‘.1 ~ plate @- O vsâ€"Hs- Ricunsmo HILL. Our" MM? 22. 1913 L 0 0 AL :5 4 . Mr. A. E.Glass has sold Mr. and Mrs. erill a beautiful home on Supuyside Ave, Toronto. Mr. F. H. Todd and family left Thurs- day for Cobalt where Mr. Todd has an insurance business. Make your entries for the Fair in good time. and secure your tickets in good time for the concert. Dont forget to visit the church of Englnnd tea room on the grounds at Richmond Hill Fair on Victoria Day. Mr. Bertram Newton is home from the West to spend a week or two with Miss Pentland leaves Saturday morn- ing on a trip to England. behind and Scotland and expects to be away several months. , Boy’s Tweed Bloomers $1.25; Knick- ers $1.00; Boy’s Belts 25c.; Boy’s Bul- hriggau Shirts, size 26 and 28, 25’s. Atkinson & Switzer. , \Ve. are now carrying a. nice stock of f ready to- wear clothing. and extra 'value at from, $7. 50, $10.50, $12.50 to $16250. Norman]. Glass. ' A large number of our citizens wen ' to the City Mondin evening joined in in the demonstration in honor of Rt. Hon. R. L. Borden, and enjoyed the addresses at the Arena. Many oflhe Metropolitan cars were crowded last Sunday, the openingday. It is said that upwards of 10,000 people used the cars at vnrions parts betWecn Toronto and Jackson’s Point. Mr. Crowhurst of Toronto has pur- chased from Mr. H. A. Nirholls the east llalfof the local. the roar of the Standard Bank. Mr. Crowhurst will commence erecting a residence at once. “SinokingSti-ictlyPinhiliitcdâ€-â€"â€"This sign often stands out conspicuously, and yet the proprietor nnd workmen can be seen coming out ofihe building, with a pipe or lighted cigar in their ‘uiouihs. Mr. Alex Maudie. Richmond Hill, ii-ii- nounces the engagement of his young- est daughter. Florence Eupheniia, to Mr. James MacDonald, St. Mary’s, Ont. The marriage will take place early in June. _*ï¬ - The long platform which served. its a coat, along the east side of the Lorne Block storms and shops has been 10% moved. This will doubtless, he a dis- appointment to former frequenters of the place, out it will be better for business. The Ladies of St Mary’s church of England. are having a lzu-getent erect- ed on the Agricultural Ground on Victoria Day and will be. prepared to serve tea, sundwiches, cake. Ice cream, Minonade, etc. etc.. An apron sale 'will also be held. Mr. Norman Glass has removed to his new quarters in the Lorne Block. The place has been Well ï¬tted up with glass front and everything ups..o date. and Mr. Glass now has one y ofihe nentest gents furnishing estab- lishments in the county. Tapioca. 8c. 1b.; Sago 9c. 1b.: Rice 5 {ind lilo. lh.; Heinz Tomato Soup 15c. tin; Pan You Sauce 20c. bottle; Heinz Sweet 'Gherkinsl5r:. doz; Queen Olives large bottle 280.; Meinzanilla. Olives large bottle 220.; Red Dot Olives 15c. bottle. Atkinson & Switzcr. Mr. Frank Sims. lost his driving niiireo few days ago, after an illness of only 10 hours. He was delivering goods with the animal most of the day and did not observe anything wrong until evening. Two veterinaries were called. and pronounced the trouble indigestion. « . It was announced last week that Rev. Mr, 'Fallis would preach anniversary sermons in the Methodist Church last Sunday. Owing to ill health he was not; able to be present, His place, however was ï¬lled by Mr. Moshier, Principal of the Normal school 'who preached two excellent. sermons. Mrs, Mary Glover, 207 Bolton Avenue Toronto. who was frightened at the report and flash of the motor when the fuse blew out. jumped from a, rapidly moving Carlton czir Saturday evening and was killed. She was taken to the General Hospital, but died a few min- utesnfter. Deceased was wife of Mr. George Glover a brother of Mr. Glover of this village. Painters and paper-ha n gears are busy M. the Palmer House these days. Mr. Pugsley has had the house wired. electric light is being put in, and the place will be ready for occupancy in a. few weeks. It is understood the Palm. er House is not yet rented. This is one of the best stands on Yonge street for a Temperance Housvu If‘ the right man gets it a great; business can be . do no, Rinans Tabuies assist digestion. ihrrnl ‘ t lfoi' some yems endeavored to steppiy I nit» his parents, Mr. arid/Mrs. T. Newton. - Equi‘d , r .PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The ladies of ‘ the congregation have all armngemente completed for and large crowd are anticipated and he ladies 'oftheChui-ches who have accommodation “to. the public ‘on Day deserve a fair share of patronage. Don’t. forget the very important services announced for our Sabbath School Anniversary next. Sunda . at. 11 a.ni., 2.45 and? p.m. Two 0 our Canadian experts in Sunday School \Vork will be present for the dccasion. Rev. J. C. Robertson, B.D.. General Secremry of S. 8. Work in the Pres- moruing on “Where Our Work Centies’Y and Mr. Preston G. Orwig Supt. of Secondary Division. Ontario S. S. Association will speak in the evening on "Heroes." Both men will take part in the, afte‘i noon session. This should be a. great occasion mot only for the young people. but for the parents and teachers in the Congre- gaiionnmd should have the value of a. c. S. convention. All schools of the village and surrounding community are heartily invited to share in the privileges of the occasion. Let all " who can. begin the day well and hhar Mr. Robertson in\ the. morning. and: the Teacheis and Ofï¬cers of the School ask the parents to co-operate with them in having the boys and girls present for say at least two services. Let none of the children who are able to be present he denied the privilege of this occasion. It is sold that some of our people are afraid of the. fever but. in the opinion of the Wiiter there is quite as much liability to sunstroke. There will be fevers when there are no special Sunday School Days. All offer- ings not: in Duplex Envelopes will be devoted to Sunday School work and we are asked to deal generously with this important institution. FINED. The village constable laid a charge against Mr. H. Moyle and Fred Lepard for ridin their bicyclés’ on the side- walk. 1' 1e cases came up before Mr. J. H. Sanderson, J.P., on Friday. ,The magistrate imposed a ï¬ne on the form’ er amounting with costs to $4.85, while thelatter was allowed to go on suspend- ed sentence by paying the costs. Rid- ing wheels on our side Walks should not be allowed. but our citizens should be made. to feel that everybody is used the same. Business men, and piofess- ionul men and men of all classes have been allowed to wheel on the side- walks u ith immunity, ' Our village constable should try and make every citizen feel that no favors will be shown. i SPRING EXHIBITION Colm ed posters are out announcing thcAnnual Exhibition of the Richmond HillAgriculturalSociety tube held in the driving park, on‘Satui-day. the. 24th of May. About $1,500 will be offered 'in prizes for horses. cattle, ladics' work, dairy produce, athletic sportsand other classes. The prizes for horses and other classes are higher than ever before. For Single Lad Diiver there are three prizes, the rst being a $45 Silver Tea Set. A prize will also be. given for Married Lady Driver. There will be. a Farmer’s Speeding Contest for a pulse of $60; also a. Gentlenmn’s Speeding contest for a purse of $60. The usual games and sports will be. held. “’0 M EN '8 INSTITUTE The monthly meetingoftheWomen’s Institute was held at. the home of Mrs. Geo. Harding \Vednesday of last Week. Four new members were enrolled. The following were elected ofï¬ceiszâ€" President, Miss Trench; Vice Pres, Mrs.Switz«-r: Secy-Treas. , Miss McLean. Mrs. G. Redditt, Mrs. Ryan and Miss Pratt were appointed delegates to at- tend the Scarboro convention. During the. after noon a vocal solo was contrib- uted by Miss Mary Trencl‘, and u very interesting and instructivr. address on "Perennial Gardening†was given by Miss Moer who at the close distributed a number of catalogues of flowers and shrubs which were, much appreciated by the members. The. June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ryan. . .__L_â€"_. THE CON CERT The. following will take part in the Concert to be given in the Skotin Rink. under the direction of the Ag- ricultural Societ on the evening of Victoria Dayzâ€"i' .r. Harry MacDonald, comic vocalist; Mr. Wallace Sault, comedian and entertainer; Mrs. Harry Macdonald. soprano; Miss Margrie Munro, in her Irish. Scotch and Fancy Dancing; and John A. Kelly. ventril- oquist. comedian and entertainer. The well known Harold Rich who has been here on so many former occasions will not as pianist and accompanist. Doors will open at 7.30. . ' SUDDEN DEATH. Mrs. John Palmer received a phone message Monday evening that. her ‘fsther, Mr. Wni. Ford. who resided with it married daughter in Toronto, had been stricken withparnylsis about the=_}inessuge last Fr wanting t serving of airina'ï¬ngi‘itewlh‘thei buzzer sister. ment on the. 24th. A’surcesznl fair L Toronto, byterian Church will speak in the" l'hwns ilhwith pm-mnonia. DIED or PNEUxoii’m. Mrs. P. G. Saw 6 received a ‘ at 'u McReynolds, residing in but. formerly of Cleveland, Mrs. Went to the city nt- onc9, ulid‘the patient Was removed to a private ‘mpiial, but died Monday evening. Mrs. Savage accompanied the husband with the remains to Cleveland yester- day. lVe are snre Ilie bereaVed rel; ntivee have the deepest sympathy of many friends. _ ' MR. LENNOX RETAINED It was stated in The Nerve last even- ing that Mi. 1‘. Herbert. [rennet K. G. has been retained to look after the in- ter-esterrthiu‘lesGibson, condemn-ed to . death for themuidcr of Rosenthul. Ml. l r 6 o’clock thatevening. Mr. and Mrs. . Palmer took the next car for the City; but the old gentleman passed away shortly after their arrival. He was in his 80th yezu‘. METHODIST CHURCH Qld friends as well as new ones are invited to the Methodist. Church on Saturday. the 24th of May, where they will get a hot dinner and a good ten. Every preparation is being made to accommodate all who favor the ladies ofthe congregation with their path n age. Bring your friends with you. Rinans Tabuies. . Rimes Tabules cure constipation. Lennox will take steps at once to pre- pare an application for a new trial, and ;- will go to Ottuwn when he. has properly prepared his case. ‘At the Capital he will take ilptheiniiuerwioh the Minister of Justice. himself sanguine of success, and is now going 0\ er the evidence given at. the previous trial. Men's, Youth’s and Boy’s Straw Eats. 50 and 25c.; Harvesters, l5 and 25c.; Children's Ready-to-wear Straw Hats. 85. 80, 60, 45. 4:0, 30 and 250. Atkinson & Switzer. action Sales M I THURSDAY. May 29â€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements, &c.,. at. his residence, Dutferin Grove, Richmond Hill, the property of Thomas Hodg- son. Sale gt: 1 o’clock. Terms six months. Snigeon 6; McEwen. Aucts. Sun. May tilâ€"Cash Auction saleof Q horses, on lot 19, con. 2; East York, near of Mount. Pleasant Cemeter . Sale at‘lo‘clock. No reserve. J. Prentice, Auct., . For Sale ' A Goodrich Sewing-Machine as good as new. R. MICHAEL. 47-2 Palmer House. Notice Mr. John T. Anderson. Piano Tuner from \V'est. Toronto; will be in Rich- mond Hill next week. All orders to be léftl, at Rustic Inn. care of Mrs. Stong. ". A. Vaughan Gounci _4___ the next meeting of the Council of the Maui cipniitv of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall. Vellum on TUESDAY, May 27, "1913 at 1 p. m. I \ ' , - .1. a. minus. Clerk- SUMMER TlME TABLE The Time Table Division of the Toronto & York Radial will take effect WEDNESEAY, MAY 21.1913 smallfolders may be secured upon application to your Local Agent or by writing the Traflic Mirna er, H d Ofï¬ce. Toronto. g ea F. S. LIVINGSTON, TRAFFIC MANAGER. for the Metropolitan Railway FOR THE Rooting/DRIP MAY 23 and 24. .‘____. Valid to return Tuesday, May 27th, between all stations in Canada, East of Port Arthur. V “Qtyâ€"'â€" For tickets and all information apply to Station Agent. . SUMMER - SCHOOLS For courses in all Business subjects leading to positions as Bookkeep- ers or Stenographers and for Civil Service and Commercial Special- ists’exaniinatious will be conduct- ed in Shams Schools, Toronto. the (Central Business College, with four city Brunch Schools) from July 3rd to August 16th this year. Students may enter any time for general courses. No vncntions. write W. H. Shaw. President, for catalog. 391 Yonge St,, Toronto. â€" Rina-us Tabules curs flatulence. Rina ns Tabuies: pleasant laxative. Ripan-s Tabuies cure liver troubles. He expresses ' one ' Mrs. S-nyggp' 1 ii x “AA AA““mnuknuuulunn“unnkmuuu l wwereeowus-E GROCEiiiIDnEMs Heavy printed 'Linoleu'm, 2 yds. wide, square yd.......45c Fine quality gilcloth, I yd. wide, 3'oc.; 1; yds. wide, 45c «to 7 Am 2 yds. _ {Green and Cream Tapestry FurnitureCovering, 48in. v wide, Silkigihish Art Satgeen. stripe and festoon effect. f "Cushions and light Draperies, 30 in. wide, yd.....25c Lin-en bleached hemstitched huck Towels 20 x 40 \ pair. ' All "on" ooooldls nu unun.nu.... on. "unnu-nooon.unnuuuonoucs7oc Linen hemstitéhed Hucksback Towels with Damask ends,_extra ï¬ne, size 20 x 40, per pr..................$1.00 a,_b1g;.range of patterns and colors, English Prints, ‘ ‘p‘er .1 . nus-u". uu"nu"nouns-vsnus-unsopv-ou13c Crimnés heavy Prints, 34in. wide, light and dark colors, . y . Neat blue and white check Gingham workaproifsf with . 7 m. frill, each. " i . er . ' with trillior embroidery insertion..2 5c Men’s fine Balbriggansmrts and drawers, close ribbed i White lgwn aprons, é ' Cuffs andankles, summer weight, ea.....................50c i-r «i- i 6 Women's Hygeian corset covers, high neck,_either short or long‘sleevés, each,:.......... Women’s Princess slips, ï¬nelwhite ectton V shaped neckktrimmed with embroiJery and ribbon, trill ~ of embroidery on skirt, each.................‘................1.00. I GROCERIES' . Knox's Gelatme, pkg. zoc., Cox's Glelatine 2 pkgs....25c . Shredded Cocoanut, fresh, per 4. w h I Cow_an’s Chocolate bar, sweet 5c., unsweetned, bar....Ioc i :ChOice Currants, 2% ..... 1" '5 Good fresh Valencia Raisins 2} lbs ..... {4 Lbs. Cooking _Figs........... » ....25c s E Prepared Icing, pink, maple, éiiiiéiiiil'd'éi'é'c'éiiié;ink. loo 5; ' O Newsweekâ€"I- 0 Orange, strawberry, raspberry, almoud, vanilla, lemon and clove extracts, per bottle.......................7........io O fl-M «sorrows-Mfrs. E W “I l: m C 5 8° U2 a N CD H RICHMOND HlLL‘ I PHONE 17 .l. “,6 - , *‘¥*Ԥ'§++‘§°M'§"i"l°é+'§“fl-+M+MM+ *‘i‘d’d’d‘d'd-‘i'rl'd'd' Q‘d‘d'd'WWH‘i‘d'd‘d'i‘ ’i‘ AMAAAMMMAAAAAAMAAAAM tAAA AAAA -AAMAMAMAAAAM D. WALL PAPER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , f FURNITURE IN STOCK} LIQUID VENEER For your Housecleaniug, it is a wonder. Can be. used on all kinds of furniture, and will polish as well as clean. ‘ RICHMOND HILL ~ VVVVVVVVVVVVYVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVWVVYV‘V ‘â€" p p t > D > E P b P. D? V t E p t P D D P ’ D p E D Men’s Soft Summer Shirts. collar to match, French cuffs,- extre ï¬ne quality from - - $1 00 to $1.50 Wash Ties, very elegant shades, extra 'quality . from ’ - - - - - - 25 to 50c. Silk Ties, new and nifty lines at . - - 50c. Silk and Cashmere Sox, in'black, tans and fancy- shades, ï¬nest quality - - - - 50c. NORMAN J.fGLAssi ‘ PROPRIETOR †VYYVXVVVYYYVWYVVTYVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVWVVVWVYVVYVVV 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 d 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 { 4 4 4 4 4