Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1913, p. 1

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LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBUSHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,0NT. “ Elm fiifiml ” Is PUBLISHEJBEVEM THURSDAY MORNING '1‘. F. McMAIâ€"ION, » HO USE PAINTER, ("112192. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. HEWISON RESXBENCE. RICHMOND HIL‘. JOHN R CAMPBELL. CHIN Salgeon a: file Ewen. Lioansed Auctioneers for the County at York. Salas “sanded (.0 on shortest notice and at ten.- on'lble rams Patronage solicited Phnne Nu. 2'3. fxi‘ensad 'Xuctioimer for the Counties at York. Dun-“win and Numb Twonto. Special attention given tn sales of evurv description. Farm and farm shock sales a. spegialsy. Farms bought and soul on commissian. All sales intended to an shm'ceat notice and conducted by 5113 latest up-' flute muffin-if: ‘ $1 per anfium, in advance. Von. XXXV. 133. W. R, PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL P1-0p-11"F-s pupils for the gmd‘vd PX- muinutinns hvld at, Toronto ()nnSPI-va- Lm-y of Music and Univexsity 015 1‘0- Pontn. ‘ Special cmwse in “Myer's” Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. ' Class recitals are given througbnut the Vear - ' 42-h; '1‘ Mignon. Maple n. H. PiNKERTON, v.5. QASKAY P. 0. “Adalééssi: £39 mum st, Nam: Tordnm first home nut-{h of Atkinsun & ‘ Switzer‘s stnre. MISS MILL :BUSINESS CARDS. filaplc, ()nt. F- C. EGAN SPERINARY SURGEON, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LICENSED AUCTIONEER 03mm AND RESIDENCE Emma a Paornmroa. F01- the County of Yog'k. ’l‘hox-‘nhill . plume nl‘ uthex-wiso promptly respl‘uded to. RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J . E. Prentice Pm me. No. 2102. 4? ctssrétiaw “éflt‘dital. R E; AT THE ESIDEA'CE E TRENCH J K M 3E wen Weston ONTARIO PIANO TUNING Grams Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed A. {3.1%. Laurence F. J. Dunba- Barristers , Solicitors . Notnries, 85c, Hpme Life Building 00:. Adelaide & Victona. 568.. Toronto. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Telt-‘phnne, Main Cable Address. “Dede.” A. Cameron MacNaughton Tel. M. 3631. Barristers a Ind 200 Ilcllors . Muucv 50103.11 on [and anucnramel mortgagesa: " OWeSL rates Auroraofliceâ€"Remmco to the old post othc one door wear. of the entrance to th. Ontnrw Bank 'Newznm‘kei omceâ€"Jl‘hree doors south of th‘ . postomce '1‘ HERBERT LnNNoxr G Bwv MORGAN ' Aurora. LENNOX & MORGAN BARRISTER. Somcu‘on, NOTARY, ETC annntn Office. R: mm 328 Cmi‘federa tiuu Lift‘ Bldg.. Nu. 12 Richmond St. E Richan Hill Office (“Liberal’ Office), every Thursday for-enoon. Muplp, Thursday afternoon. VYnudm-idqe, Saturday forenoon. Muuev to lusm at. Five. Per Cent (5%} Richmond; Hill COMMISSIONER. CONVEY AN'WJR. ETC. Danton, Grover & Field A large stock of Funeral Furnishing keep at both places [Indertalmrs & Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILI Lawrenge & Dunbar, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICE~SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR, BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST H. A NICHOLLS NGTARY PUBLIC Cmmnissinner, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issue: ui Marriage Licenses. THE COST OF A BUSINESS (1R SflORTflAND EDUCATION IN THE REAL ESTATE. ETC. TH ORNHILL Do yuu kan just how little it costs to secure a thorough business eduâ€" cation that will not only increase your earning capacity but- Wlll am able you to get a position where you will come in contact; with in- fluential people who can assist, you to further advancement? Our cat- alogue w‘ill giv‘e you ful'lmparticularls. J EDWARD FRANCIS, A ‘fidsl'al cErdâ€"lone eifbrt-rwe do the rest. /W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. C or Yonge and Alexander Sts. , 50511 9. flav't'dson THORNHILL VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING Barristers; Snlicturs, 8m. WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. 0N1: WRIGHT BROS. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 2.9, 191.3 ELLIOTT "In Essehtials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." mm. Phone Main 2984 The directors of the Agricultural Society were again favored with de- lightful weather 'on Victoria. Dav when another successful Exhibitiun washeld. There was a record attendance. the gate receipts beingr upwards of $100 more than last year’s. The Metropol- itan Railway gave a good service, both Mr. XVilson, assistant manager; and M1-.'Livingston. traflic manager, look- ing well after the interests of the com- pany and their patrons. The games started in the for-enoon with an exhibiâ€" tion baseball match between Gleumnnt and the home team, which ended in a. draw. The football rize was won by the Edgelev team. Every department of the Fair had its patrons, butthe principal attraction seemed to be In the'horse ring. There was an etcel- lent show of light hm'ses. but the draught and agricultural classes were not as gnngl as lust year’s. One of the exciting features of the afternoon was the keen competition fan the $45 siirer service’ donated by Mr. A. J. H. Eekmdt of Toronto for the. best smgle lady driver. The first rize was won by Miss Ella McLean of ichmnnd Hill; semnd Miss Millie Gm-dhouse of' \Veston; third Miss Gahoun of Schomberg. In the married Indies drivmg Mrs. S. Hastings of Tot- teilbamngoj; first p1;i_ze. The Richmond Hill Band ave a good musical programme. In the aftemoon John A. Kelly and Miss ‘Mmgrie Munro entertained the audi- ence, the former as a. ventriloquist, the lagged" in her fancy dances. . The concert in the evening wns'sat- sfacmry, hath financially and othPr- wise, the rocelpts being $249.95; The follnwiug is the prize list:â€" L Stallion agedâ€"Joseph Hand. Filly. 2. yearsâ€"Andrew Russell. Filly, l yearâ€"Jno. Palmer. . SUCCESSFUL SPRING FAIR. i CANADIAN DRAUGHT Stallion, 13’ea1-â€"«Jucnh.}. Lunnu. W. I. Ness. Special, Cart Horseâ€"George Elliott, P. Boynmn & Son. Brood Mareâ€"F. P. B(vyle,Joseph Hoad. Filly -I‘ Gelding. 3 yearsâ€"Alex. McMillan. Filly or Gelding. 2yem'sâ€"â€"\V m. Rubin- (m, William Thomas. Filly or Geld- ing. 1 yearâ€"Thus. Boyntnu. Teamâ€"- P. Boynton & Son. Best Colt by Toward Chiefâ€"\V. F. Nicholls, Thus. BoynLun. Brood Mareâ€"W; F. Nichols. Tlion. Buyntmi. Filly or Gelding. 3 veal-sâ€" Rubert Stiver. Filly or Gelding; 2 yearsâ€"James Reynar. S. Lemon. Filly or Cult. 1 yearâ€"\V. F. Nichols. John Hut. SpunnfH«it'sesâ€"~\Vm._.lack~on. Ruhr. Sliver, L. B. Stong. GENERAL DELIVERY Single Hurseâ€"Buggs & Sun. Spun (if Horsesâ€"Albeit, chwn, I... B. stung. Judgesâ€"4.11m. A. Bung. Jun. Galil- house, Wm. Duherty. Filly or Gelding, 3 yearsâ€"Juseph Burnett, Bag 8 & Sun. Filly m- Geld- ing, 2 yem‘sâ€" nggs 8: Sun. CARRIAGE V , Stallion, 1 yearâ€"-vagu ’Elllntt; Bmud Maraâ€"Buggs & Sun} S. Lemml. Filly or leding. 3 warsâ€"Albert, Hew- St-n. Filly m' Gelding, 2 yearsâ€"Ruhr. Shiver. FlllV nr Golding. 1,, yPa1-â€"~ Mulvy Clark, Ruhm-L SLivm'. Special Brand Mare and Progeny-Baggs & Son. Ftnllinn. l yearâ€"Rulwrt D. Cook. Filly or Geldingfi yearsâ€"J. J. Lnnau, Alex. McMillan. Filly or Gelding. 2 yearsâ€"D. J. Tran, J. J. Lunau. Filly or Gelding. 1 year-J. J. Luuau. Judgesâ€"Dr. J. '1‘. McElmy, Dr. G. F. Kelley, H. A. Fleury. CLASS 9â€"HORSES Single Carriageâ€"T. H. Shropshire, Joseph Burnett. Jno. Sliney. Spun of Carriageâ€"J. S. McNair, Gr. J.'Law1-ie, Ed. Langstaff. Single Roadster â€" Harvey Hastings. F. P. Boyle, W. J. Cahnun. Span 0t Roadstel‘sé-Samuel Heatinqs. F. F. Proctor. Single High Stepper â€"â€"Edwin Raymond.- George Elliott. Saddle Hm'seâ€"Baggs &. Son. Ponyâ€"T. W. Sparks. James Walker. Special Gentleman’s Turnoutâ€"Edwin Raymond, George Elliott, Farmer's Turnoutâ€"W. J. Oahoun,-Samuel Bast? ings. Boy Riderâ€"~18. Bunting, T. W. Sparks. Single Lady Driver (Eckardt) â€"â€"Miss McLean. Miss Gm-dhouse, Miss Oahoun. Married Lady Dmverâ€"â€"Mrsl Hastings. . Judgesâ€"J. M. Gardhouse,,M. Cole; man. , _ Farmer’s Speedingâ€"Joseph Brillin- gar, W. Middleton, Robert D. Cook. VICTORIA DAY IN RKHMOND HILL. IMPORTED DRAUG AGRICULTURAL ROADSTER HACKNEY J HT Gentleman‘s Sheb‘flihg â€" George F. 13013198, W. E. Sboddaui, R. Sfithetâ€" an . . ,A “LITA-(igesâ€"John Sutherland, M. Boyle, James Waite. Foot Race 100 yds.. openâ€"D. Mc- Millan. E. Orr. Foot. Race, 100 yds.. 15 years-M. Palmer, W. Riley. Font Race. 100 yds.. l2 yearsâ€"N. Rockwell. 0. Murphy. 'Girls Race; 75 yds., open -Viola Caldwell, Agatha Cowie. Foot Race, g; mileâ€"A. Cordial-e. E. Orr. Special Foot Race, § mileâ€"G. Frank- lin, E. Orr. Footballâ€"Edgeley. C ATTLE Durham Heiferu-Thos. Boynton. Grade Cowâ€"Alex. McMillan, F. P. Boyle. Grade Heiferâ€"C. Clark. R. Frisby & Son. Special Dairy Cow-â€" John O. Boeckh, Alex. McMillen. Jersey Cowâ€"Wm. Rumble. J. Palmer. Jersey Heifer -â€" W. Palmer, Wm. Rumble. Holstein Bullâ€"John O. Bneckh, F. P. Boyle. Holstein Cowâ€"â€" F. P. Boyle, ls't and 2nd. Fat; 0x. Steer, etaâ€"O, Clark. Special Herd 0f Gradesâ€"Alex. McMillen, F. P. Boyle. Herd of Holsteinsâ€"F. P. Boyle, John C. Boeckh‘ -’ " Cotswold Ramâ€"Wm. Thompson, 18!; and 2nd. Cotswold Breeding Ewe â€"P. Bovnton & Son, W. Thompson. Cotswold Ram, one yearâ€"W. Thomp- ' son, P. Boynton 85 Son. Cotswold ‘ Ewe. one yearâ€"P. Boynton & Sun, W. Thompson. Leicester Ramâ€"R. Pinder. Leicester Breeding Eweâ€"R. Finder, 1st and 2nd. Leicester Ewe, one year wR. Finder. lab and 2nd. Southdown Ramâ€"S. Lemon. SOllthanl) Breed- ing Eweâ€"S. Lemon, lsb and 2nd. Southdown Ram, one year-â€" Weir Brosx S. Lemon. Southdown Ewe, one yearâ€"S. Lemon. Hampshire 0x- furd Ramâ€"-\'Veir Bros., S. Lemon. Hampshiro Oxford ,Breeding Eweâ€"â€" ,VVeir Brush. lst‘. and 2nd. Hampshire Oxford Rgm, ,1 yenr~W9ir Bros., lst ‘und 2nd. 'Hnmpilliz-e Oxford Ewe, I \Veir Bros., lst and 2nd. Fat. Sheepâ€"â€" S. Lemon. P. Boynton 85 Son. Grade Ewe. 1 yearâ€"P. Boymun & Sun. Shropshire Rumâ€"Thea. M. Blackburn. Sl‘n-npshile Breeding Ewe-Ethos. - M. Blackburn. Ilst and 2nd. Shropshire Ram. l yearâ€"Thos. M. Blackburn, Is: and 2nd. Shropshire Ewe, 1 yearâ€" Thos. M. Blackburn, lst. and 2nd. 8“" lNE Judgesâ€"J. W. Breakey, Wm. Russell, Wm. Willis. ‘ Imprm-vd Yorkshire \Vhite Boar'â€" R. S. Flisby & Sun. Imp. Yorkshire White. Sowâ€"B. S. Frisby & Son, lst and 2nd. Imp. Yorkshire \Vhite Sow. ‘ 6 monthsâ€"4i. S. Frisby & Son. lst and ‘ 2nd. Chester. White Sowâ€"R. Pinder. lst and 2nd. Berkshire Boar - P. Buynmn & Son, lst, and 2nd. 'Betk- Shh-e Sowâ€"P. Boynton~ & Son, Georg? Elliott.‘ Berkshire Sow, 6 nmnthsTP." Boynton & Son. lsb and 2nd. fl‘mm “ox-Lb Boarâ€" H. W. Boynton, P." Bnyuum & Sun. Tamworth Sowâ€"P. 'B tyuum 8; Sun- H. _W.1 Boynt‘on. Teunwm-th Sow, Bmonthsâ€"P. Boyn- ton & Son. Judgesâ€"John Scott, John Bums, POULTRY Dark Brahmaâ€"R. H. Crosby. Light, Brahmaâ€"R. H. Crosby. Spanishâ€"R. H. Crosby. Durkingsâ€"R. H. Crosby, 18b and 2nd. White Leghornâ€"Jun. Brillingexu Dr. Smith. Bufi' Leghorn ~â€"‘R., H. Crosby. Barred Plymouth Rockâ€"Jun. Brillinger. \V=hit;e Ply- mouth Ruck â€"â€"R. H. Crosby. Buif Cochin -- R. H. Crosby. Partridge Cochiniâ€"‘R. H. Crosby. Hamburgâ€"R. H. Crosby. Silver Spangled ., Hamp burgâ€"R. H. Crosby, Ed. Lungstafi'. Black MinorcamFl-ed Hopper. \Vhite Minorcuâ€"R. H. Crosby. Silver Laced Wyandott-eâ€"Edu Lungsta‘fl’; 1st; and 2nd. Wyandotte. any other kindâ€"R. H. Crosby. lst and 2nd. Rhode Island Redsâ€"Jun. Brillinger. Fred. Hopper. Langshansâ€"R. H. Crosby, 1513 and 2nd. ‘ Orpingtonsâ€"R. H. Crosby. Anconaâ€" l R. H. Crosby. Bontmnâ€"â€"R. H. Crosby, .1st and 2nd. Gameâ€"R. H. .Crosby. ' Pit Gameâ€"Ed. Langstatf. lst and 2nd. Goose and Gnudex, Toulouse â€" Ed. Langstafl‘. Turkey. Brows-"Ed. Lung. stafi'. Rabbitsâ€"Fred Hopper. Judgeâ€"G. J. anrie. FRUIT, ROOTS, &c. Table Applesâ€"R. H. Crosby. 0061(- in}; Apples~JnnfBrillinger. Collection of Potatoesâ€"T. \V. Stephens. lurly Potatoesâ€"O. Jones. Lute Potatoesâ€" Wm. Thompsnn. Mangolds â€"-F1'ed Clank. Swede Tur'nipsâ€"Fred Clark, Carrotsâ€" Wm. Thompson. Canned Fruitâ€"Mrs. J. D. Graham. Picklesâ€" J. J. Lunau. Wineâ€"an. Brillinger. Judgeâ€"Geo. Keith. A Sbciebyâ€"R. Plndet'. B Eby-Blzyin (XLâ€"R. ‘V. Dave. C Atkinson 65 SWitzerâ€"R. W. Dave. D, W, J. Hill â€"â€"R., Pinder. E, F. Simsâ€"R. Pinder., G. The T. Eaton Go. Ltd.â€"~Richard Vanderburg. Home-made Breadâ€"R, W. Dove. Bunsâ€"EIfie Dove. Judgesâ€"J1. C. Bailey, T. W. Sparks. GAMES AND SPORTS (Continued on page 8) SHEEP DAIRY i PERFUMES §*+H++**+$**+%§'+++++*+++Q â€"_â€"_â€"_-._ Q_ i W. A. Sanderson +$++4~++$$-Â¥$+-Â¥*+$+-F+*$d-H$§ STIVER & RAMER . We thank the public for the gehernm patr-qnnge‘in the past, and will earn [estlv strive to serve you faithfully in ’t‘he future. .7 Coal, Flour, “Corn, Bran, Wood, 800. 2 AI THE C.N.'O. STATION AND ELEVATOR “ Believing it will be beneficial tojoot. buyer and seller, have decided, +4“?+++++é°++w+$++++++++++4v Printing Stationery. " * SchOol Books 13in Heads, Letter Heads, - Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, ‘ 7 Programmes, ‘ &c., &c. GOOD STOCK OF School Books, Standard Novels, " Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums. Papetries, ; . Rubber Balls, Etc;, Etc. 4 %#+‘}%+é~+++++~b++°§°+++§‘++++¢ Manicure Sets flair Brushes We solicit a. call no trouble to show our lines AFTER .OCT. 9 ""TO DO BUSINESS ON'A CASH BASIS. Go to the Liberal Office for My Stock of fine lines of PERFUMES for flare up-todate and Reasonable m prices [Single copies, 3 c't’l. RICHMOND HILL STIVER & 'RAMER. Pictural Cards DEALERS 1N PRESENTS DRUG G 181‘ 'fi-i'éé-ob-ki-i- Comb'Sets No. 48

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