llim Halifax in Vaneouver WOMEN ARE PRAISING DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Nova Scotia Mother Tells How They Cured Her Aches and Pains, and Made Her 3 Well Woman Again. Ecum Secum Bridge, Halifax 00., N. S., May 12 (Special).â€"â€"From ~ ,Vancouver to Halifax come daily reports of the splendid work Dodd’s Kidney Pills are doing for the sufâ€" fering women of Canada, and this Httle place can show a. splendid cure of its own. Mrs. Pace, the mother of a large family, was a sufferer from those aches and pains only women know. To-day she is a strong, healthy woman. lDodd’s Kidney Pills did it. “I had a pain in my left side and down through my hips,†Mrs. Pace states. “I had headache all the time. My heart was weak, and at times a pain around it added to my . ears. Some days I was hardly able (Ito walk. ‘ “I read of a number of euros of leases like mine by Dodd’s Kidney Wills, and sent for three boxes. To- iday I am a well woman, and can do ins muCh work as ever I could.†Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured Mrs. Pace because her troubles came Irom diseased kidneys. Dodd’s Kid- hey Pills always cure diseased kid- ;kieys, and as ninety per cent. of wo- men’s troubles comes from kidney ltrouble, Dodd’s Kidney Pills have borne to be known as suffering wo lman’s best friend. ‘ '1‘ Cats Matched to Service. When Mululi Haï¬d, exâ€"Sultan of Morocco, succeeded to the Sultan- . , he found the sacred city of Fez ‘nfetsted by rats. Without any loss ‘pi time he at once nationalized all fthe cats of Morocco and, issued a command that many thousands of bhem should be marched into Fez .or service. For some time a law moxieted in Hong Kong making it pxuls-ory to keep cats in every lhouse, the number varying accord- {iiln‘g to the size of the house. zlllnard's Llnlmant euro: Gare-t In con 7.â€... A Prudent Customer. , “You are the proprietor and a. pharmacist of the ï¬rst class 2†"Yes, madam.†"And you know your business well ’1†‘ “From the foundation.†“That is well. Give me two cents’ worth of gum drops.†FILES OURED IN 0 T0 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money it PAZO OINTMIINT fails to cure any case of Itch- lun’. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in {b to 14 days. 500. Naturally. “What caused that awkward break in the conversation '2†"Somebody dropped the subject.†.â€" llnaro'o Llnlmom Gum Dlpnrhorln. Wet Grounds. Father â€"â€" Young Willoughby doesn’t seem to call on Grace very often of late. Wonder if it’s a case of dampened ardor. Sonâ€"I think likely. He proposed to her while out canoeing, and she threw him over. When Your ll‘ry Murine Eye Rome y. Tineâ€"Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, iWatery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus~ ltrated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Oculistsâ€"not a “Patent Med; ,Ialnoâ€â€"bnt used in successful Physicians' Proo- flce for many cars. New dedicated to the Pub- o and sold b ru glsts at 25c and 600 or Bottle. Murine lllye nlve n Aseptic Tubes,. 0 and too. Murine Eye Remedy 60., Chloago .___.~.g Out of the Question. . “Why don’t you take a wife,.old kchap 7†“Oh, I don’t know.†“You must have a reason.†“Well, the fact is I couldn’t af- lford a 1913 wife on my 1902 salary." es Need care No Smarting~Feels Orastus. Countess of Pembroke, One of the tallest English peeresses. Those Dear Girls Again. Claraâ€"Rose told me you told 'her ï¬lial: secret I told you, not to tell er. - Belleâ€"She’s a mean thing! I told her not to tell you. Claraâ€"Well,_I told her I wouldn’t tell you she told me, so don’t tell her I did. ._â€".*______.. One Indication. “Well, dear, do you think it is going to be smooth sailing, with our new cook 1†“I’m afraid not, Jack. I rather think from the way she handled the supper dishes there are going to be breakers ahead.†5‘ ' zru-sur outsells ~ soznu Mr. James McComb, of Thornton, Ont, writes: " For eight‘lnonths I outâ€" fered from eczema and could get noth- ing to give me relief. I heard of sev- eral cases where good results had fol- loWed the use of Zam-Buk and decided to give this remedy a trial. Within three days I felt much better, and within trio weeks the sores were on- tirely cured.†For all skin discuss, eruptions, bolls, scalp sores, etc, ZamBuk is without equal. It is just as good for cute, burns, bruises, blood-poison, piles. varicose ulcers, bad leg, inflamed sores, etc. All druggists and stores at 50c. box," or post free from Zam-Buk 00.. Toronto, upon receipt of price. Refuse harmful substitutes and imitations. Have you tried gem-Bull soap! 25o. tablet. >â€"-â€"â€"â€"JI‘ Experienced. Employerâ€"“Do you know the duties of an ofï¬ce boy ’1†Ofï¬ce Boy-“Yes, sir; wake up the bookkeeper when I hear the boss coming.†I cured a horse of the Mango with MINARD’S LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalliousie. I cured a horse. badly torn by a pitch fork. with MINARD’S LINIMENEI‘. St. Peter’s, O. B. EDW. LINLIEF. I cured a horse of a bad swelling by MINARD'S LLNIMENT. THOS. W. PAYNE. Bathurst. N. B. He Believed IIer. “Do you know I’m sure I’ve seen your face somewhere before.†“I don’t doubt you at all, maâ€" dam. This isn’t the ï¬rst time I’ve worn it.†Only 0m “BROMO QUININE" That is LAXA'I‘IVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a. Cold in One Day. Cures Grip In Two Days. 250. We should feel pity for the man who is forced to take consequences that he isn’t entitled to. Illlnard'o Llnlmeni Cures Golds. no. Not Heard. For a number of years a bitter feud existed between the Browns and the Perkinses, next-door neighâ€" bors. The trouble originated through the depredations of Brown’s cat, and had grown soï¬xed an affair that neither party ever dreamed of "making it up.†One day, however, Brown sent by his servant a peace~making note for Mr. Perkins, which read :â€"â€"“Mr. Brown sends his compliments to Mr. Perkins, and begs to say his old cat died this morning.†Mr. Perkin’s reply was bitter :â€"“Mr. Perkins is sorry to hear of Mr. ARMSANUFABEVEHY lun msnmmn » Skin Cracked and Bled, Causing BOYS’ GORGEO US COSTUMES. Choristers in King’s Chapel Are Very Splendid. There are ten boys. in London who every Sunday and on State occa- sions wear suits of clothes that in each instance cost; something like $200. The lads thus expensiver and Much Pain. Was Getting Dis- brilliantly attired are the cheris- couraged. Cuiicura Soap Ointment Soothed Right Away. Used Them Four Weeks. Has Not Been Bothered Since. 8 Hunter 517.; Davisvllle. Toronto; Onta- rlo.â€"<“My little girl was troubled with are the adornments. cracked arms and face from the time she was born. They were certainly very much disï¬gured. The skin was sensitive and cracked and bled, causing much pain by smarting. When healing a. little it took the form of itching. The trouble made her and ters belonging to the King’s pri- vate chapel in St. James’ Palace. When arrayed in their State suits they are truly a gorgeous sight. Scarlet cloth is the foundation of this costume. Bands of Royal pur~ ple between rows of heavy gold lace Old lace ruf- fles are worn at the neck and wrists. These ruffles are so valu- able and so diï¬icult to replace that they are worn only on the most special occasions. At other times vet'3’01‘05’6" When 5113011041116 team would white lawn bands take their place. make it smart and cause more pain. I tried cold cream. . and and it got better only to brbak out again when exposed to the air. She sufl‘ered for over The boys must take great care of their suits, which ~must endure three years. The “undress†suits three years and I was setting discouraged are replaced every eight months. when I read of Outlcura Soap and Ointment and sent for smples. Outicurn Ointment seemed to soothe it right away. where other ointment: made it burn. no I bought some more. I used them for four weeks and she has not been bothered since. Her face and arms have never had a mark since. in fact her complexion is wonderfully clear-J? (Signed) Mrs. Under-hill. Doc. 11. 1911. (Duncan. Soap is best for skin and hair because of its extreme purity. delicate yet effective emollient properties, and refrhing ï¬nal-once. It costs but little more than ordinary soaps. wear: to a wafer and give: comfort and satisfaction every moment of its use, for toilet, bath and nursery. Outl- cura Soap and Cutleura Ointment are sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free. with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug do Chem. 0011)., Dept. 49D. Boston. U. B. A. SCHOOLS TO TRAIN WIVES. Where Girls Gct‘a Thorough Iu- sight Into Housekeeping. A Germam idea, known as the “marriage school,†neatly comâ€" bines physical and mental culture, and gives equal instruction in prac- tical housekeepnig and the duties of a hostess. Girls are admitted after they have completed their ordinary edu- cation, and the principal instrucâ€" tion is in housekeeping, although, of course, cultivation oi the mind is not by‘ any means neglected. This choir is one of the historical institutions of Great Britain, and many of its oldâ€"time customs, in- cluding the dress of the boys, are retained to this days The choir has numbered among its singers such distinguished musicians as Sir Ar- thur Sullivan, Edward Lloyd, Sir John Gross and Dr. E. J. Hopkins. .It is the right of the head boy to demand a' guinea as “spur money†from any ofï¬cer entering the chap- el wearing spurs. It is said that when Arthur Sullivan was head boy the Duke of Wellington would always come spurred to the chapel, in order that he might have the pleasure of paying the forfeit to his favorite chorister. >1»... That Terrible: Fatigue Can Be Overcome A Simple Home Remedy Now Cures Lack of Energy, Loss of Ambi- tion, and 3. Feeling of “Don’t-Care.†Successful in Nearly Every Case. That miserable nervousness and sick tired-all-the-timo condition is half- due At the, commencement of the nine cases in ten to a clogged-up system. school term the mistress selects {our You grow irritable and despondent, you of J[.he girls whom she expects to lack ambition, energy seems all gone. take entire charge of the house for a weekâ€"two servants, a cook an a housemaid, being regularly em- ployed to do the rough work. d use of Dr. Surest road to health is by the frequent Hamilton’s Pills; they will make you feel like' new “all over in a short time. Writing from his home in Barcelona. The/Se embryo hell'S‘BkWPers he“? Mr. Frederick G. Mayer states: “I think to use very early 1.11 the morning no one ever suffered as severely as I did and see. that the servants get for nearly six months. through WIth their duties. The girls symptoms were So many serious developing as a conse- have to prepare the breakfast with quence or this evil condition of my sys- their own hands, and afterward tem that. I realized I must find a remedy. visit every room in the house to see The strong pills or various kinds I tried that they have been put in perfect seemed after their order. Under the supervision of the misâ€" tress they have to cook the dinner, attend to the afternoon tea, and ï¬rst effects were over to make me far worse and I did not know which way to turn for relief. I saw Dr. Hamilton's Pills advertised, and the ï¬rst box used satisï¬ed me. I found a true remedy. Instead of griping with 18‘th 0n prepame the suppe’r' Their undue activity, Dr. Hamilton’s Pills acted dunes for the‘da'y 06359 by Wth‘er as naturally as if physio had ‘I’l‘ot been inspection of the house, to see that taken. I never had to increase the dose everything is secure for the night. and, indeed, within a month I reduced The following week another q’uar- it, when the system ï¬nally acted of its tette of girls 1.3 chosen; they per- own accord as a result of Dr. Hamilton’s form the saline duties. week another quartette is chosen, and so on. Two or three times week the! guests are invited to dine, and the girls in turn act as hostess. The next Pills, I took a dose twice a week only, just to make sure the old condition would not come bac. .†No other remedy cures constipation and biliousness so easily or safely as Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they are an ideal fam- They take the head of the table, 11y remedy for all diseases oi the em- carve the joints and set the ball of mach. liver and bowels. Sold in 25c oOnvensation rolling. By way of re- boxes, ï¬ve for $1.00, all druggists and creation there are musneal evenâ€" Storekeepers or ings, walks and bicycle parties. K1_.._.. A Friend of the Policeman. The Catarrhozone 00., Buflalo, N. Y., and Kingston. Canada. * .. QUEEN’S DRESS BILL $1,250.. Continually on their feet, the “Peelers†Most Economically Dressed Lady in are invariably troubled with come and bunions-but not for long, because they know of a quick cure, Putnam’s Corn Ex- Royal Household. Queen Mary is against extrava- tractor; it cures painlessly in 24 hours, gance in dress on the part of the try “Putnam’s.†250. at all dealers. .._.__$ Matter of Thinking. “I never thought of saving a cent until I got married.†“But you think of it nowl’" “Very earnestly. but that’s near as I can get to doing it.†,.____.. The man who pays as he goes may not go very far but he always gets there. as ladies who are about her. She her- self sets the example of economy in these matters, for she has the re- putation of being by far the most economically dressed lady in the royal household. Her dress bill is said not to exâ€" ceed the sum of $1,250 a year, and yet the most spiteful person could not truthfully say that she ever looks dowdy or shabby. She mainâ€" tains that $1,500 a year is the out- side amount that any woman need spend on dress, though the maids 'of honor have an allowance of $2,000 a year for the purpose, that being ,the sum that Queen Alexandra in the last reign tthught the minimum possible. it“. Inexpensive. “Does your wife want to vote '1†"Yes, and I’m almost inclined to give her the ballot.†((Why fl)! . "Well, that’s the ï¬rst thing she’s " ever wanted since we were married that won’t cost me money.†Quail: , flavour, and per cct cooking, combined. The maximum of nourishment and palnubility. Just heat â€" then serve minimu to trouble 4 ‘.~">.W'C.tam- Mi?“ 3-4: ‘ STRAYE“ from the X Ranch Corral swell eyed Pinto Broncho with a. Roman nou and lightning heels. ‘ We have issued ' I humorous descriptive circular of this remarkable bronco with illus- trauons of his antics. Sent free on application to any reader of this paper. This is the most famous circular ever primed in the English language. More than half a million copies have already been distributed to advertise our famous Pinto Shell gloves made from tough Bronco hides. For a free copy send poslal to HUDSON BAY KNITTING C0. Canada's Expert Glove and m linkers. MONTREAL. m FARMS FOR 8A]... H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Golborno Street, Toronto. RUIT. STOCK, GRAIN AND DAth Farms in all sections of Ontario. Home snaps. 4 AC’I’ORY SITES. WITH OR WITHOUT Railway traekage, in Toronto, Brampton and other towns and cities. I) ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN I) Brampton and a dozen other towns. H. w. DAWSON, Golborno St, Toronto. 9. ACREsï¬7 MILES FROM LONDON ' Q market; soil sand and clay loam; brick house; number of outbuildings; an excellent fruit and vegetable farm. The Western Real Estate Exchange, London, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. T ONCEâ€"~MEN WANTED TO LEARN Barber Trade. Great demand. Good wages. Twenty to thirty advertised for daily in Toronto papers alone. Can teach you in six to eight weeks. Send for Cats.- logue. Molar College, 221 Queen East. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIF- ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. S Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto.“ _ __ MISCELLANEOUS. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPH. ETC, 0 internal and exlornal. cured with: out call: by car home treatment. er us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medic Po. Limited. Folllnewond, 0m ALL srouus. Kilmur AND unso- der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively 7 or with the new German Remed . ï¬ï¬niiilal.†price $1.50. Another new remody Di betes-Mellitue. and sure cure. in {Sinol'z Anti-Diabetes." Price $2.00 from drugsists or direct. The Banal Manure rurln Company at Canada. Liml Winn Dell. Mim- Tho Heart ofa Plano Isthe Actlon. Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL†Plano Action BOILERS New and Second- hand, {or healing and power urposcs. TANKS AND SMOKE S ACKS'. Agents for Bhutto. vant Ventilating and Heating ï¬ystomi. » POLSON “gangs†TORONTO Englnes Ind Shinbulldon ’ That's the kind you > makewith Maxwell's l. j “Favorite†Churn.â€" Maxwell's "Favorite" is used all over (he world-in Denmark, the butter country of the worldâ€"intho United States. in spite of hi h tariffsâ€"and in every Secllon of Cans a. Our Agricultural Colleges and Govt. Inspectors recommend Ir. because it is the finest butterâ€"maker in the world. Write for catalogue if your dealer does not handle it. Brown’s trouble, but he had not heard that Mrs. Brown was ill.†DAVID MAXWELL & SONS. ‘ 8T.MAHY'B. our. 94 * Sample tree It you wrllo National Drug Jealousy is the offspring of disâ€" trust. - a Chemical Toronto. ‘ I Go. of c d, leu IBSUE mg’la' llnard's Llnlmonr Burn: Distemper. an“ a . “i