moans“ Auctioneers for the County of York. Salosnteuded to on shortest no’qioe and rub rea- gamble rates Patronaae solicited Clnsl's recitals are given the year -Punp:u-as.‘ p11 ï¬ils fomthem wg‘mdm’l ox- mujnflione held at Tmunt-u Gunman-va- tnry of Music and Univexsity of 1‘0- ronto. - LASKAY 13:0. Linensz tucuoueer far the C antics of York. Onmriu and Nun-h ’I‘mnnm. Special :Lctennion given m was of every doam-iptiou. Farm and farm ï¬bocx saws a. spacialcy. Farms hunght and sold on cummissinn. all sales attended to (Ill shux‘ne‘t. nutice and conducted by the lubes'; up-‘oâ€"dube mm Mods. Address: 2:19 Bahia! 8b. Nowh Toronto. anne Nn. 2’5" Gulls phuhe nr otherwise pi'ompUy z-espl‘tadud to. , Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder- garten Meflmd, particularly helpful to beginnprs. ' JJHN R. CAMPBELL. AT THE HBERAL'PRINUNG Alla PUBLISHING H0085 RICHMOND HILL,ONT. (lazier. Grainer ana Paper-- " v Hanger; 1‘ Baigéon, Maple; REESE) ENCE. RICHMOND HUI. ‘1‘; F. McMAHON. IS PUBLISHED EVERY EHURSDAY MORNING MISS MILLEE TREE RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano E H. .PINKERTDN, ‘V.S. First huuw "(will nf AtkinSUn & Switzer‘s stnrv. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED n VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘l‘loruhill . Von. XXXV. N‘Iaple, ()nt. 5:17 pergnnum, in advan;ce.] LICENSED AUCTION EE HOUSE PAINTER, nigeon a: McEwen. For the County of York. BUSINESS CARDSD OFFIC O. EGAN . HEWISON We ' yum W.- R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL mam AND RESIDENCE Enuou dz Pnormuoh; Phune Nu. 2!!)2. H. Prentice £7eterina‘ry RESIDENCE chftal. J K McEWen Weston through ONTARIO NEH 421v out COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN’WJR. ETC‘ Richmona Hill RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL A large stock of annml wummnxd.“ BARRIBTER. SOLICITOR, Nomny, ETC. Tot-«mu: Ofï¬c =. ‘Rzmm 328 Confedem (inn Life Bldg.. N0. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liheral' Otflce), every Thursday forenoon. a Mame, Thursday affm-mmn, VVuudm-idge, Saturday fm-enoon. Mun'ev to luau at Five Per Cent. (5%) ,, ‘5‘“--uu owust runes Aurora ntï¬ceâ€" Hemox er no the old post 011m; one door west of the enhance to the Ontario Bank ' ‘ Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of 5118 ’ post mï¬ce * T HEBBERTLENNOX 6 an MORGAN Barrlsn'rs n In! Sour. Mouuv oo'loan on [and anucnaueJ LE__NN0X & MORGAN NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2o KING ST 13.. TORONTO, Canada Telnphnne, Main Cahlg Address. “D9510.†W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor Yong: and Alexander Sts. ‘ Do you know juabhmv little it; costs to secure a thorough business edu- cntinn that. will not only increase your earning Capacity but Wlll en- able you to get a position where you will come in cnntact with in- fluPntial people who can assist you to further advancement? Our can't? alogue will give you full particulars. A postal cardâ€"(me effortâ€"~we do the rest. ' THE COST OF A BUSINESS 0R SHORTHAND EDUCATION IN THE L'udel'takvrs (Q E Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide 8: Victorla Sta“ l‘uronto. ~A.G.F. humane F‘. J. Dunbar Organs Repmifed and Exlpert Work Gunmuwed PIANO »T-U~“NING H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC REAL. ESTATE. ETC Commissions-1, Conveyancel‘, etc‘ ’ Insuru race,- and Real Estate Issum u! Marriage Licenses. “e1. M. 3631. TH o RNHILL arge _stm:k Denton‘, Grover &. Field .. Cameron MacNaughton‘ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICE-SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING - STREET WEST Lawrence 39; Dunbar, Barristers, Solicitorl. Notaries, 85c; TORONTO. ONT. EDWARD FRANCIS 9051i" .7. ï¬am’dsoh ‘ THORNHILL‘ WRIGHT BROS WILLIAM COOK Barristers, ,Snlicturs. 8m. stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at, both places VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. THURSDAY, MAY 2'2. 191.3 A more; £21m. “In Eismtials, Unity; in Nam-E B'rv MORGAN Inhalmers. Puone Math 2984 mortgages at llors. Alfred Grainger. about ï¬ve years of age, son of Mr. F. W. Gi'uinger, mu row- ly escaped severe injury late Saturday ; evening; The little fellow run in front ’ of Mr. Kerswill’s auto car, but. as the ;cnr was not. mdvlng swiftly it; was ‘bruught to {1. standstill just, in time. !Alf. was kuozked flown in the mud, ‘and although he said 1118 head hurt ghim, a doctor- could ï¬nd’no cuts or . bruises. Excitement, mm high until it was found he was not injured. ' We will givp (mp bundled dullm-s in gold to any man, woman, or child th :t cannot be benefited by Sageine hnir tunic. ‘Ve alge- anxious to have every- I one try Sngeine for weknnw it is the greatest hair tonic that has ever been discoverwd. Sngeme wlll pnsil iw-ly cure an itchy scalp, ln-ihg lifu into (lull laded hair and add inches to its length. Sugoine is now obtainable in Richmnnd Hill and is suld under a guamntee to please. A lmge butth of Sngeine costs 7 13m lifo (tents. ‘Be sure to_g0 to 3V. We are plensvd to give this informa- tion to the public thruugh the cnlumns of our paper, knowing that, 1|y dung so we as assisting in one of the great. est muveuwnts the Young Men’s Uhxis- tiny Association has ever undertake-n. We understand that, withuut any properly nrganiZed effort, the Uentral Branch uf [be Tax-unto Young Men’s Christian Association has assisted in diffeient ways more than 5,000 men during the year ending Mnyvlst last, fully 1.000 of these being assisted in securing employment. That being the case, the possibilities for guud in this new department, with the churches assisting in every way, are beyond cal- culatiun. "Key-men" are being appointed in every church of Toronto, men who assume the responsibility of looking up young men whose names may be sent to them by the Secretary of the work. “Key-men†are also being up. pointed in outlying , municipalities whose duty it is to notify the Secre- tory of the Inter-Community work of any young man leaving his home town and for whom he is to work, etc. Ill-- formation is also being sent in from many‘ nthersources in Canada, United States and the British Isles us to young men coming to Toronto. and hundreds are already being looked aftei'. Parents and friends of young men going to Toronto will he glad to know of this important move on the part, of the Y. M. C. A. and the churches, and will, no doubt, take the opportunity of notifying the Secretary of the Inner- Ummnuuity work. Mr. E. F‘. Tli‘mbie, at lhuCqu-ai Y. M. U. A.. T(’)|‘Qnt(‘r. u’f any friends going tu Toronto to live. \I’? . ...‘ .. .u.‘“u.5 naulaunuut'u ’ ‘Arnew department of the work re- cently organized in the Toronto Gen- tral Branch of the Young Men’s Chris- tian Associauon is one which should be"known to evex~y"o'xne.. It is a co- operative effort between the Chris- ‘tiun churches and the Young Men's Christian Association in which‘ thef nilitedly undertake to look after 81 young men cmuing .to Toronto as strangers. putting them in touch with employment. good rooming and board- ing houses, proper companions and With prominent ytiung men of the chulph, etc. ‘ It is interesting to mite that the. Young Men’s Christian Association is advancing another step in their great wnrk of assisting ynung men. ’1‘th are constantly reaching far out; beyond the boundsuf their immediate mam. hership, and are now doing a work which encircles the wm'ld in its eifmt to give the heiping hand to any young men needing aSSiscunce. ’ * THE YOUNG MEN’S_CIIRISTIAN ASSOCIATION EXTENDING ITS ACTIVITIES. $100 do IN GOLD A CLOSE CALL. g ‘ssgntials,'Liberiy; in azuhings, Charity" Mr. and Mrs. at Mr. Denne’s near Newmarkeb. The trustees of Methc'tic-list cbchh have purchasedxfrom Mr. J. Oliver, an acre of land, to gnliwge the cemeteI-v. ' 1.. . y. , .. ouul u urybu- Thev-gï¬fdgï¬zt'v<;;llxnteen' B-m'd gave an illustrated lecture on Chimu on Monday evening 'in the _ Methudxsb Ohm-ch,“ ' Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Consihs nfTox-onbo spent overSuudny at. Mr. T. Ouusms. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigenn visited friends in Richmond [-3111 on Sunflay._ Wk- Lu..._L ._ _ A1- 1 Mr. Furey of Richmï¬hï¬uflill has rented Miss Cameron’s house and is mqving here this week. Mr. Bert Jacksnn hd} c-(‘ivftvn‘ water on Mr. W. 0. McDonald‘s lot and got a. very strong flow at. a short 519p}: . " nu... Lu..n,ha 1â€"1 . Mr. J. A. ‘Rnsé‘ andflfumily‘ hax‘é moved into their- new residence on the main strvebuf the village. n1., 0 A luï¬uber of men Viru-e at \vmk put- ting dawn some asphalt sidewalk on the streehnear the milwgy. nr, '1 . I wish to notify my customers that I have now gut settled in new store in Lorne Blgck and wish to Lhank them for their patronage in the past, and hope they will all favor us with the same in our new Slund.â€"NORMAN J, GLASS. Mrs. 0. Brooke and family uf Doihr desires through the columns of’ this paper to extend to all their friends their sincere. thanks fm Lhe many ex- pre-ssions uf .sjympxchv and nets of kindness shown them in their late bereavement. READER. '[As We do not know what, particular twee “Rmndex†refers to we are not) prupared to say whether themeVe been butchered m- unl. But if he will attend the next Ratepayers meeting and introduce Limbsuhjecl‘; we have no doubt, an interesting discussiun will follow. Ed.) 2 RUMBLE~A€ Mn‘ple, on the 14th vf May, 1913, in Mr. and Mrs. Frle Rumblu, a daughter (Margaret 15“! m.) ‘ , FORDâ€"At the residence of his daugh- ter, Mrs. F. Clegg, 100 Palmerstun Ava, ’l‘unmto, on thduy, May 19, 1913. Wm. Fu-d. in his 80th year. Inn-'nmm in Thmuhill Cemetery yesterday HftEl noon. Dear Sinâ€"You rebuked the. citizens last, week fox their tardiness in not planting the trees that the Council bought. for them. That is all very well but, I think the Uuuncil» are more to hlmne fur ulluwing men to cut, and butcher tbv m-ees We now have. The trimming is shamrtul and shnuld be Stopped. ' . ._- --.... U. "u "nu. lU\tl\ acuurc, ‘ Defying‘hazlons‘ thlentening sword. Long may we keep Victoria Day, For purest pleasure ever lanned; While centuries march. an pass away As truth and rightousness expand. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL: Hex- away was peace, by love she ruled; N0 purer cum-t beneath the sun; Where ever-v brazen vice was queued, From many natiuns plaudits won. She hdnored God and loved his {Vords ‘ And trained hex-children in the truth; Txgher inggructioqgmey ndheged _-__..v v ~A|u Forgot iiieâ€"in nutin1§11§€v3rd youth. Her scan King Edward, gave and heed To him advice, what shoul he done; To Well regard the Kingdom‘s need When she. the scepn-e should lay . down. Her influence will long ehdui'e; The thrones established on Gud’s word W'i‘llnstfand uppu 11th rock secure, Hex- Of British mnnat‘chs, she excelled In length of reign, each passing one; And through the years much wrong expelled. ,_ ' In- better state haired by her son. Her life was marde by rectitude; By deeds of kindness, all endeared; A model _of grand Womanhood. Throughput herkingdbm wasrevered. Our good old Queen Victoria, Was born {thetwenty-fnurth of May; And still in loving memory, A Our Country celebrates the day. A‘CARD 0F. THANKS. TO OUR PATRONS. ABOUT TREES. VICTORIA DAY Mame; DEATHS BIRTHS. Yours truly. P. L. GRANT. n5 4 M-++gg¢++++¢ggg§++§iÂ¥b++wï¬i GOOD STOCK OF School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, _ Pa pgtries, Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc; dill Heads, . ' Letter Heads, _,_V\’edding Invitations, Envelopes; ‘ " " Printing .. - Stationery V * SchoOl Books ; \Vv thank the public for thegonernm patrn'nnge in the past, and will (mm 9.9th strive to serve you faithfully in Lhe future. ' +++++++++++Â¥+++4Z§++++++#3 Beliei‘ing it will be beneï¬cial to not buyer and seller, have decided, STIVER & BAMEB «- *++++*m+~Â¥*€e+Q-++*+H+HW Coal, Flour, " ' Corn,Bran, Wood, 8cm... ATTHE c.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR ' f My Stock of ï¬ne linéé of PERFUMES for ' Inmqu ‘ +4+§~9$++ _ Go to the Liberal Office for W. A. Sanderson Wg solicit a. can ' ' no trouble to show our lines Manicure Sets ’flair Brushes AFTER OCT. 9 ' TO no BUSINESSON CASH BASIS. are up-to-date and Reasonable 11) prices mmamsr RICHMOND HILL STIVER & RAMEB._ [Single jets." DEALERS 1N PRESENTS rogrammes, &c., Rec. No.