. G. Savage contributed a $1110. ‘ At.» meeting of the Board of Educan tum the salary of the Principal ()f the [{uhlic School wasincrmsod $100 and ('{uth of his :lssismnts was given an advance of $50.00. A special meeting in discuss salary-advances in the‘ High fichmnl stalf will he held shortly. ‘ Dress ginghams, tan, blue wiLh white border, green, black and white stripe, black and gray stripe, blue and white, pink and white, black and white check &c., 14 yd.: heavy suiting pinghams, kings blue, dark blue and linen shade 14c. vd.; white drill for suits 150. yd. Atkinson & Switzer. Rev. F. Elliott was in the village yesterday after being confide to his house Lhmugh illness since November last. fund. 3 pk. for 2530.: Wheat. 2 pk. fur 255.; Lm-gu 250,); OI-est, Floating Smip, :- At-kinson & Swit'zer. Sunday. June 15. has been set aside for a County Field Day for York. under the auspices 0f the Dominion Alliance. On‘ that day every pulpit open to the Alliance will be supplied by a. speaker from that institution. List. year about 2,500 church service-s Wei-e conducted by the Alliance in dif‘ ferent counties in Ontario. Mai. 11nd ‘Mrs. M. C. 3”}ng spenp 1.400 ALS : .Shrpfidvd A bar castile 3 cakes for [i VThe meeting of the Guild on Friday ev‘enin’g WI“ he."an Edit-eer abalacter' } and will discuss “Goldsmith s Deserted 9 Viilngv”. Lemivr Miss Coupe! and essayist Miss Muhei Mé‘n'sh; - ~ The by-lnw on Saturday to loan $5,000 to Mr. \V. J., Lawtenee to assist in rebuilding his greenhouses, destroy- ed by wind on Good Friday, was de- feated. The votes cast, for the hy-law 1wexe 76, against the by~law 52, nnd " there was 1 spoilf’d ballot. Th9 assnznt of MN) thirds of the plnpm'ty owners I vnting being necessary to the passing 'of the by-Iaw, the nuth of voters ryquiret] to cast for it 86, the hy-lzLW Was therefure defeated by 10 votes. . 0010le posters are out announcing theAnnual Exhibition of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society to be held in the driving park, on Saturdavfihg 21th «if May. About $1.500 will he offered in prizes for horses. cattle, ladies’ work. dairy produce. athletiospurtsand other classes. The prizes for horses a nd other classes are higher than ever before. For Single Lady Diiver there age three prizes, the first, being a $45 Silver 'I‘én Set. A prize will alsn hegiven for MarriedL‘udy Driver. There will he a Fauner's Speeding Contest for a. pulse of $60; also a. Gentleman's Speeding contest. tor a purse of $60. The usual games and sports will be held. Sunday the‘Zfith will he uhservml us Sunday Scbuol Day and lhv services of the day will he cnnductvd hv two of the experts in Sunday School work. Rev. J. 0. Robertan B. D. and Mr. P: (Aston Orwig who will give addresses upon different. phases of wmk among the young. It will 'he aAsatisfaction tn nll our Bettple to know that, the church Is now ping win for the electric light. A thing always wvlcnmp is more light, mung it,_:-huu_lq arouse mn- hpppiuess. T In.- Judie-s of the: cougregnl.i(nhave busy with III'I'JngPIIH‘nLS fur Int-Ming tho- nerds of the hungry on Fair Day and Will SI‘I'VP lmL meals in the bus:- mvm, 233 on funm‘r occasions. Tupius nf inter-Qt) xxiirllrrbgrdigui's'sc-d (m next. Sunday and the Chuir will meet, for practice ab the hump Lth J. E. Newtuu-un Thursday evening at, 8 u'clnck. A. Immber of our lmsvhnll Pnthneiasts held a meeting Thursduv night and dc- (zided to organize‘ a baseball Cluh tn he called the Hill Ulf'sl’; Baseball Club of Richmond Hill. The following am) the officers PlPCU-‘Cliâ€" Hum. Pigesidenb, W. H. Pugsley; Hon. Vice-President. W. J. Lawrence; Presidvht. J. Glass; Viee-Presidvnl., L. E. Hand; Vice- President. '1‘. Graingvr: h’lzxnugm; J. A. Greene; Fit-Id Gnnnnilter‘. A. Mulculfe, J. Pollock. W. Patton. A game has been arranged with the Glenmmat. 1 van) Hf Tut-unto twhé playé'd ‘ on the Agri- cultural Fairgrounds nn Empire Dav. The fullmving players az-n requested to turn out to practiceat 6.45 each Mun- .day and Wednesday evening. [and ab 2 p.m. Saturday afternoons:â€"â€"Pullt>ck. Red‘ditf. Patton. Hill. Atkinson. T1641- 29]. \Vilson. Bell, Glnver, Brawn. Wignmre, Patterson, Bredin. J. Glass. L. Gurtis. J. Shearduwu. Any others ,whnse names have been muit-L-vd and all ntlwrs interested will kindly attend practices and‘e‘hcuurage £119 boys. R. a. BAZAAR , The Bazaar in aid of St. Mary‘s Church held in the Agricultural Hall Tuesday and VVvanSdny nf last week was a success. mud Rev. Father Kvlle‘y, the parish priest, and lhnsr‘ who had the Mite-i Lainment in, charge. ale much plénsed with the paLr-mmge they re- ceived. The receipts wort- upwards of $600. Excellmt meals Wen: served and a social time Was spent. Among the pripsts present wf-re Father Whit- ney of vamarket, and Fathers Doll- aid and Jescntt, Tm-untn. Miss M. Miller heldthe lucky card. and secured a lwmltiful set-pf china dishes. Miss K. Murphy and Miss L. Nnughmh were presenth with gold watches for the good work they did in disposing of tickets, Miss Lat-elm Rnhinsnn secured a. lovely dull, and Mr. Landry of Tn- ronto ‘\vun a handsome vase. The tempnrury platform on the lust even: mg was nurw rnnlarge for the t1 ippiug patrons of Lerpsicho‘re. ‘ May Rod and Gun published by W. J. Taylor, VVnmlstr-ek, Ont. isuut wilh a, varied list, (If contents. Amnng the articles mzted are, A Blaze on a Port- nge. Which will strike a responsive chord in nmnvlimtrts; After the Giant Mnscztlunge of Anchor Buy, an enter- taining tale of St Clair Flats; A Canoe Trip tathe Great Openngo Lake District. a well illustrath story nf a. somewhat stre’nuuus trip in Algonquin Park: ASnnthex-n B. G. Gmlt Hunt. an account nf a. successful trip into the Cascades; Fox Bleeding in Prince Edward Island: Article IV of Small Fur Bvarers mud How to Take Them: The Diary of a. Canoe Trip in 1854 etc.. etc., The following will take part in the Concert to be given in the Skating Rink. under the direction of the Ag» riculturul Society on the evening of Victoria Daygâ€"Mr. Harry MacDonald, comic VOCuIist; Mr. VVullnce Saulb, comedian and entertainer; Mrs. Harry Macdonald. soprano; Miss Margrie Munro, in her Irish. Scotch and Fancy Dancing; and John A. Kelly. ventril- oquist, comedian and entertainer. The well known Harold Rich who has been here on so many former occasions will actas pianist andaocnmpunistl. Doors will open at 7.301 . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. THE BYLAW DEFEATED SPRING EXHIBITION ROD AND GU N. THE CONCERT BASEBALL. PERFORMERS Ai" THE FA‘iR" 'The' Richmond Hill Band has been secured for the Fair on the afternoon of Victoria- Day; Juhn A. Kelly, ventrilyqflst,’ qqmedian and entertain- or and Miss MurglieMum-o in her Fancy Dances willgive fg-equent per- formances ou the Grounds in the afternoon. » Anniversary. SPI'IIIOI‘IS'WHI he preach- ed next Sunday, at; 11 mm. and 7 pm. by Rev. Mr. Fullis of Turonto. Special music will be wen by the choir. On Saturday, ay 24, the ladies of the congregation will prnwde the usual hob dinner and tea. Tickets 35. cents, Children 25 cents. Every- body welcome. 7 ‘ 4 V Having retired from business I wish to thank all my friends and customers who have given me a liberal share of their patmnn‘ge for the past 25 years, _,_,_. r.~...‘...-th -\In ull‘; PKLBU EU yrula. Trusfin that, my successors (:‘r. A. McDannl &Sl)il will bé entrusted with your gsteemed favour. , Yours res ectfully. 46-1 OSEPH HALL. SINGLE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP C(unsidvred to have the most luxuri- ant. and beautiful hair in New York, Miss Rector says: "I find a certain pleasure In recommending Sageine as I know Sngeine to be a real benefit to wonwn. lhad a very hard time trying to drvss my hair nice hefm-e I used Sugvixw. It didn’t matter what style. the hair was being worn my hair Was always [00 dry 9nd lifeless to dress prnperly. I sufl'ered with dandruff more or less and my hair fell out until it. was thin and rugged. My mather urged me to use Sngeine as a number of persons had recomended it to her. I used it finally and was only sorry that I had nut learned it long before. Sugeine has made my hair just; as nice and soft and thick as you see‘ it. I have been commented very much on its.unusual haunty. Sageine is now suld in Richmond Hill and costs only 50c a larggbuttller Be sure to go to W. A. Sunderson’s drug storeâ€"other stores don’t have Sageine. BAKERâ€"At. Senlac, Sask. May 1, 1913. Margaret. Adeline, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A‘ Baker, aged 7 months, 5 days, Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on his gentle br'east, There by his love o’ershaded, ' Sweetiy her soul shall l‘vst. Notice to the‘Puhlic .Valid to return Tuesday, May 27th, between all stations in Canada, East of Port; Arthur. For tickets and all information apply to Station Agent. NIAY 23 and 24. AT" May 3lâ€"Cash Auction sale of 2 horses, on lot 19, con. '2. East York, lear of Muunt Pleasant, Cemetery. gale u_t 2 u’plnck, No reserve. J. H. Prentice, Ancrt: MISS'RUTH ‘RECTOR For courses in all Business subject's lending tn positions as Bookkeep- ersur Stenngraphers and fur Civil .Service and Commercial Special- ists’ examinations will be conduct- ed in Sha\v.s Schools. Toronto. the (nt'nbl'lll Business 'Cullege‘, with four citv Blanch Schools) from July 3rd to August 16th this year. Students may enter any time for general courses. Nn vacations. wriLe \V. H. Shaw. President, for Cutulug. 391 Yunge St)" Toronto“ SUMMER SCHOOLS METHODIST-CHURCH Auction Sales Victoria Day DEATHS VW p AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3&5 g~ nun “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAMAL 4 éAtkinsonx & Switzer LAMQRICHMOND HILL .- « 7 in. frill, _White lawn aprons, with trill or embroidery insertion..259 Men’s fine Balbriggan shirts and draWers, clo’se- ribbed cuffs and ankles, summer weigh-r, ea..............Z..I...;5‘oé omen’s Hygeim corsetlcovers, high neck, either ' short or long sleeves, each ornen’s Princessvslips, fine white -'c0;t m V shaped neck, trimmed with embmi let‘j aul ribbon, trill of embroidery on skirt, ea :h.... "i‘i'fi'iui‘ifi'fi'HH-é-b'l'i'fi'!‘ Mi": 2 E wwwwwaâ€"fi-z-m ma»- $ Knox’s Gelatine,'pkg. meg, Cox’s Glelatine'z pkgsm: $Snredded Cocoanut, fresh, per lb ...... 23..."; ......... 'I ..... Cowan’s Chocolate bar, sweet 5c., unsweetned, ban... 1 Choice Currants, 2% i. Good iresh Valencia Raisins 2:1- lbs .............................. i4 L'ng Cooking-Figs... ‘ +‘Preparedlcing, pink, ~r‘naple, almond, & chocolate, pk. Orange, strawberry, rasp’r erry, almond, vanilla, lemon and clove extracts, per bottle..f.'..,..............i....'-.... i PHONE 17 ' ’ 4- , V 3. +-M'~§.++~§~++§++++H€M++++++++ +++~Â¥++++~M~+++++ޢ~§+¢+4°m+fl VVVVVYVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVWVYVVVVVVVVYVVVV'W j O¢€¢§§¢§O+§§Q§§§§OO§§§¢Q #906¢¢9§§¢+§+§§+§§§¢+§§§¢§ 3 Linen hemstitched Huckaback Towels with Damask i ends, extra fine, size‘zo x 40, per pr...................$I.00Y tEninsh Prints, 21 big range 0% patterns and coloi‘s,- r g per yd ....... ' ............ . ....... ; Crimuzs heavy Prints,34in.wvide, light and dark colors, . v a "I: '5 4 â€"~' "n"! 19' 2 _yds. 'wide ...... ..... ...... ' ...................................... 60c Green and Cream Tapestry Furniture Covering, 48in. wxde, ............................ 50c Silk Finish Art Sateen, stripe and *festoon effect, for Cushions and light: Draperies, 30 in. wide, yd ..... 25c All Linen bleached hemstitched huck To‘wels 20 x 40 '4-HW W ' GROCERY ITEM . Heavv Drinted Linoleum, Okvdc “grin ann‘nvn "A 1 raw-runw- M~l~ߢ+¢+§0++§+fit LAAMAA, AMHAAAAKA AAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAMAAAAAAAMAAAAA ‘ VVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVV" VVVVVVVVVV VVVYVVV' Heavypri’nted Linoleum, zkyds. Wide, square yd ..... "456;" Fine quality 'Oilcloth! Icyd. wide, 30c.; 1§~yds. wide, 45c g Men’s Tan Russian Calf, very best grade, buttoned or laced, derby or knob toe - - - $5.00 Men’s Gun-Metal Calf, derby or knob toe, Goodyear welted soles, best grade - $4.00, $4.50 and $55.00 Ladies’ Tan Russian Calf, buttoned orlaced, latest toe, extra quality - - / $3.50 and $4.50 Ladies’ Gun-Metal, best grade, Goodyear welted soles, latest toe - _ - ~- $4.00 Also Patent and Dongola Kid at different prices. THE RIGHMUNB HILL SHGE STfiflE FURNITURE 'IN STOCK RY l, GOOIDS NORMA NJ. GLASS PROPRIETOR For your Housealganiug, it is a ded be. used on all kinds of furniture, will polish as Well as clean. pair... WALL PAPER TRY IJIQUID VENEER ‘. G. SAVAGE RICHMOND HII STOCK NOW COMPLETE GROCERIES :”’â€"A N nâ€" fl .........7oc it is a deder. Can of furniture, and :25‘? 3: 100: 2.5% 25c : 25c é, Ice 2 IOC

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